E.W. Maas's research while affiliated with Ministry for Primary Industries and other places

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Publications (86)

Publisher Correction: Marine microbial metagenomes sampled across space and time
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2019


106 Reads


3 Citations

Scientific Data

Steven J. Biller



Keven Dooley




Due to a typesetting error, 25 rows were omitted from Table 3 in the original version of this Data Descriptor. These missing rows correspond to the following sample names:


GEOTRACES metagenomic sampling locations
(a) Global map indicating the location of each sampling station where metagenomes were collected on the indicated cruise. Sample locations are shown in relation to sites sampled during two other large-scale marine metagenome sampling projects, the GOS and TARA datasets1–3 for context. (b) Depth distribution of metagenome samples along each of the four GEOTRACES cruises. Transect distances are calculated relative to the first station sampled in the indicated orientation. The depth distribution of samples collected below 250 m are not shown to scale for clarity (ranging from 281–5601 m; see Table 3 (available online only)).
Time-series metagenome sampling
Black dots indicate the time and depth of each sample sequenced from Station ALOHA (Hawai’i Ocean Time-Series; a, b) and the Bermuda-Atlantic Time Series station (BATS; c, d). Sampling scheme is depicted in the context of total bacterial counts (a, c) and chlorophyll abundance (b, d) data from HOT²² and BATS⁶. The middle depth samples were chosen to track the deep chlorophyll maximum.
Marine microbial metagenomes sampled across space and time

September 2018


446 Reads


165 Citations

Scientific Data

Recent advances in understanding the ecology of marine systems have been greatly facilitated by the growing availability of metagenomic data, which provide information on the identity, diversity and functional potential of the microbial community in a particular place and time. Here we present a dataset comprising over 5 terabases of metagenomic data from 610 samples spanning diverse regions of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. One set of metagenomes, collected on GEOTRACES cruises, captures large geographic transects at multiple depths per station. The second set represents two years of time-series data, collected at roughly monthly intervals from 3 depths at two long-term ocean sampling sites, Station ALOHA and BATS. These metagenomes contain genomic information from a diverse range of bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes and viruses. The data’s utility is strengthened by the availability of extensive physical, chemical, and biological measurements associated with each sample. We expect that these metagenomes will facilitate a wide range of comparative studies that seek to illuminate new aspects of marine microbial ecosystems.

Map of sampling locations
Single cell genomes at each site are represented by miniaturized stacked dot-plots (each dot represents one single cell genome), with organism group indicated by color, and cells categorized as “undetermined” if robust placement within known phylogenetic groups failed due to low assembly completeness/quality or missing close references. Larger points correspond to stations on associated GEOTRACES cruises.
Maximum Likelihood phylogeny of cyanobacterial genomes
The phylogeny includes 66 Prochlorococcus isolate genomes, 27 Synechococcus isolate references, and 588 single cell genomes (533 of which are part of this project). Bootstrap values are represented by size-scaled dots at nodes. Bootstrap values less than 50 are omitted. Scale bar represents 0.1 nucleotide substitutions per sequence position. Phylogenetic clade membership is indicated by colored blocks and text labels. The three Synechococcus subclusters displayed are highlighted by dashed lines and a segmented outer ring. The tree is rooted at Synechococcus sp. WH5701 (subcluster 5.2). The underlying data set used for phylogenetic inference was a concatenated alignment of 2–37 PhyloSift marker gene families (see methods for details).
Maximum Likelihood phylogeny of heterotrophic bacterial single cell genomes and additional reference genomes
Bootstrap values are represented by size-scaled dots at nodes. Scale bar represents 0.3 nucleotide substitutions per sequence position. The eight taxonomic lineages of the single cells are colored and labeled. Additional marine Actinobacteria lineages are presented in grey to provide added context for the Sva0996 lineage. Numbers in parenthesis indicate the number of single cell genomes from each lineage relative to the total number of genomes in that lineage used to construct the tree. The underlying data set used for phylogenetic inference was a concatenated alignment of 2-37 PhyloSift marker gene families (see methods for details).
Single cell genomes of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and sympatric microbes from diverse marine environments

September 2018


351 Reads


78 Citations

Scientific Data

Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus are the dominant primary producers in marine ecosystems and perform a significant fraction of ocean carbon fixation. These cyanobacteria interact with a diverse microbial community that coexists with them. Comparative genomics of cultivated isolates has helped address questions regarding patterns of evolution and diversity among microbes, but the fraction that can be cultivated is miniscule compared to the diversity in the wild. To further probe the diversity of these groups and extend the utility of reference sequence databases, we report a data set of single cell genomes for 489 Prochlorococcus, 50 Synechococcus, 9 extracellular virus particles, and 190 additional microorganisms from a diverse range of bacterial, archaeal, and viral groups. Many of these uncultivated single cell genomes are derived from samples obtained on GEOTRACES cruises and at well-studied oceanographic stations, each with extensive suites of physical, chemical, and biological measurements. The genomic data reported here greatly increases the number of available Prochlorococcus genomes and will facilitate studies on evolutionary biology, microbial ecology, and biological oceanography.

Figure 1 (a) Mean number (± s.e.m.) of live in situ incubated P. torquis cells. Treatments include exposure to ambient photosynthetically
active radiation, complete darkness, reduced photosynthetically active radiation, blue, green or red light. Data points are offset ( ±3 h) for ease of viewing.
(b) Mean number (± s.e.m.) of light-generated live cells per μmol photon present in each waveband treatment on day 13. The number of live cells under red light was similar to that in darkness, and so the red-light treatment was not included in this analysis.
In situ light responses of the proteorhodopsin-bearing Antarctic sea-ice bacterium, Psychroflexus torques

May 2017


155 Reads


2 Citations

The ISME Journal

Proteorhodopsin (PR) is a wide-spread protein found in many marine prokaryotes. PR allows for the potential conversion of solar energy to ATP, possibly assisting in cellular growth and survival during periods of high environmental stress. PR utilises either blue or green light through a single amino acid substitution. We incubated the PR-bearing bacterium Psychroflexus torquis 50 cm deep within Antarctic sea ice for 13 days, exposing cultures to diurnal fluctuations in light and temperature. Enhanced growth occurred most prominently in cultures incubated under irradiance levels of ∼50 μmol photons m(-2) s(-1), suggesting PR provides a strong selective advantage. In addition, cultures grown under blue light yielded over 5.5 times more live cells per photon compared to green-light incubations. Because P. torquis expresses an apparently 'green-shifted' PR gene variant, this finding infers that the spectral tuning of PR is more complex than previously thought. This study supports the theory that PR provides additional energy to bacteria under sub-optimal conditions, and raises several points of interest to be addressed by future research.The ISME Journal advance online publication, 19 May 2017; doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.65.

Variable response to warming and ocean acidification by bacterial processes in different plankton communities

April 2017


120 Reads


12 Citations

Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Extracellular bacterial enzymes play an important role in the degradation of organic matter in the surface ocean but are sensitive to changes in pH and temperature. This study tested the individual and combined effects of lower pH (-0.3) and warming (+3°C) projected for the year 2100 on bacterial abundance, process rates and diversity in plankton communities of differing composition from 4 locations east of New Zealand. Variation was observed in magnitude and temporal response between the different communities during 5 to 6 day incubations. Leucine aminopeptidase activity showed the strongest response, with an increase in potential activity under low pH alone and in combination with elevated temperature in 3 of 4 incubations. Temperature had a greater effect on bacterial cell numbers and protein synthesis, with stronger responses in the elevated temperature and combined treatments. However, the most common interactive effect between temperature and pH was antagonistic, with lower bacterial secondary production in the combined treatment relative to elevated temperature, and lower leucine aminopeptidase activity in the combined treatment relative to low pH. These results highlight the variability of responses to and interactions of environmental drivers, and the importance of considering these in experimental studies and prognostic models of microbial responses to climate change.

