Daniel B. Graham's research while affiliated with Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and other places

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Publications (134)

Oral and non-oral lichen planus show genetic heterogeneity and differential risk for autoimmune disease and oral cancer
  • Article

May 2024


14 Reads

The American Journal of Human Genetics

Mary Pat Reeve



Shuang Luo




Maria Siponen

A human esophageal cell atlas
a Study design. b Data composition. Number of cells (y-axis; labeled on top of bar) in analysis from each condition (x-axis, left) or location (x-axis, right). The number of samples in each condition from males (M) and females (F) are labeled on top. Distal and proximal biopsies are paired from the same 15 donors. c, d 60 prevalent cell subsets in the esophageal atlas. c Two-dimensional spherical latent representation of 393,763 cell profiles (dots) from all donors (n = 22), colored by cell type, as learned by scPhere⁸², taking patient, disease status, and anatomical region of biopsy as batch factors. d Mean expression (dot color, log(TP10K + 1), gene Z-scores across all cells of a type) and fraction of expressing cells (dot size) of marker genes (columns) for each of the 60 prevalent cell subsets (rows). Right: total number of cells of a type. Top: cell type marker genes. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.
Shifts in cellular composition during remission and active EoE
a Changes in cell composition between conditions. Distributions of cell type proportions (y-axis) in active disease (red, n = 14), remission (blue, n = 11), or healthy (green, n = 12) biopsies (points). Boxplots: medians and interquartile ranges (IQR). Whiskers: lowest datum within 1.5 IQR of the lower quartile and highest datum within 1.5 IQR of the upper quartile. ***BH FDR < 0.001, **FDR < 0.01, *FDR < 0.05, two-tailed Wald test. b, c Cell proportion association with eosinophil infiltration. b FDR (y-axis, two-tailed one-sample Student’s t test) of Spearman rank correlation coefficients (x-axis) between number of eosinophils per high power field (HPF) and the number of cells of each subset in each patient (n = 22). Cell types with FDR < 0.1 are shown. c Percent cells of specific types (y-axis) and number of eosinophils per HPF (x-axis) in each donor (dot). Linear regression lines are shown. FDRs were from two-tailed one-sample Student’s t tests. d Distinctive cellular composition profiles for each condition. Each sample (left) and cell type (right) by the first two principal components (PCs, x- and y-axis) of the sample (biopsy)-cell type count profile matrix after centered log-ratio transformation. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.
Disease-associated ALOX15⁺ macrophages and PRDM16⁺ DCs in the EoE myeloid compartment
a, b Myeloid compartment of the esophageal cell atlas. a Two-dimensional spherical latent representation of 6515 monocytes, macrophages, and DC profiles (dots) from all donors (n = 22), colored by cell type, as learned by scPhere⁸², taking 10x Chromium library version as the batch factor. b Scores (color) on each of the top 5 PCs (columns) for each myeloid cell subset (rows) hierarchically clustered based on Euclidean distance (dendrogram on left) with complete linkage. c–eALOX15A⁺ macrophages in active EoE. c Significance (y-axis (-log10(p-value), two-tailed likelihood-ratio tests of logistic regression coefficients, Bonferroni corrected) of differential expression (fold change, x-axis) for each gene (dot) between ALOX15⁺ macrophages and other macrophages. Red: >1.5-fold change, adjusted p < 0.001. d Distribution of expression (y-axis, log10(TP10K + 1)) of ALOX15 in ALOX15⁺ macrophages from each condition (x-axis). e Distribution of ALOX15 NMF program scores (y-axis) in different macrophage subsets (x-axis). FDR (BH): two-tailed Mann–Whitney U test. f DC2s subsets. Significance (y-axis (−log10(p-value), two-tailed likelihood-ratio tests of logistic regression coefficients, Bonferroni corrected) of differential expression (fold change, x-axis) for each gene (dot) between cDC2A and cDC2B (classic CD1C⁺ cDC2). Red: >1.5-fold change, adjusted p < 0.001. g–kPRDM16⁺ cDC2Cs. g Significance (y-axis (−log10(p-value), two-tailed likelihood-ratio tests of logistic regression coefficients, Bonferroni corrected) of differential expression (fold change, x-axis) for each gene (dot) between PRDM16⁺ cDC2Cs and other DCs. Red: >1.5-fold change, adjusted p < 0.001. h Distribution of expression (y-axis, log10(TP10K + 1)) of cDC2C marker genes (x-axis) in cDC2Cs in our dataset (left) and from re-analyzing a publicly available brain dataset (right)³⁷. i–k Top: UMAP Embedding of cell profiles from the multiple-organ Tabular Sapiens (i⁴²), cross-tissue immune cells (j⁴³), and colon (k⁴⁴), colored by cluster. Bottom: Distribution of expression level (y-axis, log10(TP10K + 1)) of PRDM16⁺ cDC2Cs marker genes in each cluster (x-axis). Violin plots: width based on Gaussian kernel density estimation of data with default parameters, scaled to a maximum of 1; White horizontal segment: median. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.
