Chien-Hua Shen's research while affiliated with Taiwan Food And Drug Administration and other places

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Publications (41)

Multi-Level Regression Analysis of ARLB on CLS
Multivariate Regression Analysis of CLS on ARLM
Potential Variable Path Analysis Structure Model
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2023


28 Reads

MATTER International Journal of Science and Technology


Tsu-Chi Shen


Tsu-Chuan Shen




Tzu-Ling Liu

This study aimed to explore the correlation among AR-based learning effectiveness (ARLE), AR learning beliefs (ARLB), creative learning self-efficacy (CLS), and AR learning motivation (ARLM) of tertiary students in Taiwan. Participants had 378 tertiary students who from 15 school, and used path analysis model of the structural equation model (SEM) based on the questionnaire survey. The results show that there is a significant positive correlation between the AR Learning Beliefs (ARLB) and AR Learning Motivation (ARLM) of tertiary student. It is found that higher correlation between ARLB, ARLM and Creative Learning Self-Efficacy (CLS). There was a significant positive correlation between ARLE and ARLB, and can effectively explain ARLE. This study confirms that CLS is an important factor and an impact mediating factor between ARLB and ARLM. In addition, CLS can also influence ARLE through ARLM.


The level of perceived efficacy from teachers to access AI-based teaching applications

December 2022


232 Reads


1 Citation

Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning

The purpose of this study is to develop the ‘Teachers’ Efficacy Perceptions of the AI-based Teaching Applications (TEP-AITA) scale’ and to describe the analysis of the background variables and the differences between six factors in the application of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) teaching efficacy perceptions questionnaire. In total, 714 vocational senior high school teachers participated in random and cluster sampling in Taiwan. The results showed that the internal consistency reliability of the measure was .988 and that the reliability of the six subscales was .975, .971, .981, .976, .972, and .967. The results found that TEP-AITA scale included ‘Resource support’, ‘Innovative teaching’, ‘Cross-disciplinary’, ‘Professional learning’, ‘Learner demand’, and ‘Self-reflection’. ‘Cross-disciplinary’ and ‘Learner demand’ were highly rated, while ’Resource support’ was low. This study analyzed the differences in the perceived efficacy for AI-based teaching applications among teachers according to their background variables, such as their gender, current position, school attributes, teachers’ seniority, and application AI teaching experience. The research results on teacher background factors and the six factors of the TEP-AITA scale could be provided to education units for the active promotion of AI information technology teaching and training.

Path diagram of students’ LE-AAIT and its influencing factors
Influencing factors on students’ learning effectiveness of AI-based technology application: Mediation variable of the human-computer interaction experience

July 2022


726 Reads


9 Citations

Education and Information Technologies

This research investigated 1,552 university students to explore the correlation between their learning effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) technology application and its influencing factors. The aim is to provide a reference for school planning and application of AI in information and communications technology (ICT) teaching. The results show that ICT self-efficacy (ICT-SE) has a significant direct effect, and human-computer interaction experience (HCIE) has a significant indirect effect on lLearning effectiveness of AI-based technology applications (LE-AITA). The impact model of university student ICT-SE and HCIE on LE-AITA exhibits a good fit. The recommendation is that Taiwan education improve the AI learning environment, provide a suitable platform for the use and development of educational technology, and create a seamless teaching and learning experience. We discuss influencing factors and provide suggestions for the development of AI education.

Overall goodness of fit test results
Reliability analysis table for each variable of the research model
Tests of variables' means, standard deviations and normal distributions
A Investigate of Influence Factor for Tertiary Students’ M-learning effectiveness: Adjust Industry 4.0 & 12-Year Curriculum of Basic Education

January 2019


118 Reads


6 Citations

International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies

Mobile learning (M-learning) as a technology teaching has significant potential to improve student application and comprehension skills. The rapid development of the Internet and the resulting trends applying information available on the Internet have changed the nature of learning and learning behavior patterns of tertiary students. However, insufficient theoretical and empirical research on the effect of M-learning on learning attitude and M-learning effectiveness has been conducted for achieving any reliable understanding of the use of M-learning by tertiary students. This, study was therefore based on the theory of planned behavior, and combined the technology acceptance model and the structural equation model (SEM); it involved 892 tertiary student participants, and developed an empirical research model. The study found that in terms of Mlearning acceptance, tertiary students have a positive evaluation and perception of using M-learning, with perceived enjoyment being the most significant factor. In addition, the impact of perceived innovation was significant in helping teachers understand students’ learning outcomes. The teaching material of learning motivations was also significant, indicating that current tertiary students are more likely to value their friends as sources of information. External influences on self-efficacy were also significant, suggesting that teachers must consider the operability of M-learning technology, with particular attention paid to students’ competency with the technology itself, as difficulty of use will reduce students’ willingness to use M-learning.