Ferrioxamine Siderophores Detected amongst Iron Binding Ligands Produced during the Remineralization of Marine Particles

September 2016


115 Reads


46 Citations

Frontiers in Marine Science

Frontiers in Marine Science

The microbial degradation of marine particles is an important process in the remineralization of nutrients including iron. As part of the GEOTRACES process study (FeCycle II), we conducted incubation experiments with marine particles obtained from 30 to 100 m depth at two stations during austral spring in the subtropical waters east of the North Island of New Zealand. The particles were collected using in-situ pumps, and comprised mainly of suspended and slow sinking populations along with associated attached heterotrophic bacteria. In treatments with live bacteria, increasing concentrations of Fe binding ligands were observed with an average stability constant of logKFeL, Fe3+ = 21.11 ± 0.37 for station 1 and 20.89 ± 0.25 for station 2. The ligand release rates varied between 2.54 and 11.8 pmol L⁻¹ d⁻¹ (calculated for ambient seawater particle concentration) and were similar to those found in two Southern Ocean subsurface studies from ~110 m depths in subpolar and polar waters. Dissolved iron (DFe) was released at a rate between 0.33 and 2.09 pmol Fe L⁻¹ d⁻¹ with a column integrated (30–100 m) flux of 107 and 58 nmol Fe m⁻² day⁻¹ at station 1 and 2, respectively. Given a mixed layer DFe inventory of ~48 μmol m⁻² and ~4 μmol m⁻² at the time of sampling for station 1 and 2, this will therefore result in a DFe residence time of 1.2 and 0.18 years, assuming particle remineralization was the only source of iron in the mixed layer. The DFe release rates calculated were comparable to those found in the previously mentioned study of Southern Ocean water masses. Fe-binding ligand producing bacteria (CAS positive) abundance was found to increase throughout the duration of the experiment of 7–8 days. For the first time ferrioxamine type siderophores, including the well-known ferrioxamine B and G, have been quantified using chemical assays and LC-ESI-MS. Our subtropical study corroborates prior reports from the Southern Ocean of particle remineralization being an important source of DFe and ligands, and adds unprecedented detail by revealing that siderophores are probably an important component of the ligands released into subsurface waters during particle remineralisation.

Figure 1. Cell-specific extracellular enzyme activity (mean ± SE, n = 3) in response to seawater acidified with 0.1 M HCl (A), bubbled with CO 2 –air gas mixture (B) and CO 2 –air gas mixture introduced through gas-permeable silicon tubing (P). (a) BG activity in trial 1; (b) BG activity in trial 2; (c) LAP activity in trial 1; (d) LAP activity in trial 2.  
Figure 2. Bacterial cell numbers (mean ± SE, n = 3) in response to seawater acidified with 0.1 M HCl (A), bubbled with CO 2 –air gas mixture (B) and CO 2 –air gas mixture introduced through gaspermeable silicon tubing (P). (a) Trial 1. (b) Trial 2.  
Figure 3. Cell-specific bacterial secondary production (mean ± SE, n = 3) in response to seawater acidified with 0.1 M HCl (A), bubbled with CO 2-air gas mixture (B) and CO 2-air gas mixture introduced through gas-permeable silicon tubing (P). (a) Trial 1. (b) Trial 2.
Assessing approaches to determine the effect of ocean acidification on bacterial processes