Characterizations of ILC2s and T cells in EoE
a T, NK and ILC cell compartment. Pseudobulk cell profiles of each cell subset (dots) in the space of the first two PCs of a PCA applied to the pseudobulk cell profiles. b–d Esophageal ILC2s express prostaglandin-related genes. b Distribution of expression (y-axis, log10(TP10K + 1)) of tissue-resident (CD69, ITGAE, ITGA1) and circulating (FAM65B) marker gene across the subsets in the T/ILC/NK compartment (x-axis). c Distribution of scores (y-axis) of an esophageal ILC2 signature in ILC2s from different tissues (x-axis). d Significance (y-axis (−log10(p-value), two-tailed likelihood-ratio tests of logistic regression coefficients, Bonferroni corrected) of differential expression (fold change, x-axis) for each gene (dot) between ILC2s and TH2 cells. Red: >1.5-fold change, adjusted p < 0.001. e–g Expansion of TH2 cells, contraction of TH17 cells, and reduction in TH17 signature cytokines in EoE. e Left: Mean expression (dot color) and proportion of expressing cells (dot size) of marker genes (columns) of different TH cell subsets (rows) in re-analysis of 1089 publicly available T cell profiles from EoE patients¹³. Right: Proportion of cells (y-axis) of each T cell subset (x-axis) detected in each condition (bar color). ***FDR < 0.001, **FDR < 0.01, two-tailed Fisher’s exact test. f Distribution of expression (y-axis, log10(TP10K + 1)) of key cytokine genes in TH17 cells from each condition (x-axis). FDRs of differential expression analysis (two-tailed likelihood-ratio tests of logistic regression coefficients) indicated on top. g Distribution of cell type proportions (y-axis) of each T/NK/ILC cell subset (x-axis) in each biopsy (dot) in each condition (color) (healthy: n = 12; remission: n = 11; active: n = 14). ***BH FDR < 0.001, **FDR < 0.01, *FDR < 0.05, two-tailed Wald test. Boxplots: medians and interquartile ranges (IQR). Whiskers: lowest datum within 1.5 IQR of the lower quartile and highest datum within 1.5 IQR of the upper quartile. Two-tailed Wald test FDRs are indicated on top. Violin plots: width based on Gaussian kernel density estimation of data with default parameters, scaled to a maximum of 1; White horizontal segment: median. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.
Gene programs changes in active EoE and normalization in remission
a, b Gene changes in cell-intrinsic programs in EoE. a Genes (dots) with significant differential expression (log2(fold changes), x- and y-axis) between different conditions (axis labels). Pearson correlation coefficients and linear regression lines shown in upper left corners. The p-values are based on two-tailed one-sample Student’s t tests. b Enrichment (-log10(FDR), one-tailed hypergeometric test) of Gene Ontology biological process terms (rows) in genes differentially expressed (numbers) between active EoE and both health and remission samples, in each cell type (columns). c–e Shift to IL13RA2⁺ inflammatory fibroblasts in active EoE. c Distribution of expression (y-axis, log10(TP10K + 1)) in fibroblasts from the three conditions (x-axis), of genes differentially expressed in fibroblasts in EoE vs. healthy and annotated as ‘positive regulation of immune system process’. Width: Gaussian kernel density estimation of data with default parameters, scaled to have a maximum of 1; White horizontal segment: median. ***FDR < 0.001, two-tailed likelihood-ratio tests of logistic regression coefficients. d The fraction of IL13RA2⁺ fibroblasts (y-axis) and PC1 score of the centered log-ratio transformed cellular composition profile (as in Fig. 2d) for each sample (dot) from healthy (left), remission (middle) or active EoE (right) patients. The FDRs are based on two-tailed one-sample Student’s t test. e Left: Lasso linear regression coefficient (y-axis, left) of each cell type (dot) (ordered by cell type index (x-axis), as in Fig. 1d) as predictors of fraction of IL13RA2⁺ fibroblasts out of all fibroblasts. Right: Plots of lasso linear regression predictions (y-axis, based on IgG⁺ plasma cell ratios) and observed IL13RA2⁺ fibroblasts ratios. The black line is a fitted linear regression line. The p-values are based on two-tailed one-sample Student’s t test. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.


