G Mitchell's research while affiliated with The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and other places

Publications (4)

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Well differentiated thyroid cancer is a rare disease in the UK. It is the only cancer which, having metastasized, remains curable by radioisotope therapy with 131I. The main indication for administering repeat doses of 131I is the appearance of abnormal uptake in a whole body scan following diagnostic or therapeutic 131I administration. False posit...
Well differentiated thyroid cancer is a rare disease in the UK. It is the only cancer which, having metastasized, remains curable by radioisotope: therapy with I-131. The main indication for administering repeat doses of I-131 is the appearance of abnormal uptake in a whole body scan following diagnostic or therapeutic I-131 administration. False p...


... Radioiodine contamination in secretions has been well documented to occur in saliva, sweat, tears, nasal secretions, breast milk, vomitus and from gastrointestinal and genitourinary excretory pathways [1]. Radioiodine in salivary secretions may pool in the oral cavity, be retained in the esophagus, or appear at external sites above the waist (hair, skin, clothing, handkerchiefs, tissue paper, etc.) [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Increased radioiodine activity in sweat has also been reported [7]. ...
... Complete or partial response was achieved in 10 patients, but it was short-lasting with the median survival of only 10 weeks. Significant radiotoxicity and the small benefit gained from radiotherapy renders this, as a single modality therapy, unadvisable (level of evidence III) (14). ...
... False positive uptakes on radioiodine scintigraphy are not only result of the normal metabolic circuit of iodine but also due to several other machanisms. Among these are described: increased perfusion, vasodilatation, enhanced capillary permeability, accumulation of in ammatory exudates and mucous secreted by the hypertrophied glands and mucinous cells, in ammatory reaction and retention of radioiodine in the leukocytes or in clots, passive di usion and retention of radioiodine, intravascular blood pooling etc. Comprehension of the physiology of iodine uptake and of the pathophysiology of clinical entities which end up giving false positives scans, provides clinicians a useful tool in order to avoid diagnostic and therapeutic errors as far as DTC is concerned [21]. Iodine uptake is medicated via the sodium/iodine symporter-NIS (iodization), a transmembrane protein expressed by the basolateral membrane of the thyrocytes. ...