August 2016


92 Reads


4 Citations


Bacterial extracellular enzymes play a significant role in the degradation of labile organic matter and nutrient availability in the open ocean. Although bacterial production and extracellular enzymes may be affected by ocean acidification, few studies to date have considered the methodology used to measure enzyme activity and bacterial processes. This study investigated the potential artefacts in determining the response of bacterial growth and extracellular glucosidase and aminopeptidase activity to ocean acidification as well as the relative effects of three different acidification techniques. Tests confirmed that the observed effect of pH on fluorescence of artificial fluorophores, and the influence of the MCA fluorescent substrate on seawater sample pH, were both overcome by the use of Tris buffer. In experiments testing different acidification methods, bubbling with CO2 gas mixtures resulted in higher β-glucosidase activity and 15–40 % higher bacterial abundance, relative to acidification via gas-permeable silicon tubing and acid addition (HCl). Bubbling may stimulate carbohydrate degradation and bacterial growth, leading to the incorrect interpretation of the impacts of ocean acidification on organic matter cycling.

Figure 1 of 2
Figure 2 of 2
Assessing approaches to determine the effect of ocean acidification on bacterial processes

March 2016


43 Reads

Biogeosciences Discussions

Bacterial extracellular enzymes play a significant role in the degradation of labile organic matter and nutrient availability in the open ocean. Although bacterial production and extracellular enzymes may be affected by ocean acidification, few studies to date have considered the methodology used to measure enzyme activity and bacterial processes. This study investigated the potential artefacts in determining the response of bacterial extracellular glucosidase and aminopeptidase to ocean acidification, and the relative effects of three different acidification techniques. Tests confirmed that the fluorescence of the artificial fluorophores was affected by pH, and that addition of MCA fluorescent substrate alters seawater pH. In experiments testing different acidification methods, bubbling with CO2 gas mixtures resulted in higher β-glucosidase activity relative to acidification by their introduction via gas-permeable silicon tubing, or by acid addition (HCl). In addition, bacterial numbers were 15–40 % higher with bubbling relative to seawater acidified with gas-permeable silicon tubing and HCl. Bubbling may lead to overestimation of carbohydrate degradation and bacterial abundance, and consequently incorrect interpretation of the impacts of ocean acidification on organic matter cycling.

Citations (40)

... We downloaded the assembled sequences of 19 water samples from the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) database collected on GEOTRACES cruises (Biller et al., 2018) covering sites in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and considering different depths (Figure 1). The assembly published by the GEOTRACES project was uploaded to the MG-RAST suite. ...


Definition of the Metagenomic Profile of Ocean Water Samples From the Gulf of Mexico Based on Comparison With Reference Samples From Sites Worldwide
Publisher Correction: Marine microbial metagenomes sampled across space and time

Scientific Data

... In the present study, glacier based SSP and PDP samples showed the dominance of siphoviridae (bacteriophages) members with highest abundance. Several studies reported the presence and abundance of phage groups especially pelagiphages in deep sediments along with their host cell genome (Berube et al. 2018;Cai et al. 2019;Guidi et al. 2016;Liang et al. 2019). When comparing the relative abundance of viruses, a higher number is observed in sediment samples compared to water samples. ...

Single cell genomes of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and sympatric microbes from diverse marine environments

Scientific Data

... To support our hypothesis that carotenoid biosynthesis may be a beneficial trait for plastic colonization, we quantified crtB gene copies in metagenomic read data sets from floating plastic debris (Bryant et al., 2016) and bulk surface (<50 m depth) water samples collected in the same geographic area during the TARA Ocean expedition and at the Hawaii Ocean Time Series station (Biller et al., 2018) (Table S4). Raw reads were downloaded from the European Nucleotide Archive and quality checked with fastqc v0.11.9 (Andrews et al., 2010). ...

Marine microbial metagenomes sampled across space and time

Scientific Data

... Microbes (bacteria, phytoplankton, cyanobacteria) are prone to impacts from OA (Riebesell 2004;Burrell et al. 2017;Law et al. 2017; Table 1). Lower pH accelerated bacterial extracellular activity of New Zealand species (Burrell et al. 2017) while phytoplankton may benefit from elevated dissolved inorganic carbon with enhanced productivity increasing biomass . ...

