D S Zhalkin's scientific contributions

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Publications (1)

Figure 1. Dependence of the coefficient of route execution possibility on the profile of the area and experience of the driver. The analysis of the graph shows that in the interaction of factors x 1 -the profile of the area and x 2 -experience of the driver the coefficient of route execution possibility varies from 0.88 to 0.916. The minimum value of the coefficient corresponds to the interaction of the maximum value x 1 and the coefficient of route execution possibility
Figure 2. Dependence of the coefficient of route execution possibility on the weight of the train and the length of the shoulder.
Figure 5. Dependence of the coefficient of route execution possibility on the weight of the train and the profile of the area. The last group of factors on which the calculations were made were x 4 -the weight of the train and x 1 -the profile of the area. The made calculations showed that the formula for determining the coefficient of route execution possibility with the interaction of the factors x 4 and x 1 will have the following form     4 1 41 0.8919 0.0165 0.0043 0.0203 k x x xx (12)
Values of variables and variables range.
Estimation of the influence of the interaction of factors pairs on the coefficient of route execution possibility
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2019


51 Reads


1 Citation

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

V G Puzyr


O S Krasheninin


D S Zhalkin




Successful execution of a route by a locomotive can depend on the combination of various operational factors. As an indicator that characterizes the reliable operation of locomotives in exploitation, the coefficient of route execution possibility is proposed to use. The task is to get a formula by which it would be possible to obtain the value of the coefficient of route execution possibility with different combinations of factors. As a tool for obtaining an interpolation formula for determining the coefficient of route execution possibility, a full factor experiment was chosen. The calculations of the model coefficients were carried out with a pairwise combination of four factors: the profile of the area, experience of the driver, the length of the shoulder, the weight of the train. The obtained models were checked for adequacy by F-test. On the received models in three-dimensional coordinates surfaces, reflecting the value of the coefficient of route execution possibility in the intervals of factorization, were constructed. An analysis of the obtained surfaces and the distribution of the selected factors by the degree of impact on the coefficient of route execution possibility were carried out.


Citations (1)

... Перші наукові дослідження в цьому напрямку були присвячені обґрунтуванню стратегії взаємодії традиційних підходів і тих, що мають значні відмінності від традиційних. Це прийняття стратегії на розподіл експлуатаційних та ремонтних функцій локомотивних підприємств, коли разом з виробниками, ремонтними заводами і депо визначається необхідність передачі ремонту в сервісні центри [4,5]. ...


Estimation of the influence of the interaction of factors pairs on the coefficient of route execution possibility

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering