H. Theysohn's research while affiliated with Orthopädische Klinik Markgröningen and other places

Publications (5)

Conference Paper
The points the movements of which are to be registered are marked by little light sensitive photoamplifiers. These are periodically (50 times per second) exposed to a VÃ-shaped bright figure projected by a rotating mirror. The pattern of the resulting electrical impulses is analysed by a computer controlled fast digital time counting apparatus with...
The EMG of gait is used for the estimation of the mechanical function of a muscle and for the estimation of the timing and coordination of muscle activity during gait. From the methods of picking up the EMG by needle electrodes, by wire electrodes, and by surface electrodes, especially the recording by surface electrodes is discussed. The visual in...
For kinesiologic investigations, especially for analysis of gait, an automatic chronocyclographic method for analysing motion with simultaneous evaluation of EMG and other analogue values was developed. The values are fed into a process-computer and stored on magnetic tape. The advantage of the method is the small labor-cost of later evaluation and...


... Mahaudens, et al. [28] demonstrated prolonged activation of quadrates lumborum and erector spinae muscles and the co-contractions between the spinal muscles on the convex side to stabilize the spine. In addition, adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients have prolonged activities of erector spinae muscles, which cause structural bony spinal deformities such as pelvic asymmetry [29]. ...