Erik C. Andersen's research while affiliated with Johns Hopkins University and other places

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Publications (280)

Genetic variants that modify neuroendocrine gene expression and foraging behavior of C. elegans
  • Article

June 2024


4 Reads

Science Advances

Harksun Lee


Sonia A Boor


Zoë A Hilbert




Dennis H Kim

The molecular mechanisms underlying diversity in animal behavior are not well understood. A major experimental challenge is determining the contribution of genetic variants that affect neuronal gene expression to differences in behavioral traits. In Caenorhabditis elegans , the neuroendocrine transforming growth factor–β ligand, DAF-7, regulates diverse behavioral responses to bacterial food and pathogens. The dynamic neuron-specific expression of daf-7 is modulated by environmental and endogenous bacteria-derived cues. Here, we investigated natural variation in the expression of daf-7 from the ASJ pair of chemosensory neurons. We identified common genetic variants in gap-2 , encoding a Ras guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase)–activating protein homologous to mammalian synaptic Ras GTPase-activating protein, which modify daf-7 expression cell nonautonomously and promote exploratory foraging behavior in a partially DAF-7–dependent manner. Our data connect natural variation in neuron-specific gene expression to differences in behavior and suggest that genetic variation in neuroendocrine signaling pathways mediating host-microbe interactions may give rise to diversity in animal behavior.


Figure 1: GWAS of natural variation in alcohol sensitivity of 152 C. elegans wild strains. 404 (A) Overview of high-throughput behavioral screen for naïve alcohol sensitivity in 152 C. 405 elegans wild isolates. In each assay, basal egg-laying rates were measured using ten clonal 406 adults, and strain average phenotypes were calculated as the average phenotype score 407 across ~10 replicates for each genotype. Distribution of alcohol intoxication sensitivity in 408 the population is depicted in top right corner. (B) Manhattan plot of GWAS for alcohol 409 sensitivity. Each panel represents a chromosome (I-V & X); each point represents an SNV 410 marker. X-axis represents genomic position (Mb), and y-axis denotes significance (-411 log10(p)). The black dotted line denotes genome-wide significance cutoff after correcting for 412 the number of independent association tests. Highlighted with a vertical red box is the 413 ChrV QTL that was pursued for fine mapping. 414
Figure 2: Fine mapping chromosome V QTL associated with decreased sensitivity. 417 (A) Each point in boxplots represents the average alcohol sensitivity of a single strain. Y-418 axis denotes alcohol intoxication sensitivity, and genotype at SNV is shown along the X-axis 419 (REF or ALT). Average phenotypes of all strains were segregated by their genotype at the 420 denoted allele. Top graph shows strains segregated by genotype at the genome-wide 421 significant SNV identified by GWAS. Middle and bottom graphs show phenotypes 422 segregated by genotype at the two high impact mutation candidate variants identified by 423 fine mapping. (B) Results from fine mapping. Each line represents an SNV in the significant 424 interval (V:16,638,047-18,330,166) from GWAS. Y-axis denotes significance. Color fill of 425 each SNV represents predicted variant effect, where red denotes high-impact variants, gray 426 represents low-impact variants, and light gray represents intergenic/linker variants. (C) Left 427 shows the genotype of six strains at the two high-impact variants predicted in each 428 candidate gene nearest the GWAS peak marker, dkf-2, and immt-2. In a small subset of 429 strains (left; pink and blue multicolored bars), candidate variants in dkf-2 were not in strong 430 LD with candidate variants in immt-2. (Right) Average intoxication sensitivity of each 431 genotype arranged from least to most sensitive (left) (mean & SEM; n=10-15). Color 432
Figure 3: Independent deletion alleles in the highly conserved C. elegans orthologue of 448 PKD (dkf-2) predictably reduce alcohol sensitivity. 449 (A) Protein kinase D is functionally conserved from humans to C. elegans. The human gene 450 products (PKD1, PKD2, PKD3) are compared to one isoform of the C. elegans ortholog 451 (DKF-2-A). Orthologous functional domains are labeled. (B) Known interactions of PKD. 452 PKDs are most often downstream effectors of DAG-PKC signaling cascades. Activated 453
Natural variation in protein kinase D modifies alcohol sensitivity in Caenorhabditis elegans
  • Preprint
  • File available

