E. V. Yushkov's research while affiliated with Moscow Center For Continuous Mathematical Education and other places

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Publications (62)

Derivation of the Basic Magnetohydrodynamic Dynamo Equations Obtained by the Vector Potential Averaging in a Time Short-Correlated Turbulence
  • Article

December 2023


3 Reads

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy

R. R. Allahverdiyev


E. V. Yushkov


D. D. Sokoloff

Time evolution of total kinetic energy (upper panel) and total magnetic energy (lower panel). Different colors correspond to 1024 realizations of the turbulent cascade with slightly different initial distributions. The thick red line corresponding to the average behavior of all realizations shows the exponential growth of magnetic energy at the early stage of evolution, t ∈ [0, 4].
Averaged spectral densities of kinetic (upper panel) and magnetic (lower panel) energy at different time. Curves of different colors correspond to time indicated in the legends. It is clearly seen that the hydrodynamic energy practically does not change, while the magnetic energy increases exponentially with time. The wave number corresponding to the maximal magnetic energy will be referred below as the generation scale.
Recovery of the magnetic field correlation function from the kinetic energy spectrum. Kinetic energy spectrum with indicated subranges, used for further consideration (a); the turbulent diffusion η(r) (b); potential of the Kazantsev eigenvalue problem (c); reconstructed correlation function F(r) (d) and its first(e) and second (f) derivatives.
The correlation function M(r, t), reconstructed for different moments of time in the framework of the numerical solution based on the KK model (using the kinetic energy in the subrange 10⁰ < k < 10³) (a); the time evolution of the corresponding total magnetic energy (b), where the exponential growth rate is measured by the linear part of the black line. The spectral density of the magnetic energy, reconstructed for different time moments from the corresponding correlation functions (c). The generation scale is determined by the position of the maximum.
The growth rate (a), (c) and generation scale (b), (d) versus the correlation, calculated within the framework of the KK model. Different colors correspond to different used subranges of kinetic energy spectrum. Both models show coinciding rates and scales of generation if KK model uses not the entire hydrodynamic spectrum, but only its large-scale part.
Small-scale Kazantsev-Kraichnan dynamo in a MHD shell approach
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

October 2023


43 Reads

Physica Scripta

Physica Scripta

The small-scale magnetic energy generation in a turbulent velocity field is studied by two different approaches. One of them is based on the Kazantsev-Kraichnan model developed for turbulence with short-time velocity correlations, and the other uses the shell model of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, describing the turbulent energy cascade on a finite number of spectral shells. We have found that the injection of weak magnetic field at the initial moment in both models leads to an exponential growth of magnetic energy and tried to determine whether these effects are of the same or different nature. The investigations have shown that the rates of growths and magnetic energy spectra in two approaches can be very much different, which can be attributed to the contradictions of the model assumptions and unknown correlation time. The discussion of these contradictions allows us to formulate a possible explanation, which is likely related to the fact that the small-scale magnetic field generation is under the influence of some spectral subrange, rather than the entire kinetic spectrum. Varying the correlation time of the velocity field and considering the spectral regions, we have determined the range of kinetic energy spectrum responsible for the small-scale dynamo generation.

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Nelineynyy parametricheskiy rezonans v prosteyshey modeli solnechnogo dinamo

April 2023


1 Read

Журнал Экспериментальной и Теоретической Физики

The properties of nonlinear parametric resonance are investigated using the example of the low-mode Parker dynamo model. This model is a system of four ordinary differential equations and in the simplest approximation describes the processes of generation and oscillation of large-scale magnetic fields in stellar systems. In the absence of nonlinear effects, the problem under consideration, by analogy with a system of harmonic oscillations, admits an asymptotic division of multiple resonant frequencies. However, despite the fact that at first glance at these frequencies it is reasonable to expect an amplification of the amplitude in the nonlinear case, it is demonstrated that in the presence of nonlinear terms, the behavior of the system is significantly more complex. In particular, generation suppression can be observed at resonant or low frequencies, while amplification occurs in the immediate vicinity of the resonance or at sufficiently high frequencies. The reasons are discussed for this behavior, as well as the possibility of the influence of parametric resonance on the establishment of planetary dynamo cycles.

A planetary resonant effect in Parker stellar dynamo

December 2022


2 Reads

Communications of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory

The effect of periodic pumping on dynamo generation in the simplest Parker model is studied in this work. Pumping is understood in the sense that the periodic parameters oscillations in the dynamo system leads to a change in the rate of the exponential growth of the mean magnetic field. And since the Parker model simultaneously describes its time oscillations as the field grows, this phenomenon is very similar to parametric resonance in the classical model of a harmonic oscillator. With the help of asymptotic analysis and numerical simulation, we demonstrate both pump regions similar to parametric resonance, as well as different amplification regions at high driving force frequencies, and suppression regions at low frequencies, find the gain maximum and investigate the behavior of the critical pump frequency separating the regions of generation and suppression.

Migrating Dynamo Waves and Consequences for Stellar Current Sheets

November 2022


29 Reads


4 Citations

Solar Physics

Evgeniy Maiewski






Egor Yushkov

We study the relation between stellar dynamo-wave propagation and the structure of the stellar magnetic field. Modeling dynamo waves by the well-known Parker migratory dynamo, we vary the intensity of dynamo drivers in order to obtain activity-wave propagation toward the Equator (as in the solar-activity cycle) or towards the Poles. We match the magnetic field in the dynamo-active shell with that in the surrounding stellar material, using a simple dissipative magneto-hydrodynamic system for the transition region. Introducing a weak asymmetry between the stellar hemispheres, we study phase shifts of the dipole, quadrupole, and octupole magnetic components at various distances from the star to demonstrate that a several-percent asymmetry in dynamo drivers is sufficient to obtain a realistic relation between solar dipole and quadrupole moments. We study the behavior of the stellar current sheets and show that for the poleward-propagating activity it is substantially different from solar ones. In particular, we demonstrate conditions in which the conical current sheets propagate opposite to the solar directions.

Figure 1. Examples of symmetrical d = 0 migrating dynamo waves, obtained after stabilization. Butterfly diagrams show the level lines of the radial component of the magnetic field. On the vertical axes the latitude 90 • − θ and on the horizontal axes the time t are shown. The left panel is for the negative case D − and the right panel is for the positive case D + .
Figure 2. Period T for various dynamo models. On the horizontal axes the asymmetry coefficient d and on the vertical axes the dimensionless periods T (in the units of r 2 0 /β) are shown. The left panel is for the negative case D − and the right panel is for the positive case D + .
Figure 3 The location of the neutral surfaces B r = 0 for various dynamo models. Left column corresponds to the dipole configuration [D − ] and right column corresponds to the quadrupole one [D + ]. Upper row presents configurations with the exact hemispheric symmetry. Middle and lower rows present configurations with the asymmetries d = 0.02 and d = 0.05. The vertical lines indicate moments when the absolute value of the amplitude multiplier of the dipole component of B ϕ on the sphere r = 1 reaches the maximum. On the horizontal axes the dimensionless time t × 10 −4 and on the vertical axes the latitude 90 • − θ are shown.
Migrating Dynamo Waves and Consequences for Stellar Current Sheets

November 2022


44 Reads

We study the relation between stellar dynamo-wave propagation and the structure of the stellar magnetic field. Modeling dynamo waves by the well-known Parker migratory dynamo, we vary the intensity of dynamo drivers in order to obtain activity-wave propagation toward the Equator (as in the solar-activity cycle) or towards the Poles. We match the magnetic field in the dynamo active shell with that in the surrounding stellar material, using a simple dissipativ magnetohydrodynamic system for the transition region. Introducing a weak asymmetry between the stellar hemispheres, we study phase shifts of the dipole, quadrupole, and octupole magnetic components at various distances from the star to demonstrate that several-percent asymmetry in dynamo drivers are sufficient to obtain a realistic relation between solar dipole and quadrupole moments. We study the behavior of the stellar current sheets and show that for the poleward propagating activity it is substantially different from solar ones. In particular, we demonstrate conditions in which the conical current sheets propagate opposite to the solar directions.

