E.S. Kurasov's research while affiliated with Sergei Kirov Military Medical Academy and other places

Publications (22)

Symptomatic delirium of the early postoperative period is a qualitative disorder (clouding) of consciousness that is deferred, occurs under mainly vascular, inflammatory and metabolic alterations, manifests by variant behavioral disorders. Three clinical studies were conducted to assess the state of the brain after the most frequent elective cardia...
Objective: To analyze neurological, psychological and psychiatric aspects of COVID-19, as well as to study the current state of the problem. Material and methods: The study included 103 patients with COVID-19. The main research method was clinical/psychopathological. To study the impact of activities related to the care of patients with COVID-19...
Introduction : bipolar affective disorder frequently presents residual symptoms even in interictal period, what in its turn causes problems in psychosocial functioning, cognitive impairment and poor quality of life. Nowadays, the treatment targets are focused not only on clinical remission, but also on functional recovery and in personal recovery,...
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Objectives To investigate the relationship between changes in circadian patterns of melatonin and clinical manifestations of polymorbid cardiovascular pathology (PCVP) in young men and to analyze the effectiveness of their complex treatment. Materials and methods We made the immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis of epiphysis tissues from autopsies of...
The article examines the phenomenological features of psychotic disorders in synthetic cathinones users. The study included 128 patients of rehabilitation centers (departments) undergoing rehabilitation in connection with the use of these narcotic substances. The examined patients were divided into 2 groups: with systematic (n=93) and episodic (n=3...
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Objective: to assess the possibility of using laboratory biomarkers to objectify psychopathological disorders in patients with depressive spectrum disorders (RSDs).Patients and methods. The investigation enrolled 63 patients (mean age, 31.7±8.9 years) with new-onset RSDs of different etiologies. Group 1 included 21 patients with a mild to moderate...
Objective: To study neurological and mental disorders associated with the inapparent and mild course of COVID-19. Material and methods: The study included 50 patients (mean age 35.2±11.4 years) admitted to a psychiatric hospital due to depressive spectrum disorders. Patients were divided into two groups: patients (n=16) who had IgG antibodies to...
The article examines the psychological and psychiatric aspects of unusual living conditions caused by the pandemic of the novel coronavirus infection COVID-19. The features of the formation of psychopathological disorders in the population during an unfavorable epidemiological situation are analyzed. Five periods of their development are identified...
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The paper considers pictopolygraphic method in the objective diagnosis of affective disorders. 70 patients with symptoms of anxiety and depression were examined. Clinical psychopathologic and pictopolygraphic (by Software and Methodological Support Complex Egoscope) methods were implemented in the research. Pictopolygraphic method allows to carry o...
Study Objective: To study characteristics of the early post-suicidal period after suicide attempts in patients with mental disorders. Study Design: This was a retrospective clinical study. Materials and Methods: The study looked at the characteristics of the early post-suicidal period after suicide attempts in a group of 260 subjects with mental di...
A review of the current literature on the possible use of mexidol (ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate) in the treatment of mental (including addictive) disorders is conducted. The possibility of its use to reduce negative psychopathological symptoms, neurocognitive deficit, manifestations of the antipsychotic syndrome (including its extrapyramida...
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Background and Purpose: The opioid addiction is among the most often found types of addictive pathology conceding on prevalence only to an alcohol addiction. To estimate the functional state of the brain in patients with opioid dependence syndrome using fMRI. Materials and Methods: 82 men were examined, 64 of them aged 30.9+2.6 years having opioid...
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Aim: To study the prevalence and structure of postoperative cerebral dysfunction depending on the type and position of the implanted prosthetic heart valve in patients who underwent surgery for the acquired heart valve disease. Material and methods: The study included 115 patients (70 men and 45 women; 64 [56; 72] years old), who underwent elect...
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586 patients with mental disorders of headings F0-F4 (according to the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases) and 18 mentally healthy people were studied. An automated ethological analysis of psychodiagnostic interviews, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a pictographic survey, psychometric scales, stress test...
The modern experience of psychotherapeutic treatment of posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD) in servicemen is analyzed. The main methods that can be used in the process of correction and therapy of PTSD are revealed. There was studied the assessment of eff ectiveness of the methods of psychotherapy, according to the level scale of evidence. There...
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Objective. To study the structure, risk factors and methods of prevention of postoperative brain dysfunction on the example of coronary artery bypass surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Material and methods. The study included 77 patients who undergone elective coronary artery bypass surgery at the beating heart (22 patients) or with cardiopulmona...
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Prevalence and structure of comorbidity a somatic pathology in military men with neurotic disorders was studied. It was established that 40,4% of surveyed noted concomitant somatic pathology, the structure of which was dominated by gastro-intestinal tract (26,8%), and pathology of the cardiovascular system (21,6%). It is shown that concomitant soma...
Investigated 82 young servicemen with cardiological emergencies (acute cardiac syndrome, hypertension events, rhythm pace disturbance). Divided three periods of mental disorders: acute, subacute and long-term effects. Found that in 95.1% of patients after emergencies developed state of mental maladaptation of varying degree. In further 47.1% of cas...
The review of the modern literature on the mental disorders arising at hypertensive illness at military men of young age is spent. The basic clinical forms of the mental pathology arising at different stages of hypertensive illness are investigated. Neuroendocrinological, neuromediatorical, neurophysiological, immunological and behavioural mechanis...
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There were analyzed changes in popularity, structure and clinical peculiarities of neurotic disorders among military servicemen for the period 1986-2006. There were used epidemiological, clinical-archival and clinical-psypathological methods. It was established, that that internosological pathomorphosis of neurosis came out in reduction of their ra...


