Felix Groß's research while affiliated with Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and other places

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Publications (38)

Supplimentary data for the manuscript "Ni80Fe20 thickness optimization of magnetoplasmonic crystals for magnetic field sensing"
  • Data

June 2024


1 Read



K.A. Mamian




Supplimentary data for the manuscript "Ni80Fe20 thickness optimization of magnetoplasmonic crystals for magnetic field sensing"


Ni80Fe20 Thickness Optimization of Magnetoplasmonic Crystals for Magnetic Field Sensing

June 2024


31 Reads

A promising approach to enhance the transverse Kerr effect with potential applications in the detection of weak magnetic fields is the use of magnetoplasmonic crystals based on ferromagnetic metals. The sensitivity, measuring field range, and limit-of-detection of 1D magnetoplasmonic crystals with 5–20 nm thick Ni80Fe20 layers are analyzed in this study based on magnetic, optical, and magneto-optical characterization. The magnetoplasmonic crystal with 10 nm-thick Ni80Fe20 layer provided a sensitivity of 21.9 µV/mOe, a limit-of-detection of 3.6 mOe, and a measuring field range of 1.134 Oe. This sample was also utilized as a magnetic field probe to reconstruct the magnetic configuration of a multicore cable and a planar induction coil, thereby highlighting its potential for the visualization of DC magnetic fields.

(a), (c), (e) SEM plan-view image of self-assembled PS particles covered with a 20 nm thick Fe17Pd83 layer. (b), (d), (f) Corresponding particle size distribution with mean diameter.
(a) Cross-sectional TEM bright field image of Fe17Pd83 caps prepared on 767 nm mean diameter PS particles marked by dotted circles. (b) High resolution dark field image showing the Fe17Pd83/Ta layer stack.
M–H hysteresis loops of 20 nm Fe17Pd83 cap array prepared on 308 nm mean diameter PS particles recorded at 150 K and 200 K.
Temperature dependence of the nucleation HN and annihilation HA field for 20 nm Fe17Pd83 caps with mean diameter of (a) 308 nm, (b) 427 nm, and (c) 767 nm. (d) Bifurcation temperature Te as a function of mean cap diameter.
FORC diagram at 300 K for (a) 20 nm thick Fe17Pd83 planar reference sample, (b) 308 nm mean diameter Fe 17Pd83 caps, (c) 427 nm mean diameter Fe17Pd83 caps, and (d) 767 nm mean diameter Fe17Pd83 caps. Inset: In-plane MOKE hysteresis loops.


Size-dependent bistability of magnetic states in soft magnetic cap arrays
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

March 2024


50 Reads



We have investigated the size dependent energy barrier regarding the transition between magnetic vortex and collinear states in dense arrays of magnetic cap structures hosting magnetic vortices. The cap structures were formed by the deposition of soft magnetic thin films on top of large arrays of densely packed polystyrene spheres. The energy barrier associated with the magnetic field assisted switching from a collinear magnetic state to a non-uniform vortex state (or vice versa) was tuned by tailoring the diameter and thickness of the soft magnetic caps. At a sufficient temperature, known as the bifurcation temperature, the thermal energy overcomes this energy barrier and magnetic bistability with a hysteresis-free switching occurs between the two magnetic states. In magnetic caps with a fixed thickness, the bifurcation temperature decreases with increasing cap diameter. On the other hand, for a fixed diameter, the bifurcation temperature increases with an increase in film thickness of the cap structure. This study demonstrates that the bifurcation temperature can be easily tailored by changing the magnetostatic energy contribution which in turn affects the energy barrier and thus the magnetic bistability.