June 2024


10 Reads

Differences in naïve alcohol sensitivity between individuals are a strong predictor of later life alcohol use disorders (AUD). However, the genetic bases for alcohol sensitivity (beyond ethanol metabolism) and pharmacological approaches to modulate alcohol sensitivity remain poorly understood. We used a high-throughput behavioral screen to measure acute behavioral sensitivity to alcohol, a model of intoxication, in a genetically diverse set of over 150 wild strains of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans . We performed a genome-wide association study to identify loci that underlie natural variation in alcohol sensitivity. We identified five quantitative trait loci (QTL) and further show that variants in the C. elegans ortholog of protein kinase D, dkf-2 , likely underlie the chromosome V QTL. We found that resistance to intoxication was conferred by dkf-2 loss-of-function mutations as well as partly by a PKD inhibitor in a dkf-2 -dependent manner. Protein kinase D might represent a conserved, druggable target to modify alcohol sensitivity with application towards AUD. Significance statement Here, we identify a novel role for protein kinase D ( dkf-2 ) in C. elegans alcohol sensitivity. PKD, like protein kinase C, might represent a newly discovered druggable target to modify alcohol response. Identifying causal variants in genes of the remaining loci will likewise provide new insights into the genetic basis of variation in naïve alcohol sensitivity in C. elegans and other organisms.


Gene duplication and evolutionary plasticity of lin-12/Notch gene function in Caenorhabditis

May 2024


4 Reads


Gene duplication is an important substrate for the evolution of new gene functions, but the impacts of gene duplicates on their own activities and on the developmental networks in which they act are poorly understood. Here, we use a natural experiment of lin-12/Notch gene duplication within the nematode genus Caenorhabditis, combined with characterization of loss- and gain-of-function mutations, to uncover functional distinctions between the duplicate genes in 1 species (Caenorhabditis briggsae) and their single-copy ortholog in Caenorhabditis elegans. First, using improved genomic sequence and gene model characterization, we confirm that the C. briggsae genome includes 2 complete lin-12 genes, whereas most other genes encoding proteins that participate in the LIN-12 signaling pathway retain a one-to-one orthology with C. elegans. We use CRISPR-mediated genome editing to introduce alleles predicted to cause gain-of-function (gf) or loss-of-function (lf) into each C. briggsae gene and find that the gf mutations uncover functional distinctions not apparent from the lf alleles. Specifically, Cbr-lin-12.1(gf), but not Cbr-lin-12.2(gf), causes developmental defects similar to those observed in Cel-lin-12(gf). In contrast to Cel-lin-12(gf), however, the Cbr-lin-12.1(gf) alleles do not cause dominant phenotypes as compared to the wild type, and the mutant phenotype is observed only when 2 gf alleles are present. Our results demonstrate that gene duplicates can exhibit differential capacities to compensate for each other and to interfere with normal development, and uncover coincident gene duplication and evolution of developmental sensitivity to LIN-12/Notch activity.

