Delaney C.M. Henderson's research while affiliated with Dalhousie University and other places

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Publications (3)

Age and intraocular pressure in murine experimental glaucoma
  • Literature Review

November 2021


50 Reads


18 Citations

Progress in Retinal and Eye Research

Di Pierdomenico Johnny


Delaney C.M. Henderson





Age and intraocular pressure (IOP) are the two most important risk factors for the development and progression of open-angle glaucoma. While IOP is commonly considered in models of experimental glaucoma (EG), most studies use juvenile or adult animals and seldom older animals which are representative of the human disease. This paper provides a concise review of how retinal ganglion cell (RGC) loss, the hallmark of glaucoma, can be evaluated in EG with a special emphasis on serial in vivo imaging, a parallel approach used in clinical practice. It appraises the suitability of EG models for the purpose of in vivo imaging and argues for the use of models that provide a sustained elevation of IOP, without compromise of the ocular media. In a study with parallel cohorts of adult (3-month-old, equivalent to 20 human years) and old (2-year-old, equivalent to 70 human years) mice, we compare the effects of elevated IOP on serial ganglion cell complex thickness and individual RGC dendritic morphology changes obtained in vivo. We also evaluate how age modulates the impact of elevated IOP on RGC somal and axonal density in histological analysis as well the density of melanopsin RGCs. We discuss the challenges of using old animals and emphasize the potential of single RGC imaging for understanding the pathobiology of RGC loss and evaluating new therapeutic avenues.


FIGURE 8. Spatial distribution of the retinal ganglion cells imaged longitudinally in the four groups. Cont, control (test-retest variability); ONT, optic nerve transection; EG (Gp. 1), experimental glaucoma group 1; EG (Gp. 2), experimental glaucoma group 2; T, temporal; S, superior; N, nasal; I, inferior.
Sholl Analysis Parameters in Experimental Glaucoma (Group 1) *
Sholl Analysis Parameters in Experimental Glaucoma (Group 2) *
Change in Sholl Analysis Parameters in the Experimental Glaucoma Groups *
Longitudinal In Vivo Changes in Retinal Ganglion Cell Dendritic Morphology After Acute and Chronic Optic Nerve Injury
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2021


56 Reads


8 Citations

Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science

Purpose: To characterize in vivo dendritic changes in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) after acute (optic nerve transection, ONT) and chronic (experimental glaucoma, EG) optic nerve injury. Methods: ONT and EG (microbead model) were carried out in Thy1-YFP mice in which the entire RGC dendritic arbor was imaged with confocal fluorescence scanning laser ophthalmoscopy over two weeks in the ONT group and over two and six months, respectively, in two (groups 1 and 2) EG groups. Sholl analysis was used to quantify dendritic structure with the parameters: area under the curve (AUC), radius of the dendritic field, peak number of intersections (PI), and distance to the PI (PD). Results: Dendritic changes were observed after three days post-ONT with significant decreases in all parameters at two weeks. In group 1 EG mice, mean (SD) intraocular pressure (IOP) was 15.2 (1.1) and 9.8 (0.3) mmHg in the EG and untreated contralateral eyes, respectively, with a significant corresponding decrease in AUC, PI, and PD, but not radius. In group 2 mice, the respective IOP was 13.1 (1.0) and 8.8 (0.1) mmHg, peaking at two months before trending towards baseline. Over the first two months, AUC, PI, and PD decreased significantly, with no further subsequent changes. The rates of change of the parameters after ONT was 5 to 10 times faster than in EG. Conclusions: Rapid dendritic changes occurred after ONT, while changes in EG were slower and associated with level of IOP increase. The earliest alterations were loss of inner neurites without change in dendritic field.


Effects of 3D Stratification of Retinal Ganglion Cells in Sholl Analysis

August 2020


29 Reads


5 Citations

Journal of Neuroscience Methods

Background Sholl analysis is used to quantify the dendritic complexity of neurons. Differences between two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) Sholl analysis can exist in neurons with extensive axial stratification of dendrites, however, in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), only 2D analysis is typically reported despite varying degrees of stratification within the retinal inner plexiform layer. We determined the impact of this stratification by comparing 2D and 3D analysis of the same RGCs. New Method Twelve retinas of mice expressing yellow fluorescent protein in RGCs under the control of the Thy1 promotor were whole-mounted. The entire dendritic arbor of 120 RGCs was traced, after which 2D and 3 Sholl analysis was performed. Two parameters describing dendritic complexity; area under the curve (AUC) and peak number of intersections (PNI) were then derived and analyzed. Results and Comparison with Existing Methods The AUC and PNI were significantly higher with 3D analysis compared to 2D analysis with medians of 2805 and 2508 units, and 31 and 27, respectively (P < 0.01). Both 2D and 3D AUC increased with arbor thickness. The discrepancy in AUC between the two methods depended on mean AUC (with every 1 unit increase in mean AUC resulting in a discrepancy of 0.1 unit), but not arbor thickness. Conclusion In RGCs imaged in vitro, there is a difference in AUC and PNI derived with 2D and 3D Sholl analysis. Where possible, 3D Sholl analysis of RGCs should be performed for more accurate quantitative analysis of dendritic structure.

Citations (3)

... This resilience of the ipRGCs to different noxious stimuli has been demonstrated in various pathological and experimental conditions. 57,65,[93][94][95][96][97] This study has some limitations. For example, PBS was used as a diluting agent and it would have been more correct to use an isotype control antibody. ...


Dose-Related Side Effects of Intravitreal Injections of Humanized Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Rats: Glial Cell Reactivity and Retinal Ganglion Cell Loss
Age and intraocular pressure in murine experimental glaucoma
  • Citing Article
  • November 2021

Progress in Retinal and Eye Research

... The Thy1-YFP-H mouse strain expresses yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) in approximately 0.2% of RGCs under the Thy1 promoter, enabling the visualization of alterations in dendritic trees, cell bodies, and axonal arborization after experimental injury. 10,[12][13][14][15][16][17] This transgenic mouse strain proves particularly well suited for investigating cellular-level details of RGCs, attributed to its non-discriminatory fluorescence across RGC subtypes. ...

Longitudinal In Vivo Changes in Retinal Ganglion Cell Dendritic Morphology After Acute and Chronic Optic Nerve Injury

Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science

... Finally, the Xtension of Filament Sholl Analysis was employed to assess the branching patterns of GAM foot processes by superimposing concentric rings 1 μm apart and quantifying the number of the intersections of bifurcation points intersecting each ring. [66] Filipin Staining: Filipin staining was used to assess non-esterified cholesterol. [67] Frozen brain sections were fixed with 4% PFA, followed by overnight incubation with a combination of 20 μg mL −1 of Filipin complex (MCE, #HY-N6716) and primary antibodies in 10% bovine serum albumin in PBS, and then incubated with secondary antibodies. ...

Effects of 3D Stratification of Retinal Ganglion Cells in Sholl Analysis
  • Citing Article
  • August 2020

Journal of Neuroscience Methods