Emma Haettner's research while affiliated with GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and other places

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Publications (31)

Summary of FRS setting parameters.
Isomeric Lifetime Measurement in the Neutron-rich 189 Ta
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2023


102 Reads

The European Physical Journal Conferences

Sultan Alhomaidhi


Elif Sahin





Isomeric states of the neutron-rich isotope ¹⁸⁹ 73 Ta 116 were populated via fragmentation of a primary beam of ²⁰⁸ Pb ions at 1 GeV/u impinging on a ⁹ Be target at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany. The isotopes of interest were separated, identified and delivered to the DESPEC setup. Two isomers were deduced in ¹⁸⁹ Ta 116 and their lifetimes were measured based on the γ-ray time distributions.


Figure 1. Schematic view of the FRS and a detailed view (inset in dashed line) of the experimental setup at the final focal plane of the symmetric branch of the FRS. The standard detectors of the FRS used for in-flight particle identification are, (i) plastic scintillators (SCI) for the time of flight determination (TOF); (ii) ionization chambers (MUSIC) for the energy deposition measurements to deduce the atomic number; and (iii) time projection chambers (TPC) for position measurements to deduce the magnetic rigidity (Bρ). The intensity of the beam was measured by a large area parallel plate ionization chamber (IC) 36 . The beam was implanted into the PMMA phantom placed in between the top and bottom panels of the PET scanner.
Figure 2. Part of the 15 O low-energy run data as an example of the cycle structure of the secondary beam from the FRS and the time evolution of the coincidence events versus time. The shaded regions mark the periods of beam extraction from the synchrotron and are referred to as "beam ON". (a) The number of implanted ions per 100 ms measured with the ionization chamber and (b) the number of recorded coincidence events of positron activity signals per 100 ms measured by the PET scanner. Only coincidence events that occurred during beam-OFF periods are used in the analysis.
Figure 3. 2D PET images obtained during the high-energy implantation of oxygen isotopes in a PMMA phantom. The x and y axes represent the central plane of the beam, which also corresponds to the mid-horizontal plane of the scanner. The beam travels in the positive x-axis direction, and the beam entrance face of the phantom is marked by a white line. The color scale corresponds to the number of coincidence events. Each panel displays the implanted isotope and the total number of implantation cycles prior to the image. The implantation energy of the individual isotopes is provided in the topmost panels. The cycle time structure and beam intensities are given in Table 2. The images have been corrected for PET scanner sensitivity and attenuation in the phantom. The pixel size of the image reconstruction is 2×2 mm 2 .
Figure 6. 1D positron activity profiles obtained after 100 implantation cycles of 14 O, 15 O and 16 O beams in the PMMA phantom. The positron activity profiles are normalized to the total number of ions implanted during that particular run. Both the low-and high-energy runs are shown. Vertical solid lines indicate the range of the ions and dashed lines indicate the positron activity maxima of 16 O.
Quasi-real-time range monitoring by in-beam PET: A case for 15O

June 2023


124 Reads

fast and reliable range monitoring method is required to take full advantage of the high linear energy transfer (LET) provided by therapeutic ion beams like carbon and oxygen while minimizing damage to healthy tissue due to range uncertainties. Quasi-real-time range monitoring using in-beam positron emission tomography (PET) with positron-emitting isotopes of carbon and oxygen is a promising approach. The number of implanted ions and the time required for an unambiguous range verification are decisive factors for choosing a candidate isotope. An experimental study was performed at the FRS fragment-separator facility of GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Germany, to investigate the evolution of positron annihilation activity profiles during the implantation of ¹⁴O and ¹⁵O ion beams in a PMMA phantom. The positron activity profile was imaged by a dual-panel version of a Siemens Biograph mCT PET scanner. Results from a similar experiment using ion beams of carbon positron-emitters ¹¹C and ¹⁰C performed at the same experimental setup were used for comparison. Owing to their shorter half-lives, the number of implanted ions required for a precise positron annihilation activity peak determination is lower for ¹⁰C compared to ¹¹C and likewise for ¹⁴O compared to ¹⁵O, but their lower production cross-section makes it challenging to produce them with intensities of therapeutical needs. With a similar production cross-section and a 10 times shorter half-life than ¹¹C, ¹⁵O provides a faster conclusive positron annihilation activity peak position determination for a lower number of implanted ions compared to ¹¹C. We conclude that ¹⁵O is technically the most feasible candidate among positron emitters of carbon and oxygen for quasi-real-time in-beam range monitoring in ion beam therapy. The study also demonstrated that 15O beams of therapeutical quality in terms of purity, energy, and energy spread can be produced by the in-flight production and separation method.