Gene models of ben-1 and the three genes encoding for GluCl subunits in C. elegans
Predicted gene models presented for ben-1, avr-14, avr-15, and glc-1 include exons (orange rectangles) and introns (gray lines) in the C. elegans laboratory-adapted strain N2 background (WS283). Black bars underneath each gene display the span of the deletion present in each gene for the strains assayed (S1 Table).
Competitive fitness assays across seven generations in DMSO, albendazole, and ivermectin. A barcoded N2 wild-type strain, PTM229, was competed with strains that have deletions in either one, two, or three genes that encode GluCl channels or the beta-tubulin gene ben-1 in (A) DMSO (1%), (C) albendazole (1.25 μM), and (E) ivermectin (1.5 nM). Generation is shown on the x-axis, and the relative allele frequencies of the nine strains with genome-edited alleles and N2 are shown on the y-axis. The log2-transformed competitive fitness of each allele is plotted in (B) DMSO (1%), (D) albendazole (1.25 μM), and (F) ivermectin (1.5 nM). The gene tested is shown on the x-axis, and the competitive fitness is shown on the y-axis. Each point represents a biological replicate of that competition experiment. Data are shown as Tukey box plots with the median as a solid horizontal line, and the top and bottom of the box representing the 75th and 25th quartiles, respectively. The top whisker is extended to the maximum point that is within the 1.5 interquartile range from the 75th quartile. The bottom whisker is extended to the minimum point that is within the 1.5 interquartile range from the 25th quartile. Significant differences between the wild-type N2 strain and all the other alleles are shown as asterisks above the data from each strain (p > 0.05 = ns, p < 0.001 = ***, p < 0.0001 = ****, Tukey HSD). Because two DMSO competitive fitness assays were performed, results from both DMSO assays are reported (S2 Fig).
Variation in lifetime fecundity of beta-tubulin and GluCl mutants in the presence of DMSO, albendazole, or ivermectin. Bar plots for lifetime fecundity, y-axis, for each deletion strain on the x-axis in (A) DMSO (1%), (B) albendazole (1.25 μM), and (C) ivermectin (1.5 nM) are shown. Error bars show the standard deviation of lifetime fecundity among 7–10 replicates. The laboratory reference strain, N2, is colored orange. Other strains are colored by genotype. Comparisons of lifetime fecundity between the laboratory reference strain, N2, and all deletion strains are shown. Statistical significance was calculated using Tukey HSD. Significance of each comparison is shown above each comparison pair (p > 0.05 = ns, p < 0.05 = *, p < 0.01 = **, p < 0.001 = ***, p < 0.0001 = ****, Tukey HSD).
High-throughput assays for each mutant strain in the presence of albendazole and ivermectin. The regressed median animal length values for populations of nematodes grown in either (A) 30 μM albendazole or (B) 250 nM ivermectin are shown on the y-axis. Each point represents the normalized median animal length value of a well containing approximately 5–30 animals. Data are shown as Tukey box plots with the median as a solid horizontal line, and the top and bottom of the box representing the 75th and 25th quartiles, respectively. The top whisker is extended to the maximum point that is within the 1.5 interquartile range from the 75th quartile. The bottom whisker is extended to the minimum point that is within the 1.5 interquartile range from the 25th quartile. Significant differences between the wild-type strain and all other deletions are shown as asterisks above the data from each strain (p > 0.05 = ns, p < 0.001 = ***, p < 0.0001 = ****, Tukey HSD).
Spearman-rank correlations between 124 wild isolates exposed to BZs and MLs. Spearman-rank correlations and significance testing were performed between 124 wild isolates exposed to six BZs and seven MLs. The dendrograms were constructed using Euclidean distance and complete linkage metrics and then split into their two largest clusters to show the relationships of similarities between the 124 wild strains exposed to the two major anthelmintic classes. A correlation of 1 signifies the strongest phenotypic correlation (i.e., identical median animal lengths) and a correlation of -0.2 signifies the weakest phenotypic correlation (i.e., dissimilar median animal lengths). Significant correlations (p < 0.05) were recorded (S3 Table).
Quantifying the fitness effects of resistance alleles with and without anthelmintic selection pressure using Caenorhabditis elegans

May 2024


22 Reads

PLOS Pathogens

PLOS Pathogens

Albendazole (a benzimidazole) and ivermectin (a macrocyclic lactone) are the two most commonly co-administered anthelmintic drugs in mass-drug administration programs worldwide. Despite emerging resistance, we do not fully understand the mechanisms of resistance to these drugs nor the consequences of delivering them in combination. Albendazole resistance has primarily been attributed to variation in the drug target, a beta-tubulin gene. Ivermectin targets glutamate-gated chloride channels (GluCls), but it is unknown whether GluCl genes are involved in ivermectin resistance in nature. Using Caenorhabditis elegans, we defined the fitness costs associated with loss of the drug target genes singly or in combinations of the genes that encode GluCl subunits. We quantified the loss-of-function effects on three traits: (i) multi-generational competitive fitness, (ii) fecundity, and (iii) development. In competitive fitness and development assays, we found that a deletion of the beta-tubulin gene ben-1 conferred albendazole resistance, but ivermectin resistance required the loss of two GluCl genes (avr-14 and avr-15). The fecundity assays revealed that loss of ben-1 did not provide any fitness benefit in albendazole conditions and that no GluCl deletion mutants were resistant to ivermectin. Next, we searched for evidence of multi-drug resistance across the three traits. Loss of ben-1 did not confer resistance to ivermectin, nor did loss of any single GluCl subunit or combination confer resistance to albendazole. Finally, we assessed the development of 124 C. elegans wild strains across six benzimidazoles and seven macrocyclic lactones to identify evidence of multi-drug resistance between the two drug classes and found a strong phenotypic correlation within a drug class but not across drug classes. Because each gene affects various aspects of nematode physiology, these results suggest that it is necessary to assess multiple fitness traits to evaluate how each gene contributes to anthelmintic resistance.