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Magnetic field sensing elements made of quasi-trapezoidal magnetoplasmonic crystals based on thin permalloy films

October 2023


43 Reads


3 Citations

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

This work is devoted to the study of magnetic, optical, and magneto-optical properties of quasi-trapezoidal magnetoplasmonic crystals based on Ni80Fe20 permalloy films ranging in thickness from 5 to 20 nm. Magnetoplasmonic crystals’ dependencies of measuring range, required modulation magnetic field, sensitivity, and limit-of-detection on the thickness of the permalloy layer are comprehensively studied. It is shown, that an increase in magnetoplasmonic crystals’ differential susceptibility leads to the sensitivity increase of the proposed magnetic field sensing method, but also results in a decrease in the sensing elements’ measuring range. Obtained results can be used for sensing elements fabrication from magnetoplasmonic crystals with sensitivity and measuring range, suitable for particular applications.

Schematic of the magnonic analog adder device, with the thinned x-ray transparent window in the center. An RF signal with a frequency of 2.57 GHz (black) and 3.07 GHz (orange) is applied to both microstrips (RF wavelength not to scale). Three-dimensional rendering of the resulting dynamical spin-wave interference pattern with the wave-vector k, as imaged by TR-STXM. An external magnetic field of 28 mT was applied in-plane, parallel to the microstrips. The inset shows a magnified view of the area marked with dashed lines, with the color indicating the normalized out-of-plane magnetization mz and the microstrips marked in gray.
Normalized amplitude A of the spin-wave interference pattern as a function of relative normalized phase φ, together with the theoretical prediction for two interfering sine-waves. Measurements were performed with an external field of 28 mT and an excitation frequency of 2.72 GHz. The insets show examples of recorded spin-wave patterns, from which the amplitude was obtained, with the color indicating the normalized out-of-plane magnetization mz.
Constructive interference of two spin waves excited at 3.07 GHz with an external field of 28 mT. (a) Landscape of the normalized amplitude A of the spin-wave interference pattern as a function of the excitation amplitude at the two microstrips U1 and U2. Experimental data points are marked by diamonds, and equiamplitude lines are marked by dashes; the color gradient from linear interpolation is a guide to the naked eye. (b) Normalized amplitude as a function of the sum of the two excitation signals U1 + U2. Experimental data (colored diamonds) with a linear fit (line). The insets show examples of the recorded spin-wave movies from which the amplitude was obtained, with the color indicating the normalized out-of-plane magnetization mz.
Overview of the frequency-division multiplexing capabilities of the magnonic analog adder device. Each microstrip is excited with a signal consisting of a 2.72 GHz (black) and a 3.07 GHz (orange) component. From the recorded TR-STXM movies, the two components could be retrieved using a fast Fourier transformation (orange and black arrows). This is done for (a) full constructive interference, (b) full destructive interference, (c) constructive 2.72 GHz and destructive 3.07 GHz, and (d) destructive 2.72 GHz and constructive 3.07 GHz. The color indicates the normalized out-of-plane magnetization mz.
Realization of a magnonic analog adder with frequency-division multiplexing

January 2023


92 Reads


1 Citation

Being able to accurately control the interaction of spin waves is a crucial challenge for magnonics in order to offer an alternative wave-based computing scheme for certain technological applications. Especially in neural networks and neuromorphic computing, wave-based approaches can offer significant advantages over traditional CMOS-based binary computing schemes with regard to performance and power consumption. In this work, we demonstrate precise modulation of phase- and amplitude-sensitive interference of coherent spin waves in a yttrium–iron–garnet based magnonic analog adder device, while also showing the feasibility of frequency-division multiplexing. Using time-resolved scanning transmission x-ray microscopy, the interference was directly observed, giving an important proof of concept for this kind of analog computing device and its underlying working principle. This constitutes a step toward wave-based analog computing using magnons as an information carrier.

