Hans Müller's scientific contributions


... The study used the STRAIN questionnaire, which is designed based on the model of 'causes and consequences of work-related stress' [8,10] and, therefore, is composed of scales assessing stressors at work (e.g., demands at work, work-private life conflict), stress reactions (behavioral and cognitive stress reactions) and long-term consequences (e.g., burnout symptoms, job satisfaction, general health status, quality of sleep, intention to leave the organization or profession). The STRAIN questionnaire consists of widely used, valid, and reliable scales (e.g., on quantitative demands, influence at work, role clarity) from the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) [29,30], which is the questionnaire used in the 'Nurses Early Exit Study' (NEXT) [31,32]. The COPSOQ item responses are scored on a five-point Likert scale (to a very large extent, to a large extent, somewhat, to a small extent, to a very small extent, or always, often, sometimes, seldom, never/ hardly ever). ...