Direct inference of the distribution of fitness effects of spontaneous mutations from recombinant inbred C. elegans mutation accumulation lines

May 2024


11 Reads

The distribution of fitness effects (DFE) of new mutations plays a central role in evolutionary biology. Estimates of the DFE from experimental Mutation Accumulation (MA) lines are compromised by the complete linkage disequilibrium (LD) between mutations in different lines. To reduce LD, we constructed two sets of recombinant inbred lines from a cross of two C. elegans MA lines. One set of lines (“RIAILs”) was intercrossed for ten generations prior to ten generations of selfing; the second set of lines (“RILs”) omitted the intercrossing. Residual LD in the RIAILs is much less than in the RILs, which affects the inferred DFE when the sets of lines are analyzed separately. The best-fit model estimated from all lines (RIAILs + RILs) infers a large fraction of mutations with positive effects (∼40%); models that constrain mutations to have negative effects fit much worse. The conclusion is the same using only the RILs. For the RIAILs, however, models that constrain mutations to have negative effects fit nearly as well as models that allow positive effects. When mutations in high LD are pooled into haplotypes, the inferred DFE becomes increasingly negative-skewed and leptokurtic. We conclude that the conventional wisdom - most mutations have effects near zero, a handful of mutations have effects that are substantially negative and mutations with positive effects are very rare – is likely correct, and that unless it can be shown otherwise, estimates of the DFE that infer a substantial fraction of mutations with positive effects are likely confounded by LD.

Quantitative tests of albendazole resistance in beta-tubulin mutants

April 2024


10 Reads

Benzimidazole (BZ) anthelmintics are among the most important treatments for parasitic nematode infections in the developing world. Widespread BZ resistance in veterinary parasites and emerging resistance in human parasites raise major concerns for the continued use of BZs. Knowledge of the mechanisms of resistance is necessary to make informed treatment decisions and circumvent resistance. Benzimidazole resistance has traditionally been associated with mutations and natural variants in the C. elegans beta-tubulin gene ben-1 and orthologs in parasitic species. However, variants in ben-1 alone do not explain the differences in BZ responses across parasite populations. Here, we examine the roles of five C. elegans beta-tubulin genes ( tbb-1 , mec-7 , tbb-4 , ben-1 , and tbb-6 ) to identify the role each gene plays in BZ response. We generated C. elegans strains with a loss of each beta-tubulin gene, as well as strains with a loss of tbb-1 , mec-7 , tbb-4 , or tbb-6 in a genetic background that also lacks ben-1 to test beta-tubulin redundancy in BZ response. We found that only the individual loss of ben-1 conferred a substantial level of BZ resistance, although the loss of tbb-1 was found to confer a small benefit in the presence of albendazole (ABZ). The loss of ben-1 was found to confer an almost complete rescue of animal development in the presence of 30 µM ABZ, likely explaining why no additive effects caused by the loss of a second beta-tubulin were observed. We demonstrate that ben-1 is the only beta-tubulin gene in C. elegans where loss confers substantial BZ resistance. Highlights - Loss of ben-1 provides almost complete rescue of development in albendazole (ABZ) - Loss of different beta-tubulin genes does not confer ABZ resistance - Loss of ben-1 and a second beta-tubulin does not enhance the ben-1 level of ABZ resistance

