Christos Kaklamanis's research while affiliated with University of Patras and other places

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Publications (211)

Product-picking times
Design and development of an automated product-fetching platform for electronic orders
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2024


37 Reads

Technium Romanian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology


Konstantinos Vlassis


Christos Kaklamanis

We present "E-shopaholic," an innovative e-commerce platform that integrates advanced automation techniques to optimize the online shopping experience. "E-shopaholic" exploits automation to address challenges of traditional e-commerce systems, particularly in order-picking. Leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT), "E-shopaholic" employs a NodeMCU ESP8266 module and a servo motor to simulate the picking and placing of products, aiming to contribute to the evolution of efficient e-commerce operations through automation. The platform, with its real-time automated order processing and updates, aims to enhance operational efficiency by lowering order processing times, increasing accuracy, and improving the overall order fetching process. The system design and implementation are discussed in detail, highlighting the potential of IoT and automation to transform e-commerce practices. "E-shopaholic" serves as a proof of concept for scalable and cost-effective solutions in the e-commerce sector, suggesting a path forward for research and development in automated systems.


Database Connection Parameters
A framework for applying the Logistic Regression model to obtain predictive analytics for tennis matches

October 2023


187 Reads


1 Citation

Technium Romanian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology

In this work, we apply the Logistic Regression (LR) model for predicting the outcome of tennis matches and providing win probability for participating/competing players. Prediction models are classified as machine learning methods, which generate predictions for future scenaria exploiting existing data collections. With the objective to maximize the accuracy of our predictions, we apply the Logistic Regression model under various parameter configurations seeking for an optimal combination of independent variables (features). We present and discuss promising results obtained via the holdout-validation method and the cross-validation method. Furthermore, as a proof of concept of our approach, we designed and implemented a web platform, where users can obtain real-time predictions for tennis matches. Our LR-based framework combined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) can serve as a paradigm in the field of sports analysis for predicting outcomes and evaluating athletic performance.

Figure 2: Aqua flow diagram
Figure 3: index.php
Figure 4: u_index.php
Figure 7: results.php
Figure 9: Directories for back-end and front-end of Aqua

July 2023


103 Reads

Technium Romanian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology

Conducting fair and secure elections has been the heart of democracy since its birth in ancient Greece. To be more precise, the act of voting has been an essential and significant component of human societies, particularly for government and municipal elections. Nonetheless, the conventional method of casting a ballot by physically visiting a voting booth raises concerns regarding the security of the process, as there have been reported incidents of tampering. To tackle these issues, we propose an online voting system that makes use of Blockchain technology. By utilizing encryption and hashing techniques, the Blockchain system guarantees the security of each vote. In our proposed system, a smart contract is triggered when an election is scheduled, thereby facilitating a secure and efficient voting process. The need to modernize voting systems has become more urgent due to the increasing frequency and volume of voters. Despite these challenges, security and fairness should not be compromised. Therefore, modernizing voting systems in terms of security is essential to ensure the integrity of elections, so that voters can have confidence in the electoral process. To address this challenge, we introduce Aqua, a distributed system that implements a multi-winner approval-based voting scheme, following the AV rule, on the Ethereum blockchain. Aqua supports both English and Greek languages for multi-winner elections with committee sizes up to three members. It is user-friendly, cost-effective, and accessible from any device with an Internet connection. Aqua voting is based on the AV rule, but it can be readily modified to accommodate any multi-winner voting scheme with any committee size.

Citations (45)

... Logistic regression is a machine learning algorithm based on integrated learning and consists of multiple decision trees [13] . In constructing each decision tree, Random Forest is trained by randomly selecting features and samples, and then integrating the prediction results of each tree to make the final prediction. ...


Quantifying and Predicting Tennis Match Momentum: An LGBM-Based Analysis and Visualization Model
A framework for applying the Logistic Regression model to obtain predictive analytics for tennis matches

Technium Romanian Journal of Applied Sciences and Technology

... In its construction the Leaflet uses an Open Source map, namely OpenStreetMap [21]. OpenStreetMap is a web-based project to create a free and open world map, built entirely by volunteers by conducting surveys using GPS, digitizing satellite imagery, and collecting and releasing publicly available geographic data [22], [23]. The difference as well as novelty from previous studies is the development of a village virtual tour system combines elements of interactive maps and panoramic images of tourist attractions so that visitors can easily find routes and locations of tourist attractions and get a complete picture of the tourist attraction with panoramic images they see. ...