... Депрессия -чрезвычайно частое психическое расстройство [15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. Согласно существующим данным, депрессией в мире страдают не менее 300 млн пациентов, причем частота случаев депрессии ежегодно увеличивается: в среднем общемировой прирост депрессивных расстройств составляет 18% в течение 10 лет [22]. ...
... Зокрема, спостерігається зниження рівня лептину, водночас, експресія греліну збільшується, що, своєю чергою, сприяє відчуттю голоду, попри меншу потребу в енергії для відпочинку [62]. Важливо, що тяжкість цих змін пов'язана з ожирінням і МС, а резистентність до лептину відіграє важливу роль в ІР, ожирінні, МС і ЦД2 [63,64]. ...
... One of neuroprotective antioxidant compounds, 2-ethyl-6methyl-3-hydroxypyridine succinate (EMHS), or Mexidol, induces cerebral mitochondriogenesis in aging (7), and inhibits neuronal excitotoxicity in vitro (8). EMHS has been successfully used in complex therapy in neurology (i.e., ischemic brain lesions), infectious pathology (including rehabilitation after COVID-19) (9, 10) and psychiatry, including schizophrenia (11,12) and old age psychiatry (13). EMHS is well tolerated, and its ability to prevent or alleviate side effects of antipsychotics, such as tardive dyskinesia, has been reported (11). ...
... The occurrence of symptomatic delirium during the early postoperative phase was more frequent after the replacement with a biological prosthesis (p=0.047) (15). The profound influence of problems related to TAVR on the ultimate clinical result and death rate underscores the importance of promptly identifying and managing them in patients undergoing TAVR (4). ...
... Одной из основных проблем современной кардиохирургии являются неврологические осложнения, представленные в форме транзиторной ишемической атаки, инсульта и гипоксической энцефалопатии или изменений функционального состояния головного мозга, проявляющихся в виде преходящих или стойких нарушений высших корковых функций [8]. С одной стороны, они обусловлены патологическими изменениями структуры головного мозга уже в дооперационном периоде на фоне нарушений гемодинамики и перфузии за счет атеросклеротического поражения коронарных и каротидных артерий, нарушения насосной функции сердца [17], что, несомненно, повышает риски в ходе оперативного вмешательства, с другой стороны -влиянием различных факторов, возникающих в ходе оперативного вмешательства, таких как микроэмболии, системная воспалительная реакция, гипоперфузия, контактная активация клеток крови, периоперационные периоды гемодинамической нестабильности, которые влияют на состояние головного мозга самостоятельно и также усугубляют уже существующие изменения [5,3]. С течением времени хирургические подходы к коррекции атеросклеротического поражения сосудистого русла и методики проведения перфузии претерпевают изменения, совершенствуются, однако проблема возникновения неврологических осложнений и их диагностики в послеоперационном перио де по-прежнему сохраняет свою актуальность [13,14]. ...