Hanh Hong-Phuc Vo's research while affiliated with Soongsil University and other places

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Publications (3)

Figure 1. Overall intrusion detection system architecture.
Figure 2. Crossover operator.
Figure 4. Genetic Sacrificial Whale Optimization Algorithm.
Figure 5. An example of an input whale population for FS.
Figure 6. An example of a result of GSWO for FS.


Enhancing Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Using a GSWO-CatBoost Approach
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2024


74 Reads


Thuan Minh Nguyen


Hanh Hong-Phuc Vo


Myungsik Yoo

Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) rely heavily on effective feature selection (FS) for enhanced efficacy. This study proposes a novel approach called Genetic Sacrificial Whale Optimization (GSWO) to address the limitations of conventional methods. GSWO combines a genetic algorithm (GA) and whale optimization algorithms (WOA) modified by applying a new three-population division strategy with a proposed conditional inherited choice (CIC) to overcome premature convergence in WOA. The proposed approach achieves a balance between exploration and exploitation and enhances global search abilities. Additionally, the CatBoost model is employed for classification, effectively handling categorical data with complex patterns. A new technique for fine-tuning CatBoost’s hyperparameters is introduced, using effective quantization and the GSWO strategy. Extensive experimentation on various datasets demonstrates the superiority of GSWO-CatBoost, achieving higher accuracy rates on the WSN-DS, WSNBFSF, NSL-KDD, and CICIDS2017 datasets than the existing approaches. The comprehensive evaluations highlight the real-time applicability and accuracy of the proposed method across diverse data sources, including specialized WSN datasets and established benchmarks. Specifically, our GSWO-CatBoost method has an inference time nearly 100 times faster than deep learning methods while achieving high accuracy rates of 99.65%, 99.99%, 99.76%, and 99.74% for WSN-DS, WSNBFSF, NSL-KDD, and CICIDS2017, respectively.


Weighted Robust Tensor Principal Component Analysis for the Recovery of Complex Corrupted Data in a 5G-Enabled Internet of Things

Applied Sciences

Technological developments coupled with socioeconomic changes are driving a rapid transformation of the fifth-generation (5G) cellular network landscape. This evolution has led to versatile applications with fast data-transfer capabilities. The integration of 5G with wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has rendered the Internet of Things (IoTs) crucial for measurement and sensing. Although 5G-enabled IoTs are vital, they face challenges in data integrity, such as mixed noise, outliers, and missing values, owing to various transmission issues. Traditional methods such as the tensor robust principal component analysis (TRPCA) have limitations in preserving essential data. This study introduces an enhanced approach, the weighted robust tensor principal component analysis (WRTPCA), combined with weighted tensor completion (WTC). The new method enhances data recovery using tensor singular value decomposition (t-SVD) to separate regular and abnormal data, preserve significant components, and robustly address complex data corruption issues, such as mixed noise, outliers, and missing data, with the globally optimal solution determined through the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Our study is the first to address complex corruption in multivariate data using the WTRPCA. The proposed approach outperforms current techniques. In all corrupted scenarios, the normalized mean absolute error (NMAE) of the proposed method is typically less than 0.2, demonstrating strong performance even in the most challenging conditions in which other models struggle. This highlights the effectiveness of the proposed approach in real-world 5G-enabled IoTs.