Denis Lepage's research while affiliated with Bird Studies Canada and other places

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Publications (31)

A complete and dynamic tree of birds
  • Preprint
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May 2024


95 Reads

Emily Jane McTavish


Jeff A. Gerbracht


Mark T. Holder




Eliot T. Miller

We present a complete, time-scaled, evolutionary tree of the world’s bird species. This tree unites phylogenetic estimates for 9,239 species from 262 studies published between 1990 and 2024, using the Open Tree synthesis algorithm. The remaining species are placed in the tree based on curated taxonomic information. The tips of this complete tree are aligned to the species in the Clements Taxonomy used by eBird and other resources, and cross-mapped to other taxonomic systems including the Open Tree of Life (Open Tree), National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), and Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). The total number of named bird species varies between 10,824 and 11,017 across the taxonomy versions we applied (v2021, v2022 and v2023). We share complete trees for each taxonomy version. The procedure, software and data-stores we used to generate this tree are public and reproducible. The tree presented here is Aves v1.2 and can be easily updated with new phylogenetic information as new estimates are published. We demonstrate the types of large scale analyses this data resource enables by linking geographic data with the phylogeny to calculate the regional phylogenetic diversity of birds across the world. We will release updated versions of the phylogenetic synthesis and taxonomic translation tables annually. The procedure we describe here can be applied to developing complete phylogenetic estimates for any taxonomic group of interest. Significance statement Birds are charismatic - well loved, and highly studied. Many new phylogenies elucidating avian birds evolutionary relationships are published every year. We have united phylogenetic estimates from hundreds of studies to create a complete evolutionary tree of all birds. While a variety of resources aggregate huge collections of trait, behavior and location data for birds, previously the barriers to linking data between these data resources and bird evolutionary history have limited the opportunities to do exciting large scale analyses. We have bridged that gap, and developed a system that allows us to easily update our understanding of bird evolution as new estimates are generated. We share a workflow and the software needed to create a complete evolutionary tree for any group.


Cover Image: Volume 25 Number 3, March 2022

March 2022


460 Reads

Ecology Letters

The cover image is based on the Letter AVONET: morphological, ecological and geographical data for all birds by Tobias et al., The sword‐billed hummingbird (Ensifera ensifera) is exquisitely adapted to its trophic niche as an aerial pollinator of flowerings plants (angiosperms) in the high Andes. A new global dataset of detailed ecomorphological traits for all birds offers a resource with numerous potential uses in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology. Image Credit: Cover Image © Oliver Krüger. Reproduced with permission.

The sampling of avian morphological traits over time. The number of species (above x axis) and the number of specimens (below x axis) measured for landmark studies along with their year of publication is indicated by the vertical bars. Each bar indicates the maximum number of species and specimens measured for any trait. The number of traits in each study is represented by circle sizes (continuous from 1 to 15, with examples shown in the legend). Studies openly providing raw trait data are indicated in black. AVONET contains the raw specimen‐level data for Pigot et al. (2020), along with substantial expansion in coverage of both species and specimens‐per‐species. To provide historical context, coloured time periods correspond roughly to interest in ‘ecomorphology’ (blue) and ‘functional traits’ (red). Citations for studies not used in the main text are provided in the Supplementary Material
Diagram of linear measurements of avian morphology presented in AVONET. (a) Resident frugivorous tropical passerine (fiery‐capped manakin, Machaeropterus pyrocephalus) showing four beak measurements: (1) beak length measured from tip to skull along the culmen; (2) beak length measured from the tip to the anterior edge of the nares; (3) beak depth; (4) beak width. (b) Insectivorous migratory temperate‐zone passerine (redwing, Turdus iliacus) showing five body measurements: (5) tarsus length; (6) wing length from carpal joint to wingtip measured on the unflattened wing; (7) secondary length from carpal joint to tip of the outermost secondary; (8) Kipp's distance, measured directly or calculated as wing length minus first‐secondary length; (9) tail length. Protocols for measuring these traits are provided in Supplementary material. AVONET also includes body mass, and Hand‐wing index (calculated from 6 to 8), making 11 traits in total. Illustration by Richard Johnson
Morphological trait sampling for all bird families. AVONET contains 718,662 individual trait measurements, all of which are used to calculate species averages. However, sampling per species varies across families depending on taxonomy. Upper phylogram shows sampling under BirdLife International (11,009 species in 243 families). Families where sampling completeness is below 75% indicated by lighter shading. Most families with lower sampling are species poor (numbers in black circles show species richness). Lower panels show that sampling improves under more conservative taxonomic treatments of eBird (10,661 species in 249 families) and BirdTree (9993 species in 194 families). Coloured bars indicate the proportion of species in each family measured to different levels of completeness. ‘Complete set’ means a full set of all 9 core morphological traits (not necessarily from the same individual). ‘Individuals’ means any individual bird with one or more traits measured
Geographical distribution of morphological data sampling. (a) Location of collections sampled (n = 78 museums or scientific collections in 31 countries), with the number of specimens per collection indicated by bubble size (excluding seven specimens from unknown museums). Sampling of live‐caught and released individuals (n = 14,177) is not shown. (b) The number of individual birds sampled from each of 206 administrative units (181 countries), combining museum and field sampling (removing cases not assignable to administrative units). Darker colours indicate a larger number of specimens; specimens lacking precise information on the country of origin (n = 12,775) are not included. (c) The completeness of species sampling in each 100 km grid cell. Colours show the proportion of species present in that cell with specimens sampled from the same country in which the cell is located; warmer colours indicate higher proportions. Species presence was mapped as the portion of the species range occurring within the country, because the specimen is unlikely to have originated from outside the natural range
AVONET presents raw morphological data for 90,020 individual birds at an average of 8.1–9.0 individuals per species (varying by taxonomy), providing a foundation for a new generation of studies investigating or accounting for intraspecific variance. This figure illustrates how variance is partitioned for a key morphological trait (beak length). Left‐hand panels show that most variance is explained at higher taxonomic levels (orders, family and species), whereas intraspecific (individual) variation is contrastingly low, supporting the use of species averages in comparative studies. Curves are normal distributions based on SD; percentages (%) show proportion of variance at each level. Right‐hand panels show beak length variance within families and within species (restricting to families with >5 species and species with >5 individuals measured; note different axis scales in upper and lower panel). Sequential ranks show a ‘hockey‐stick’ distribution with examples of the most extreme outlier family (Scolopacidae) illustrated. Extreme within‐species values for beak variance may reflect polymorphism or, in some cases, measurement error


AVONET: morphological, ecological and geographical data for all birds

February 2022


4,016 Reads


367 Citations

Ecology Letters

Functional traits offer a rich quantitative framework for developing and testing theories in evolutionary biology, ecology and ecosystem science. However, the potential of functional traits to drive theoretical advances and refine models of global change can only be fully realised when species-level information is complete. Here we present the AVONET dataset containing comprehensive functional trait data for all birds, including six ecological variables, 11 continuous morphological traits, and information on range size and location. Raw morphological measurements are presented from 90,020 individuals of 11,009 extant bird species sampled from 181 countries. These data are also summarised as species averages in three taxonomic formats, allowing integration with a global phylogeny, geographical range maps, IUCN Red List data and the eBird citizen science database. The AVONET dataset provides the most detailed picture of continuous trait variation for any major radiation of organisms, offering a global template for testing hypotheses and exploring the evolutionary origins, structure and functioning of biodiversity.

Fig 2. Classification of parks into relative trend groups based on the proportion of potential colonisations to potential extirpations in summer. Each circle represents a park and its modeled projection.
Fig 3. Change between current and future species richness (SpRich) across 41 parks (classified by region) for both summer and winter bird assemblages. The dashed line represents the null model (1:1 relationship); the red line is the model II major axis regression line (summer y = 26.38 + 0.72x, r = 0.53; winter y = 23.84 + 1.02x, r = 0.89).
Fig 4. Change between current and future functional species richness (FRic) across 41 parks (classified by region) for both summer and winter bird assemblages. The dashed line represents the null model (1:1 relationship); the red line is the model II major axis regression line (summer y = 0.06 + 0.86x, r = 0.66; winter y = 0.20 + 0.87x, r = 0.86). Functional richness represents the volume occupied by a park in multidimensional trait space.
Fig 5. Change between current and future functional dispersion (FDis) across all 41 parks (classified by region) for both summer and winter bird assemblages. The dashed line represents the null model (1:1 relationship); the red line is the model II major axis regression line (summer y = 0.23 + 0.74x, r = 0.66; winter y = 0.80 + 0.14x, r = 0.33). Functional dispersion represents the mean distance of all species to the centroid of the assemblage in multidimensional trait space.
Projected changes in bird assemblages due to climate change in a Canadian system of protected areas

January 2022


241 Reads


5 Citations



National parks often serve as a cornerstone for a country’s species and ecosystem conservation efforts. However, despite the protection these sites afford, climate change is expected to drive a substantial change in their bird assemblages. We used species distribution models to predict the change in environmental suitability (i.e., how well environmental conditions explain the presence of a species) of 49 Canadian national parks during summer and winter for 434 bird species under a 2°C warming scenario, anticipated to occur in Canada around the mid-21st century. We compared these to existing species distributions in the 2010s, and classified suitability projections for each species at each park as potential extirpation, worsening, stable, improving, or potential colonisation. Across all parks, and both seasons, 70% of the projections indicate change, including a 25% turnover in summer assemblages and 30% turnover in winter assemblages. The majority of parks are projected to have increases in species richness and functional traits in winter, compared to a mix of increases and decreases in both in summer. However, some changes are expected to vary by region, such as Arctic region parks being likely to experience the most potential colonisation, while some of the Mixedwood Plains and Atlantic Maritime region parks may experience the greatest turnover and potential extirpation in summer if management actions are not taken to mitigate some of these losses. Although uncertainty exists around the precise rate and impacts of climate change, our results indicate that conservation practices that assume stationarity of environmental conditions will become untenable. We propose general guidance to help managers adapt their conservation actions to consider the potentially substantive changes in bird assemblages that are projected, including managing for persistence and change.

Fig. 1. Map of the British Columbia Coastal Waterbird Survey (BCCWS) study area in British Columbia, Canada. The study area was divided into two district regions: the inner coastal waters of the Salish Sea (A), and the outer costal waters of the Pacific Ocean (B). Red dots denote the location of survey routes used to collect standardized counts of waterbirds from 1999-2019.
Fig. 2. Abundance trends of waterbirds with similar dietary requirements (left panel) and migration strategies (right panel) surveyed from 1999-2019 in the Salish Sea (grey) and outer coastal regions of the Pacific Ocean (black), British Columbia, Canada. Guilds are defined on the y-axis, with migration types comprising long-distance migrants (LDM), short-distance migrants (SMD), and local breeders (Local). Annual percent change and credibility intervals (CI) are displayed on the x-axis. A statistically significant annual trend is implied when upper and lower CIs do not overlap zero (dashed vertical line).
Twenty years of coastal waterbird trends suggest regional patterns of environmental pressure in British Columbia, Canada

December 2020


122 Reads


8 Citations

Avian Conservation and Ecology

Waterbirds are often used as indicators of ecosystem function across broad spatial and temporal scales. Resolving which species are declining and the ecological characteristics they have in common can offer insights into ecosystem changes and their underlying mechanisms. Using 20 years of citizen science data collected by the British Columbia Coastal Waterbird Survey, we examine species-specific trends in abundance of 50 species in the Salish Sea and 37 species along the outer Pacific Ocean coast that we considered to form the core wintering coastal bird community of British Columbia, Canada. Further, we explore whether ecological commonalities increase the likelihood of a species undergoing declines by testing the hypotheses that waterbird abundance trends are influenced by dietary specialization and migration distance to breeding grounds. Results suggest that most populations are stable (i.e., temporal trends are not significant) in both the Salish Sea (36 of 50 spp.) and Pacific coast (32 of 37 spp.) regions. Twelve species displayed significant decline trends in the Salish Sea, whereas two had significant increases. Along the Pacific coast, only three species displayed significant decline trends, and two significant increases. This result is corroborated by guild-specific trends indicating that waterbirds occupying the Salish Sea are faring significantly worse than those residing along the outer coastal regions, almost irrespective of dietary specialization or migration distance. Our results provide evidence that differential environmental pressures between the inner and outer coastal regions may be causing overall loss of wintering waterbirds within, or abundance shifts away from, the Salish Sea. Potential mechanisms responsible for these observed patterns are discussed, including environmental (e.g., climate) and human-induced (e.g., nutrient and chemical pollution) pressures. Collaborative, inter-disciplinary research priorities to help understand these mechanisms are suggested

Towards reconciliation of the four world bird lists: hotspots of disagreement in taxonomy of raptors

June 2020


245 Reads


32 Citations

There are currently four world bird lists referenced by different stakeholders including governments, academic journals, museums and citizen scientists. Consolidation of these lists is a conservation and research priority. In reconciling lists, care must be taken to ensure agreement in taxonomic concepts—the actual groups of individual organisms circumscribed by a given scientific epithet. Here, we compare species-level taxonomic concepts for raptors across the four lists, highlighting areas of disagreement. Of the 665 species-level raptor taxa observed at least once among the four lists, only 453 (68%) were consistent across all four lists. The Howard and Moore Checklist of the Birds of the World contains the fewest raptor species (528), whereas the International Ornithological Community World Bird List contains the most (580) and these two lists are in the most disagreement. Of the disagreements, 67% involved owls, and Indonesia was the country containing the most disagreed upon species (169). Finally, we calculated the amount of species-level agreement across lists for each avian order and found raptor orders spread throughout the rankings of agreement. Our results emphasize the need to reconcile the four world bird lists for all avian orders, highlight broad disagreements across lists and identify hotspots of disagreement for raptors, in particular.

S3 Table

April 2018


12 Reads

851 currently recognized species after filtering out all changes after 1981, including 17 extralimital species. Includes a count and list of taxonomic concepts associated with each name, the ‘trajectory’ of changes (the sequence of additions, deletions, renames, lumps and splits) we know about associated with this name or its synonyms and in which dataset this name and its synonyms were first added. The remaining columns are from the 2016 Checklist of North and Middle American Birds, downloaded from on October 3, 2016. Extralimital species, i.e. those involved in lumps and splits but not found within the geographical area of the checklist, have ‘NA’ in all higher taxonomy columns and were not present in the 2016 Checklist. (CSV)

Fig 1. Individual and cumulative lumps and splits within the AOU Checklist between 1886 and 2016. Each circle represents a single checklist, showing periods of activity (1944-1957, 1980-2016) as well as periods of relative inactivity (1920s and 1960s). 
Fig 2. Bar plots of number of lumps and splits by decade showing accelerating number of splits per decade in the present. Note that the first decade is incomplete, as we only have data on the eight years from 1889 to 1896. 
Figure 3 of 3
The tempo and mode of the taxonomic correction process: How taxonomists have corrected and recorrected North American bird species over the last 127 years

April 2018


181 Reads


18 Citations



While studies of taxonomy usually focus on species description, there is also a taxonomic correction process that retests and updates existing species circumscriptions on the basis of new evidence. These corrections may themselves be subsequently retested and recorrected. We studied this correction process by using the Check-List of North and Middle American Birds, a well-known taxonomic checklist that spans 130 years. We identified 142 lumps and 95 splits across sixty-three versions of the Check-List and found that while lumping rates have markedly decreased since the 1970s, splitting rates are accelerating. We found that 74% of North American bird species recognized today have never been corrected (i.e., lumped or split) over the period of the checklist, while 16% have been corrected exactly once and 10% have been corrected twice or more. Since North American bird species are known to have been extensively lumped in the first half of the 20th century with the advent of the biological species concept, we determined whether most splits seen today were the result of those lumps being recorrected. We found that 5% of lumps and 23% of splits fully reverted previous corrections, while a further 3% of lumps and 13% of splits are partial reversions. These results show a taxonomic correction process with moderate levels of recorrection, particularly of previous lumps. However, 81% of corrections do not revert any previous corrections, suggesting that the majority result in novel circumscriptions not previously recognized by the Check-List. We could find no order or family with a significantly higher rate of correction than any other, but twenty-two genera as currently recognized by the AOU do have significantly higher rates than others. Given the currently accelerating rate of splitting, prediction of the end-point of the taxonomic recorrection process is difficult, and many entirely new taxonomic concepts are still being, and likely will continue to be, proposed and further tested.

Citations (21)

... Preliminary, unpublished findings indicate that the bird diversity is substantial, with a recorded total of over 200 species (Lacerda, 2024). Granivorous birds such as the village weaver (Ploceus cucullatus) predominate in the rice fields, but more than 45 invertivorous species also occur (Tobias et al., 2022), some of which are common. More than 25 species of insectivorous bats were recorded in the area, with notable abundance in edge and open space foragers of the genera Scotophilus, Scotoecus and Mops, and gleaners such as Nycteris sp. ...


Nature-based solutions to increase rice yield: An experimental assessment of the role of birds and bats as agricultural pest suppressors in West Africa
AVONET: morphological, ecological and geographical data for all birds

Ecology Letters

... Most of these areas are related to threatened and rangerestricted specific species (e.g., Important Bird Areas identified by BirdLife International) or migratory species on some wetlands across migratory routes (e.g., Ramsar sites established by UNESCO). These strategies use expert knowledge on species distribution and density maps, while spatial distribution models had been used on a large scale to analyze climatic change influence (Gahbauer et al., 2022) and the effectiveness of the current protected areas networking (de Carvalho et al., 2017). ...

Projected changes in bird assemblages due to climate change in a Canadian system of protected areas


... Whereas these large-scale, extensive data sets are critical for evaluating status and trends at regional to continentwide scale, more localized, intensive efforts can also help elucidate mechanisms behind trends and evaluate the efficacy of local scale conservation efforts. Excluding waterfowl, focused, long-term winter waterbird counts are not common along the Pacific Flyway of North America, with some notable exceptions like British Columbia's coastal waterbird surveys (Ethier et al. 2020) and a few local waterbird monitoring efforts (e.g., Stenzel and Page 2018), making the task of evaluating the health of local wetlands, from the perspective of wintering waterbirds, difficult. ...

Twenty years of coastal waterbird trends suggest regional patterns of environmental pressure in British Columbia, Canada

Avian Conservation and Ecology

... Particularly in vertebrates (and more recently not only), probably due to the many "authorities" but also due to the fact that many vertebrate species are more considered by conservation and wildlife observations, there is a tendency of a wish of democratically or autocratically (by the scientific community and key users) decided taxonomies (expressed as lists of accepted taxa, e.g., [38,[40][41][42][43]). Such ideas are opposed by calls for an only science-based taxonomy on the other hand [44]. ...

Towards reconciliation of the four world bird lists: hotspots of disagreement in taxonomy of raptors
Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Proceedings of the Royal Society B

... Several largescale, long-term avian monitoring projects, such as the National Audubon Society's Christmas Bird Count (CBC) and Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Project FeederWatch, have documented winter bird abundance across North America using citizen science-based approaches. However, despite their extensive spatial coverage and large sample sizes, the semi-structured methodologies and variation in observer skill levels may constrain reliable conclusions to broad patterns and general trends (Butcher et al., 1990;Dunn et al., 2005;Stuble et al., 2021;Saunders et al., 2022). ...

Enhancing the Scientific Value of the Christmas Bird Count
  • Citing Article
  • January 2005


... Taxonomic databases such as the Catalogue of Life (Bánki et al., 2023) provide information on synonyms, but not when and for how long these were considered as valid species. The reality is that reconstructing the history of taxonomic change often requires painstaking research on the taxonomic literature proposing heterotypic synonyms (Creighton et al., 2022;Vaidya et al., 2018). ...

The tempo and mode of the taxonomic correction process: How taxonomists have corrected and recorrected North American bird species over the last 127 years


... Until recently, these research questions were difficult to address, as the species size (~9 g), the terrain in which it typically occurs (large inaccessible mountainous ranges), and the distance and speed at which the bats move, hindered the use of traditional tracking methods. However, the recent development of coded VHF (very high frequency) transmitters, data logging VHF telemetry receivers and associated processing capabilities, such as that provided by the open source Motus project (Taylor et al. 2017;Griffin et al. 2020), has enabled a feasible way of tracking such species across a landscape. This automated telemetry system was adopted to study the movement of Pilbara diamond-faced bats across a proposed mining development in the central Hamersley Ranges of the Pilbara. ...

The Motus Wildlife Tracking System: a collaborative research network to enhance the understanding of wildlife movement

Avian Conservation and Ecology

... FLvMS is also a consideration beyond the design stage; when using previously collected data, analyses can benefit from combining or aggregating observations in order to reduce noise depending on the spatial distribution pattern of the process(es) of interest. Observations may be aggregated in space (Iverson and Prasad, 1998), time (Crewe et al., 2016), or environmental conditions (Andelman and Willig, 2004;Zhu et al., 2014;Schliep et al., 2016). Compositing multiple observations taken at several microsites or sub-plots within a single site is a type of aggregation that can also reduce noise, depending on the design of subplots (e.g., soil samples, Singh et al., 2020). ...

Temporal aggregation of migration counts can improve accuracy and precision of trends

Avian Conservation and Ecology

... CCDB data have few observations before 2003, and most departments have fewer than 10 years of observations. Together these limitations reduce sample size, power in statistical analyses, and the ability of CCDB data to measure causal effects, increasing the risk of type II statistical error (Crewe et al., 2016). ...

Effect of sampling effort on bias and precision of trends in migration counts
  • Citing Article
  • February 2016

Ornithological Applications

... Although both are important and very useful data sources, trend analysis using these data is significantly complicated by the fact that these data come from poorly standardized surveys that have many uncontrolled sources of variation such as observation effort, habitats visited, weather conditions at the time of the survey and, in the case of ÉPOQ, even the geographic origin of the data, the exact delimitation of the area surveyed, the period of the year, the period of the day and the duration of the survey. Various recommendations were recently made in an effort to improve the scientific value of the Christmas Bird Count data ( Francis et al. 2004;Dunn et al. 2005b). There have also been various statistical developments to better control the various sources of variation of the data in order to conduct more valid trend analyses (Link and Sauer 1999;Sauer and Link 2002;Sauer et al. 2004;Link et al. 2006). ...

Francis, C. M., P. J. Blancher, S. R. Drennan, E. H. Dunn, M. A. Howe, D. LePage, C. S. Robbins, K.V. Rosenberg, J. R. Sauer, and K. G. Smith. 2004. Improving the Christmas Bird Count: Report of a Review Panel. American Birds 58 (The 104th Christmas Bird Count):34-43.