D. Cafarelli Dees's research while affiliated with KWS UK Ltd and other places

Publications (4)

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One hundred and forty-seven adult recipients of the Nucleus 24 cochlear implant system, from 13 different European countries, were tested using neural response telemetry to measure the electrically evoked compound action potential (ECAP), according to a standardised postoperative measurement procedure. Recordings were obtained in 96% of these subje...
One hundred and forty-seven adult recipients of the Nucleus® 24 cochlear implant system, from 13 different European countries, were tested using neural response telemetry to measure the electrically evoked compound action potential (ECAP), according to a standardised postoperative measurement procedure. Recordings were obtained in 96% of these subj...
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Seventeen adult subjects participated in a multicentre trial to compare the performance between an NRT-based MAP and their behavioural MAP. The NRT-based MAP was made using a correction factor to predict T/C levels, calculated from the difference between the ECAP threshold (‘T-NRT’) and the measured T/C levels at electrode 10, as described by Brown...


... The evaluation of the neural response in the cochlear implant (CI) has shown great clinical and scientific relevance [1,2]. Neural response telemetry thresholds (tNRT) provide information about the current level that triggers the impulse in the auditory nerve and can indicate the current required to produce an auditory sensation. ...
... eCAPs are appealing because they do not require additional equipment, and they do not require the patient to be engaged or compliant. Despite these advantages, several previous studies have shown that eCAPs are poor predictors of upper stimulation levels and should only be used to confirm device and nerve function and/or as a last resort for the programming of upper stimulation levels (15,23,(26)(27)(28)(29)(30). The electrically evoked auditory brainstem response, has been shown to be present in a majority of patients; however, it is time consuming and results are more likely to correlate to behavioral thresholds than to upper loudness tolerance limits (23,31). ...
... These near-field responses, recorded using adjacent electrodes in the CI array, reflect the first action potential in the auditory nerve and were absent to electrical pulses at the maximum levels for each of the stimulating electrodes. This result is unusual, with <4% of the patients with normal cochlear anatomy showing absent potentials [12], and is consistent with a paucity of auditory nerve fibers. ...