David Píša's research while affiliated with The Czech Academy of Sciences and other places

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Publications (8)

Impact ionization double peaks analyzed in high temporal resolution on Solar Orbiter
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2024


22 Reads

Annales Geophysicae


Andreas Kvammen





Arnaud Zaslavsky

Solar Orbiter is equipped with electrical antennas performing fast measurements of the surrounding electric field. The antennas register high-velocity dust impacts through the electrical signatures of impact ionization. Although the basic principle of the detection has been known for decades, the understanding of the underlying process is not complete, due to the unique mechanical and electrical design of each spacecraft and the variability of the process. We present a study of electrical signatures of dust impacts on Solar Orbiter's body, as measured with the Radio and Plasma Waves electrical suite. A large proportion of the signatures present double-peak electrical waveforms in addition to the fast pre-spike due to electron motion, which are systematically observed for the first time. We believe this is due to Solar Orbiter's unique antenna design and a high temporal resolution of the measurements. The double peaks are explained as being due to two distinct processes. Qualitative and quantitative features of both peaks are described. The process for producing the primary peak has been studied extensively before, and the process for producing the secondary peak has been proposed before (Pantellini et al., 2012a) for Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO), although the corresponding delay of 100–300 µs between the primary and the secondary peak has not been observed until now. Based on this study, we conclude that the primary peak's amplitude is the better measure of the impact-produced charge, for which we find a typical value of around 8 pC. Therefore, the primary peak should be used to derive the impact-generated charge rather than the maximum. The observed asymmetry between the primary peaks measured with individual antennas is quantitatively explained as electrostatic induction. A relationship between the amplitude of the primary and the secondary peak is found to be non-linear, and the relation is partially explained with a model for electrical interaction through the antennas' photoelectron sheath.


Figure 3. Data flow, from the TDS data sets to the machine learning performance metrics. The diagram illustrates the data flow by the black arrows and the applied process by the arrow label. The cylinders indicate the signal waveforms and the cylinder color indicates the associated label. The gray circles mark data transformation processes. The random draw of the TDS data and the pre-processing is explained in Sect. 3.1, while the manual labeling is described in Sect. 3.2. A description of the randomization and splitting of the manually labeled data into a training and a testing set is included in Sect. 3.3. Sections 3.4 and 3.5 explain the training and testing of the machine learning classifiers. Finally, the performances of the machine learning classifiers are compared and evaluated in Sect. 4.1.
Figure 5. (a) The (1 × 2) feature vectors extracted from the testing data (600 observations with hidden labels). (b) The testing data are classified using the trained SVM decision line, where all observations within the polynomial line are classified as dust, while all observations outside are classified as no dust. (c) The "true" labels (from the manual labeling) are revealed. It is clear that some observations are confused, predominantly near the decision line. Still, the SVM classifier achieves an overall classification accuracy of 94 %, calculated by comparing the outputs from the SVM classification (b) to the "true" labels (c).
Figure 8. (a) The testing data (600 observations with hidden labels) are visualized by a dimension-reduced t-SNE map, where similar feature vectors are modeled by nearby points, while dissimilar observations are modeled by distant points with high probability. (b) The testing data classified by the trained CNN. (c) The "true" manual labels are presented. Only a few observations, predominantly in the transition region between the dust and no dust observations, are confused. An overall classification accuracy of 96 % is calculated by comparing the labels predicted by the CNN to the manual labels. Note that the presented testing data is the same data set that was used to test the SVM classifier, illustrated in Fig. 5.
Machine learning detection of dust impact signals observed by the Solar Orbiter

