Farnoosh Mohammaddokht's research while affiliated with University of Kurdistan and other places

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Publications (9)

Figure 1. The Hypothesized Model of FLTE.
Figure 2. The Final Model of FLTE. Note. *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001.
Number of Cases for Each Measure. No of Original cases No of Outliers No of Missing cases No of Valid cases
Descriptive Statistics, Correlations, Reliability, and Validity Analysis.
Path Estimates of Direct, Indirect, and Total Effects.


Predicting Teaching Enjoyment from Teachers’ Perceived School Climate, Self-Efficacy, and Psychological Wellbeing at Work: EFL Teachers
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2023


650 Reads


34 Citations

Perceptual and Motor Skills



Farnoosh Mohammaddokht

https://staging.journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00315125231182269 We tested an assessment model, by which teacher self-efficacy, perceived school climate, and psychological wellbeing at work, might predict teaching enjoyment. We invited a convenience sample of 355 teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) to respond to four online questionnaires. We used confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to check the scales’ construct validity and structural equation modeling (SEM) to test associations among the variables. Our results showed that teacher self-efficacy, perceived school-climate, and psychological wellbeing were direct predictors of foreign language teaching-enjoyment (FLTE). Teacher self-efficacy affected FLTE indirectly, as induced by psychological well-being. School climate also indirectly influenced FLTE, as mediated by teacher self-efficacy and psychological wellbeing, with school climate a direct predictor of teacher self-efficacy and psychological wellbeing. Teacher self-efficacy directly affected psychological wellbeing. We discuss implications of these findings for teacher-education programs.


Descriptive Statistics for lms Questionnaire
Themes Uncovered about efl Instructors' Attitudes Toward lms
Exploring Iranian EFL teachers’ attitudes toward the use of learning management systems in English classes

February 2023


96 Reads


6 Citations

Íkala Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura

This research was set to uncover Iranian English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) teachers’ attitudes toward the use of learning management systems (LMS) in English classes. Employing a mixed methods research design, the researchers recruited 168 Iranian EFL teachers from several schools and language institutions as research participants and sent them a valid self-report questionnaire to gather quantitative data. Simultaneously, they conducted semi-structured interviews with 15 teachers to collect qualitative data. Findings revealed that Iranian EFL teachers adopted both positive and negative perceptions of LMS use. The positive perceptions included ease of access, knowledge sharing, suitability for crowded classes, variety of learning tasks, and more advanced assignments and feedback. In turn, negative views comprised inadequacy of teacher training programs, inappropriacy for productive skills, complexity of functions, and students’ unfamiliarity with the systems as well as lack of interest. These results may offer significant insights into EFL practitioners’ perceptions of a variety of measures that can be taken by teacher development programs to encourage the use of LMS in EFL contexts.

Measurement model of the variables.
Descriptive statistics and correlations.
Reflective teaching and academic optimism as correlates of work engagement among university instructors

February 2023


271 Reads


8 Citations


As teaching is a complex and demanding activity especially in university and higher education contexts, exploring the correlates of work engagement in university contexts seems to be a promising research area. As an attempt to further clarify this research area, this study sought to examine the significance of reflective teaching and academic optimism as correlates of work engagement among university instructors in Iran. Having been selected via convenience sampling, a sample of 289 Iranian English as a foreign language (EFL) university instructors participated in this survey. The electronic versions of the scales of teacher academic optimism, reflective teaching, and work engagement were administered to the participants. Initially, the construct validity of the scales was verified for the university contexts via performing confirmatory factor analysis. Then the hypothesized structural relationships among the constructs were tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). The results demonstrated that both reflective teaching and academic optimism significantly predicted work engagement among English university instructors. Some notable implications are finally discussed based on these findings.

