H. Graf Von Reichenbacht's research while affiliated with Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) and other places

Publication (1)

Abstract- Completeness of exchange,of K from muscovite by Ba 2+ ions decreased with particle size below 20/~. Accompanying K exchange at 120~ using a repeated batch technique, was a marked loss of Si and the formation of boehmite,in the finer fractions. Several possible explanations for the unexpected high K retention of fine mica fractions are dis...


... However, dissolution of Al from dioctahedral phyllosilicates is known to be limited under natural acidic conditions in soil, potentially because concentrations as low as 0.01 mM Al 3+ effectively inhibit dissolution of dioctahedral clay minerals as shown for montmorillonite (Furrer, 1993). In addition, dioctahedral micas (e.g., muscovite) in particular tend to retain their interlayer cations at ambient temperature (e.g., Graf von Reichenbach and Rich, 1969), which inhibits intercalation of aqueous Al 3+ . Probably both processes, aluminization by external Al sources and auto-aluminization coexist in acidic soils. ...