An esophagus cell atlas reveals dynamic rewiring during active eosinophilic esophagitis and remission
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2024


50 Reads

Nature Communications

Coordinated cell interactions within the esophagus maintain homeostasis, and disruption can lead to eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), a chronic inflammatory disease with poorly understood pathogenesis. We profile 421,312 individual cells from the esophageal mucosa of 7 healthy and 15 EoE participants, revealing 60 cell subsets and functional alterations in cell states, compositions, and interactions that highlight previously unclear features of EoE. Active disease displays enrichment of ALOX15⁺ macrophages, PRDM16⁺ dendritic cells expressing the EoE risk gene ATP10A, and cycling mast cells, with concomitant reduction of TH17 cells. Ligand–receptor expression uncovers eosinophil recruitment programs, increased fibroblast interactions in disease, and IL-9⁺IL-4⁺IL-13⁺ TH2 and endothelial cells as potential mast cell interactors. Resolution of inflammation-associated signatures includes mast and CD4⁺ TRM cell contraction and cell type-specific downregulation of eosinophil chemoattractant, growth, and survival factors. These cellular alterations in EoE and remission advance our understanding of eosinophilic inflammation and opportunities for therapeutic intervention.


Fig. 2. SIK1/2-selective inhibitors modulate cytokine responses and upregulate CREB target genes during innate immune activation in vitro. (A) SIK1/SIK2-selective inhibitor JRD-SIK1/2i-3 modulates cytokine production in primary human macrophages derived from healthy donors. Macrophages were differentiated from PBMC monocytes for 7d with M-CSF, exposed to SIK inhibitors for 2 h, and stimulated with LPS for another 3 h before determination of IL-10 (Left) and TNF concentrations (Right) in the cell culture media by AlphaLISA® proximity assays. (B) JRD-SIK1/2i-3 suppresses LPS-induced TNF production in BMDCs from Il10 KO mice. BMDCs derived from mice with the indicated genotypes were treated with the indicated concentrations of JRD-SIK1/2i-3 for 2 h followed by stimulation with LPS for 4 h and quantification of IL-10 (Left) and TNF (Right) by cytokine bead array or AlphaLISA® proximity assays, respectively. Each point represents the mean ± SD (n = 3 biological replicates per genotype) at a given compound concentration. Half-maximal effective concentrations were calculated using non-linear regression analysis. Results from one of two experiments are shown (see SI Appendix, Fig. S3F for the second experiment). (C) sc-RNA-seq analysis was performed in PBMCs treated with JRD-SIK1/2i-3 for 1 h followed by stimulation with LPS for an additional 1 h. The cells were visualized using UMAP plots with the Upper panel showing all cells for each condition (unstimulated, 5 ng/mL LPS, 5 ng/mL LPS + 1 µM JRD-SIK1/2i-3, 5 ng/mL LPS + 10 µM JRD-SIK1/2i-3; n = 2 donors per condition) and the Lower panel depicting only cells for the unstimulated and the 5 ng/mL LPS conditions, as indicated (no compound). The cells largely separated by cell type, but the myeloid compartment included additional distinct clusters upon LPS stimulation. (D) Numbers of significant (absolute log2FC > 0.5 and FDR < 0.05) differentially expressed genes detected in each cell type and for the given comparison from the experiment described in (C). Numbers of genes that were upregulated by LPS or LPS plus 1 µM or 10 µM JRD-SIK1/2i-3 are shown in cyan, while the number of genes downregulated are shown in pink. Fractions of genes that are also putative CREB targets are depicted in a darker shade, with the numerical fractions indicating the number of putative CREB genes over the total number of differentially expressed genes in the associated direction.
Fig. 3. JRD-SIK1/2i-4 exhibits TNF suppression, IL-10 induction, and proximal target engagement in vivo. (A) Schematic of the acute LPS challenge model used to determine PK/PD relationships for SIK1/SIK2-inhibitors. C57BL/6 mice were orally dosed JRD-SIK1/2i-4 at 1, 5, 20, or 80 mg/kg or YKL-05-099 at 80 mg/kg, or vehicle 1 h before administering a systemic LPS challenge (0.2 mg/kg, IP) and 2 h before harvesting blood and colon tissue for exposure and cytokine analyses. (B) Plasma exposure/response relationships of TNF (Top) and IL-10 (Bottom). Compound plasma concentrations were determined by LC-MS/MS and plasma cytokine concentrations by MSD ® sandwich immunoassays. For JRD-SIK1/2i-4, curves were fitted