FIG. 1. Sketch of the 50 nm permalloy (gray) antidot sample deposited on an x-ray transparent Si 3 N 4 membrane (yellow). Spin waves are excited by an rf current in a 2-μm-wide microstrip antenna. An external field is applied parallel to the antenna to saturate the sample.
FIG. 3. Experimental and simulated frequency multiplication (spin wave amplitude over frequency) for a base frequency of f base = 0.93 GHz: Experimental results are displayed as scatter plot, simulated results as line plot. The values for the base frequency are normalized to 1 for the experimental and the simulated data set. For high frequencies, the experimental spin-wave amplitude is reduced due to the temporal limitation of the synchrotron setup. Error bars are estimated by subtracting a slightly smoothed version of the amplitude from its original counterpart, resulting in a noise residuum. The residuum is subsequently used to estimate the noise floor of the measurement. The color code denotes the frequency and will be used throughout the paper.
FIG. 5. Simulated conversion efficiencies of higher harmonic spin waves for three different geometries: All results are normalized with respect to the base excitation frequency of f base = 0.93 GHz. The three insets display the geometries of the different cases which are no antidots (purple), one row of antidots (dark green), and a double row of antidots (light green).
Imaging magnonic frequency multiplication in nanostructured antidot lattices

July 2022


108 Reads


5 Citations

Frequency multiplication is an essential part of electronics and optics which led to numerous indispensable applications. In this paper, we utilize a combination of scanning transmission x-ray microscopy and micromagnetic simulations to directly image magnonic frequency multiplication by means of dynamic real-space magnetization measurements. We experimentally demonstrate frequency multiplication up to the seventh order, which enables the generation of nanoscale spin waves at 6GHz with excitation frequencies of less than 1GHz. Good agreement between the experiment and micromagnetic simulations allows us to build a micromagnetic model capable of predicting conversion efficiencies and multiplexing capabilities of the system. Furthermore, simulations reveal that more than two rows of antidots do not increase the conversion efficiency substantially. By enabling magnonic multiplexing with low input frequencies while not exceeding the size of a few microns, the device will lead to numerous applications, further advancing the capabilities of magnonic data transmission.

Droplet vs. bubble, device structure and layout, and magnetic characterization
a Schematic of dynamical magnetic droplet soliton. b Schematic of a static magnetic bubble. c Schematic of an all-perpendicular STNO composed of [Co/Pd] (fixed) and [Co/Ni] (free) multilayers with a Cu spacer fabricated on a SiN membrane structure. The narrow area in the middle of the mesa is designed to easily locate the NC. The insets underneath show optical micrographs of the SiN membrane areas through which the different metal layers of the device can be seen. d Hysteresis loops of single Co/Pd and Co/Ni layers. e Hysteresis loop of a full [Co/Pd]/Cu/[Co/Ni] stack.
Microwave noise and STNO resistance vs. field
a–d Color plot of the power spectral density (PSD) of the microwave noise as a function of increasing (a, c) and decreasing (b, d) field, with the STNO resistance (white line) overlayed; the applied current is −5 mA. a, b Wide field sweep covering full saturation at both positive and negative fields. P/AP indicate the parallel/antiparallel state of the STNO; red arrow indicates the droplet region, and green arrow the bubble region. c, d Minor field sweeps showing how the droplet/bubble transition is fully reversible.
Phase diagrams based on the resistance and the microwave noise
a STNO resistance and b integrated (0–0.5 GHz) microwave noise level as a function of field and current. Panel c shows the noise level in b overlaid on the resistance in a displayed using a grayscale highlighting intermediate resistance levels indicative of droplets/bubbles. The dash-dotted black line corresponds to the field sweep at I = −5 mA given in Fig. 2. The parallel (P) and antiparallel (AP) states are easily discernible in the MR-map (a) as dark blue and dark red, while both the droplet and the bubble are characterized by intermediate resistance in green–yellow. The stark difference between the droplet and the bubble is revealed in the noise spectrum (b), where the stability of the bubble is manifested. Note, however, that the light-blue flanges in a correspond to a different droplet regime not captured in the microwave signal presented in b.
Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM)
a–f STXM images of the nanocontact region vs. decreasing field for a current of −7 mA. Blue corresponds to magnetization aligned with the applied field, red corresponds to magnetization anti-aligned with the applied field, whereas white indicates zero out-of-plane magnetization. The STNO resistance and the microwave noise PSD vs. decreasing field are shown in g where the points corresponding to the STXM images have been labelled a–f. The inset in g highlights the perimeter of the droplet/bubble as the applied field is decreased from 200 mT (dark blue) to 60 mT (blue), and further reduced to −40 mT (red) in steps of 20 mT.
Freezing and thawing magnetic droplet solitons

May 2022


231 Reads


12 Citations

Nature Communications

Magnetic droplets are non-topological magnetodynamical solitons displaying a wide range of complex dynamic phenomena with potential for microwave signal generation. Bubbles, on the other hand, are internally static cylindrical magnetic domains, stabilized by external fields and magnetostatic interactions. In its original theory, the droplet was described as an imminently collapsing bubble stabilized by spin transfer torque and, in its zero-frequency limit, as equivalent to a bubble. Without nanoscale lateral confinement, pinning, or an external applied field, such a nanobubble is unstable, and should collapse. Here, we show that we can freeze dynamic droplets into static nanobubbles by decreasing the magnetic field. While the bubble has virtually the same resistance as the droplet, all signs of low-frequency microwave noise disappear. The transition is fully reversible and the bubble can be thawed back into a droplet if the magnetic field is increased under current. Whereas the droplet collapses without a sustaining current, the bubble is highly stable and remains intact for days without external drive. Electrical measurements are complemented by direct observation using scanning transmission x-ray microscopy, which corroborates the analysis and confirms that the bubble is stabilized by pinning. Magnetic droplets are a type of non-topological magnetic soliton, which are stabilised and sustained by spin-transfer torques for instance. Without this, they would collapse. Here Ahlberg et al show that by decreasing the applied magnetic field, droplets can be frozen, forming a static nanobubble

Schematic of the magnetic phase transition mediated Néel vector switching
a Schematic of the magnetic phase transition mediated Néel vector switching. Once a writing current pulse is applied, the Joule heating effect would induce the AFM-FM phase transition, and thus the spin-orbit torque (SOT) could efficiently switch the magnetic vector of the FM phase to the 90o direction; when the writing pulse is off, another FM–AFM phase transition during the cooling process would print the 90o switching from the FM phase (magnetic vector) to the AFM phase (Néel vector). b Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results of FeRh/Ta/Ir heterostructures, where the FeRh film is along the (001) direction. c Temperature-driven AFM–FM phase transition, which is reflected by the saturation magnetization Ms and the longitudinal resistance Rxx. d Current-induced Joule heating effect-driven magnetic phase transition between AFM and FM.
Current-driven Néel vector switching
a–c, d–f The current-driven Néel vector switching with the y-directional writing current IA and the x-directional writing current IB, respectively, which switch the Néel vector to the x-axis and the y axis accordingly. b, e The planar Hall resistance ΔRxy as a function of the writing current density Je, by the 2-pulses measurement, i.e., a writing current pulse Iw (y-direction) is applied to switch the Néel vector firstly, followed by a reading current pulse IR in the −45o channel to read the Néel vector by the planar Hall resistance (+45o channel) at 1-s later. c, f The ΔRxy-Je curves with the thickness of FeRh from 10 to 30 nm.
Temperature dependence of Néel vector switching
a–c Longitudinal resistance Rxx as a function of the writing current Je (single pulse measurement) at a different base temperature of 100, 300, and 400 K, respectively; indicating that the only AFM phase at 100 K (a), AFM–FM–AFM phase transition at 300 K (b), and the only FM phase at 400 K (c), within the writing current density below 15 × 10⁶ A cm⁻². d–f Current-driven Néel vector switching (2-pulses measurement) at 100 K (only AFM phase), 300 K (AFM–FM–AFM phase), and 400 K (only FM phase), respectively.
Magnetic bias field dependence of Néel vector switching
a Schematic of the magnetic bias field dependence measurement. An external magnetic bias field Hx along the writing current direction is applied during the current-driven Néel vector switching. b Current-driven Néel vector switching at different bias field Hx. c Current-driven switching of the planar Hall resistance ΔRxyMax as a function of Hx.
Trajectory and dynamical phase diagrams for SOT-induced switching
a, c Trajectories of antiparallel and parallel spins with S2/S1=0.9\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${S}_{2}/{S}_{1}=0.9$$\end{document} and other parameters explained in “Methods”. b, d Dynamical phase diagrams in terms of the terminal state of the order parameter [Néel vector n\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{{\boldsymbol{n}}}}$$\end{document} in (b) and magnetic vector m\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${{{\boldsymbol{m}}}}$$\end{document} in (d)] plotted for S2/S1∈[0, 1]\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${S}_{2}/{S}_{1}\in [{{\mathrm{0,1}}}]$$\end{document} with S1+S2=2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${S}_{1}+{S}_{2}=2$$\end{document}. The unswitched and switched regions are marked by different colors and illustrated by the insets.
Current-induced Néel order switching facilitated by magnetic phase transition

