F. K. Huzin's research while affiliated with Kazan National Research Technological University and other places

Publications (2)

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The promising direction of innovative technologies in bakery is the production of bread with the use of wheat germ (Triticumaestivum L.), in which all the nutrients incorporated into the grain by nature are rationally used. Germination of grain is accompanied by a significant increase in its antioxidant capacity, which makes it advisable to use spr...


... Confectionery products are characterized by a high caloric content and quick absorption by the body. These properties are characteristic of confectionery products due to the use of sugar, caramel syrup, oils, milk and milk products, egg products, cocoa beans, fruits, and nuts, as well as flours from various grains [1], [2], [3]. ...
... In the modern world, the complex of plant extractives is widely used in the field of cosmetology, medicine and the food industry and is of particular interest not only for phytochemists, but also for researchers who are solving the problems of optimizing technologies for extracting valuable components [1][2][3][4]. Unfortunately, today the production of perfumery compositions or medicines from plant materials entails the irrational use of production waste, such as leaves, bark and branches. ...