Francesco Bigazzi's research while affiliated with INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare and other places

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Publications (77)

Resonance contributions to nucleon spin structure in holographic QCD
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2024


8 Reads

Journal of High Energy Physics

Francesco Bigazzi


Federico Castellani

We study polarized inelastic electron-nucleon scattering at low momentum transfer in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model of holographic QCD, focusing on resonance production contributions to the nucleon spin structure functions. Our analysis includes both spin 3/2 and spin 1/2 low-lying nucleon resonances with positive and negative parity. We determine, in turn, the helicity amplitudes for nucleon-resonance transitions and the resonance contributions to the neutron and proton generalized spin polarizabilities. Extrapolating the model parameters to realistic QCD data, our analysis, triggered by recent experimental results from Jefferson Lab, agrees with the observation that the ∆(1232) resonance gives the dominant contribution to the forward spin polarizabilities at low momentum transfer. The contribution is negative and tends to zero as the momentum transfer increases. As expected, the contribution of the ∆(1232) to the longitudinal-transverse polarizabilities is instead negligible. The latter, for both nucleons, turn out to be negative functions with zero asymptote. The holographic results, at least for the proton where enough data are available, are in qualitative agreement with the resonance contributions to the spin polarizabilities extracted from experimental data on the helicity amplitudes.


Higher order corrections to the Hagedorn temperature at strong coupling

October 2023


3 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of High Energy Physics

A bstract We propose a general formula for higher order corrections to the value of the Hagedorn temperature of a class of holographic confining gauge theories in the strong coupling expansion. Inspired by recent proposals in the literature, the formula combines the sigma-model string expansion with an effective approach. In particular, it includes the sigma-model contributions to the Hagedorn temperature at next-to-next-to leading order, which are computed in full generality. For $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 4 SYM on S ³ our result agrees with numerical estimates with excellent precision. We use the general formula to predict the value of the Hagedorn temperature for ABJM on S ² and for the dual of purely RR global AdS 3 .

Semiclassical quantization of the superstring and Hagedorn temperature

September 2023


3 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of High Energy Physics

In a recent paper [1], the semiclassical quantization of a string, winding once around the compact Euclidean time circle, on a supergravity background dual to the deep infrared regime of a confining finite temperature gauge theory, was carried out. The string mass-shell condition and, by extrapolation, the Hagedorn temperature to leading order in the holographic limit was deduced. In this work, we improve on those results in three ways. First, we fix some missing details of the related light-cone quantization analysis. Second, we reconsider the problem under the lens of a background-covariant geometrical formalism. This allows us to put the semiclassical mass-shell condition on more solid grounds. Finally, going beyond the semiclassical regime, we compute the Hagedorn temperature at next-to-leading order in the holographic limit. The sub-leading correction turns out to arise entirely from the contribution of the zero modes of the massive worldsheet scalar fields. Our result matches that of a recent analysis in the literature based on the Horowitz-Polchinski stringy star effective model.

Resonance contributions to nucleon spin structure in Holographic QCD

August 2023


5 Reads

We study polarized inelastic electron-nucleon scattering at low momentum transfer, in the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model of holographic QCD. We focus in particular on resonance production contributions to the nucleon spin structure functions. Our analysis includes both spin $3/2$ and spin $1/2$ low-lying nucleon resonances with positive and negative parity. We determine, in turn, the helicity amplitudes for nucleon-resonance transitions and the resonance contributions to the neutron and proton generalized spin polarizabilities. Extrapolating the model parameters to realistic QCD data, our analysis, triggered by recent experimental results from Jefferson Lab, agrees with the observation that the $\Delta(1232)$ resonance gives the dominant contribution to the forward spin polarizabilities at low momentum transfer. The contribution is negative and increases towards zero as the momentum transfer increases. As expected, the contribution of the $\Delta(1232)$ to the longitudinal-transverse polarizabilities is instead negligible. Our analysis shows that different spin $1/2$ resonances give different contributions, in sign and magnitude, to the generalized longitudinal-transverse spin polarizabilities. In the proton case they globally give rise to a positive function which decreases towards zero as the momentum transfer increases. In the neutron case, the net effect produces a negative increasing function. These features are in qualitative agreement with experimental data.

Semiclassical quantization of the superstring and Hagedorn temperature

August 2023


1 Read


4 Citations

Journal of High Energy Physics

A bstract In a recent paper [1], the semiclassical quantization of a string, winding once around the compact Euclidean time circle, on a supergravity background dual to the deep infrared regime of a confining finite temperature gauge theory, was carried out. The string mass-shell condition and, by extrapolation, the Hagedorn temperature to leading order in the holographic limit was deduced. In this work, we improve on those results in three ways. First, we fix some missing details of the related light-cone quantization analysis. Second, we reconsider the problem under the lens of a background-covariant geometrical formalism. This allows us to put the semiclassical mass-shell condition on more solid grounds. Finally, going beyond the semiclassical regime, we compute the Hagedorn temperature at next-to-leading order in the holographic limit. The sub-leading correction turns out to arise entirely from the contribution of the zero modes of the massive worldsheet scalar fields. Our result matches that of a recent analysis in the literature based on the Horowitz-Polchinski stringy star effective model.