Fig 2. Competitive fitness assays across seven generations in DMSO, albendazole, and 224 ivermectin. 225 A barcoded N2 wild-type strain, PTM229, was competed with strains that have deletions in either 226 one, two, or three genes that encode GluCl channels or the beta-tubulin gene ben-1 in (A) DMSO, 227 (C) albendazole, and (E) ivermectin. Generation is shown on the x-axis, and the relative allele 228 frequencies of the nine strains with genome-edited alleles and N2 are shown on the y-axis. The 229 log2-transformed competitive fitness of each allele is plotted in (B) DMSO, (D) albendazole, and 230 (F) ivermectin. The gene tested is shown on the x-axis, and the competitive fitness is shown on 231
Quantifying the fitness effects of resistance alleles with and without anthelmintic selection pressure using Caenorhabditis elegans

February 2024


32 Reads


1 Citation

Albendazole and ivermectin are the two most commonly co-administered anthelmintic drugs in mass-drug administration programs worldwide. Despite emerging resistance, we do not fully understand the mechanisms of resistance to these drugs nor the consequences of delivering them in combination. Albendazole resistance has primarily been attributed to variation in the drug target, a beta-tubulin gene. Ivermectin targets glutamate-gated chloride channel (GluCl) genes, but it is unknown whether these genes are involved in ivermectin resistance in nature. Using Caenorhabditis elegans , we defined the fitness costs associated with loss of the drug target genes singly or in combinations of the genes that encode GluCl subunits. We quantified the loss-of-function effects on three traits: (i) multi-generational competitive fitness, (ii) fecundity, and (iii) development. In competitive fitness and development assays, we found that a deletion of the beta-tubulin gene ben-1 conferred albendazole resistance, but ivermectin resistance required loss of two GluCl genes ( avr-14 and avr-15 ) or loss of three GluCl genes ( avr-14 , avr-15 , and glc-1 ). The fecundity assays revealed that loss of ben-1 did not provide any fitness benefit in albendazole and that no GluCl deletion mutants were resistant to ivermectin. Next, we searched for evidence of multi-drug resistance across the three traits. Loss of ben-1 did not confer resistance to ivermectin, nor did loss of any single GluCl subunit or combination confer resistance to albendazole. Finally, we assessed the development of 124 C. elegans wild strains across six benzimidazoles and seven macrocyclic lactones to identify evidence of multi-drug resistance between the two drug classes and found a strong phenotypic correlation within a drug class but not across drug classes. Because each gene affects various aspects of nematode physiology, these results suggest that it is necessary to assess multiple fitness traits to evaluate how each gene contributes to anthelmintic resistance. AUTHOR SUMMARY Control of parasitic nematodes often depends on mass-drug administration (MDA) programs, where combinations of anthelmintics are distributed to at-risk populations. Two commonly co-administered anthelmintic drugs in MDA programs are albendazole and ivermectin, and resistance to both drugs has emerged. Although the mechanism of resistance (MoR) to albendazole has been primarily attributed to variation in a beta-tubulin gene, the MoR to ivermectin remains unknown. Ivermectin acts through pentameric glutamate-gated chloride channels (GluCls). However, it is unclear whether genes that encode GluCls are involved in ivermectin resistance in parasitic nematodes. Using Caenorhabditis elegans , we quantified the fitness costs associated with deletions of the beta-tubulin gene ben-1 and three genes encoding GluCl subunits avr-14 , avr-15 , and glc-1 on three traits: (i) multi-generational competitive fitness, (ii) fecundity, and (iii) development. We found different anthelmintic responses across strains and traits but no evidence of multi-drug resistance. Our results suggest that multiple traits should be considered to understand resistance comprehensively and that the determination of whether a gene plays a role in anthelmintic resistance depends on the trait measured. Understanding the quantitative effects and fitness-associated costs of each GluCl subunit in C. elegans can help explain the costs of mutations in these subunits in parasites.

Transposon-mediated genic rearrangements underlie variation in small RNA pathways

January 2024


19 Reads

Transposable elements (TEs) are parasitic DNA sequences that insert into the host genome and can cause alterations in host gene structure and expression. Host organisms cope with the often detrimental consequences caused by recent transposition and develop mechanisms that repress TE activities. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, a small interfering RNA (siRNA) pathway dependent on the helicase ERI-6/7 primarily silences long terminal repeat retrotransposons and recent genes of likely viral origin. By studying gene expression variation among wild C. elegans strains, we discovered that structural variants and transposon remnants at the eri-6/7 locus alter its expression in cis and underlie a trans-acting expression quantitative trait locus affecting non-conserved genes and pseudogenes. Multiple insertions of the Polinton DNA transposon (also known as Mavericks) reshuffled the eri-6/7 locus in different configurations, separating the eri-6 and eri-7 exons and causing the inversion of eri-6 as seen in the reference N2 genome. In the inverted configuration, gene function was previously shown to be repaired by unusual trans-splicing mediated by direct repeats flanking the inversion. We show that these direct repeats originated from terminal inverted repeats specific to C. elegans Polintons. This trans-splicing event occurs infrequently compared to cis-splicing to novel downstream exons, thus affecting the production of ERI-6/7. Diverse Polinton-induced structural variations display regulatory effects within the locus and on targets of ERI-6/7-dependent siRNA pathways. Our findings highlight the role of host-transposon interactions in driving rapid host genome diversification among natural populations and shed light on evolutionary novelty in genes and splicing mechanisms.

CaeNDR, the Caenorhabditis Natural Diversity Resource

October 2023


10 Reads


11 Citations

Nucleic Acids Research

Studies of model organisms have provided important insights into how natural genetic differences shape trait variation. These discoveries are driven by the growing availability of genomes and the expansive experimental toolkits afforded to researchers using these species. For example, Caenorhabditis elegans is increasingly being used to identify and measure the effects of natural genetic variants on traits using quantitative genetics. Since 2016, the C. elegans Natural Diversity Resource (CeNDR) has facilitated many of these studies by providing an archive of wild strains, genome-wide sequence and variant data for each strain, and a genome-wide association (GWA) mapping portal for the C. elegans community. Here, we present an updated platform, the Caenorhabditis Natural Diversity Resource (CaeNDR), that enables quantitative genetics and genomics studies across the three Caenorhabditis species: C. elegans, C. briggsae and C. tropicalis. The CaeNDR platform hosts several databases that are continually updated by the addition of new strains, whole-genome sequence data and annotated variants. Additionally, CaeNDR provides new interactive tools to explore natural variation and enable GWA mappings. All CaeNDR data and tools are accessible through a freely available web portal located at

Citations (58)

... For the network in Fig 3B, we obtained whole-genome sequence data of 39 wild C. briggsae strains from Caenorhabditis Natural Diversity Resource (CaeNDR) [36] and called genetic variants among them using the pipeline wi-gatk [37]. We pruned the resulting hard-filtered VCF to 1,958,505 biallelic SNVs without missing genotypes using BCFtools (v.1.9) ...


Natural variation in infection specificity of Caenorhabditis briggsae isolates by two RNA viruses
CaeNDR, the Caenorhabditis Natural Diversity Resource

Nucleic Acids Research

... Low scalability and people power are major obstacles that need to be overcome by the many facets of computational biology where curation is essential. Annotation efforts of other genomic features have shown that crowd sourcing through teaching [16][17][18][19][20][21][22], or "course sourcing" as we call it, has the benefit of providing participants with hands-on skills for curation and experience on how to reconcile biology with technical limitations, while simultaneously sharing the workload of time-consuming curation across multiple people working on different parts at the same time. Thus, we argue that a TE curation effort that would take months or years for a single person may fit into a few days or weeks of teaching, of course as long as reproducibility and comparability are ensured throughout course duration. ...

Novel and improved Caenorhabditis briggsae gene models generated by community curation

BMC Genomics

... A frozen ABZ aliquot was defrosted shortly before adding the 02 drug to the assay plates. 03 04 2.5 High-throughput phenotyping assay (HTA) 05 A previously described HTA was used for all ABZ response phenotyping assays (Shaver et al., 2023). 06 ...