using four-parameter logistic regression (1/y2 weighting). The top of the TNF and bottom of the IL-10 curves were constrained to the mean TNF and IL-10 concentrations of the vehicle group, respectively (dotted lines). (C) JRD-SIK1/2i-4 dose-dependently inhibits Tnf (Left) and elevates Il10 gene expression (Right) in colon tissue. The PD response to YKL-05-099 is shown for comparison. Gene expression is expressed as fold change over naive using B2m as housekeeping gene. Statistically significant changes for individual cohorts are shown if P < 0.05 (*P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001 versus vehicle; JRD-SIK1/2i-4 groups versus vehicle: one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett's multiple comparisons test, YKL-05-099 versus vehicle: unpaired, two-tailed Student's t-test). One mouse was removed from the vehicle group because of an issue with the LPS injection. (D) Proximal target engagement in colon extracts as determined by loss of pSer329-CRTC3-phosphorylation. Approximately 5-mm-long tissue samples of flushed colons were lysed in the presence of proteinase-and phosphatase-inhibitors and 30 µg of lysate per sample were analyzed for the presence of either pSer329-CRTC3 or total CRTC3 by MSD®-ECL. Luminescence signals from the pSer329-CRTC3 assay were divided by the luminescence signals from the total CRTC3 assay to normalize to total CRTC3 present in each sample and mean luminescence ratios are shown for each dose group (±SEM; n = 6 mice per group). Significance of differences of compound-treated groups from the vehicle-treated group was determined by one-way ANOVA comparing group means followed by Dunnett's multiple comparisons test (**P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ns = not significant).
Fig. 4. JRD-SIK1/2i-4 suppresses disease in the anti-CD40-induced colitis model. (A) Schematic of the anti-CD40 colitis model used to determine the ability of SIK1/2-inhibitors to ameliorate pathology in a myeloid-driven inflammatory model. Rag2 −/− mice were injected with 200 µg anti-CD40 antibody per mouse IP (day 0) and orally administered 5, 20, or 80 mg/kg b.i.d. or 40 or 80 mg/kg q.d. JRD-SIK1/2i-4 on days −1 through 6. A cohort dosed once on day −1 with an anti-IL-23p19 antibody (CNTO 3723) served as a positive control. (B) Body weight expressed as percent of baseline weight (day 0). JRD-SIK1/2i-4 dosed at 20 mg/kg (◆) or 80 mg/kg (▲) b.i.d. and 40 mg/kg (◇) or 80 mg/kg (△) q.d. showed statistically significant suppression of body weight loss compared to vehicle b.i.d. (•) and vehicle q.d. (○), respectively ( † † † †P < 0.0001 versus vehicle b.i.d., ####P < 0.0001 versus vehicle q.d.; two-way ANOVA with repeated measures, followed by Dunnett's multiple comparisons test). The error bars denote SEM. (C) Liver histopathology scores (sum of subacute inflammation, acute coagulation necrosis of hepatocytes, portal vein thrombosis, increased hepatocyte mitotic figures, lipid vacuolization of hepatocytes, and extramedullary hematopoiesis, each on a 0-5 scale) on day 7. JRD-SIK1/2i-4 dosed at 80 mg/kg (▲) b.i.d. and 40 mg/kg (◇) or 80 mg/kg (△) q.d. showed statistically significant prevention of liver inflammation compared to vehicle b.i.d. (•) and vehicle q.d. (○), respectively ( † † † †P < 0.0001 versus vehicle b.i.d., #P < 0.05 versus vehicle q.d.; Kruskal-Wallis test). (D) Representative photomicrographs of proximal colon at 70× magnification of naive, vehicle b.i.d., JRD-SIK1/2i-4 80 mg/kg b.i.d., and anti-IL-23p19 study groups. Infiltration of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages (*), as well as gland loss (**) are indicated. Mucosa (M), submucosa (SM), lymphoid aggregate (LA), and tunica muscularis externa (TME) are denoted. The scale bars correspond to 300 µm. (E) Colon histopathology scores (sum of edema, mucosal thickness, inflammation, gland loss, and erosion, each on a 0-5 scale) on day 7. JRD-SIK1/2i-4 dosed at 20 mg/kg (◆) or 80 mg/kg (▲) b.i.d. and 40 mg/kg (◇) or 80 mg/kg (△) q.d. showed statistically significant prevention of colitis compared to vehicle b.i.d. (•) and vehicle q.d. (○), respectively. Statistically significant suppression of colitis was also observed in the anti-IL-23p19 cohort against either vehicle group ( †P < 0.05 and † † † †P < 0.0001 versus vehicle b.i.d.; #P < 0.05, ###P < 0.001, and ####P < 0.0001 versus vehicle q.d.; Kruskal-Wallis test).
Identification of highly selective SIK1/2 inhibitors that modulate innate immune activation and suppress intestinal inflammation

December 2023


68 Reads


3 Citations

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

The salt-inducible kinases (SIK) 1–3 are key regulators of pro- versus anti-inflammatory cytokine responses during innate immune activation. The lack of highly SIK-family or SIK isoform-selective inhibitors suitable for repeat, oral dosing has limited the study of the optimal SIK isoform selectivity profile for suppressing inflammation in vivo. To overcome this challenge, we devised a structure-based design strategy for developing potent SIK inhibitors that are highly selective against other kinases by engaging two differentiating features of the SIK catalytic site. This effort resulted in SIK1/2-selective probes that inhibit key intracellular proximal signaling events including reducing phosphorylation of the SIK substrate cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) regulated transcription coactivator 3 (CRTC3) as detected with an internally generated phospho-Ser329-CRTC3-specific antibody. These inhibitors also suppress production of pro-inflammatory cytokines while inducing anti-inflammatory interleukin-10 in activated human and murine myeloid cells and in mice following a lipopolysaccharide challenge. Oral dosing of these compounds ameliorates disease in a murine colitis model. These findings define an approach to generate highly selective SIK1/2 inhibitors and establish that targeting these isoforms may be a useful strategy to suppress pathological inflammation.

Protein Language Models Uncover Carbohydrate-Active Enzyme Function in Metagenomic

October 2023


92 Reads


1 Citation

In metagenomics, the pool of uncharacterized microbial enzymes presents a challenge for functional annotation. Among these, carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) stand out due to their pivotal roles in various biological processes related to host health and nutrition. Here, we present CAZyLingua, the first tool that harnesses protein language model embeddings to build a deep learning framework that facilitates the annotation of CAZymes in metagenomic datasets. Our benchmarking results showed on average a higher F1 score (reflecting an average of precision and recall) on the annotated genomes of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, Eggerthella lenta and Ruminococcus gnavus compared to the traditional sequence homology-based method in dbCAN2. We applied our tool to a paired mother/infant longitudinal dataset and revealed unannotated CAZymes linked to microbial development during infancy. When applied to metagenomic datasets derived from patients affected by fibrosis-prone diseases such as Crohn's disease and IgG4-related disease, CAZyLingua uncovered CAZymes associated with disease and healthy states. In each of these metagenomic catalogs, CAZyLingua discovered new annotations that were previously overlooked by traditional sequence homology tools. Overall, the deep learning model CAZyLingua can be applied in combination with existing tools to unravel intricate CAZyme evolutionary profiles and patterns, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of microbial metabolic dynamics.