Variable response to warming and ocean acidification by bacterial processes in different plankton communities
  • Citing Article
  • April 2017

Aquatic Microbial Ecology

... However, the assumption of monophyly was based on a previous COI phylogeny of Epimeria, comprising 17 Antarctic species, but only two non-Antarctic (New Zealand) species ). Yet, the genus is cosmopolitan, but particularly well represented in the Southern Ocean, with 26 described species out of a total of 54 worldwide (Coleman, 2007;Lörz, 2009;Lörz et al., 2007Lörz et al., , 2009Lörz et al., , 2011. Moreover, a recent study of COI and 28S sequence data identified 24 lineages as putative new Antarctic species, showing that the species richness of this genus on the shelf is still greatly underestimated (Verheye et al., 2016a). ...

Epimeria schiaparelli sp. nov., an amphipod crustacean (family Epimeriidae) from the Ross Sea, Antarctica, with molecular characterisation of the species complex
  • Citing Article
  • February 2007


... Solid phase extraction (SPE) and high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS/MS) could be a valid approach to extract and identify the siderophores from seawater samples, overcoming the limitations outlined above [3,12,18,21,25]. ...

Ferrioxamine Siderophores Detected amongst Iron Binding Ligands Produced during the Remineralization of Marine Particles
Frontiers in Marine Science

Frontiers in Marine Science

... There is evidence for example that ocean acidification will affect microbial population, and substantial changes have been observed at population levels, such as dominance of small size phytoplankton or cyanobacteria, as well as changes in community composition of bacteria and archaea (Liu et al., 2010). We have also seen changes in microbial metabolism, specifically in enzymatic activity, respiration rates, and bacterial production (Alvarez-Fernandez et al., 2018;Burrell et al., 2016;Chauhan et al., 2015;Sala et al., 2015). Also, benthic marine communities have been documented to have its community structure altered, with decreased biodiversity, biomass and trophic complexity (Zunino et al., 2017). ...

Assessing approaches to determine the effect of ocean acidification on bacterial processes


... Firstly, the dissolution of CO 2 in water decreases the pH, contributing to the increase of acidotolerant and acidophilic microbes in the community (Krüger et al., 2011;Beulig et al., 2015). Secondly, studies at biochemical and cellular aspects show negative or even lethal effects of high concentration of CO 2 on microbial cells, including the damage of cell membrane and changes in enzyme activities (Burrell et al., 2015;Wan et al., 2016). These negative effects could result in decrease of community abundance and diversity, along with a shift in community structure (Sáenz de Miera et al., 2014;Liu et al., 2018). ...

Bacterial abundance, processes and diversity responses to acidification at a coastal CO2 vent
  • Citing Article
  • September 2015

FEMS Microbiology Letters

... It has been suggested that the increases in BP are caused by the increase in phytoplankton-derived DOM under OA. However, another explanation is that the increase in BP under OA may be due to an increase in the activity of bacterial extracellular enzymes, such as glucosidase and lipase (Burrell et al., 2015;Endres et al., 2014;Grossart et al., 2006;Maas et al., 2013;Piontek et al., 2010;Thomas et al., 2016). In the present study, we observed increase of BP during the bloom phase in both treatment and control microcosms. ...

Optimising methodology for determining the effect of ocean acidification on bacterial extracellular enzymes

Biogeosciences Discussions

... However, once concentrations exceeded 1281 matm, the community structure changed favouring small protists (<5 mm) over larger taxa. This suggests that bacteria communities can acclimate to pCO 2 changes to a certain level until their rate of acclimation plateaus and they are no longer able to keep up with the continuous decrease in pH (Maas et al., 2013;Aguayo et al., 2020). An increase in PCoA biplot of the 16S and 18S Bray-Curtis distance matrix for all samples. ...

Effect of ocean acidification on bacterial abundance, activity and diversity in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
  • Citing Article
  • August 2013

Aquatic Microbial Ecology