Figure 1: Schematic figure of the second half of the FRS, including the cryogenic stopping cell of the FRS Ion Catcher at the final focal plane (F4). Mean range bunching is conceptually shown for three different ion species. At the final focal plane, ions of different energies and without the wedge-shaped degraded with different ranges than the reference ions (orange) are indicated using different colors (red, blue). Passing through a wedge-shaped degrader system (variable angle disk degrader and fixed angle degrader) with the optimized angle α allows for aligning the range distributions of all nuclides and stopping all simultaneously in the cryogenic stopping cell.
Figure 2: Simulation results of the residual range of ions for a decay spectroscopy campaign by the DESPEC collaboration around the neutron shell closure N=126 (S450), performed using LISE++ [9]. A 208 Pb beam with 1 GeV/u impinges on a 2500 mg/cm 2 Be Target (a, c) Stopping position in Si, representing the DSSDs of the AIDA detector [10]. (b, d) 2D plot of range vs. position in the dispersive plane at the final focus of the FRS. The colour represents the yield. (a, b) Standard operation: The range distribution is about 4 mm in Si. (c, d) Mean range bunching: the center of the stopping positions for different nuclides is compressed by almost an order of magnitude to about 0.6 mm in Si.
Mean range bunching of exotic nuclei produced by in-flight fragmentation and fission -- Stopped-beam experiments with increased efficiency

May 2023


52 Reads

The novel technique of mean range bunching has been developed and applied at the projectile fragment separator FRS at GSI in four experiments of the FAIR phase-0 experimental program. Using a variable degrader system at the final focal plane of the FRS, the ranges of the different nuclides can be aligned, allowing to efficiently implant a large number of different nuclides simultaneously in a gas-filled stopping cell or an implantation detector. Stopping and studying a cocktail beam overcomes the present limitations of stopped-beam experiments. The conceptual idea of mean range bunching is described and illustrated using simulations. In a single setting of the FRS, 37 different nuclides were stopped in the cryogenic stopping cell and were measured in a single setting broadband mass measurement with the multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer of the FRS Ion Catcher.

Experimental layout
A 500 MeV deuteron beam (red arrow) was accelerated by an accelerator complex at the RI Beam Factory and impinged on Sn targets. The ³He particles from the (d, ³He) reactions (blue arrow) were momentum-analysed by the BigRIPS spectrometer. Sets of multi-wire drift chambers (MWDCs) were installed at focal plane F5 to measure the ³He tracks. Two sets of plastic scintillation counters were installed at focal planes F5 and F7.
Measured spectra
a, Scattering angle (θ) dependence of the double differential cross-section. b, Measured excitation spectrum of the (d, ³He) reaction for scattering angle < 1.5 degrees. The tiny vertical bars show the statistical errors (σ). The most prominent peak near Ex ≈ 135.7 MeV is assigned to formation of pionic ¹²¹Sn atoms in the (1s)π state and a smaller peak near Ex ≈ 137.3 MeV to the (2p)π state. The pion emission threshold is shown by the vertical black line. As shown by the grey curve, we have fitted the spectrum in the Ex region indicated by the arrows and the grey masks using Bπ, Γπ, and the cross-sections of the (1s)π and (2p)π states and a linear background as the free parameters. The contributions from the pionic 1s, 2p and other states are decomposed and shown by the red, blue and green (dashed) curves, respectively.
Source data
Deduced in-medium ⟨q¯q⟩(ρ)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\langle \bar{{\boldsymbol{q}}}{\boldsymbol{q}}\rangle ({\boldsymbol{\rho}} )$$\end{document} normalized to ⟨q¯q⟩(0)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\langle \bar{{\boldsymbol{q}}}{\boldsymbol{q}}\rangle ({\boldsymbol{0}})$$\end{document} in vacuum
The abscissa is the density and the ordinate the ratio of ⟨q¯q⟩(ρ)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\langle \bar{q}q\rangle (\rho )}$$\end{document} in the medium to ⟨q¯q⟩(0)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\langle \bar{q}q\rangle (0)}$$\end{document} in vacuum. The result of the present experiment is shown by the filled red circle with error bars (σ). The red shaded region with white line shows the linear extrapolation of the present data with errors. Theoretical results are presented for Hübsch⁴⁷, Friedman¹⁴ with error bars (σ), Jido¹¹, Kaiser⁴⁸, Goda⁴⁹ and Lacour⁵⁰.
Chiral symmetry restoration at high matter density observed in pionic atoms