Genetic vulnerability to Crohn’s disease reveals a spatially resolved epithelial restitution program

October 2023


54 Reads


1 Citation

Science Translational Medicine

Effective tissue repair requires coordinated intercellular communication to sense damage, remodel the tissue, and restore function. Here, we dissected the healing response in the intestinal mucosa by mapping intercellular communication at single-cell resolution and integrating with spatial transcriptomics. We demonstrated that a risk variant for Crohn’s disease, hepatocyte growth factor activator (HGFAC) Arg ⁵⁰⁹ His (R509H), disrupted a damage-sensing pathway connecting the coagulation cascade to growth factors that drive the differentiation of wound-associated epithelial (WAE) cells and production of a localized retinoic acid (RA) gradient to promote fibroblast-mediated tissue remodeling. Specifically, we showed that HGFAC R509H was activated by thrombin protease activity but exhibited impaired proteolytic activation of the growth factor macrophage-stimulating protein (MSP). In Hgfac R509H mice, reduced MSP activation in response to wounding of the colon resulted in impaired WAE cell induction and delayed healing. Through integration of single-cell transcriptomics and spatial transcriptomics, we demonstrated that WAE cells generated RA in a spatially restricted region of the wound site and that mucosal fibroblasts responded to this signal by producing extracellular matrix and growth factors. We further dissected this WAE cell–fibroblast signaling circuit in vitro using a genetically tractable organoid coculture model. Collectively, these studies exploited a genetic perturbation associated with human disease to disrupt a fundamental biological process and then reconstructed a spatially resolved mechanistic model of tissue healing.

Figure 3. (a) TNF-α production by BMDCs from tlr2 −/− mice. (b) TNF-α production by BMDCs from tlr4 −/− mice. LPS and Pam3CSK4 were used as positive controls. Error bars are SD of technical replicates (n = 3).
Figure 4. Induction of cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6, IL-23, and IL-10) from human MDDCs activated by MiCL-1, MiCL-1*, and 16:0-18:1 CL. LPS and Pam3CSK4 were used as positive controls. Error bars = SD of technical replicates (n = 3).
Figure 5. TNF-α induction of CRISPR/Cas9 targeting by human MDDCs treated with MiCL-1, MiCL-1*, and 16:0-18:1 CL. LPS and Pam3CSK4 were used as positive controls. Error bars = SD of technical replicates (n = 3).
A Cardiolipin from Muribaculum intestinale Induces Antigen-Specific Cytokine Responses

October 2023


13 Reads


7 Citations

Journal of the American Chemical Society

An systematic phenotypic screen of the mouse gut microbiome for metabolites with an immunomodulatory effect identified Muribaculum intestinale as one of only two members with an oversized effect on T-cell populations. Here we report the identification and characterization of a lipid, MiCL-1, as the responsible metabolite. MiCL-1 is an 18:1-16:0 cardiolipin, whose close relatives are found on concave lipid surfaces of both mammals and bacteria. MiCL-1 was synthesized to confirm the structural analysis and functionally characterized in cell-based assays. It has a highly restrictive structure–activity profile, as its chain-switched analog fails to induce responses in any of our assays. MiCL-1 robustly induces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-23, but has no detectable effect on the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. As is the case with other recently discovered immunomodulatory lipids, MiCL-1 requires functional TLR2 and TLR1 but not TLR6 in cell-based assays.