The final model of teacher self-efficacy, emotion regulation, and teacher psychological wellbeing. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
Measurement model of the latent constructs.
Descriptive statistics and correlations.
A Structural Model of Teacher Self-Efficacy, Emotion Regulation, and Psychological Wellbeing Among English Teachers

June 2022


285 Reads


45 Citations

Frontiers in Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology

Because of the exacting nature of teaching, identifying factors affecting teachers’ mental health and psychological wellbeing are of paramount importance. Parallel with this line of inquiry, the goal of this project was to test a model of psychological wellbeing based on teacher self-efficacy and emotion regulation in an EFL context. To this end, 276 Iranian English teachers participated in this survey. First, the measurement models for the three latent constructs were verified through performing Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Then Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the hypothesized model. SEM outcomes evince that both teacher self-efficacy and emotion regulation were the significant predictors of teachers’ psychological wellbeing, with teacher self-efficacy being a stronger correlate than emotion regulation. The findings offer significant implications for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers.

The final model of teacher self-efficacy, teaching enjoyment, and teacher work engagement. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
Measurement model of the latent constructs.
Exploring a Structural Model of Teaching Enjoyment, Teacher Self-Efficacy, and Work Engagement

June 2022


254 Reads


22 Citations

Frontiers in Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology

Due to the complexity of teaching, determining the variables influencing teachers’ work engagement is a rewarding research area. In line with this research agenda, the purpose of this study was to test a structural model of work engagement based on teacher self-efficacy and teaching enjoyment among English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers. For this purpose, 315 Iranian English instructors completed an online survey. Initially, the measurement models for the three latent variables were averred via conducting confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Following that, structural equation modeling (SEM) was utilized to test the hypothesized model. SEM results showed that both self-efficacy and teaching enjoyment were the significant predictors of teachers’ work engagement, although teacher self-efficacy was a stronger predictor than teaching enjoyment. The findings might have notable implications for English teachers.

An Investigation of Flipping an English Reading Course: Focus on Reading Gains and Anxiety

April 2022


128 Reads


7 Citations

Education Research International

The aim of this research was to explore the effect of flipped classroom on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ reading skill and reading anxiety. For this purpose, a sample of 44 Iranian EFL learners was recruited and randomly assigned to a flipped group (N =23) and a non-flipped group (N =21). Using a quasi-experimental design, the researchers employed an experimental group that received flipped instruction and a control group that were instructed based on the regular method for a period of four months. The reading component of the Cambridge Preliminary English Test (CPET) and a scale of reading anxiety were given to assess the reading comprehension and reading anxiety of the participants as pre-test and post-test of the study. The outcomes of the research indicated that the learners in the flipped class substantially performed better than those of the non-flipped class regarding EFL reading gains. Also, flipping the course significantly reduced reading anxiety of the participants. According to these results, it may be concluded that EFL teachers can utilize flipped instruction for their reading courses.

Selected short stories and their linguistics features.
Descriptive statistics for pre-and post-tests scores.
The results of ANCOVA on vocabulary size.
The results of ANCOVA on vocabulary learning self-efficacy.
Exploring the Effect of Assisted Repeated Reading on Incidental Vocabulary Learning and Vocabulary Learning Self-Efficacy in an EFL Context

February 2022


373 Reads


10 Citations

Frontiers in Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology

The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effect of two types of repeated reading (i.e., assisted and unassisted) on incidental vocabulary learning of Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners. In so doing, a sample of 45 intermediate EFL students from two intact classes of a language institute were selected as the participants. The two classes were randomly assigned to an unassisted group (N = 21) who were required to just read and an assisted group (N = 24) who were asked to read and listen to 24 short texts several times. The assisted group employed their smartphones to listen to the audio files of the short stories. The data were gathered via a researcher-made vocabulary test and vocabulary learning self-efficacy scale. The results of ANCOVA revealed that although both types of repeated reading contributed to enhancing vocabulary learning of the participants, assisted repeated reading led to significantly greater EFL vocabulary gains. Additionally, the findings revealed that both assisted and unassisted repeated reading improved vocabulary learning self-efficacy of the participants and there was not a significant difference between the two types of interventions. The findings of the present study have implications for EFL researchers and practitioners.

