Eli Levin's research while affiliated with The Open University of Israel and other places

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Publications (14)

Smoothness of σ t
  • Chapter

January 2001


3 Reads

Eli Levin


The smoothness of σt plays a role in discretising the potential to obtain weighted polynomial approximations. In this chapter, we establish various levels of smoothness of σt under corresponding conditions on Q.


Further Bounds and Applications

January 2001


4 Reads

In this chapter, we obtain further upper (and lower) bounds on orthogonal polynomials and on their L p norms. We also estimate fundamental polynomials of Lagrange interpolation, and spacing of zeros of orthogonal polynomials. We shall often need more than W∈F(lip1/2). Recall from Chapter 1 that we defined W∈F(lip1/2+) if both W∈F(lip1/2) and for each L>1, there exists C>0 and t 0 such that $$ Q'\left( {{a_{{Lt}}}} \right)/Q'\left( {{a_{t}}} \right) \geqslant 1 + C,\left| t \right| \geqslant {t_{0}}. "

Restricted Range Inequalities

January 2001


5 Reads

We have already seen that for Q convex, and not identically vanishing polynomials P of degree ≦ n, there holds the Mhaskar-Saff inequality: $$ \left| {P{e^{{ - Q}}}} \right|(x) < {\left\| {PW} \right\|_{{{L_{\infty }}({\Delta _{n}})}}},x \in I\backslash {\Delta _{n}}. "

Asymptotics of Orthonormal Polynomials

January 2001


6 Reads

In this chapter, we establish pointwise asymptotics of the orthonormal polynomials p n (W 2, x) for x in the interval of orthogonality, as well as asymptotics for the associated recurrence coefficients. We shall also reformulate some of the results of the previous chapters for this special case.

Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials

January 2001


7 Reads

Recall that given a weight W2 on the finite or infinite interval I = (c, d), its nth orthonormal polynomial pn (W2,x) has zeros \( \left\{ {{x_{{jn}}}} \right\}\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} n \hfill \\ {j = 1} \hfill \\ \end{array} , \), where $$ c < {x_{{nn}}} < {x_{{n - 1,n}}} < \cdot \cdot \cdot < {x_{{2n}}}{ < _{{1n}}} < d. "

Asymptotics of Extremal Errors

January 2001


6 Reads

In this chapter, we establish asymptotics of the extremal errors $$ {E_{{n,p}}}(W): = \mathop{{\inf }}\limits_{{P(x) = {x^{n}} + \cdot \cdot \cdot }} \left\| {PW} \right\|{L_{p}}(I), "$$ where the inf is taken over all monic polynomials P of degree n. In order to state our result in compact form, we need some notation. For a non-negative h : [−1,1] → ℝ, let $$ G\left[ h \right]: = \exp \left( {\frac{1}{\pi }\int_{{ - 1}}^{1} {\frac{{\log h(u)}}{{\sqrt {{1 - {u^{2}}}} }}du} } \right) "$$ denote the geometric mean of h. Recall also that $$ W_{n}^{{_{*}}}\left( u \right): = W\left( {L_{n}^{{\left[ { - 1} \right]}}\left( u \right)} \right),{\text{ u}} \in {\text{Ln}}\left( {\text{I}} \right){\text{,}} "$$ where L n is the linear map of [a −n, an] onto [−1,1] and L n[−1] is its inverse. Finally, let $$ {\kappa _{p}}: = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{{\left( {\sqrt {\pi } \Gamma \left( {\frac{{p + 1}}{2}} \right)/\Gamma \left( {\frac{p}{2} + 1} \right)} \right)}^{{1/p}}}} \hfill \\ {1,} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right.\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {p < \infty } \\ {p = \infty } \\ \end{array} . "

Basic Estimates for Q, a t

January 2001


2 Reads

In this chapter, we establish some basic estimates for Q, a t , and similar quantities. We shall deal with various classes of weights on I=(c, d). Recall that I may be finite or infinite and contains 0 as an interior point. We shall often state results only for the interval (0, d); the reader will easily observe what is the analogous statement for (c, 0).

Citations (1)

... (cf. [4], [6]) (1) Let Q α (t) := |t| α for α >1. Then W α (t) : = exp(-Q α (t)) ∈ F (C 3 +) (1< λ <3/2) and it is a regular Freud-type weight. ...


Lagrange Interpolation Polynomials with Exponential Weights
Orthogonal Polynomials for Exponential Weights
  • Citing Article
  • January 2001