Slow electron holes in the Earth's bow shock

September 2022


148 Reads


7 Citations

Physics of Plasmas

We present analysis of about one hundred bipolar structures of positive polarity identified in ten quasi-perpendicular crossings of the Earth’s bow shock by the Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft. The bipolar structures have amplitudes up to a few tenths of local electron temperature, spatial scales of a few local Debye lengths, and plasma frame speeds of the order of local ion-acoustic speed. We argue that the bipolar structures of positive polarity are slow electron holes, rather than ion-acoustic solitons. The electron holes are typically above the transverse instability threshold, which we argue is due to high values of the ratio w_pe/w_ce between electron plasma and cyclotron frequencies. We speculate that the transverse instability can strongly limit the lifetime of the electron holes, whose amplitude is above a certain threshold, which is only a few mV/m in the Earth’s bow shock. We suggest that electron surfing acceleration by large-amplitude electron holes reported in numerical simulations of high-Mach number shocks might not be as efficient in realistic shocks, because the transverse instability strongly limits the lifetime of large-amplitude electron holes at w_pe/w_ce values typical of collisionless shocks in nature.

Thermodynamics of the Magnetotail Current Sheet Thinning

March 2021


55 Reads


12 Citations

Substorm growth phase in the magnetotail is characterized by formation of a thin current sheet (CS) becomes unstable due to external or internal drivers. Such instability results in magnetic field line reconnection, the substorm onset. The CS thinning, as a key process of substorm dynamics, has been included into many global and local simulations of the magnetotail magnetic reconnection. However, recent observations indicate that the evolution of plasma characteristics and magnetic field configuration during the CS thinning can differ from predictions of the classical adiabatic scenario. In this study, we combine two most extensive datasets of the CS evolution, as observed by Cluster and THEMIS missions for 2001–2009 and 2015, respectively. We show that for a wide range of downtail distances and dawn‐dusk direction there are quite similar quantitative characteristics of the thinning: the magnetic field line stretching (north‐south magnetic field decrease), the intensification of the current density, and the evolution of plasma temperatures and densities. We confirm that the process cannot be directly associated with increase of the lobe magnetic pressure. Using advantages of multispacecraft measurements and CS flapping motion, we demonstrate that the thinning is usually result in the equatorial density increase and plasma temperature decrease. We discuss the revealed evolution features in the context of the thermodynamical CS characteristics for contemporary thinning models.

Citations (29)

... The dipole is a standard model to describe magnetic fields around stars and planets, e.g., Earth and Jupiter. On the other hand, quadrupoles or multipoles also appear for the theoretical models of star's magnetic fields [108,123,129]. We remark that Jupiter's magnetic field has an asymmetric structure with a nondipole in the northern hemisphere and a dipole in the southern hemisphere, according to the results observed by the Juno spacecraft [112]. ...


Existence of Homogeneous Euler Flows of Degree -α∉[-2,0]\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$-\alpha \notin [-2,0]$$\end{document}
Migrating Dynamo Waves and Consequences for Stellar Current Sheets

Solar Physics

... An important, but not yet fully investigated aspect of magnetic pumping is the origin of the high-frequency waves responsible for electron scattering. There are multiple electrostatic wave modes around the Earth's bow shock (e.g., Goodrich et al. 2018;Wang et al. 2020;Kamaletdinov et al. 2022b;Vasko et al. 2022;Lalti et al. 2023, and references therein) that effectively scatter solar wind electrons (e.g., Vasko et al. 2018;Gedalin 2020;Kamaletdinov et al. 2022a). However, the most natural wave mode for magnetic pumping should be the electromagnetic high-frequency whistler mode because whistler-mode waves can be generated by the adiabatically modulated electron population (see Huang et al. 2018;Yao et al. 2021;Jiang et al. 2022, and references therein). ...

Slow electron holes in the Earth's bow shock

Physics of Plasmas

... Interestingly, many of the dispersed precipitation patterns are observed during times of substorm growth phase, when the magnetotail current sheet thins and moves earthward, the equatorial magnetic field intensity decreases significantly, and the density of a cold plasma population significantly increases (Artemyev et al., 2016;Yushkov et al., 2021). Such a near-Earth magnetotail reconfiguration can create at the near-Earth equator a local magnetic field minimum, a plasma density maximum, and a localized strong earthward gradient in the plasma frequency to gyrofrequency ratio, f pe /f ce . ...

Thermodynamics of the Magnetotail Current Sheet Thinning
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

... The dipole is a standard model to describe magnetic fields around stars and planets, e.g., Earth and Jupiter. On the other hand, quadrupoles or multipoles also appear for the theoretical models of star's magnetic fields [108,123,129]. We remark that Jupiter's magnetic field has an asymmetric structure with a nondipole in the northern hemisphere and a dipole in the southern hemisphere, according to the results observed by the Juno spacecraft [112]. ...

Symmetries of Magnetic Fields Driven by Spherical Dynamos of Exoplanets and Their Host Stars


... Partially force-free CSs, which appear to make up a significant fraction of the middle magnetotail CSs, are rarely observed in the near-Earth magnetotail, where these CSs are usually associated with magnetic reconnection Nakamura et al., 2008). However, partially force-free CSs are much more typical in the solar wind (Artemyev, Angelopoulos, & Vasko, 2019;Lotekar et al., 2022;Neukirch, Vasko, et al., 2020), Earth magnetopause (e.g., Lukin et al., 2020;Panov et al., 2011), and planetary magnetospheres (e.g., Artemyev et al., 2014;DiBraccio et al., 2015;Rong et al., 2015), where their formation is associated with insufficient ion contribution to the pressure balance (see discussion in An et al., 2023). Therefore, our results confirm the idea of Liuzzo et al. (2022), that the middle magnetotail is a natural plasma laboratory for in situ CS investigations across a wide range of plasma characteristics. ...

Comparison of the Flank Magnetopause at Near‐Earth and Lunar Distances: MMS and ARTEMIS Observations
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

... 2021)) generate field-aligned electron streams bouncing within the current sheet in the Jovian magnetodisk. These streams contribute to the field-aligned electron anisotropy, A e > 1, and fire-hose parameter Λ e > 0. In typical thick current sheets such anisotropy supports the cross-field electron currents (see Equation 1) and may create a thin, sub-ion scale current sheet embedded into a thick, ion scale current sheet (e.g., Kamaletdinov et al., 2020;Mingalev et al., 2018;Zelenyi et al., 2004Zelenyi et al., , 2022. Indeed, the magnetic field profiles in Figure 5 exhibit stronger gradients around B l ∼ 0. If external drivers result in the current sheet thinning, the current sheet may reach sub-ion spatial scale where ions cannot redistribute their pressure and maintain the stress balance. ...

Superthin current sheets supported by anisotropic electrons
  • Citing Article
  • August 2020

Physics of Plasmas

... Note that the wave number k = 1 corresponds to the velocity field correlation length (or, roughly, to the maximum of the kinetic energy spectrum); therefore, it is convenient to assume below that k < 1 corresponds to the large-scale generation and k > 1 characterizes the small-scale processes. The numerical analysis can be read about in more detail in [18][19][20]. ...

Subcritical Small-Scale Dynamo in a Helical Random Flow
  • Citing Article
  • June 2019

Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics

... Third, at such large distances, the influence of the Earth's dipole field is negligible, and the magnetotail CS should be largely controlled by the solar wind properties. Indeed, in the magnetotail CS at lunar distances, there is a strong correlation between the plasma sheet characteristics and the energy of solar wind protons (Artemyev, Angelopoulos, Hietala, et al., 2017;Lukin et al., 2019;Runov et al., 2023). Therefore, statistical investigations of the magnetotail CSs at X ∼ 60R E provide a unique opportunity to reveal the direct impact of the solar wind on CS characteristics. ...

Spatial Scales and Plasma Properties of the Distant Magnetopause: Evidence for Selective Ion and Electron Transport
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

... These experiments, among other factors, can provide laboratory modeling of non-stationary astrophysical phenomena [6][7][8][9][10][11][12]. Laboratory experiments are carried under highly controlled and reproducible conditions and use modern methods of plasma diagnostics, which allows for the relation of plasma dynamics to the evolution of magnetic fields, currents, and electrodynamic forces in current sheets [11][12][13][14][15][16]. ...

Hall Effect in Laboratory and Space Current Sheets
  • Citing Article
  • December 2018

Plasma Physics Reports

... Magnetic holes are common in the magnetosphere. However, the physics inside kinetic-scale magnetic holes was only revealed recently with the high-resolution spacecraft data (Huang et al. 2017b;Yao et al. 2017;Huang et al. 2018;Shustov et al. 2019;Zhong et al. 2019;Liu et al. 2020;Wang et al. 2022;Zhong et al. 2022). Since the electrons are trapped inside magnetic holes, they display pancake distribution and form the electron vortex inside the holes (Haynes et al. 2015;Roytershteyn et al. 2015). ...

Statistical Properties of Sub‐Ion Magnetic Holes in the Dipolarized Magnetotail: Formation, Structure, and Dynamics
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics