Heng ZHANG's research while affiliated with Northwestern Polytechnical University and other places

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Publications (2)



Influence of geometric parameters of leading edge horn-ice on stall characteristics of airfoil
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2023


31 Reads

Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University

Binbin ZHAO


Xianping LI


Jie LI



The irregular characteristics and geometric randomness of horn-type ice are significant while the behaviors of separation are complex. The mechanism and factor leading to the essential change of stall performance are still not clear. According to actual requirements of airworthiness certification of a large passenger aircraft, a family of horn-type ice shapes with different parameters are constructed based on typical supercritical airfoil and icing environment. By combining with wind tunnel test and numerical simulation methods, the parameter sensitivity of airfoil stall characteristics to the change of ice height and angle is systematically analyzed and the essential influence mechanism of the ice shape parameters leading to the change of separation bubble development under stall process is summarized, which provides a theoretical basis for ice airworthiness certification of large passenger aircraft.