March 2023


122 Reads


7 Citations

Nature Physics

According to quantum chromodynamics, vacuum is not an empty space, because it is filled with quark–antiquark pairs. The pair has the same quantum numbers as the vacuum and forms a condensate because the strong interaction of the quantum chromodynamics is too strong to leave the vacuum empty. This quark–antiquark condensation, the chiral condensate, breaks the chiral symmetry of the vacuum. The expectation value of the chiral condensate is an order parameter of the chiral symmetry, which is expected to decrease at high temperatures or high matter densities where the chiral symmetry is partially restored. Head-on collisions of nuclei at ultra-relativistic energies have explored the high-temperature regime, but experiments at high densities are rare. Here we measure the spectrum of pionic ¹²¹Sn atoms and study the interaction between the pion and the nucleus. We find that the expectation value of the chiral condensate is reduced at finite density compared to the value in vacuum. The reduction is linearly extrapolated to the nuclear saturation density and indicates that the chiral symmetry is partially restored due to the extremely high density of the nucleus.

Fig. 1. Mass spectrum of 98 Cd ions (top panel), 94 Rh ions (middle panel) and 97 Rh ions (bottom panel). For 98 Cd and 97 Rh the data were fitted with a Hyper-EMG function with one exponential tail on each side. For 94 Rh the ground state (red curve) and isomeric state (blue curve) were fitted with a double Hyper-EMG with one exponential tail on the left side. The difference in peak shapes is due to the different ion-optical tuning of the MR-TOF-MS. An isomer-to-ground state ratio of 0.19(4) and 0.064(43) were determined for 94 Rh and 97 Rh, respectively. The histogram of the measured spectrum (black data points) is only drawn to guide the eye; the data analysis was based on the unbinned data (rug graph) below the mass spectrum using the weighted Maximum Likelihood procedure described in Ref. [55].
Fig. 2. Experimental level scheme of 94 Rh versus shell model calculations for various interactions and model spaces. The suggested assignment of the spins of the ground and isomeric states is based on mass measurements (previous Penning trap and the MR-TOF-MS measurements presented here) of the long-lived state together with the theoretical shell model calculations in this work. The direct measurement of both states and thus the excitation energy was derived in this measurement for the first time. The red color shows the entangled states affected by the direct measurement of isomer. The further level information is taken from the ENSDF, published in Ref. [61].
Fig. 3. The shifted two-neutron shell gap at N = 50. The gray circles are the literature values [22], the dark blue triangle and light blue square are from Ref. [12] rejecting the recent Q EC measured [10] due to a sudden unexpected jump in the
Fig. 4. The Gamow-Teller strength B(GT) for (0 + −→ 1 + ) transitions for even-even N = 50 isotones (top panel) and N = 52 isotones (bottom panel). The B(GT) values are calculated based on the latest information from the nuclear data sheets. The black star at Z = 48 shows the previously-reported value for 98 Cd as in Ref. [54].
Studying Gamow-Teller transitions and the assignment of isomeric and ground states at N = 50

March 2023


224 Reads


3 Citations

Physics Letters B

Direct mass measurements of neutron-deficient nuclides around the N=50 shell closure below 100Sn were performed at the FRS Ion Catcher (FRS-IC) at GSI, Germany. The nuclei were produced by projectile fragmentation of 124Xe, separated in the fragment separator FRS and delivered to the FRS-IC. The masses of 14 ground states and two isomers were measured with relative mass uncertainties down to 1×10−7 using the multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer of the FRS-IC, including the first direct mass measurements of 98Cd and 97Rh. A new QEC=5437±67 keV was obtained for 98Cd, resulting in a summed Gamow-Teller (GT) strength for the five observed transitions (0+⟶1+) as B(GT)=2.94−0.28+0.32. Investigation of this result in state-of-the-art shell model approaches accounting for the first time experimentally observed spectrum of GT transitions points to a perfect agreement for N=50 isotones. The excitation energy of the long-lived isomeric state in 94Rh was determined for the first time to be 293±21 keV. This, together with the shell model calculations, allows the level ordering in 94Rh to be understood.

