Claire G. LaFleur's scientific contributions

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Publications (1)

Traditional Deep Neural Net and Symbolic Deep Net structures for networks with a single output node. Each circle represents a network node. Top row of each net represents the input layer, bottom row is output nodes. Thicker arrows going from a node container to a node or another container represent a fully interconnected vector/matrix of weighted feed-forward links. Thinner arrows between nodes represent symbolic (i.e., not weighted) feed-forward links.
Average correct classification score for SDL and DL models on Batch 4. Models were trained on Batch 1 of expert data (4 experts × 40 decisions each = 120 total cases), Batches 1 and 2 of expert data (4 experts × 100 decisions each = 400 total cases), and Batches 1, 2, and 3 of expert data (4 experts × 180 decisions each = 720 total cases). Gray baseline labeled “Human” represents average performance on Batch 4 for human non-expert participants.
Average correct classification score for non-experts on Batch 4 with the assumption that the non-experts would adopt all threat suggestions provided by a given helper-agent. The displayed results are for SDL and DL helper-agents that were trained on Batch 1 of expert data (4 experts × 40 decisions each = 120 total cases), Batches 1 and 2 of expert data (4 experts × 100 decisions each = 400 total cases), and Batches 1, 2, and 3 of expert data (4 experts × 180 decisions each = 720 total cases). Gray baseline labeled “Human” represents average performance on Batch 4 for non-expert participants without any helper-agent suggestions.
Optimal response by trial for computational agent. Markers represent percentage of optimal response per trial. Lines represent a LOESS curve fit on data from individual participants. Solid lines (top) are from Experiment 2a and dashed lines (bottom) from Experiment 2b. Experiment 2b results all include a shift (i.e., a switch) from one type of opponent to another after 30 trials (e.g., in the fixed-mt++ condition, human participants play against a Fixed-strategy agent for 30 games, and then against MT++ agent for the last 20 games). Dotted horizontal line indicates expected performance from random play.
MT and MT++ post-hoc predictions of participant behavior across all 4 treatments. Dots represent individual participants and dashes represent averages. Horizontal dotted lines represent expected percent of correct predictions from random guesses.


Cognitive Models in Cybersecurity: Learning From Expert Analysts and Predicting Attacker Behavior
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2020


299 Reads


15 Citations

Frontiers in Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology



Claire G. LaFleur




Cybersecurity stands to benefit greatly from models able to generate predictions of attacker and defender behavior. On the defender side, there is promising research suggesting that Symbolic Deep Learning (SDL) may be employed to automatically construct cognitive models of expert behavior based on small samples of expert decisions. Such models could then be employed to provide decision support for non-expert users in the form of explainable expert-based suggestions. On the attacker side, there is promising research suggesting that model-tracing with dynamic parameter fitting may be used to automatically construct models during live attack scenarios, and to predict individual attacker preferences. Predicted attacker preferences could then be exploited for mitigating risk of successful attacks. In this paper we examine how these two cognitive modeling approaches may be useful for cybersecurity professionals via two human experiments. In the first experiment participants play the role of cyber analysts performing a task based on Intrusion Detection System alert elevation. Experiment results and analysis reveal that SDL can help to reduce missed threats by 25%. In the second experiment participants play the role of attackers picking among four attack strategies. Experiment results and analysis reveal that model-tracing with dynamic parameter fitting can be used to predict (and exploit) most attackers' preferences 40−70% of the time. We conclude that studies and models of human cognition are highly valuable for advancing cybersecurity.


Citations (1)

... Despite a growing interest in cyber-defense behaviors in recent years [8][9][10][11][12], our understanding of the cognitive demands faced by cyber analysts is still limited [ 13 ]. Many factors in adversarial behavior may influence defense strategies. ...


Learning about simulated adversaries from human defenders using interactive cyber-defense games
Cognitive Models in Cybersecurity: Learning From Expert Analysts and Predicting Attacker Behavior
Frontiers in Psychology

Frontiers in Psychology