Emilios Avgouleas's research while affiliated with The University of Edinburgh and other places

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Publications (66)

Financial Stability, Resolution of Systemic Banking Crises and COVID-19: Toward an Appropriate Role for Public Support and Bailouts
  • Article

January 2020


25 Reads


7 Citations

SSRN Electronic Journal


Emilios Avgouleas


Evan Gibson

The Promise of Blockchain Technology for Global Securities and Derivatives Markets: The New Financial Ecosystem and the ‘Holy Grail’ of Systemic Risk Containment
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2019


367 Reads


36 Citations

European Business Organization Law Review

Weaknesses in investor control over their investments and in warehousing systemic risk in modern Financial Market Infrastructure (FMI) are the result of a combination of market failures and of structural flaws deeply ingrained in modern financial markets. Yet the utility of complex FMI comprising long custodial chains and large global Central Counterparties (CCPs) for the operation of modern markets is not seriously disputed. The change in the technology paradigm with the introduction of DLT systems for securities and derivatives FMI can increase investor control, the efficiency of risk management and, to some extent, augment the distribution of systemic risk. It can thus create a more diverse and resilient financial ecosystem. This cross-disciplinary paper identifies a multitude of reasons that favour a paradigm shift in FMI technology. It also sketches a comprehensive blockchain-based framework for the development of permission-based platforms for derivatives clearing and settlement and the handling of liquidity shortages within DLT systems. Arguably, the impact of technological change should lead to a reduction of industry rents for the benefit of end investors and of the end users of finance (entrepreneurs and businesses) enhancing market welfare. Therefore, the use of blockchain technology in FMI can transform the structure and future direction of the financial services industry as a whole.


Capital Markets Union after Brexit

March 2018


2 Citations

This book analyses the legal and economic implications of the European Commission's plans to form a Capital Markets Union (CMU) in Europe, which will have a major impact on financial markets and institutions both in the region and beyond. A detailed introductory chapter provides a broad overview of the various aspects and challenges of the CMU proposals, whilst thematically grouped chapters cover the following areas: (i) general aspects, (ii) Brexit, (iii) financing innovation, (iv) raising capital on the capital markets, (v) fostering retail and institutional investment, (vi) leveraging banking capacity to support the wider economy, (vii) facilitating cross-border investing, and (viii) comparative aspects of capital market integration. The book provides high-quality analysis of the legal and economic issues in a practical context.

Citations (44)

... The starting point of the narrative was the low economic growth in the EU in the aftermath of the international financial and sovereign debt crises and the limited amount of (bank-intermediated) funding available to the real economy. On its webpages and in regular communications on CMU, the Commission argued that bank lending in the EU accounted for an excessively large percentage of total funding to the real economy (75-80 per cent), which was the reverse of the United States (US), 4 where banks provided only 20 per cent (Commission 2015a) and exposed large parts of the EU economy to a credit Hill (2015cHill ( , 2015dHill ( , 2015e, 2016a. b Hill (2015c);Singh (2015). ...


The policy narratives of European capital markets union
Capital Markets Union in Europe
  • Citing Article
  • March 2018

... Ferran (2015), pp 101-102 notes that the focus on the clear supervisory objectives of the Twin Peaks model is typically associated with more uniform and responsive supervisory practices than other possible institutional frameworks, namely sector-based systems (such as the ESFS) or single supervisory authorities for any given jurisdiction. 366 Colaert (2015), pp 1611-1613; Schoenmaker and Véron (2017), pp 5-9; Avgouleas and Ferrarini (2018), pp 69-72. centralisation of supervisory tasks is possible only after an agreement on loss mutualisation. ...

A Single Listing Authority and Securities Regulator for the CMU and the Future of ESMA: Costs, Benefits, and Legal Impediments
  • Citing Chapter
  • March 2018

... As a result, the 'CMU-inspired revival' of securitisation and the new comprehensive regulatory framework is a product of collaboration between the EC and the industry: In the wider context of the CMU, the regulator prioritised market-driven solutions, 259 by asking the market and listening to its concerns. 260 The detailed responses made by various industry bodies called for a fundamental reconsideration and adoption of a different, positive approach towards the technique. These responses have clearly influenced the regulatory approach taken in the new framework. ...

Capital Markets Union after Brexit
  • Citing Chapter
  • March 2018

... Moreover, Ethereum's composable software stack ensures that DeFi applications (dapps) are built to integrate and complement one another. See Avgouleas and Seretakis (2022), p 17. locked in DeFi reached an all-time high of $253 billion in December 2021. 10 DeFi is a term used to describe an ecosystem comprising financial applications built on top of blockchain networks which do not rely on traditional financial intermediaries such as brokerages, exchanges, or banks. ...

Governing the Digital Finance Value-Chain in the EU: MIFID II, the Digital Package, and the Large Gaps between!

... Another proposal is that of Avgouleas and Micossi (2021) and Micossi (2021), which suggest to transfer a substantial part of the sovereign bonds purchased by the Eurosystem, both during the COVID-19 crisis and before, to the ESM. This would not only avoid, according to these authors, the potentially disruptive effect on the bond markets of having the ECB release these sovereign bonds rapidly once the monetary policy justification for holding them in its books disappears but could also have a salutary impact on the availability of euro-denominated safe assets, thus supporting the euro's international status. ...

On selling sovereigns held by the ECB to the ESM: institutional and economic policy implications

SSRN Electronic Journal

... Positive significant coefficients of the dummy variables Y_2015 and FREQ suggest that CAR is higher after 2015 (i.e., the post-coup period) and for the bank with the most frequent sales. In a period of fragility in the banking sector due to an excessive level of structural changes, sales of distressed assets can mitigate financial risks (Arner et al., 2020). Being a frequent seller in the NPL market can also be perceived as a signal of active portfolio management (Rubio et al., 2017). ...

Financial Stability, Resolution of Systemic Banking Crises and COVID-19: Toward an Appropriate Role for Public Support and Bailouts
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

SSRN Electronic Journal

... Decentralised finance is a type of blockchain-based digital finance. Decentralised finance transforms traditional financial products into products that operate without an intermediary through smart contracts on a blockchain (Avgouleas and Kiayias, 2020). Decentralised finance is financial services offered on a public blockchain over the internet. ...

The Architecture of Decentralised Finance Platforms: A New Open Finance Paradigm
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

SSRN Electronic Journal

... As a result, it did not just become a health crisis; the world economy suffered a significant scale shock (Sohrabi et al., 2020). At least three other pecuniary shocks preceded Covid-19 in the late 1990s (Buckley et al., 2020). Among these were: Asian fiscal shocks (Sayaseng, 2020) and the European debt crisis (Buckley et al., 2020). ...

Three Decades of International Financial Crises: What Have We Learned and What Still Needs to be Done?
  • Citing Article
  • January 2020

SSRN Electronic Journal

... Em trabalhos como (Pennino et al., 2021;Hasan et al., 2020;Avgouleas and Kiayias, 2019;Moura et al., 2020;Tan et al., 2022;Silva and Marques, 2021;Čučko and Turkanović, 2021;Stockburger et al., 2021), evidencia-se como aplicativos e sistemas podem se beneficiar da arquitetura P2P descentralizada oferecida pela Blockchain. Em geral, estes trabalhos apresentam protótipos de prova de conceito, prontamente escaláveis, aplicáveis genericamente e, com efeito, 'pronto para prosperar' em diversas áreas, além de abordarem questões éticas importantes. ...

The Promise of Blockchain Technology for Global Securities and Derivatives Markets: The New Financial Ecosystem and the ‘Holy Grail’ of Systemic Risk Containment

European Business Organization Law Review