Gregory Adams's research while affiliated with Southern Connecticut State University and other places

Publication (1)

This paper examines the pursuit of legitimacy by the self-proclaimed “republics” in Ukraine. While these “republics” are illegal, questions of their legitimacy are commonly discussed almost entirely through Weberian rule-conformity. We argue that this one-dimensional view of legitimacy overlooks the rich context of normative aspects of power relati...


... In this chapter, I focus on stories of dispossession that stem from living under occupation and having one's citizenship-based connection to the state forcibly disrupted rather than from having to leave one's home, property, and life behind due to military aggression and the establishment of an occupation regime, although this too has triggered massive dispossession. The (geo)political aspect of occupation draws our attention to the quasi-state formations in the region and a lack of legitimacy and authority, both in relation to the population and in relation to the "patron" state of Russia (Lennon and Adams 2019). People who have been living under occupation since 2014 reflect on their citizenship-as a status, as a means of accessing rights and entitlements, and as a sense of belonging-as being simultaneously suspended and yet present in an uncertain, ephemeral way. ...