March 2022


292 Reads


18 Citations

Nature Communications

Terahertz (THz) spin dynamics and vanishing stray field make antiferromagnetic (AFM) materials the most promising candidate for the next-generation magnetic memory technology with revolutionary storage density and writing speed. However, owing to the extremely large exchange energy barriers, energy-efficient manipulation has been a fundamental challenge in AFM systems. Here, we report an electrical writing of antiferromagnetic orders through a record-low current density on the order of 106 A cm−2 facilitated by the unique AFM-ferromagnetic (FM) phase transition in FeRh. By introducing a transient FM state via current-induced Joule heating, the spin-orbit torque can switch the AFM order parameter by 90° with a reduced writing current density similar to ordinary FM materials. This mechanism is further verified by measuring the temperature and magnetic bias field dependences, where the X-ray magnetic linear dichroism (XMLD) results confirm the AFM switching besides the electrical transport measurement. Our findings demonstrate the exciting possibility of writing operations in AFM-based devices with a lower current density, opening a new pathway towards pure AFM memory applications. Electrical manipulation of antiferromagnetic order is crucial for future memory devices, but existing switching schemes require a large current density. Here, the authors achieve record low current density switching in FeRh by taking advantage of its antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic phase transition.

Citations (26)

... Magnetic field sensors can alternatively operate on the basis of the transversal Kerr effect (δ) enhanced by surface plasmon polaritons in 1D magnetoplasmonic crystals [11]. The sensitivity and range of measuring depend on the dynamics of remagnetization and optical properties of magnetoplasmonic crystals, which are determined by their composition and morphology [12]. ...


Effect of Filling Factor on the Coefficient of Reflection and Transversal Kerr Effect of 2D Permalloy-Based Magnetoplasmonic Crystals
Magnetic field sensing elements made of quasi-trapezoidal magnetoplasmonic crystals based on thin permalloy films
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

... This ellipticity initiates a dynamic magnetization component along to the precession axis at double the precession frequency 5 . In other words, magnetic SHG does not require the use of special media and can be observed in many magnetic materials and experimental configurations so long as there is elliptical magnetization precession [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] . This makes magnetic oscillations excellent candidate for generation of microwave-frequency harmonics. ...

Imaging magnonic frequency multiplication in nanostructured antidot lattices

... Instead, we use the absolute (R dc ) and differential resistance (R dV/dI ) together with the power spectral density (PSD) to identify the different phases. A similar approach was employed in an earlier study where we observed the transition from a droplet to a static bubble 39 . Fig. 2 demonstrates the experimental features of all magnetic states observed: simple static parallel (P) and anti-parallel (AP) alignments of the FL and RL, single FL droplet (D), single FL droplet in the AP state (AP-D), and the novel states of droplet soliton pairs in the P (DP) and the AP (AP-DP) states. ...

Freezing and thawing magnetic droplet solitons

Nature Communications

... For the study of spin-wave interference, the two microstrips could be excited independently with different amplitudes and an arbitrary phase shift between the two excitations using an arbitrary waveform generator with two independent output channels. 40 To this end, the generator outputs are connected via coaxial cables to the coplanar signal lines of a printed circuit board that carries the sample. These lines are in turn connected to one of the two ends of each microstrip on the sample. ...

A high frequency builder software for arbitrary radio frequency signals

The Review of scientific instruments

... Pure electron/spin current is currently considered to be a conventional method for manipulating ferromagnetism [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. However, it suffers from a large interfacial current density (ranging from 10 11 to 10 12 A/m 2 ) due to its low spin-current conversion efficiency. ...

Current-induced Néel order switching facilitated by magnetic phase transition

Nature Communications

... Here we choose a triangle lattice to resemble the hexagonal lattice symmetry of graphene [31,32] while the results may apply to other types of lattice [19]. Antidot lattices [33][34][35] are used to form the moiré magnonic crystals instead of dot arrays [36] to preserve large continuous film areas for efficient spin-wave guiding. We employ microfocused Brillouin light scattering (μBLS) [ Fig. 1(b)] to directly visualize two types of spin-wave modes in a moiré magnonic lattice, namely, (i) spin waves propagating along the edges of a moiré unit cell [ Fig. 1(e)], which we refer to henceforth as moiré edge modes or simply edge modes, and (ii) spin waves strongly confined at the center of a moiré unit cell [ Fig. 1(f)], which is referred to as moiré cavity modes or simply cavity modes in analogy to its photonic counterpart [7,8]. ...

Phase resolved observation of spin wave modes in antidot lattices

Applied Physics Letters

... A fast Fourier transformation (FFT) is utilized for frequency filtering and analysis in reciprocal as well as frequency space. For additional information on spin-wave measurements and evaluation with TR-STXM, the reader is referred elsewhere [36,48,51,53,54,[57][58][59][60][61][62]. ...

MIEP — A time-resolved X-ray image evaluation program
  • Citing Article
  • July 2021


... The recent experimental observation of time crystals in a variety of quantum many body systems [8][9][10][11][12][13][14] together with the proposal of quantum computing applications, ranging from the role of time crystals in the enhancement of the qubit coherence time [15] to its relevance [16] in quantum processors, have further boosted the interest in this problem. ...

Real-Space Observation of Magnon Interaction with Driven Space-Time Crystals

Physical Review Letters

... In Nd 13.5 Fe 79.18 M 1.52 B 5.8, the recoil loops are nearly flat, while as indicated by the arrows, the recoil loops are sloping and exhibit the spring behavior in Nd 13.5 Fe 79.76 M 0.94 B 5.8 . The spring behavior may originate from the effect of exchange coupling [23][24][25]. The magnetization reversal would occur first in some grains with weak anisotropy, and the weak anisotropy could be overcome by the exchange coupling in the recoil process [26]. ...

Understanding the interaction of soft and hard magnetic components in NdFeB with first-order reversal curves

... What makes frequency multiplying of spin waves particularly interesting is the fact that the direct excitation with * fgross@is.mpg.de † graefe@is.mpg.de a microstrip antenna [34,35] is accompanied by wavelength limits determined by the applied frequency and the spatial features of the sample, and therefore, the spatial resolution of the structuring process [36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49]. However, if the magnetic structure itself generates higher harmonic frequencies, the limits given by sample fabrication and excitation frequency are softened. ...

Building Blocks for Magnon Optics: Emission and Conversion of Short Spin Waves

ACS Nano