Georg von der Bruggen's research while affiliated with Technische Universität Dortmund and other places

Publications (33)

Conference Paper
While academia favours general research that is applicable to a large class of systems, this paper highlights the necessity of research into specific scenarios and aims to increase its acceptance in the real-time systems community. We argue that such research is not only motivated by greater applicability to industry, but that specialization can al...
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The performance of multiprocessor synchronization and locking protocols is a key factor to utilize the computation power of multiprocessor systems under real-time constraints. While multiple protocols have been developed in the past decades, their performance highly depends on the task partition and prioritization. The recently proposed Dependency...
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While the earliest-deadline-first (EDF) scheduling algorithm has extensively been utilized in real-time systems, there is almost no literature considering EDF for task sets with dynamic self-suspension behavior. To be precise, there is no specialized result for uniprocessor systems, besides the trivial suspension-oblivious approach. The work by Liu...
Conference Paper
For many cyber-physical systems, e.g., IoT systems and autonomous vehicles, offloading workload to auxiliary processing units has become crucial. However, since this approach highly depends on network connectivity and responsiveness, typically only non-critical tasks are offloaded, which have less strict timing requirements than critical tasks. In...
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In general computing systems, a job (process/task) may sus- pend itself whilst it is waiting for some activity to complete, e.g., an accelerator to return data. In real-time systems, such self-suspension can cause substantial performance/schedulability degradation. This observa- tion, first made in 1988, has led to the investigation of the impact o...
Conference Paper
Timeliness is an important feature for many embedded systems. Although soft real-time embedded systems can tolerate and allow certain deadline misses, it is still important to quantify them to justify whether the considered systems are acceptable. In this paper, we provide a way to safely over-approximate the expected deadline miss rate for a speci...
Using Redundant Multithreading (RMT) for error detection and recovery is a prominent technique to mitigate soft-error effects in multi-core systems. Simultaneous Redundant Threading (SRT) on the same core or Chip-level Redundant Multithreading (CRT) on different cores can be adopted to implement RMT. However, only a few previously proposed approach...


... Hence, robotic systems using ROS need to be updated to ROS 2, with potential behavioral consequences that have not been investigated enough in the community. In order to improve the real-time capability of ROS 2, research on responsetime analysis of processing chains [7,5] and end-to-end timing analysis [16] has been conducted. These proposed analytical methods facilitate the verification of ROS 2 systems, but require manual and intensive computation that varies from system to system. ...
... A way to soften resources requirements is to allow a failure rate for each task, such that the probability that a deadline is missed is bounded by this failure rate. Concentration inequalities have been widely studied these last years to bound deadline miss probabilities [6,35,24,7]. Currently, the most efficient bound is the Hoeffding bound (HB) [34]. ...
... Similar considerations can be made about testing execution timing properties. A number of works can be found in the literature for testing real-time software [7,31]. Furthermore, we note recent works dedicated to the verification and testing of the robustness of control algorithms to execution timing faults [20,50]. ...
... Other research works on task chains addressed the problem of optimizing task parameters to satisfy end-to-end timing constraints [7], [28], [31]. Recent papers targeted more complex scenarios: chains that may share one or more tasks with other chains [16], and globally asynchronous locally synchronous distributed chains [13]. ...
... Chen et al. [111], has removed a significant constraint associated with newly established dependency graph approaches, namely just one crucial section per task (DGA). Under terms of computational complexity, shown that even in extremely limited settings, the multiprocessor synchronization issue is NP-complete. ...
... • Shortest Job First: Short Job First (SJF) is a classic scheduling algorithm, which is widely used in multiprocessor task scheduling [46]. SJF algorithm sorts the tasks in order of their data size to speed up the scheduling process of the application. ...
... Real-time systems, in addition to being critical to packet latency, are also critical to packet flow synchronization. The work [10] is devoted to ensuring the synchronization of the flow. The project of a two-stage switching matrix for onboard satellite switches [11] also assumes high reliability and high throughput of the router. ...
... 6. Moving some LO-criticality tasks to a different processor that has not experienced a criticality mode change [52,339,625,626]. Offloading is also considered by Schonberger et al. [552]. ...
... Most researchers so far still rely on simulations to evaluate their approaches, based on detailed models at different layers. Under this context, the gem5 simulator [2] is widely used nowadays and serves several research directions, especially for emerging memories and HW/SW co-designs [10], [19], [11]. It is a cycle [5] accurate full-system simulator, which provides the functional simulation of the underlying hardware. ...
... Here, the goal is to improve the parallel execution efficiency of tasks that share resources (e.g., external devices, shared memory, and files). To solve this problem, there exist multiple paradigms, such as a Partitioned Schedule [43], [45], a Global Schedule [46], and a Semi-partitioned Schedule [44]. ...