Deise Lima Fernandes Barbosa's research while affiliated with Universidade Federal de São Paulo and other places

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Publications (3)

Fig. 1 Flowchart. Note: 41 children were directed to other intervention studies (other types) at the center during this period 
Table 2 Mean of cognitive and behavior scores pre-and post-intervention by treatment group 
Fig. 2 Progressive administration of methylphenidate 
Table 3 Intervention-group effect and fixed factor interactions 
Table 4 Treatment effect using inverse probability weighted regression adjustment 


Group cognitive behavioral therapy for children and adolescents with ADHD
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2017


3,416 Reads


13 Citations

Psicologia Reflexão e Crítica


Deise Lima Fernandes Barbosa


Sueli Rizzutti




The present study analyzed the use of group CBT protocol to treat ADHD by comparing two types of treatment, unimodal (medication only) and multimodal (medication combined with CBT), in terms of their effects on cognitive and behavioral domains, social skills, and type of treatment effect by ADHD subtype. Participants were 60 children with ADHD, subtypes inattentive and combined, aged 7 to 14, 48 boys. Combined treatment included 20 CBT sessions while all children were given Ritalin LA® 20 mg. Cognitive and behavioral outcome measures showed no differences between treatment groups. On social skills, multimodal showed more improvement in frequency indicators on empathy, assertiveness, and self-control subscales and in the difficulty on assertiveness and self-control subscales. Using a group CBT protocol for multimodal ADHD treatment may improve patient adherence and ADHD peripheral symptoms.


TaBle 1 | Demographic and participant characteristics.
Behaviors listed by children and their parentes.
Mean and SD for significant over the 10 weeks of treatment for significant categories.
TaBle 3 | statistical model fit.
Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Token Economy to Alleviate Dysfunctional Behavior in Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

November 2015


1,645 Reads


28 Citations

Frontiers in Psychiatry

Frontiers in Psychiatry

Medication has proved highly efficacious as a means of alleviating general symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, many patients remain functionally impaired by inappropriate behavior. The present study analyzed the use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) with the Token-Economy (TE) technique to alleviate problem behavior for 25 participants with ADHD, all children (19 boys, mean age 10.11) on long-term methylphenidate medication, who were given 20 CBT sessions with 10 weeks of TE introduced as of session 5. Their ten most acute problem behaviors were selected and written records kept. On weekdays, parents recorded each inappropriate behavior and provided a suitable model for their actions. At weekly sessions, problem behaviors were counted and incident-free participants rewarded with a token. To analyze improvement (less frequent problem behavior), a list of 11 behavioral categories was rated: inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity, disorganization, disobeying rules and routines, poor self-care, verbal/physical aggression, low frustration tolerance, compulsive behavior, antisocial behavior, lacking in initiative and distraction. Two CBT specialists categorized behaviors and an ADHD specialist ruled on discrepancies. Statistical analyses used were Generalized Estimating Equations with Poisson distribution and autoregressive order correlation structure. In the course of the sessions, problematic behaviors decreased significantly in seven categories: impulsiveness, hyperactivity, disorganization, disobeying rules and routine, poor self-care, low frustration tolerance, compulsive behaviors, and antisocial behaviors. Caregiver attitudes to children’s inappropriate behavior were discussed and reshaped. As functional improvement was observed on applying TE for 10 weeks, this type of intervention may be useful as an auxiliary strategy combined with medication.

Translation and Adaptation of Pay Attention! - A Children's Attention Process Training Program

December 2014


232 Reads

Psicologia Reflexão e Crítica

This research report describes the translation, adaptation and analysis of clinical applicability process related to the Pay Attention! Program to Brazilian Portuguese. The process followed all the steps internationally recommended to adequate instruments to other languages: translation/adaptation based on rules that preserve original features and cultural characteristics; analysis by expert judges; pilot studies, and analysis of clinical applicability in a group of 10 children with Attention Defi cit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Results of pilot studies were qualitatively analyzed in the phase of translation/adaptation. In the clinical group, the program was implemented in 20 individual sessions analyzing the individual evolution, as stated in the manual. Results showed that the Portuguese version of the Pay Attention! Program is appropriate, becoming an important tool for the interventions in attention defi cits in children.

Citations (2)

... Currently, a combination of both pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatments such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) are treatment options in the clinic for children, adolescents and adults patients with ADHD (Coelho et al., 2017;Pan et al., 2019). CBT has been regarded as one of the most effective psychological treatments for ADHD and, when combined with medication, is associated with greater improvements in adherence to treatment and in core ADHD symptoms, social functions and comorbid symptoms (Coelho et al., 2017;Pan et al., 2019). ...


In silico evaluation of the role of lisdexamfetamine on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder common psychiatric comorbidities: mechanistic insights on binge eating disorder and depression
Group cognitive behavioral therapy for children and adolescents with ADHD

Psicologia Reflexão e Crítica

... A amostra final desta revisão foi composta por dois artigos científicos, selecionados através dos critérios de inclusão previamente estabelecidos e que não foram descartados pelos critérios de exclusão. Ambos os estudos foram encontrados na base de dados PubMed, e estão representados na Tabela 1: Fonte: (Coelho et al., 2015, Coelho et al., 2017 ...

Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Token Economy to Alleviate Dysfunctional Behavior in Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Frontiers in Psychiatry

Frontiers in Psychiatry