Claudia Camargo-Wilson's research while affiliated with Autonomous University of Baja California and other places

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Publications (8)

Sector and job.
Years on the job.
Validation of latent variables.
Descriptive analysis of the data.


Planning, Execution, and Control of Operations in SC Activities—Baja California Manufacturing Case Study
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2022


160 Reads







This paper reports a second order structural equation model (SEM) with four latent variables and six hypotheses to analyze the Planning, Execution, and Control of the information and communication technologies (ICT) implementation in supply chains (SC) and the operational Benefits obtained. The model is validated with information obtained from 80 responses to a questionnaire applied direct to manufacturing companies in Baja California state (Mexico), specifically in Ensenada, Mexicali, Tecate, and Tijuana municipalities. The variables are statistically validated using the Cronbach’s alpha index for internal and R-squared for predictive validity. Partial least squares algorithms are used to validate the model’s hypotheses in software WarpPLS version7.0 ScripWarp Systems, Laredo, TX, US. Findings indicate that the direct impact of Execution and Control is positive and therefore are the basis for successful integration of ICT and obtaining agility and flexibility benefits in the SC.


Expected influence of the independent variable (exogenous) in connection with the dependent variables (endogenous).
Student's t-Test of mean differences between men and women.
Summary of the influence of exogenous variables on endogenous variables in each of the hypotheses.
Increasing Mediation resulting values.
Decreasing Mediation resulting values.
Influence of COVID-19 Pandemic Uncertainty in Negative Emotional States and Resilience as Mediators against Suicide Ideation, Drug Addiction and Alcoholism

December 2021


94 Reads


13 Citations

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)

This research uses structural equation modeling to determine the influence of uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic as an independent variable in the negative emotional states and resilience (as mediating variables) vs. drug addiction, alcoholism, and suicide ideation as dependent variables in 5557 students from a public state university in Northern Mexico. The five variables are related through eight hypotheses and tested using partial least squares. We used an adapted questionnaire sent by email in May 2020. Findings show that uncertainty facing the COVID-19 pandemic had a direct and significant influence on negative emotional states and a significant inverse effect on resilience; in the trajectory, drug addiction and alcoholism, and suicide ideation are explained.

A Review on Infrared Thermal Imaging as a Tool in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

June 2021


33 Reads

This research reviews 18 scientific articles concerning the application of infrared thermography (IRT) in the mensuration of diagnostic studies of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). In addition, the proposed future challenges in this research area are identified. A review of articles is performed in databases such as PubMed, Scopus, EBSCO, ELSEVIER, Springer, and Oxford Academic using the keywords: carpal tunnel syndrome and (thermography OR infrared image OR thermal image). Its contents, journals publishing the topic, and the year of publication are reviewed, and graphs and cross tables are constructed. Using databases such as PubMed, Scopus, EBSCO, ELSEVIER, Springer, and Oxford Academic, 937 articles are identified, 37 of which were duplicates. The titles and abstracts of the remaining articles were reviewed, and 855 articles were deleted due to exclusion criteria. Eighteen articles were found written in foreign language, five were removed for not covering the topic (three reviews and two on liquid crystal thermography), and four were not available online. Finally, eighteen articles were selected for the full text review, from which 13 articles meet the CTS diagnostic classification and 5 consider the CTS studies. IRT is a reliable method in the diagnosis of CTS, mainly in the first stage. To improve diagnostic accuracy, it is recommended nerve conduction studies.

Integrating and Controlling ICT Implementation in the Supply Chain: The SME Experience from Baja California

May 2021


81 Reads


3 Citations


It is mentioned that companies’ competition is currently more associated with supply chains (SC) than production processes since sometimes logistics costs represent up to 70% of the total production cost in a product. To improve efficiency in SC, companies are implementing information and communication technologies (ICT). This paper reports a structural equation model that incorporates four latent variables related to ICT applied in SC: technological innovation, information management, and information availability as independent variables, and operating benefits gained as a dependent variable. These variables are related using six hypotheses that are validated using information obtained from 80 responses to a survey applied to small and medium-sized enterprises in Baja California (Mexico). The partial least squares technique is used to validate the hypotheses in the structural equation model. Findings indicate that technological innovation is the basis for the successful implementation of ICT and its application guarantees greater information availability and efficient management, leading to obtaining operating benefits in SC.

Design of a Modular Plantar Orthosis System through the Application of TRIZ Methodology Tools

February 2021


216 Reads


8 Citations

Applied Sciences

Innovations within the medical device sector are constantly and rapidly emerging due to increasing demand, especially for orthosis systems, which usually constitute built rigids with low comfort, due mainly to the standardized production process. This article reports the design process of a plantar orthosis system from the application of Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) tools, known as generic parameters, matrix of contradictions, and inventive principles. The final orthosis is integrated by four modules or components (1 central and 3 movables) and customers can buy only the required ones, reducing cost in unnecessary parts. The plantar orthosis was defined based on three engineering parameters that delimited the design work by developing a customizable system that is capable of performing simultaneous functions and whose manufacture could be standardized. We identified the existence of a technical contradiction between the engineering parameters, customization, and standardization, which was solved by the inventive principles of segmentation, inversion, transition to a new dimension, and porous materials. A modular design with four components was accomplished, molds are built for each component in a machining center and injected using granulated ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer. The positions of the movable components are configured through a bolt-hole assembly mechanism to the central component, which is a flat perforated plantar base. The novelty in the design here presented is elated to supports that constitute the orthosis, which are interchangeable and adjustable to the pathological and morphological needs of each patient.

Burnout Syndrome in Police Officers and Its Relationship with Physical and Leisure Activities

August 2020


538 Reads


41 Citations

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)

No previous studies in Mexico have been found that jointly analyze physical and leisure activities as variables related to mental health in police officers. This paper presents research on burnout in Mexican Police officers. The question it answers is: is there any association of burnout with physical and leisure activities and personal profile? A total of 276 police officers (87% men and 13% women) participated. To obtain information, the Spanish Burnout Inventory and the Operational Police Stress questionnaires were used. A cross sectional study design was utilized with tests of validity and reliability, goodness of fit, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and analysis of k-means clusters. Results showed that a high number of policemen had high prevalence of burnout and a high level of mental exhaustion, and that exercise was positively and significantly related to lower burnout risk. Men showed higher risk than women. Results should be considered to improve interventions and occupational health practices in the police force. This paper improves understanding of burnout among policemen and the importance of exercise and leisure activities to alleviate burnout.

Impact of the Planning from the Kanban System on the Company’s Operating Benefits

July 2018


4,301 Reads


21 Citations


This article reports a model regarding the structural equations of the impact of the planning phase and the benefits acquired in the implementation of the kanban system. It begins with a literature review of the activities of the planning phase, based on which a questionnaire was developed and applied in manufacturing companies in the state of Baja California, in the municipalities of Ensenada, Tijuana, Tecate, and Mexicali. The responses were obtained from 118 questionnaires and were validated by the Cronbach’s alpha index for internal validity and the R-squared index for predictive validity. A model of the structural equations of the planning phase was developed and validated through three latent variables, namely, human resources, preliminary analysis, and kanban integration, which correspond to 22 activities and one variable that integrate 11 operational benefits. The model shows six hypotheses to verify the causal relationships between these variables. Partial least-squares algorithms are used to validate the hypothesis, and the results indicate that the preliminary analysis is the basis for the success of the implementation of the kanban in the planning stage, through the application of activities, such as 5’s, value stream mapping (VSM), material handling, flow diagram, and visual aids with a sustainable approach, according to the efficient flow of materials and minimum downtime.

The Role of Planning and Implementation of ICT in Operational Benefits

June 2018


5,575 Reads


14 Citations


This article reports a model of structural equations that integrates four latent variables and six hypotheses among them: Integration of information and communication technology (ICT), investment in ICT, training in ICT, and operational benefits obtained in the supply chain (SC). The model is validated with information obtained from 80 surveys applied to manufacturing companies in the municipalities of Ensenada, Mexicali, Tecate, and Tijuana in Mexico. The information is validated by the Cronbach alpha index for internal validity and the R-square index for predictive validity. Partial least-squares algorithms are used to validate the hypotheses in the model and the results indicate that the integration of technology is the basis for the success of the implementation of information technologies, and that the application of these guarantees the obtaining of operational benefits in the productive system.

Citations (6)

... 2,3 While we are not there yet, especially when we are administering opioids to treat opioid dependence as if there is an opioid deficiency, 4 new advancements have revealed neurogenetic and epigenetic processes by which molecular, neurobiological, and sociospiritual factors increase vulnerability and resilience to these behaviors. 5,6 For example, an individual's inability to replace short-term rewards with more beneficial long-term rewards can involve neurological and behavioral disruption. 7 Knowledge of the combinative role of genes and environment (epigenetics) can help sway unwanted substances and behavioral addictions. ...


Futuristic Exploration of Addiction Neuroscience in the Genomic Era
Influence of COVID-19 Pandemic Uncertainty in Negative Emotional States and Resilience as Mediators against Suicide Ideation, Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)

... For example, Pérez-López et al. [12] analyzed the Planning stage and indicated all the factors that affect it and how it guarantees operational benefits. However, this Planning is not enough; it is necessary to carry out the integration process and to have Control over the acquired ICT, provide them with maintenance care for their optimal operation and guarantee the flow of information to facilitate decision-making [13]. ...

Integrating and Controlling ICT Implementation in the Supply Chain: The SME Experience from Baja California


... Regarding human safety and life, application of the TRIZ method in the conceptual design of walking crutches is presented in [18]. In [19], the design process of an ankle orthosis system using the tools of the Invention Problem Solving Theory is described. The design of an interventional surgery robot based on the TRIZ theory was presented in [20]. ...

Design of a Modular Plantar Orthosis System through the Application of TRIZ Methodology Tools

Applied Sciences

... Varios estudios han profundizado en la evaluación de las dimensiones del Inventario de Burnout de Maslach (MBI) específicamente en el ámbito policial, centrándose en los niveles de agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y ausencia de realización personal. Ejemplos de estos estudios incluyen la investigación de Gómez et al., (2020) en las Fuerzas de Seguridad de España, que revelaron niveles elevados de agotamiento durante la pandemia de COVID-19, y la investigación de García et al., (2020) en agentes de policía en Ensenada, México, que mostraron un 40% de participantes con los tres síntomas de síndrome de burnout. Torres et al., (2022) complementan estos hallazgos con una prevalencia del 23,36% en oficiales de policía, subrayando la importancia de considerar múltiples factores contribuyentes para abordar efectivamente el impacto del burnout en este sector. ...

Burnout Syndrome in Police Officers and Its Relationship with Physical and Leisure Activities
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)

... In order for a company to achieve an increase in competitiveness, a company can opt for different strategies that are innovative (Magana, Olyguin-Tiznado, Garcia-Alcaraz, Camago-Wilson, Lopez-Barreras and Perez-Lopez, 2018). Manufacturers are facing intensive global competition and this has made them become more aware of the significance of modern management philosophy that provides them with a competitive advantage. ...

Impact of the Planning from the Kanban System on the Company’s Operating Benefits


... Por lo anteriormente señalado, es que los gestores de proyectos no deben considerarúnicamente la inversión en tecnología, sino también esto debe ir de la mano de la capacitación del personal quienes deben saber gestionar, programar y utilizar de manera adecuada el software especializado (Pérez-López et al., 2018). De modo similar, Devi et al. (2021) hacen hincapié de que, para la implementación exitosa de las TIC, los gobiernos de los países en desarrollo deben garantizar la presencia y disponibilidad de infraestructuras físicas adecuadas, personal capacitado y recursos. ...

The Role of Planning and Implementation of ICT in Operational Benefits
