Eric Mollard's research while affiliated with Institute of Research for Development and other places

Publications (31)

Avec les menaces de boycott de part et d'autre de la frontière et les injonctions réitérées des USA pour que le Mexique paie sa dette accumulée en eau, le conflit entre le Texas et le Chihuahua culmine en 2002. Il ponctue un épisode de sécheresse de plus de dix ans qui a mis à l'épreuve le traité international de 1944 qui fixe la répartition des ea...
The environmental conflict can be misleading because of discourses constructed by opposing parties. This paper proposes some principles to deconstruct the discourse, including expertise, to identify the part of speech that seeks to legitimize and unify a social group. Unspoken powers, interests and ideologies are at the heart of this critical metho...
Through the political history of water, that is to say, the history of not only speeches but also actors who hide their interest and power, this work shows the oldness of the use, by the elite, of international benchmarks. It shows the same oldness of the very poor implementation of idealized foreign models in national institutions. The technocrati...
L'analyse des acteurs dans les enjeux environnementaux suggère de ne pas rechercher de coupable. L'article souligne deux éléments: - la conscience locale (ou légitimité locale) que chaque acteur a de son action et - la faible marge de liberté dont chacun dispose.
This book contains 11 papers which cover a range of vital topics in the areas of water, agriculture, food security and ecosystems - the entire spectrum of developing and managing water in agriculture, from fully irrigated to fully rainfed lands. They are about people and society, why they decide to adopt certain practices and not others and, in par...
Many programs and reforms for environmental protection are doomed to fail. In developing countries, the situation is critical because programs and reforms are often diverted from their initial objective. Are the forms of democracy in question? Through a comparison of processes that slow down or block the application of the general will, we discuss...
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The Lerma-Chapala basin exemplifies the challenges posed by basin closure, where surface water allocation mechanisms, lack of environmental flows and access to water are critical issues. Underlying these issues is a need for accurate water accounting that is transparent and publicly available. This paper describes basin closure in the Lerma-Chapala...
Avec la participation sociale, l'environnement, le développement durable, la décentralisation et bien d'autres notions, la gouvernance caractérise l'époque actuelle. Plus particulièrement, la gouvernance résume une philosophie pragmatique de l'interaction sociale qui ne dépend pas exclusivement des organigrammes, dispositifs législatifs et appareil...
La notion de " meilleure pratique " est devenue courante dans des domaines aussi variés que la lutte contre le terrorisme, les programmes contre la pauvreté, la gestion du risque industriel, la migration, le management, le développement urbain ou la santé . L'apparente nouveauté consiste à collecter et diffuser des procédures et des techniques qui...
The instrumentalization of the NGOs in Mexico in Indian and non-Indian affairs Government action in Mexico has opened out to the world of the associations concerned with natural resources management. It emerges that the NGOs’ involvement falls in with the traditional political tactic of bringing them into line. This is shown by examination of two e...
"Negotiations around divergent interests concerning the distribution of water in the Lerma-Chapala river basin are among the most advanced ones in Mexico. More than ten years after the first agreements and the creation of a river basin committee, negotiation is going through a period of stagnation. "This communication firstly recalls how the negoti...


... Thus, actors cannot know what they 'need' until they know who they are. 7. 'The hydraulic mission entails that the state, embodied in an autonomous hydrocracy, takes the lead in water resources development to capture as much water as possible for human uses' (Wester et al., 2009). 8. ...
... So, basins are understood for the present study as a socio-ecological system because they are a space where natural and social resources interact in a permanent and dynamic process through organizations, projects and/or worldviews (49) . In addition, it will have as a framework for the management of water resources, defined under a social, economic and operational approach and also a territorial and hydrological approach traditionally used (47,50,51) . ...
... The practice of ethics is characterized by two main approaches [28,29,30,31]. An approach based on utilitarianism, on the evaluation of the actions engaged and the responsibility, where the decision-maker must assess the extent and nature of the impact of the functioning of his organization on the stakeholders [32]. ...
... Una de las problemáticas en torno a los recursos hídricos en México es el creciente surgimiento e intensificación de conflictos en torno al agua (Vargas y Mollard, 2004;Sainz y Becerra, 2007;Kloster, 2016;Torregrosa, 2017); de acuerdo con Ruiz y Pacheco-Vega (2021), en la actualidad existen al menos 90 conflictos activos relacionados con el agua en el país. Algunos lo atribuyen al binomio escasez-competencia por el recurso (Rodríguez, 2012); otros señalan la causa en las características de política hídrica, destacando la dimensión económica del recurso (Perevochtchikova, 2010;Toledo et al., 2014); y otros hacen hincapié en aspectos relacionados con el arreglo institucional en torno a la gestión del agua (Amaya, 2007;Mollard et al., 2010). ...
... Ces aides préservent la fragmentation du conflit et pérennisent le système même si la défiance envers l'Etat et donc la multiplication des conflits sont les conséquences de ces aides. Le lac de Cuitzeo illustre l'appui clientéliste aux communautés de pêcheurs et de riverains en compétition quand l'Etat a successivement surcreusé l'exutoire et l'a bouché (Marie et al 2005). ...
... La administración de los sistemas de gran irrigación ha estado, desde sus inicios, bajo el control directo de los gobiernos en la mayoría de los países, los cuales se han encargado no solo de su supervisión sino también de su construcción, operación y mantenimiento, en gran parte porque existe la creencia generalizada de que únicamente así se tendría éxito en dichas tareas (Hunt, 1988). México no ha sido la excepción; con la creación de los distritos de riego en 1926, se estableció que los usuarios agrícolas no tendrían ningún tipo de participación en la gestión de las obras de irrigación y solo recibirían el agua en sus parcelas (Vargas y Mollard, 2005). ...
... However, Scott & Garces-Restrepo (2000) argued that an increment in water use efficiency could lead to lower aquifer recharge, therefore worsening the existing aquifer crisis. Besides, it is likely that a large portion of the estimated 500 hm³ annual gains in efficiency calculated by Huerta et al. (2001), would be used by downstream users, if not by the now more efficient users themselves, as Mollard et al. (2005) argued in the case of the Lerma-Chapala basin, as well as other authors have suggested around the world (van Halsema & Vincent, 2012;Berbel et al., 2014;Grafton et al., 2018). Mollard et al. (2005) suggested that more water savings can be made by better organizing those irrigation districts where internal norms of water allocation are not abided. ...
... Following the construction of 118 dams in the basin from 1960 to 1969, and 80 from 1970 to 1989 (Cotler & Gutierrez, 2005), the dam storage capacity of the basin increased 2,682 hm³ since the first crisis (Figure 2.4). The Green Revolution increased groundwater development at a rate of 7% per year (Vargas-Velázquez & Mollard, 2005). In Guanajuato alone, almost 18,000 additional boreholes were constructed (Acevedo-Torres, 2004), leading to serious groundwater over-exploitation (Sandoval, 2004). ...
... The TVC sits between the Suchiate and Coatán river basins (Vargas and Mollard 2005;García-Palomo et al. 2006), two of the main rivers that drain the southern portion of Soconusco region. The Coatán River lies to the NW and the Suchiate River to the SE. ...
... In addition to this condition, Chapala Lake receives the wastewater of the populations settled on the shoreline of the Lake. This environment causes eutrophication problems in the lake as reported in several works (Hansen and Maya, 1997;Vargas and Mollard, 2005;Hernández-García, 2006;Cifuentes et al., 2011). ...