František Kotlaba's scientific contributions

Publications (6)

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Kotlaba F., Zehnálek P. (2018): Sixteen gasteromycetes collected in Cuba 50 years ago.-Czech Mycol. 70(2): 185-209. Sixteen species of gasteromycetes were identified in 50-year old collections from Cuba, including five species new to this island. The species Calvatia cyathiformis, Clathrus columnatus, Clathrus crispus, Cyathus limbatus, Diplocystis...
Two new species of the genus Dendrothele – D. salicicola and D. bisporigera – are described. Both species occur on bark of especially old, living arborescent willows (Salix alba and S. fragilis) in Bohe-mia (Czech Republic). Dendrothele salicicola is characterised by tetrasterigmatic basidia with indextrinoid walls, slightly bent sterigmata and the...
Eight species of stereoid fungi were identified in collections from Cuba. Uncommon or rare spe-cies include Dendrophora albobadia, Laxitextum bicolor, Lopharia cinerascens, Porostereum lilacinum, Stereum fasciatum and S. lobatum. The species Hjortstamia crassa and H. papyrina are rather common. Kotlaba F. a Pouzar Z. (2008): Některé stereoidní houb...


... Имајући у виду да се на истој грани (у овом случају трешњи) образују оба типа плодоносних тела, да нема разлике у изгледу чистих култура, да у заједничким посудама на хранљивим подлогама културе прерастају једна другу, да су реакције и пораст на подлогама са додатком галне, односно танинске киселине исте, сматрамо да нема ни оправдања да се D. tricolor сматра чак и као варијетет. У прилогу овоме иду молекуларна истртаживања коју су спровели Koukol et al. (2014) и друге истраживачке групе. ...
... František Kotlaba studied in the first place polypores of Cuba, so that he collected other fungi -in- cluding gasteromycetes -only occasionally. In total seven contributions to the mycobiota of Cuba were subsequently published in the years 1983 to 2013 [Kotlaba 1983 (in Czech), Kotlaba et al. 1984, Vampola et al. 1994, Kotlaba & Pouzar 2003, 2008. Of course, the list of gasteromycetes from Cuba is not complete, as the first author of this paper was not able to find a large number of species growing there. ...
... For uses we relied on Franco (1792) (1836), León (1946), Marie-Victorin and León (1942León ( , 1944, Pichardo (1836Pichardo ( , 1849, Roig y Mesa (1928), Urquiola (1998), and Zona et al. (2000). For locations we consulted Beccari and Rock (1921), Chang and Vilamajó (2002), Díaz et al. (1981), González-Oliva et al. (2014), Hernández et al. (1995), Kotlaba and Pouzar (2013), Marie-Victorin and León (1942León ( , 1944, Shafer (1912), Urquiola (1998), and Urquiola et al. (2010). ...
... Clathrus species have several morphologies (Ribeiro et al. 2022), but they are mostly characterized by the position of the gleba which is inside the column-latticed basidiomata, not confined to a single glebifer (Dring 1980;Fazolino et al. 2010). The genus has a cosmopolitan distribution (Kotlaba and Zehnálek 2018). On mainland Ecuador, five Clathrus species are suspected but not confirmed. ...
... František Kotlaba studied in the first place polypores of Cuba, so that he collected other fungi -including gasteromycetes -only occasionally. In total seven contributions to the mycobiota of Cuba were subsequently published in the years 1983 to 2013 [Kotlaba 1983 (in Czech), Kotlaba et al. 1984, Vampola et al. 1994, Pouzar 2003, Kotlaba & Pouzar 2003, 2013. Of course, the list of gasteromycetes from Cuba is not complete, as the first author of this paper was not able to find a large number of species growing there. ...