Reliability of the scales
Descriptive statistics and correlations
Grit and Foreign Language Anxiety as Predictors of Willingness to Communicate in the Context of Foreign Language Learning: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

December 2021


256 Reads


16 Citations

Given its key role in enhancing learners' communicative competence, willingness to communicate (WTC) has received much research attention in the field of second language (L2) teaching and learning. Numerous studies have explored the antecedents of WTC in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context. As an attempt to shed more light on this line of research, this study was set to investigate the effects of grit and foreign language anxiety as predictors of L2 WTC among Iranian EFL learners. For this purpose, a number of 163 undergraduate English major students from several universities participated in this survey. The required data were collected by distributing valid and reliable instruments measuring the three target variables (i.e., WTC, grit, and anxiety). A structural equation modeling (SEM) approach was utilized to test the hypothesized structural models for the relations between these variables. The SEM results indicated that grit accounted for 10.6 % of the variance and Foreign Language (FL) anxiety explained 20% of the variance in the participants' L2 WTC. Furthermore, the unique impact of foreign language anxiety on WTC was greater than that of grit. The implications of these findings for language teaching and learning are discussed at the end of the paper.

Foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA) and foreign language enjoyment (FLE) as predictors of ideal L2 self. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, and ***p<0.001.
Fit indices of the measurement models.
Reliability of the scales.
Descriptive statistics and correlations.
Foreign Language Enjoyment and Anxiety as the Correlates of the Ideal L2 Self in the English as a Foreign Language Context

November 2021


378 Reads


29 Citations

Frontiers in Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology

Learners’ emotions in learning a foreign language are claimed to shape complicated dynamic associations contributing to their motivational and linguistic outcomes, as evidenced by recent research in this area. In order to advance this research area, this study sought to investigate the foreign language enjoyment (FLE) and foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA) as the predictors of ideal L2 self in Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) context. The total number of 195 English-major students from various universities completed an online survey containing the three scales in question. The measurement models were first verified using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Then, the structural model for the relations among the variables was tested employing structural equation modeling (SEM). The SEM results showed that although FLE and FLCA significantly predicted ideal L2 self, FLE was a stronger predictor of ideal L2 self than FLCA. This study provides significant pedagogical implications for EFL practitioners.

Citations (9)

... In the realm of teachers' technology use, SE refers to educators' confidence and belief in their ability to effectively employ technology to support teaching activities (Zhang et al., 2023). It embodies teachers' assurance in their abilities and the conviction that positive outcomes can be achieved through technology use in teaching (Burić & Kim, 2020). ...


Pre‐service teachers' inclination to integrate AI into STEM education: Analysis of influencing factors
Predicting Teaching Enjoyment from Teachers’ Perceived School Climate, Self-Efficacy, and Psychological Wellbeing at Work: EFL Teachers

Perceptual and Motor Skills

... Similarly, Veldsman (2018) reported that PsyCap, hope, self-efficacy, optimism, and resilience were positively related to academic engagement. Scholars also discovered that among college instructors, work engagement was highly predicted by both reflective teaching and academic optimism (Li et al, 2023). It may be inferred that optimistic students are more likely to succeed academically because they have faith that, with perseverance and drive, they can conquer any challenging academic situation they encounter. ...

Reflective teaching and academic optimism as correlates of work engagement among university instructors


... The 21st century has witnessed a swift transition toward digital information and media, significantly enhancing the role of information and communication technology (ICT) across diverse sectors, including education and language learning (Fernández-Gutiérrez et al., 2020;Rahimi and Fathi, 2022;Al-Rahmi et al., 2023;Bolaji and Jimoh, 2023). This surge in technology has become integral to educational frameworks, leading to a substantial rise in online courses and programs, consequently escalating enrollment rates (Arrosagaray et al., 2019;Abraham et al., 2022;Adilbayeva et al., 2022;Fathi et al., 2023). ...

Exploring Iranian EFL teachers’ attitudes toward the use of learning management systems in English classes

Íkala Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura

... Por otra parte, una variable que puede ser predicha por la autoeficacia es el bienestar, ya que una alta autoeficacia docente puede predecir un aumento del bienestar general (Jia, 2022), un alto bienestar psicológico laboral (Huang et al., 2019;Shao, 2023;Xiyun et al., 2022), así como también una menor ansiedad e ira, y un mayor disfrute (Zheng et al., 2022). Además, la eficacia percibida del docente puede predecir en mejor medida el bienestar eudaimónico, y en menor medida el bienestar hedonista (Liang et al., 2020). ...

A Structural Model of Teacher Self-Efficacy, Emotion Regulation, and Psychological Wellbeing Among English Teachers
Frontiers in Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology

... They are more prone to put their skills to use, work more productively, rarely change careers, and be committed to achieving their life objectives. Grit has garnered much attention in the field of education because of its favorable relationships with academic outcomes (Fathi et al., 2021;Jibril et al., 2022;Li & Zhu, 2020). ...

Grit and Foreign Language Anxiety as Predictors of Willingness to Communicate in the Context of Foreign Language Learning: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

... With their optimism toward the new curriculum, there is a high possibility that the committed teachers would pay closer attention to students' needs, encourage and involve students to participate in class activities, and collaborate to achieve the school objectives. Heng and Chu (2023) also reported that teachers' self-efficacy had an indirect effect on work involvement, as also observed by Xiao et al. (2022) among 315 Iranian English instructors. ...

Exploring a Structural Model of Teaching Enjoyment, Teacher Self-Efficacy, and Work Engagement
Frontiers in Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology

... Prior to, during, or after reading a text, learners can leverage various techniques to enhance their language proficiency (Jiang et al., 2022). These include consulting dictionaries to clarify unfamiliar words, utilizing contextual clues to predict and deduce meanings, engaging in discussions with peers to elicit insights, and employing effective organizational strategies such as rehearsal, rereading, and summarization (Mohammaddokht and Fathi, 2022). By employing a range of cognitive and metacognitive strategies, learners optimize their reading experience and foster a deeper understanding of the text (Kintsch, 2012;Fischer and Yang, 2022). ...

An Investigation of Flipping an English Reading Course: Focus on Reading Gains and Anxiety

Education Research International

... Vocabulary learning self-efficacy has been a topic of increasing interest in recent years. The research includes (a) studies that investigated the impact of vocabulary learning self-efficacy on language learning outcomes [7,26]; (b) studies that explored the relationship between vocabulary learning self-efficacy and other psychological constructs, such as motivation, anxiety, and use of vocabulary learning strategies [27]; and (c) studies that examined factors associated with EFL learners' vocabulary learning self-efficacy [28,29]. Nonetheless, the instruments used by the previous studies are bested by certain shortcomings, such as using too general items and confusing items with similar concepts. ...

Exploring the Effect of Assisted Repeated Reading on Incidental Vocabulary Learning and Vocabulary Learning Self-Efficacy in an EFL Context
Frontiers in Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology

... Acknowledged as a pivotal factor in language learning, FLLE is intricately linked to heightened motivation, increased willingness to communicate, and ultimately, elevated learning outcomes (Botes, Dewaele, and Greiff 2021). Noteworthy research has uncovered a positive association between FLLE and various facets of language learning, including emotion, and learning achievement in second language (L2) learning contexts (Fathi and Mohammaddokht 2021;Li 2020). However, few studies have examined the association between enjoyment perception specifically for IPA learning outcomes with the dialoguing with virtual Charade, thus, a hypothesis was proposed as follows. ...

Foreign Language Enjoyment and Anxiety as the Correlates of the Ideal L2 Self in the English as a Foreign Language Context
Frontiers in Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology