Dragana Pavlović-Muratspahić's research while affiliated with University of Kragujevac and other places

Publications (10)

In this study, concentration of metals (Fe, Mn, Cu and Pb) were investigated in some aquatic macrophytes (5 plants), mud and water in artificial lake Gruža near city Kragujevac (Serbia). The results obtained indicate important role of macrophytic vegetation in aquatic ecosystems, with respect of bioremediation and bioindication, and confirm presump...
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While doing researches of the Vidlič Mountain, situated in the southeast of Serbia, we were focused on the aromatic flora. The essential oils isolations were performed by Clevenger's method. Taking into account that aromatic herbs are significant category of medicinal herbs, species richness of aromatic herbs, from the studied part of the Vidlič Mo...
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Plant species have variety of capacity in removing and accumulating metals. Some of them can accumulate very high concentrations of metals to levels which far exceed the soil levels. The aims of this study were: (1) to determine the contents of eleven metals (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cd, Co, and Cr) in species Alyssum markgrafii O.E. Schulz....
Aquatic macrophytes can be used in the studies of water ecosystems quality and in monitoring of metals and other pollutants. This study was focused on assessment of metals accumulation in certain aquatic macrophytes (biomonitors), in relation to metal concentration in water and sediment (abiotic monitors) of the lake. The concentrations of Fe, Mn,...
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Aquatic macrophytes can be used in the study of quality of water ecosystems and in monitoring of metals and other pollutants. This study was focused on assessment of metals accumulation in certain aquatic macrophytes (biomonitors), in comparison with water and sediment (abiotic monitors) of the lake. Concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu and Pb were measure...
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This paper presents analysis concerning ruderal flora (s.s.) of the city of Kragujevac. The research included ruderal habitats on the territory of the Kragujevac. The list of ruderal flora species included only those species that are typical representatives and indicators of ruderal habitats. The species spontaneously present in ruderal habitats, b...
This paper examines chemical components of the Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. plant acetone extract, and its two identified lactones: the ambrosin and dihydroambrosin lactones. In the examination, the A. artemisiifolia L. acetone extract was tested for its antimicrobial and genotoxic biological activities. A disc diffusion method was used to investigat...
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In various ruderal habitats of the Banja Luka region, 61 species of adventive plants were found, most of them originating from Northern America (23) and Asia (17). The species with the highest percentage of plant coverage and plant abundance in different ruderal communities were: Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers., Ambrosia arteimisiifolia L., Reynotria ja...
The results of research based on the biological-chemical approach to the problem of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu and Pb) in some aquatic macrophytes sampled in the Kragujevac lakes Gruža, Grošnica, Šumarice and Bubanj are presented in this paper. The results obtained by comparing examined metals showed that in the raw water of all localities, the great...


... The majority of the analysed plants were perennial, comprising twenty-eight species, as summarised in Table 4. Achillea millefolium L. and Saponaria officinalis L. demonstrated potential suitability for phytoextraction practices ( Nujkić et al. 2020, Glisić et al. 2021, while Tussilago farfara L. was recognised as not suitable for phytoextraction management (Jakovljević et al. 2020). A. millefolium (Nujkić et al. 2020, Glisić et al. 2021, Dactylis glomerata L. (Marić et al. 2013, Gajić et al. 2020 both showed abilities to accumulate several elements and especially to act as hyperaccumulators for Ni, while Alyssum montanum L. showed higher concentrations of Mn in tissues than the two previously mentioned species (Branković et al. 2013). Certain species showed the tendency to accumulate Cu, such as D. glomerata (Marić et al. 2013, Gajić et al. 2020, P. australis (Nikolić et al. 2014, Prica et al. 2019, Epilobium dodonaei Vill. ...
... The rate of absorption of this element was a high , its being the most plants play an important role in circulating nutrients and trace metal in aquatic ecosystems according to 25 . They spread all over the world and due to their high capacity in uptake of nutrients and other pollutants from water treatment 26 , the high concentration of Pb in leaf plant refers to uptake of inorganic complexes because of their higher surface area compared to their volume according to 26 ,Therefore, it may be considered one of the most harmful minerals and the extent the influence of the surrounding environment used it as a result of events and damage to plants . The normal level of lead element in the leaf tissues of mature plant growing on uncontaminated soil ranges from (0.01-0.1 ppm), It is toxic to the plant if it's between (3 ppm) 27 . ...
... On Mt. Vidlič, which is found in the study area, Marković et al. (2019) recorded 264 medicinal plants and 60 aromatic plants (Marković et al. 2009). In Pirot District, a list was made of 326 herbs considered official or used in folk medicine (Marković et al. 2010(Marković et al. , 2020c. ...
... Зато су и флористички радови рјеђи и мањи обимом, што је и генерални тренд у савременим истраживањима, која углавном прате филогенетске, молекуларне и статистичке правце у савременој биљној таксономији. Поред мањег броја радова који приказују прилоге познавању флоре неког подручја или дају њен преглед (Kovačević, 2005;Bucalo et al., 2007Bucalo et al., , 2008Topalić-Trivunović & Pavlović-Muratspahić, 2008;Milanović et al., 2010Milanović et al., , 2011Milanović et al., , 2013Milanović et al., , 2015Petronić et al., 2010;Brujić, Milanović, Tupeša et al., 2011;Stupar et al., 2011;Škondrić et al., 2013;Lubarda et al., 2014;Maslo, 2014aMaslo, , 2014bMaslo, , 2016Maslo, , 2017Tomović et al., 2016;Milanović, 2017), чешћи су радови који дају нове податке о распрострањењу неких биљних врста у виду извјештаја, нотула или новитета за флору БиХ (Brujić et al., 2006;Bräuchler & Cikovac, 2007;Stupar et al., 2009;Milanović et al., 2011Milanović et al., , 2013Milanović, 2014;Lukić et al., 2019;Maslo et al., 2019;Koljanin et al., 2021). Вегетацијски радови који приказују фитоценолошке снимке или табеле који су употребљиви за анализу флоре тек су нешто чешћи, а међу њима су чести они са једном фитоценолошком табелом која приказује састав једне фитоценозе (Redžić et al., 1996(Redžić et al., , 2013Šumatić, 1997, 2000Bucalo, 1999;Topalić-Trivunović & Šumatić, 2004;Redžić, 2006;Blagojević & Govedar, 2009;Brujić & Lahovski, 2009;Bucalo & Jakšić, 2010;Kovačević, 2010Kovačević, , 2013Kovačević, , 2016Petronić, 2010bPetronić, , 2010aRedžić & Barudanović, 2010;Stupar et al., 2010Stupar et al., , 2014Stupar et al., , 2015Stupar et al., , 2020Bodružić et al., 2011;Jasprica & Kovačić, 2011;Brujić & Stanivuković, 2012;Bucalo et al., 2012;Petronić et al., 2012;Lasić et al., 2014;Kovačević et al., 2015;Miletić et al., 2016;Petronić & Bratić, 2016;Jasprica et al., 2020;Stupar, 2020). ...
... Mean concentrations of Pb in C. demersum were very close to the studies of Brankovi et al. (2009) for the accumulation of heavy metals in different macrophytes of lake ecosystems. Differences in the accumulation of Pb in the tissue of the S. erythrophthalmus were established. ...
... The acetone extract of Ambrosia species A. artemisiifolia, A. psilostachya, A. trifida, and A. tenuifolia contains cytotoxic sesquiterpene lactone, ambrosin, isabelin, psilostachyn [85,86], cumanin, and peruvin [87]. The steroidal lactone blocks cells in mitosis and acts as a novel checkpoint inhibitor of the G 2 /DNA damage [88], suggesting that these compounds can easily bind covalently to the target proteins [89]. The Compositae family is known to possess antitumor, cytotoxic, antimicrobial, and phytotoxic activities due to the presence of a, b-unsaturated-g-sesquiterpene lactones (ridentin and santonin). ...
... Accumulators take in pollutants, biodegrade or biotransform them, and concentrate them in above-ground tissues, while extractors prevent the uptake of contaminants into tissues (Maiti et al. 2022;Mishra and Pandey 2019). Particularly, some plant species have the capacity to accumulate heavy metals at levels that are far higher than those found in soil (Branković et al. 2012). Hyperaccumulative plants, often growing in affected areas, may naturally accumulate higher amounts of heavy metals in their tissues rather than in their roots (Haque et al. 2008). ...
... The bitter taste of artichokes is associated with elevated SQL amounts, particularly of cynaropicrin, which causes around 80% of the typical bitter taste of artichoke plants [23]. Besides, cynaropicrin has been isolated from numerous species of the genus Centaurea and Saussurea [24][25][26][27][28], and it has several biological and pharmacological properties such as antiinflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-parasitic, anti-protozoal, antihyperlipidemic, anti-hepatitis C viral, anti-photoaging, anti-spasmodic, anti-feedant activities, and is also an inhibitor of NF-κB and activator of bitter sensory receptors [29]. Several studies reported the effect of cynaropicrin against various cancer types. ...
... Urban areas are especially productive, where nutrients and other resources are abundant (Gilbert 1989). Thus, these areas have become suitable for nitrophilous plant communities traditionally addressing studies of ruderal flora (Haigh 1980;Rapoport et al. 1983, Vicent and Bergeron 1985, Banfi and Galasso 1998, Jakovljević and Jovanović 2004, Celesti-Grapow et al. 2006, Pavlović-Muratspahić et al. 2010, Tafra et al. 2012, Celesti-Grapow et al. 2013, García-Lahera 2016, Ousmane et al. 2017. According to Stewart et al. (1998), plant growth rates are mainly affected by temperature. ...
... Allen (1989) considered concentrations of 50-500 mg/kg toxic to plants, while Markert (1992) reported that concentrations over 700 mg/kg are toxic. Brankovic et al. (2011) found that certain particular species, such as Bidens tripatitus, T. angustifolia, and P. amphibium, in Kragujevac, Serbia, can be considered Mn bioaccumulators because they concentrate PTE in their tissues at higher levels than is usual. ...