Variation in anthelmintic responses are driven by genetic differences among diverse C. elegans wild strains
PLOS Pathogens

PLOS Pathogens

... Highly repetitive DNA consists of satellite DNA and moderately repetitive DNA, is further classified into tandem repeats and interspersed repeats. Tandem repeats are sequences of two or more than two nucleotides that are repeated many times in the head-to-tail fashion, consisting of mini and microsatellites (also called short tandem repeats) and multiple gene family, while interspersed repeats are randomly distributed consisting of SINEs [short, interspersed element] and LINEs [long interspersed elements] (12)(13)(14) . Some other types of repeats like direct repeat, inverted repeats, everted repeats and palindromic sequences are also present within the various genome, and all these repeats have their own significant role. ...

Interplay Between Polymorphic Short Tandem Repeats and Gene Expression Variation in Caenorhabditis elegans

Molecular Biology and Evolution

... It is therefore conceivable that other molecular targets or modes of action exist in either species and that orthologous genes or pathways are present [7]. Furthermore, the trait used to determine sensitivity can affect strain responses [40,53] and association mapping results. Maybe development is not the ideal trait to study in C. elegans, because PZQ efficacy is age-dependent and less active against juvenile schistosomes [54,55] and studying lethality of adult nematodes might be a better comparison. ...

Variation in anthelmintic responses are driven by genetic differences among diverse C. elegans strains

... Different phenotypes of nematode species are produced by different ascarosides or combinations of ascarosides; even slight changes in the chemical structure tend to produce drastically different patterns of activity. As a rule, the patterns of the biosynthesis of ascarosides are linked to the phylogeny, lifestyle, and ecological niche of the organism [14,36,37]. In addition, different concentrations of the same ascarosides can have different effects on nematodes. ...

Natural genetic variation in the pheromone production of C. elegans

... Te results showed that nuciferine notably decreased the lipofuscin accumulation level of worms by 10.42%, 19.93%, and 22.21% at concentrations of 50, 100, and 200 μM, respectively (Figures 2(c) and 2(d), p < 0.0001). Besides, the growth and development indicators of nematodes, body length and body width, are commonly used to evaluate the safety of drugs [27,28]. However, no signifcant diferences were found in body length and body width between nuciferine-treated worms and control worms (Figures 2(e) and 2(f ), p > 0.05). ...

Characterization of larval growth in C. elegans cuticle mutants

... elegans and natural resistance to these compounds has arisen through genetic variation in beta-tubulin [57,58]. Host toxicity has been shown to be mediated through inhibition of neuronal beta-tubulin [59]. Carbendazim, fenbendazole and oxfendazole are present in the PRB, however, in our preliminary screening, we did not find that these compounds improved progeny production in the presence of N. parisii. ...

Benzimidazoles cause lethality by inhibiting the function of Caenorhabditis elegans neuronal beta-tubulin

International Journal for Parasitology Drugs and Drug Resistance

... Approximately fifteen years ago Kopp et al. (2007) described a pyrantel-resistant isolate in Australia. Within the last few years, A. caninum genetic markers for benzimidazole drug-resistance became available (Furtado et al., 2014;Schwenkenbecher and Kaplan, 2009;Venkatesan et al., 2023) and can be used to evaluate the distribution of fenbendazole resistance in A. caninum in USA dogs (Jimenez Castro et al., 2021;Leutenegger et al., 2023). Venkatesan et al. (2023) and Leutenegger et al. (2023) demonstrated it is no longer just a "Greyhound problem," as the fenbendazole resistance genetic marker in A. caninum is now widely distributed in USA pet dogs. ...

Molecular evidence of widespread benzimidazole drug resistance in Ancylostoma caninum from domestic dogs throughout the USA and discovery of a novel isotype-1 β-tubulin benzimidazole resistance mutation

... No obvious homology is observed around the breakpoints of the sprDf1 allele, suggesting that the microdeletion allele may not have arisen by this classic mechanism. However, extended microsatellite repeat sequences are located within a few hundred base pairs of both breakpoint sites [54]. An extended octonucleotide repeat sequence ATGCCTAC is found in 27 copies upstream of the left breakpoint, and 26 copies of a hexanucleotide repeat sequence CTAAGC are found upstream of the right breakpoint. ...

Natural variation in C. elegans short tandem repeats

Genome Research