FIG. 1. The embeddings of the D8-brane and D6-brane on the cigar (left) and on the cylinder (right), in the ALP case.
FIG. 2. The D6-brane has a seven-dimensional world volume, it is wrapped on a four-cycle and extended along u and two Minkowski directions. Therefore, it has the shape of a string from the perspective of the Minkowski spacetime.
Axionic strings, domain walls, and baryons

July 2023


22 Reads


1 Citation

Physical Review D

When axionic strings carry a global charge, domain walls bounded by such strings may not be allowed to decay completely. This happens in particular in some models where a composite axionlike particle is the pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson of chiral symmetry breaking of an extra quark flavor. In this case, the global symmetry is the extra flavor baryonic symmetry. The corresponding axionic domain walls can carry a baryonic charge: they represent the low energy description of the baryons made by the extra quark flavor. Basic properties of these particles, such as spin, mass scale, and size are discussed. The corresponding charged axionic strings are explicitly constructed in a specific calculable model.

Higher Order Corrections to the Hagedorn Temperature at Strong Coupling

June 2023


4 Reads

We propose a general formula for higher order corrections to the value of the Hagedorn temperature of a class of holographic confining gauge theories in the strong coupling expansion. Inspired by recent proposals in the literature, the formula combines the sigma-model string expansion with an effective approach. In particular, it includes the sigma-model contributions to the Hagedorn temperature at next-to-next-to leading order, which are computed in full generality. For ${\cal N}=4$ SYM on $S^3$ our result agrees with numerical field theory estimates with excellent precision. We use the general formula to predict the value of the Hagedorn temperature for ABJM on $S^2$ and for the dual of purely RR global $AdS_3$.

Semiclassical Quantization of the Superstring and Hagedorn Temperature

June 2023


1 Read

In a recent paper [1], the semiclassical quantization of a string, winding once around the compact Euclidean time circle, on a supergravity background dual to the deep infrared regime of a confining finite temperature gauge theory, was carried out. The string mass-shell condition and, by extrapolation, the Hagedorn temperature to leading order in the holographic limit was deduced. In this work, we improve on those results in three ways. First, we fix some missing details of the related light-cone quantization analysis. Second, we reconsider the problem under the lens of a background-covariant geometrical formalism. This allows us to put the semiclassical mass-shell condition on more solid grounds. Finally, going beyond the semiclassical regime, we compute the Hagedorn temperature at next-to-leading order in the holographic limit. The sub-leading correction turns out to arise entirely from the contribution of the zero modes of the massive worldsheet scalar fields. Our result matches that of a recent analysis in the literature based on the Horowitz-Polchinski stringy star effective model.

Figure 1. The displacement of the D-branes on the cigar of the geometry (2.1) for antipodally embedded D8-branes.
Figure 3. The function Ψ(m π /m W V ) providing the quark-mass dependence of the soft part of the tension of the sheet.
Figure 4. D6-brane dual to the semi-infinite sheet. It is taken to be extended along the x 1 axis and along the positive values of the x 2 axis. The directions x 3 and z are orthogonal to the sheet. Every point is also extended in time and along other four dimensions which are wrapped on S 4 .
Figure 5. Left: the function H(r, z) obtained from the first six (even) modes in (5.30). Right: the profile of − √ 2 fπ η for m W V /M KK = 0.3.
Hall Droplet Sheets in Holographic QCD

February 2023


25 Reads


8 Citations

Journal of High Energy Physics

A bstract In single-flavor QCD, the low energy description of baryons as Skyrmions is not available. In this case, it has been proposed by Komargodski that baryons can be viewed as kinds of charged quantum Hall droplets, or “sheets”. In this paper we propose a string theory description of the sheets in single-flavor holographic QCD, focusing on the Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model. The sheets have a “hard” gluonic core, described by D6-branes, and a “soft” mesonic shell, dual to non-trivial D8-brane gauge field configurations. We first provide the description of an infinitely extended sheet with massless or moderately massive quarks. Then, we construct a semi-infinite sheet ending on a one-dimensional boundary, a “vortex string”. The holographic description allows for the precise calculation of sheet observables. In particular, we compute the tension and thickness of the sheet and the vortex string, and provide their four dimensional effective actions.