  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2022

... Closer to our work from a methodological perspective, there are many works that want to learn user preferences, by e.g., fitting some parameterized generative model to the data [GS09; LB14; Vit+17; ALY22]. Particularly closely related to the present paper are works on the sample complexity of such learning algorithms [Awa+14; BHS14; CM17a; LM18; CI21], and the capabilities of different rules to recover a ground truth [PRS12;Car+22]. Notably, the problem that we study also captures some of these learning problems by interpreting latent rankings as the underlying ground truth and biased rankings as voters' noisy estimates of the ground truth. Thereby, we recover settings studied, e.g., by Procaccia, Reddi, and Shah [PRS12] and Caragiannis et al. [Car+22]. ...

Evaluating approval-based multiwinner voting in terms of robustness to noise

Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems

... e agents correspond to nodes in a connected graph and their preferences are de ned so that shorter graph distance implies higher preference. In [KKPP21] we focused on fractional hedonic games and social distance games and we proved improved bounds on the price of stability. ...

On the price of stability of some simple graph-based hedonic games
  • Citing Article
  • November 2020

Theoretical Computer Science

... He is also a fulltime faculty member of the Computer Science Department. He has more than twenty (20) years of teaching experience. He graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila. ...

An efficient implementation of the Gale and Shapley “propose-and-reject” algorithm

Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications

... The study of group deliberation is a broad and interdisciplinary area, see, e.g., (Austen-Smith and Feddersen 2005;Hafer and Landa 2007;Patty 2008;List 2011;List et al. 2013;Rad and Roy 2021;Perote-Peña and Piggins 2015;Karanikolas, Bisquert, and Kaklamanis 2019); we refer the reader to the work of Elkind et al. (2020) for further discussion. In particular, an important consideration is whether simple deliberation protocols that only involve a small number of participants can achieve a desirable outcome (Goel and Lee 2016;Fain et al. 2017); this question is similar to the one considered in Section 5 of our paper. ...

A Voting Argumentation Framework: Considering the Reasoning behind Preferences
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2019

... Other relevant argumentation frameworks are the attitude-computing approach inspired by social psychology as implemented in Thomopoulos et al. (2020) or the social choice oriented approach (Bisquert et al., 2019). Furthermore, some participants, had difficulty expressing their arguments. ...

A Decision-Making approach where Argumentation added value tackles Social Choice deficiencies
  • Citing Article
  • February 2019

Progress in Artificial Intelligence

... While there are increasing evidence that argumentation-based approaches are able to model human reasoning to a certain extent [117,118], the generation of arguments [119] and the expensive computation of some argumentation extensions [120], such as the preferred-semantics, are often limitations that prevent their wide-adoption in settings where fast decision-making is required. To accommodate such settings, Yun et al. have also considered rule-based approaches that can be applied directly to knowledge bases in the Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) setting [121,122]. In this setting, a set of well-designed rules (an ontology), is used to access and combine the knowledge of each agent, allowing for heterogeneous agents with different vocabularies (e.g., agents working in different application domain) to seamlessly communicate. ...

Multi-criteria Decision Making with Existential Rules Using Repair Techniques: 38th SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AI 2018, Cambridge, UK, December 11–13, 2018, Proceedings
  • Citing Chapter
  • November 2018

... Brânzei and Larson's SDG model consisted of a graph G = (V, E) representing the social network, with V being the agents and E representing direct relationships or connections between the agents. To capture the utility of an agent v in a coalition C ⊆ V , the model considered a single function: u(v,C) = 1 |C| · ∑ w∈C\{v} 1 d C (v,w) where d C (v, w) is the distance between v and w inside C. Social distance games with the aforementioned utility function u have been the focus of extensive study to date, with a number of research papers specifically targeting algorithmic and complexitytheoretic aspects of forming coalitions with maximum social welfare [1,2,3,28]. Very recently, Flammini et al. [21,22] considered a generalization of u via an adaptive real-valued scoring vector which weights the contributions to an agent's utility according to the distances of other agents in the coalition, and studied the price of anarchy and stability for non-negative scoring vectors. ...

On the Price of Stability of Social Distance Games: 11th International Symposium, SAGT 2018, Beijing, China, September 11-14, 2018, Proceedings
  • Citing Chapter
  • August 2018

... Il offre ainsi différents avantages : (1) assurer la traçabilité des réflexions et des discussions, (2) mettre en évidence les points de désaccord et les opinions alternatives, (3) définir les arguments acceptables et inacceptables, et (4) expliquer les différents points de vue. Bien que pertinent d'un point de vue théorique, l'application d'une telle méthode à des décisions réelles est difficile ; la littérature fournit peu d'applications du AAF ; les applications existantes sont liées au domaine juridique (Flouris and Bikakis, 2019) et au domaine agricole (Karanikolas et al., 2018). En effet, l'utilisation du AAF dans un contexte réel conduit à plusieurs difficultés. ...

A Decision Support Tool for Agricultural Applications Based on Computational Social Choice and Argumentation
International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems

International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems