E. Denkjr's research while affiliated with Tufts University and other places

Publication (1)

The nucleation behavior of seeded sodium chlorate solutions was studied experimentally. Because sodium chlorate crystallizes in two easily distinguished enantiomorphic forms, the origin of the secondary nuclei (whether the seed crystal or the solution) could be easily identified.This work shows that secondary nucleation does not involve a singular...


... 21 Then, primary nucleation can occur in this process only at conditions where the concentration of the undesired enantiomer is larger than that of the desired enantiomer (this is a constraint as we want to convert the former into the latter through the racemization reaction). 35 Therefore, primary nucleation of the desired enantiomer must be avoided, so as to avoid the nucleation of the undesired enantiomer; this can be avoided by keeping the supersaturation level below a (primary nucleation-) specific threshold. Finally, secondary nucleation occurs either by attrition, thus forming new crystals of the same handedness as the parent crystals or via other mechanisms 36−40 that could in principle create nuclei of both enantiomers. ...