Dharmi Kapadia's research while affiliated with The University of Manchester and other places

Publications (4)

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Background Despite an overall reduction in suicide, educational disparities in suicide have not decreased over the last decade. The mechanisms behind educational disparities in suicide, however, remain unclear: low educational status may increase the risk of suicide (“causation”) or low educational status and suicide may share confounders. This pap...
Background Suicide has been decreasing over the past decade. However, we do not know whether socioeconomic inequality in suicide has been decreasing as well. Aims We assessed recent trends in socioeconomic inequalities in suicide in 15 European populations. Method The DEMETRIQ study collected and harmonised register-based data on suicide mortalit...


... According to the Supreme Audit Office, the psychiatric health care system for children and adolescents in Poland does not provide comprehensive and accessible care, and therefore requires systemic changes [11]. In addition, more accessible and tailored prevention programmes should also be implemented, such as school-based suicide-prevention [12]. ...
... Across countries and health systems, there is consistent evidence for an association between SEP and mortality, indicating that those with lower SEP die younger. This holds true for all-cause mortality (1,2) as well as mortality from various cancers (3,4), cardiovascular disease (CVD) (5,6) and suicide (7,8), among other specific causes of death. There is a strong connection between occupation and SEP: occupational category is often used as an indicator for SEP, in addition to other variables like income and educational level. ...