Precision of the PET activity range during irradiation with 10 C, 11 C, and 12 C beams

December 2022


155 Reads


6 Citations

Physics in Medicine & Biology

Physics in Medicine & Biology

\textit{Objective}. Beams of stable ions have been a well-established tool for radiotherapy for many decades. In the case of ion beam therapy with stable $^{12}$C ions, the positron emitters $^{10,11}$C are produced via projectile and target fragmentation, and their decays enable visualization of the beam via positron emission tomography (PET). However, the PET activity peak matches the Bragg peak only roughly and PET counting statistics is low. These issues can be mitigated by using a short-lived positron emitter as a therapeutic beam. \textit{Approach.} An experiment studying the precision of the measurement of ranges of positron emitting carbon isotopes by means of PET has been performed at the FRS fragment-separator facility of GSI Helmholtzzentrum f"ur Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Germany. The PET scanner used in the experiment is a dual-panel version of a Siemens Biograph mCT PET scanner. \textit{Main results.} High quality in-beam PET images and activity distributions have been measured from the in-flight produced positron emitting isotopes $^{11}$C and $^{10}$C implanted into homogeneous PMMA phantoms. Taking advantage of the high statistics obtained in this experiment, we investigated the time evolution of the uncertainty of the range determined by means of PET during the course of an irradiation, and show that the uncertainty improves with the inverse square root of the number of PET counts. The uncertainty is thus fully determined by the PET counting statistics. During the delivery of 1.6$\times$10$^7$ ions in 4 spills for a total duration of 19.2~s, the PET activity range uncertainty for $^{10}$C, $^{11}$C and $^{12}$C is 0.04, 0.7 and 1.3~mm, respectively. The gain in precision related to the PET counting statistics is thus much larger when going from $^{11}$C to $^{10}$C than when going from $^{12}$C to $^{11}$C. The much better precision for $^{10}$C is due to its much shorter half-life, which, contrary to the case of $^{11}$C, also enables to include the in-spill data in the image formation. \textit{Significance}. Our results can be used to estimate the contribution from PET counting statistics to the precision of range determination in a particular carbon therapy situation, taking into account the irradiation scenario, the required dose and the PET scanner characteristics.

Studying Gamow-Teller transitions and the assignment of isomeric and ground states at $N=50$

September 2022


109 Reads

Direct mass measurements of neutron-deficient nuclides around the $N=50$ shell closure below $^{100}$Sn were performed at the FRS Ion Catcher (FRS-IC) at GSI, Germany. The nuclei were produced by projectile fragmentation of $^{124}$Xe, separated in the fragment separator FRS and delivered to the FRS-IC. The masses of 14 ground states and two isomers were measured with relative mass uncertainties down to $1\times 10^{-7}$ using the multiple-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer of the FRS-IC, including the first direct mass measurements of $^{98}$Cd and $^{97}$Rh. A new $Q_\mathrm{EC} = 5437\pm67$ keV was obtained for $^{98}$Cd, resulting in a summed Gamow-Teller (GT) strength for the five observed transitions ($0^+\longrightarrow1^+$) as $B(\text{GT})=2.94^{+0.32}_{-0.28}$. Investigation of this result in state-of-the-art shell model approaches sheds light into a better understanding of the GT transitions in even-even isotones at $N=50$. The excitation energy of the long-lived isomeric state in $^{94}$Rh was determined for the first time to be $293\pm 21$ keV. This, together with the shell model calculations, allows the level ordering in $^{94}$Rh to be understood.

Citations (15)

... Deeply bound pionic atoms in Sn nuclei were observed, and the isovector parameter b 1 of the pion-nucleus optical potential was deduced to be b 1 = (−0.1210 ± 0.0063)m −1 π [2]. It indicates that the absolute value of the chiral condensate is reduced to be 58 ± 4% in the u and d quark sector at the normal nuclear density. ...


Experimental study of in-medium spectral change of vector mesons at J-PARC
Chiral symmetry restoration at high matter density observed in pionic atoms

Nature Physics

... The MR-TOF-MS also plays a crucial role in identifying and characterizing isomeric states of nuclei near the neutron-proton (N = Z) line. The studies include the first discovery of an isomeric state in 97m Ag [79]as well as precise measurements of excitation energies for 101m In [79] and 94m Rh [80] isomers. The high beam energy at the FRS makes the system uniquely suitable for heavy isotopes. ...

Studying Gamow-Teller transitions and the assignment of isomeric and ground states at N = 50

Physics Letters B

... Three factors are essential: production cross section, number of decays (and thus number of counts) and positron range blurring. We consider that the uncertainty of range determination is largely determined by counting statistics and thus scales with the square root of the number of counts, as we have shown in previous studies using proton (Ozoemelam et al 2020a), helium (Ozoemelam et al 2020b) and radioactive ion beams (Kostyleva et al 2023, Purushothaman et al 2023. The production cross section of 12 N is about 20 times smaller, but it decays about 10 4 times faster than 15 O and 10 5 times faster than 11 C. Compared to 15 O, which is about 10 times more dominant very early on than 11 C, the statistical uncertainty of 12 N imaging is thus about SQRT(10 4 /20) ≈ 20 times better. ...

Precision of the PET activity range during irradiation with 10 C, 11 C, and 12 C beams
Physics in Medicine & Biology

Physics in Medicine & Biology

... Examples of identified secondary 10 C and 11 C beams are shown in figure 1. The level of contaminants in this experiment was on the order of few percent (Boscolo et al 2022). ...

Depth dose measurements in water for 11C and 10C beams with therapy relevant energies

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment

... These problems are overcome if β + -radioactive ion beams are directly used for both treatment and imaging. Exploiting radioactive beams is the motivation of the BARB (Biomedical Applications of Radioactive ion Beams) experiment [226], that is cur-rently ongoing at GSI in Darmstadt. The usage of an 11 C beam is expected to improve the count rate by an order of magnitude with respect to that of an 12 C beam, as is illustrated in Fig. 18. ...

Radioactive Beams for Image-Guided Particle Therapy: The BARB Experiment at GSI

... Contamination in the buffer gas can result in the formation of molecules by the chemical reactions of the ions of interest with the impurities in the gas or in charge-exchange reactions and even neutralization of the ions of interest. The formation of molecular ions can result in a significant change of their ion mobility, changing their extraction efficiency by the RF carpet [14]. Moreover, the ions of interest can be dis- Figure 1: The upgraded gas-handling system of the FRS-IC setup is shown. ...

Separation of atomic and molecular ions by ion mobility with an RF carpet

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry

... Once thermalized they are extracted from the cell and transported via the low-energy RFQ beamline to the MR-TOF-MS for identification and high-precision mass measurements. Trace amounts of a reactant gas, such as H 2 O, N 2 or CH 4 within the ultrapure helium gas of the CSC or the RFQ beam line may foster the formation of radioactive molecules (Mollaebrahimi, 2021). Under the unique and cold conditions many unusual molecules can form and, among others, radioactive molecules of singly charged XeOH and KrOH as well as singly and doubly charged UO, UOH and ThO have been extracted and identified at the FRS Ion Catcher. ...

Mass and half-life measurements of neutron-deficient iodine isotopes

European Physical Journal A

... ISOLTRAP has provided the detailed properties of the isomer in 79 Zn, thereby enriching our understanding of the nuclear landscape surrounding the double magic nucleus 78 Ni [63]. ...

Isomer Studies in the Vicinity of the Doubly-Magic Nucleus 100 Sn: Observation of a New Low-Lying Isomeric State in 97 Ag

Physics Letters B

... Two experiments (i.e., Experiment I and Experiment II) have been performed with a 238 U primary beam to study the rate capability of the CSC at the FRS-IC in 2016 and 2021 with the experimental setup described in detail in Refs. [1,4,5,28]. In past investigations [29], very short primary beam spills on the millisecond scale have been used to simulate high-rate beams. ...

A novel method for the measurement of half-lives and decay branching ratios of exotic nuclei

European Physical Journal A

... At the FRS Ion Catcher (FRS-IC) [1,2], high-precision experiments of thermalized exotic nuclei are done at the final focus of the symmetric branch of the in-flight fragment separator (FRS) [3] at the GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research, Darmstadt, Germany. The FRS-IC consists of a gas-filled Cryogenic Stopping Cell (CSC) [4,5], a Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) beamline, and a Multiple-Reflection Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (MR-TOF-MS) [6][7][8]. ...

The science case of the FRS Ion Catcher for FAIR Phase-0

Hyperfine Interactions