Figure 1. (a) TNF-α inducing activity of the cell pellet, supernatant, bacterial extracellular vesicles (BEV), and SpCL-1 from S. pyogenes ATCC 700294 in mBMDCs. (b) Induced TNF-α production of mBMDCs treated with S. pyogenes size-exclusion chromatography fractions. (c) Dose− response curves of TNF-α inducing activities of natural SpCL-1 (Nat. SpCL-1), synthetic SpCL-1 (Syn. SpCL-1), and synthetic chain-switched SpCL-1 (Syn. CS SpCL-1). Error bars = SD of technical replicates (n = 3 or 4). LPS, lipopolysaccharide (TLR4 ligand); Pam3CSK4, a synthetic triacylated lipopeptide (TLR2/TLR1 ligand).
Figure 2. Structures of SpCL-1 (1) and its chain-switched analog (2).
Figure 3. TNF-α inducing activity of SpCL-1 in TLR2/4 −/− mBMDCs. Error bars = SD of technical replicates (n = 3 or 4). Figure 4. TNF-α inducing activities of natural SpCL-1 (Nat. SpCL-1), synthetic SpCL-1 (Syn. SpCL-1), and synthetic chain-switched SpCL-1 (Syn. CS SpCL-1) in wild type (WT) and nucleofected human MDDCs. Error bars = SD of technical replicates (n = 3).
Scheme 1. Outline for Synthesis of SpCL-1 (1) and Its Chain-Switched Analog (2) a
Revisiting Coley’s Toxins: Immunogenic Cardiolipins from Streptococcus pyogenes

September 2023


23 Reads


5 Citations

Journal of the American Chemical Society

Coley’s toxins, an early and enigmatic form of cancer (immuno)therapy, were based on preparations of Streptococcus pyogenes. As part of a program to explore bacterial metabolites with immunomodulatory potential, S. pyogenes metabolites were assayed in a cell-based immune assay, and a single membrane lipid, 18:1/18:0/18:1/18:0 cardiolipin, was identified. Its activity was profiled in additional cellular assays, which showed it to be an agonist of a TLR2–TLR1 signaling pathway with a 6 μM EC50 and robust TNF-α induction. A synthetic analog with switched acyl chains had no measurable activity in immune assays. The identification of a single immunogenic cardiolipin with a restricted structure–activity profile has implications for immune regulation, cancer immunotherapy, and poststreptococcal autoimmune diseases.

Constitutively active autophagy in macrophages dampens inflammation through metabolic and post-transcriptional regulation of cytokine production

June 2023


68 Reads


7 Citations

Cell Reports

Autophagy is an essential cellular process that is deeply integrated with innate immune signaling; however, studies that examine the impact of autophagic modulation in the context of inflammatory conditions are lacking. Here, using mice with a constitutively active variant of the autophagy gene Beclin1, we show that increased autophagy dampens cytokine production during a model of macrophage activation syndrome and in adherent-invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) infection. Moreover, loss of functional autophagy through conditional deletion of Beclin1 in myeloid cells significantly enhances innate immunity in these contexts. We further analyzed primary macrophages from these animals with a combination of transcriptomics and proteomics to identify mechanistic targets downstream of autophagy. Our study reveals glutamine/glutathione metabolism and the RNF128/TBK1 axis as independent regulators of inflammation. Altogether, our work highlights increased autophagic flux as a potential approach to reduce inflammation and defines independent mechanistic cascades involved in this control.

Citations (66)

... Additionally, at 2 h post-infection, we noted up-regulation in genes that modulate the inflammatory response, such as Dual-Specificity [26], including G protein-coupled receptor 35 (Gpr35), involved in modulating inflammatory responses [27] and Salt inducible Kinase 1 (SIK1) [28], crucial for balancing pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokine responses during innate immune activation. Both Grp35 and SIK1 are upregulated about 2.6-fold at 6 h post-infection, likely as a result of DUSP2 stimulation. ...


Transcriptome analysis of macrophages during Brucella abortus infection clarifies the survival mechanisms of the bacteria
Identification of highly selective SIK1/2 inhibitors that modulate innate immune activation and suppress intestinal inflammation

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

... T h 17 cells, identified by IL17Apositive cells, harbored significant enrichment (Fig 1A) of IBD gene expressions in adult CD and a suggestive significance (raw P = 0.008; false discovery rate [FDR] = 0.12) in pediatric CD. T h 1 cells were not identified in the adult sample of Kong et al's study (25). The association of ILC3 (type 3 innate lymphoid) cells in pediatric did not present in adult CD, which could be attributed to the fact that ILC cells play a role in the initial phase of the disease (26). ...

The landscape of immune dysregulation in Crohn’s disease revealed through single-cell transcriptomic profiling in the ileum and colon
  • Citing Article
  • December 2023


... In this research, the changes of gut microorganisms caused by AP were greatly influenced by TFC. Muribaculum intestinale was reported to induce adaptive immune responses during homeostasis, and was greatly increased after AP induction [23]. However, TFC significantly reduced the level of Muribaculum intestinale. ...

