Ena Niño de Guzman Quispe's research while affiliated with Iberoamerican Cochrane Centre and other places

Publications (2)

Objective: To explore and characterize published evidence on the ways decision analysis has been used to inform shared decision-making. Study design and setting: For this scoping review, we searched five bibliographic databases (from inception until February 2021), reference lists of included studies, trial registries, a thesis database and webs...
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Background Self-management (SM) interventions are supportive interventions systematically provided by healthcare professionals, peers, or laypersons to increase the skills and confidence of patients in their ability to manage chronic diseases. We had two objectives: (1) to summarise the preferences and experiences of patients and their caregivers (...


... The international collaborative group DASH-TOP (Decision Analysis Shared decision-making Thromboprophylasis Of Pregancy) [12], is developing a SDM intervention to support women and their clinicians in making decisions about the best strategy to prevent recurrent VTE during pregnancy. This SDM intervention contains three components: 1) evidence-based information about the risks and benefits of taking LMWH to prevent VTE; 2) values elicitation exercises to explore women's preferences for each of the four health states relevant to this decision (i) inconvenience of using LMWH during pregnancy; (ii) major obstetrical bleed; (iii) Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) in pregnancy; and (iv) Pulmonary Embolism (PE) in pregnancy; and 3) a decision analysis (DA) model that presents which alternative has better expected value (i.e., quality-adjusted life year (QALY)) considering individualized data on the patient's risks and preferences toward different health states [13]. These components have been used successfully to support SDM resulting in improvements in the quality of the decisionmaking process [10,14,15]. ...
... To inform the recommendations, the COMPAR-EU consortium partners conducted a systematic review (SR) with standard pairwise meta-analyses, NMA, and cNMA to assess SMIs effectiveness, a cost-effectiveness analysis, a scoping review and an overview [29,30] to inform about patients values and preferences, and a contextual analysis to inform about acceptability, feasibility, and other implementation considerations [21]. ...