Figure 1. Log-log plot of the Hagedorn temperature T H from (4.48) (solid blue line) as the 't Hooft coupling λ varies. The dashed line reports the result for T H in (4.52), which includes a subset of 1/λ corrections. These results are obtained keeping only the three hundred leading terms in the expansion (4.52).
On the Hagedorn temperature in holographic confining gauge theories

January 2023


21 Reads


7 Citations

Journal of High Energy Physics

A bstract The divergence of the string partition function due to the exponential growth of states is a well-understood issue in flat spacetime. It can be interpreted as the appearance of tachyon modes above a certain temperature, known as the Hagedorn temperature T H . In the literature, one can find some intuitions about its generalization to curved spacetimes, where computations are extremely hard and explicit results cannot be provided in general. In this paper, we present a genus-zero estimate of T H , at leading order in α ′, for string theories on curved backgrounds holographically dual to confining gauge theories. This is a particularly interesting case, since the holographic correspondence equates T H with the Hagedorn temperature of the dual gauge theories. For concreteness we focus on Type IIA string theory on a well known background dual to an SU( N ) Yang-Mills theory. The resulting Hagedorn temperature turns out to be proportional to the square root of the Yang-Mills confining string tension. The related coefficient, which at leading order is analytically determined, is the same as the one for Type II theories in flat space. While the calculation is performed in a specific model, the result applies in full generality to confining gauge theories with a top-down holographic dual.

Citations (56)

... The main goal of this paper is to find the modified thermal scalar EOM which can capture higher-order corrections in T H at orders l 2 s /R 2 and l 3 s /R 3 for Ramond-Ramond flux supported backgrounds of type II string theory. This is motivated by the recent interesting works [15,16,24] that were the first to consider such corrections for AdS backgrounds. Backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond fluxes are especially interesting, since it seems that once a Ramond-Ramond flux is turned on, the thermal scalar EOM (1.1) is no longer sufficient to capture the near-critical behavior close to the Hagedorn temperature. ...


Hagedorn temperature from the thermal scalar in AdS and pp-wave backgrounds
Higher order corrections to the Hagedorn temperature at strong coupling

Journal of High Energy Physics

... In a companion paper [16] we study the coupling dependence of the Hagedorn temperature for ABJM theory in the planar limit, where we find similar behavior. Note added: As this paper was being prepared [17] appeared which claims to find the first correction to the Hagedorn temperature for the Witten D4 black brane background from the type IIA world-sheet, matching the supergravity result in [18]. ...

Semiclassical quantization of the superstring and Hagedorn temperature

Journal of High Energy Physics

... This resembles the conclusion drawn in [22][23][24], where the authors computed the first subleading corrections in the α ′ expansion of the Hagedorn temperature for a large class of models as arising entirely from the contribution of the zero modes of the massive worldsheet fields. Moreover, it agrees also with the discussion in [19] about the physical interpretation of the result. ...

Semiclassical quantization of the superstring and Hagedorn temperature

Journal of High Energy Physics

... After imposing appropriate boundary conditions, the sheet behaves like a baryon for one-flavor and, also for arbitrary flavors after avoiding the Nambu-Goldstone bosons on the wall. When the domain walls are bounded by axionic strings, the axionic domain walls can carry a baryonic charge representing the low energy description of the baryons made by the extra quark flavor [7]. ...

Axionic strings, domain walls, and baryons

Physical Review D

... In recent months, the determination of the Hagedorn temperature T H [1] in string backgrounds has found renewed interest. In [2][3][4], the authors address the problem in supergravity solutions dual to confining gauge theories, both with a world-sheet method and with an effective approach inspired by the Horowitz-Polchinski construction [5]. The latter has been also applied to exact backgrounds as AdS 5 × S 5 [6]. ...

On the Hagedorn temperature in holographic confining gauge theories

Journal of High Energy Physics

... It would be interesting to see if this happens as well in the rotating case. According to our limit knowledge, there were only several interesting works [26,27] discussing the effects of rotation in the context of holographic complexity at the classic level. 1 It will be nice to study the effect of rotation on the quantum correction as well. ...

Holographic and QFT complexity with angular momentum

Journal of High Energy Physics

Alice Bernamonti


Francesco Bigazzi


Davide Billo




Federico Galli

... In particular, one can describe the out-of-equilibrium evolution of the field theory as it goes through a phase transition by solving a few classical differential equations. This makes the holographic duality a powerful tool to study various aspects of such transitions, including the nucleation of bubbles and the properties of domain walls [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26], the formation and evolution of mixed phases [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34], and quenches [35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47]. ...

Bubble wall velocity at strong coupling

Journal of High Energy Physics

... Holographic models have been used to describe and estimate the effects of such phase transitions, for both heavy ion collisions [5][6][7] and cosmology [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]. Such models use a classical gravitational theory to compute non-trivial quantities of a dual strongly coupled field theory. ...

Dark holograms and gravitational waves

Journal of High Energy Physics

... Holographic models have been used to describe and estimate the effects of such phase transitions, for both heavy ion collisions [5][6][7] and cosmology [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]. Such models use a classical gravitational theory to compute non-trivial quantities of a dual strongly coupled field theory. ...

Fate of false vacua in holographic first-order phase transitions

Journal of High Energy Physics