January 2023


69 Reads


2 Citations

Annales Geophysicae

This article presents the results of automatic detection of dust impact signals observed by the Solar Orbiter – Radio and Plasma Waves instrument. A sharp and characteristic electric field signal is observed by the Radio and Plasma Waves instrument when a dust particle impacts the spacecraft at high velocity. In this way, ∼ 5–20 dust impacts are daily detected as the Solar Orbiter travels through the interplanetary medium. The dust distribution in the inner solar system is largely uncharted and statistical studies of the detected dust impacts will enhance our understanding of the role of dust in the solar system. It is however challenging to automatically detect and separate dust signals from the plural of other signal shapes for two main reasons. Firstly, since the spacecraft charging causes variable shapes of the impact signals, and secondly because electromagnetic waves (such as solitary waves) may induce resembling electric field signals. In this article, we propose a novel machine learning-based framework for detection of dust impacts. We consider two different supervised machine learning approaches: the support vector machine classifier and the convolutional neural network classifier. Furthermore, we compare the performance of the machine learning classifiers to the currently used on-board classification algorithm and analyze 2 years of Radio and Plasma Waves instrument data. Overall, we conclude that detection of dust impact signals is a suitable task for supervised machine learning techniques. The convolutional neural network achieves the highest performance with 96 % ± 1 % overall classification accuracy and 94 % ± 2 % dust detection precision, a significant improvement to the currently used on-board classifier with 85 % overall classification accuracy and 75 % dust detection precision. In addition, both the support vector machine and the convolutional neural network classifiers detect more dust particles (on average) than the on-board classification algorithm, with 16 % ± 1 % and 18 % ± 8 % detection enhancement, respectively. The proposed convolutional neural network classifier (or similar tools) should therefore be considered for post-processing of the electric field signals observed by the Solar Orbiter.

Machine Learning Detection of Dust Impact Signals Observed by The Solar Orbiter

August 2022


29 Reads

This article present results from automatic detection of dust impact signals observed by the Solar Orbiter – Radio and Plasma Waves instrument. A sharp and characteristic electric field signal is observed by the Radio and Plasma Waves instrument when a dust particle impact the spacecraft at high velocity. In this way, ∼5–20 dust impacts are daily detected as the Solar Orbiter travels through the interstellar medium. The dust distribution in the inner solar system is largely uncharted and statistical studies of the detected dust impacts will enhance our understanding of the role of dust in the solar system. It is however challenging to automatically detect and separate dust signals from the plural of other signal shapes for two main reasons. Firstly, since the spacecraft charging causes variable shapes of the impact signals and secondly because electromagnetic waves (such as solitary waves) may induce resembling electric field signals. In this article, we propose a novel machine learning-based framework for detection of dust impacts. We consider two different supervised machine learning approaches: the support vector machine classifier and the convolutional neural network classifier. Furthermore, we compare the performance of the machine learning classifiers to the currently used on-board classification algorithm and analyze one and a half year of Radio and Plasma Waves instrument data. Overall, we conclude that classification of dust impact signals is a suitable task for supervised machine learning techniques. In particular, the convolutional neural network achieves a 96 % ± 1 % overall classification accuracy and 94 % ± 2 % dust detection precision, a significant improvement to the currently used on-board classifier with 85 % overall classification accuracy and 75 % dust detection precision. In addition, both the support vector machine and the convolutional neural network detects more dust particles (on average) than the on-board classification algorithm, with 14 % ± 1 % and 16 % ± 7 % detection enhancement respectively. The proposed convolutional neural network classifier (or similar tools) should therefore be considered for post-processing of the electric field signals observed by the Solar Orbiter.

Classification of spectral fine structures of Saturn kilometric radiation

July 2022


23 Reads


1 Citation

Annales Geophysicae

The spectral fine structures of Saturn kilometric radiation (SKR) are best investigated with the wideband receiver (WBR) of Cassini's Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instrument, with which measured radio fluxes can be displayed in time–frequency spectra with resolutions of 125 ms and ∼0.1 kHz. We introduce seven different classes of SKR fine structures ranging from dots (one class for 0-dimensional objects) over lines (four classes of 1-dimensional objects being horizontal, vertical, or with negative or positive slope) to areal features (one class for 2-dimensional objects). Additionally, we define a seventh class containing special structures named according to their appearance in time–frequency spectra. These special features are named rain, striations, worms, and caterpillar and the latter two have never been described in the literature so far. Using this newly defined classification scheme, we classify features in spectra at low frequencies in the baseband of the 80 kHz WBR and at medium frequencies around 325 kHz. A statistic of the occurrence of various classes and sub-classes shows some notable characteristics: lines with a positive slope are much more common at medium frequencies than at low frequencies and vertical lines are almost absent at low frequencies. The particular fine structure of striations (group of narrowbanded lines with predominantly negative slopes) is quite common below 80 kHz but less common near 325 kHz. At these medium frequencies, the lines rather look like interrupted striations which we term with the name “rain”. We also find rare instances of striations with a positive slope and rare instances of absorption signatures within areal features. The newly introduced sub-classes of worms (lines oscillating in frequency) and caterpillars occur almost exclusively below 80 kHz. Caterpillars have a typical bandwidth of ∼10 kHz, a constant frequency below ∼40 kHz for several hours and they are mostly observed beyond distances of 10 Saturn radii. We discuss the implications of our findings in view of the many theories about spectral fine structures of auroral radio emissions.

Classification of spectral fine structures of Saturn kilometric radiation

February 2022


5 Reads

The spectral fine structures of Saturn kilometric radiation (SKR) are best investigated with the Wideband Receiver (WBR) of Cassini's Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) instrument, with which measured radio fluxes can be displayed in time-frequency spectra with resolutions of 125 ms and 0.1 kHz. We introduce seven different classes of SKR fine structures ranging from dots (one class for 0-dimensional objects) over lines (four classes of 1-dimensional objects being horizontal, vertical, or with negative or positive slope) to areal features (one class for 2-dimensional objects). Additionally, we define a 7th class containing special structures named according to their appearance in time-frequency spectra. These special features are named rain, striations, worms, and caterpillar, and the latter two have never been described in the literature so far. Using this newly defined classification scheme we classify features in spectra at low frequencies in the baseband of the 80-kHz WBR and at medium frequencies around 325 kHz. A statistics of the occurrence of various classes and sub-classes shows some notable characteristics: Lines with a positive slope are much more common at medium frequencies than at low frequencies, and vertical lines are almost absent at low frequencies. The particular fine structure of striations (group of narrowbanded lines with predominantly negative slopes) is quite common below 80 kHz, but less common near 325 kHz. At these medium frequencies, the lines rather look like interrupted striations, which we term with the name 'rain'. We also find rare instances of striations with a positive slope, and rare instances of absorption signatures within areal features. The newly introduced sub-classes of worms (lines oscillating in frequency) and caterpillar occur almost exclusively below 80 kHz. Caterpillars have a typical bandwidth of 10 kHz, a constant frequency below 40 kHz for several hours, and they are mostly observed beyond distances of 15 Saturn radii around local dusk. We discuss the implications of our findings in view of the many theories about spectral fine structures of auroral radio emissions.

The Faraday rotation effect in Saturn Kilometric Radiation observed by the CASSINI spacecraft

August 2021


33 Reads


1 Citation


Non-thermal radio emissions from Saturn, known as Saturn Kilometric Radiation (SKR), are analyzed for the Faraday rotation effect detected in Cassini RPWS High Frequency Receiver (HFR) observations. This phenomenon, which mainly affects the lower-frequency part of SKR below 200 kHz, is characterized by a rotation of the semi-major axis of the SKR polarization ellipse as a function of frequency during wave propagation through a birefringent plasma medium. Faraday rotation is found in 4.1% of all HFR data recorded by Cassini above 20 degrees northern and southern magnetic latitude, from mid-2004 to late 2017. A statistical visibility analysis shows that elliptically polarized SKR from the dawn source regions, when beamed towards high latitudes into the noon and afternoon local time sectors, is most likely to experience Faraday rotation along the ray path. The necessary conditions for Faraday rotation are discussed in terms of birefringent media and sharp plasma density gradients, where SKR (mostly R-X mode) gets split into the two circularly polarized modes R-X and L-O. By means of a case study we also demonstrate how Faraday rotation provides an estimate for the average plasma density along the ray path.