A Cardiolipin from Muribaculum intestinale Induces Antigen-Specific Cytokine Responses

Journal of the American Chemical Society

... This challenge becomes especially pressing when it comes to lipids of microbial origin as these often possess previously undiscovered structural modifications and highly specific structure-activity profiles [12][13][14] for which authentic standards are most often not readily available. [15][16][17] In recent years it became evident that halocapnines [18] and bacterial sulfonolipids ( Figure 1A) are not only of importance for bacterial physiology, [19] but also take part in different host-microbe interactions. Specifically, sulfonosphingolipids known as RIFs [20,21] and sulfonolipid IOR-1A, [22,23] which belong to the prokaryotic counterparts of the sphingolipid class, [24] play a role in regulating cell differentiation processes in the single-celled eukaryote Salpingoeca rosetta. ...

Revisiting Coley’s Toxins: Immunogenic Cardiolipins from Streptococcus pyogenes

Journal of the American Chemical Society

... Here, we demonstrated that YTHDC1 knockdown inhibited Beclin1 and LC3II protein expression and further promoted p62 protein levels under LPS/ IFN-γ treatment in vitro, suggesting that YTHDC1 is involved in autophagy regulation in the inflammatory microenvironment. A recent study revealed that Beclin1deficient BMDMs exhibited increased levels of phosphorylated NF-κB p65 [31]. In accordance with this, our work indicated the significance of YTHDC1 in regulating NF-κB signaling through Beclin1-dependent autophagy. ...

Constitutively active autophagy in macrophages dampens inflammation through metabolic and post-transcriptional regulation of cytokine production
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

Cell Reports

... The resulting peptides are then loaded onto HLA-I molecules by the peptide loading complex within the endoplasmic reticulum (60). HLA-II molecules are exclusively expressed on professional antigen-presenting cells, such as dendritic cells, B cells, and macrophages, and bind longer peptides ranging between 12 and 30 amino acids in length (61,62). These peptides derive from extracellular proteins, which can be either harmless or associated with pathogens. ...

HLA-II immunopeptidome profiling and deep learning reveal features of antigenicity to inform antigen discovery
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023


... A recent study revealed that GPR156 modulates lipid droplet dynamics in infected macrophages lacking membrane magnesium transporter 1 (ref. 28). It may be worth examining whether phospholipid-mediated activation of GPR156 has any correlation with its role in lipid droplet stabilization. ...

Identification of host regulators of Mycobacterium tuberculosis phenotypes uncovers a role for the MMGT1-GPR156 lipid droplet axis in persistence
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

Cell Host & Microbe

... This interaction is distinguished by molecular signals, biochemical communication, and a nuanced equilibrium of microbial communities, all of which have substantial implications for our well-being (3) (4). While some microorganisms are beneficial, playing crucial roles in processes such as digestion and immune system priming, others with pathogenic properties can lead to diseases and infections (5) (6). Previous studies, such as the Human Microbiome Project (HMP), have provided insights into the human microbiome in terms of human health and diseases. ...

Conditioning of the immune system by the microbiome
  • Citing Article
  • May 2023

Trends in Immunology

... CD4+ T cells can induce inflammation and maintain inflammation in the mucosa by producing pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-12, IL-21, and IL-23, playing an important role in CD [28]. The dysregulation of the immune response is closely related to genetic factors that predispose to CD [29]. ...

The landscape of immune dysregulation in Crohn’s disease revealed through single-cell transcriptomic profiling in the ileum and colon
  • Citing Article
  • January 2023


... BG treatment effectively mitigated this imbalance by reducing the conversion of Tregs to Th17 cells. Elevated local and serum IL-17 levels in CD patients underscored the significance of IL-17 + T cells in disease severity (Pedersen et al. 2022). BG treatment increased anti-inflammatory factors such as IL-10, IL-5, Foxp3, and GATA3 in the colon, indicative of enhanced anti-inflammatory responses. ...

The CD4+ T cell response to a commensal-derived epitope transitions from a tolerant to an inflammatory state in Crohn’s disease
  • Citing Article
  • September 2022