Electric field frequency‐time spectrograms of whistler‐mode auroral hiss emissions observed on magnetic field lines connected to the main rings (a, b) during the Grand Finale and (c) during Saturn Orbital Insertion. Upper panels are Bϕ measurements. The shaded time series correspond to times when Cassini traversed L‐shells connected to segments of the main rings A, B, C, and D. The double arrows in the horizontal axes highlight the time ranges of the density depletions (“bite outs”) which contain the lowest frequencies (or vertices) of each emission, that is, their source magnetic field lines. The black dotted lines are for guidance only and represent the (approximate) V‐shapes of the emissions, which are characteristic of auroral hiss. Black dashed ellipses encircling two Bϕ signatures in (c) are not real and are induced by the acceleration and deceleration of the spacecraft turning.
Distribution of observed main ring‐connected auroral hiss on ρ‐Z space revealing the large‐scale system of electrodynamic coupling between Saturn and its rings. Out of the 22 Grand Finale orbits, the signatures were present in all and clearest in 12 of them, used in this plot. The source magnetic field lines are contained within upward pointing (start times) and downward pointing (stop times) triangles: filled triangles during the Grand Finale and open triangles during SOI. These originate from the rings and propagate toward the ionosphere. Blue bull's‐eyes are locations of the source magnetic field lines of ring‐connected auroral hiss propagating from the ionosphere toward the rings. Since electrons must be codirected with these waves, their expected directions are represented by black arrows along the black dashed magnetic field line, where the theoretical synchronous point is located and by blue arrows along the blue magnetic field line, where the data indicate the antiplanetward auroral hiss are. The field‐aligned current system coupling the rings to the ionosphere, as derived from the observations, is represented by red arrows. This picture is consistent with Figure 8 in Xin et al. (2006) proposing the existence of such a current system.
Solutions to the whistler‐mode dispersion relation on velocity space color coded by their corresponding index of refraction, ck/ω. These solutions are specific to frequencies observed during the Grand Finale. Waves with indices of refraction much greater than unity become quasi‐electrostatic. This mode is generated by very low electron energies. For 10 eV electrons, the Landau resonance condition will amplify waves of vph∥/c = 0.0063. The black dot is where this condition intersects the solution—well within the quasi‐electrostatic limit. This is confirmed by the lack of magnetic field power in the five‐channel waveform receiver, that is, E/cB ➔ ∞.
A Persistent, Large‐Scale, and Ordered Electrodynamic Connection Between Saturn and Its Main Rings

July 2019


46 Reads


3 Citations

Geophysical Research Letters

Geophysical Research Letters

Auroral hiss emissions are ubiquitous in planetary magnetospheres, particularly in regions where electric current systems are present. They are generally diagnostic of electrodynamic coupling between conductive bodies, thus making auroral and moon‐connected magnetic field lines prime locations for their detection. However, the role of Saturn's rings as a dynamic conductive body has been elusive and of great interest to the community. Cassini's Grand Finale orbits afforded a unique opportunity to directly sample magnetic field lines connected to the main rings. Here we provide strong evidence for the persistent and organized presence of auroral hiss demonstrably associated with the main rings. This is in contrast to recent observations suggesting that Saturn's rings may be barriers to field‐aligned currents. Our results provide a new view of Saturn's rings as a dynamic system that is in continuous and ordered electrodynamic coupling with the planet.

Auroral Hiss Emissions During Cassini's Grand Finale: Diverse Electrodynamic Interactions Between Saturn and Its Rings

April 2018


41 Reads


10 Citations

Geophysical Research Letters

Geophysical Research Letters

The Cassini Grand Finale orbits offered a new view of Saturn and its environment owing to multiple highly inclined orbits with unprecedented proximity to the planet during closest approach. The Radio and Plasma Wave Science instrument detected striking signatures of plasma waves in the southern hemisphere. These all propagate in the whistler mode and are classified as (1) a filled funnel-shaped emission, commonly known as auroral hiss. Here however, our analysis indicates that they are likely associated with currents connected to the rings. (2) First observations of very low frequency saucers directly linked to the planet on field lines also connected to the rings. The latter observations are unique to low altitude orbits, and their presence at the Earth and Saturn alike shows that they are fundamental plasma waves in planetary ionospheres. Our results give an insight, from a unique perspective, into the dynamic and diverse nature of Saturn's environment.

Citations (3)

... Solar Orbiter is one of the first (Bale et al., 2016;Maksimovic et al., 2020;Mann et al., 2019) missions to include a wave analyzer suite designed with dust detection in mind. Dust impact events are readily recognized based on a characteristic peak (Zaslavsky et al., 2021;Kvammen et al., 2023), yet the analysis and the interpretation of the recorded signals are made difficult by unclear dependence of the process on spacecraft properties, which is also an issue with other spacecraft conducting similar detection (Zaslavsky et al., 2012;Malaspina et al., 2014;Vaverka et al., 2017;Ye et al., 2019;Page et al., 2020;Ye et al., 2020;Zaslavsky et al., 2021;Kellogg et al., 2021;Racković Babić et al., 2022). In the present paper we report the first observation of a double-peak structure (in addition to the fast electron pre-spike) associated with dust impacts recorded with electrical antennas. ...


Impact ionization double peaks analyzed in high temporal resolution on Solar Orbiter
Machine learning detection of dust impact signals observed by the Solar Orbiter

Annales Geophysicae

... During these orbits, Cassini repeatedly traversed the magnetic field lines that are connected to Saturn's rings near orbit periapsis. In this region, the Cassini magnetometer (MAG; Dougherty et al. 2004) measured strong spatial gradients in the azimuthal magnetic field component B f on magnetic field lines confined within the outer edge of Saturn's D-ring Hunt et al. 2019;Provan et al. 2019c) and along the Enceladus flux tube (Sulaiman et al. 2018a), as well as weaker B f gradients on magnetic field lines connected to Saturn's B-ring (Provan et al. 2019c;Sulaiman et al. 2019;Agiwal et al. 2021). Due to the highly axisymmetric nature of Saturn's internal magnetic field around the spin axis Cao et al. 2020), spatial gradients in measured B f are likely supported by fieldaligned currents. ...

A Persistent, Large‐Scale, and Ordered Electrodynamic Connection Between Saturn and Its Main Rings
Geophysical Research Letters

Geophysical Research Letters

... Thus, Agiwal et al. (2021) speculated that the intra D-ring and B-ring current systems may be driven by different mechanisms. Sulaiman et al. (2018bSulaiman et al. ( , 2019 reported Cassini Radio and Plasma Waves Science (RPWS; Gurnett et al. 2004) measurements of field-aligned electron beams flowing from the rings into Saturn's upper atmosphere in both hemispheres, which is consistent with the northward B-ring currents detected in the southern magnetosphere. However, the proposed generation mechanism for the RPWS measurements assumes field-aligned electron beams originating at ∼1.85 R S in the ring plane (further described in Section 2), whereas the ring plane magnetic mapping of the B-ring currents lies 0.2 R S radially inward of this boundary. ...

Auroral Hiss Emissions During Cassini's Grand Finale: Diverse Electrodynamic Interactions Between Saturn and Its Rings
  • Citing Article
  • April 2018

Geophysical Research Letters

Geophysical Research Letters