Factors influencing teachers’ innovative teaching behaviour with information and communication technology (ICT): the mediator role of organisational innovation climate

November 2018


164 Reads


90 Citations

Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology

The aim of this study was to analyze the correlation among teachers’ perceived acceptance of technological innovation, organisations’ innovation climate, and innovative teaching using information and communication technology (ICT) in Taiwan. The participants (N = 482) responded to a questionnaire using a five-point Likert scale for each factor, and their responses were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). This research found that an organisation’s innovation climate is significantly and positively related with innovative teaching using ICT, and that the acceptance of technological innovation is significantly and positively related with innovative teaching using ICT, as supported by the organisation’s innovation climate. The influence pattern and empirical data of the acceptance of technological innovation and the organisation’s innovation climate on innovative teaching with ICT exhibited a good fit. The implications of such findings were discussed.

Citations (17)

... It emphasizes starting by improving students' interest in learning, focusing on practical teaching links, and highlighting the comprehensive training of students' professional practical ability. It has unique advantages in cultivating peoples overall quality and comprehensive ability [11]. e main teaching goal of the action-oriented teaching model is to cultivate students' independent work ability and problem-solving ability, which to a certain extent conforms to the teaching philosophy and teaching goals of higher vocational political courses [12]. ...


Exploration on the Action-Oriented Teaching Mode of Higher Vocational Political Courses under the Background of Internet + Education
Vocational Teacher's Demand Analysis for the Literacy-Oriented Teaching of the 12-Nation New Curriculum: Multi-case Research Design Method

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity

... Furthermore, based on previous research, Bettayeb et al. (2020) hypothesized that motivation, self-efficacy, and usefulness could positively affect the effectiveness of m-learning. Chou et al. (2019) stated that m-learning acceptance, which was also derived from Davis' TAM model, similar to the concept of mobile perception in this study, was the most important predictor of the m-learning effectiveness. Motivation and self-efficacy were the other two important predictors to the m-learning effectiveness. ...

A Investigate of Influence Factor for Tertiary Students’ M-learning effectiveness: Adjust Industry 4.0 & 12-Year Curriculum of Basic Education

International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies

... It entails creating and implementing educational opportunities that support moral and ethical behavior and environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability. Students must have the information, skills, and attitudes to handle present and future sustainability-related challenges, such as climate change, social inequality, and economic development [18]. This method also acknowledges how interconnected various sustainability components are, and it aims to incorporate environmental, social, and economic considerations into every element of the learning process. ...

Factors influencing teachers’ innovative teaching behaviour with information and communication technology (ICT): the mediator role of organisational innovation climate
  • Citing Article
  • November 2018

Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology

... The characteristics of successful entrepreneurs (Shmailan 2016;Lecuna et al. 2017;Hmieleski and Sheppard 2019;Sadeghi et al. 2019) and the abilities of entrepreneurs (Chou et al. 2016;Darnihamedani and Hessels 2016) have been examined extensively in general and tourism literature. Bird (2015: 151) described the successful entrepreneur's characteristics as 'flexibility, field independence, cognitive complexity, openness to experience, visionary and vigilance, as well as his or her ability to form network relationships outside the venture'. ...

Tertiary Students’ Entrepreneurial Ability of Entrepreneurship-Embedded Internship Program in Education Service Industry

International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies

... Setelah data yang didapatkan selesai diolah barulah ditarik kesimpulan. (1) needs for competence, (2) needs for autonomy, (3) needs for relatedness, dan (4) sustainble learning (Chou, et al., 2018) (Fanny, 2020). ...

Industry 4.0 Manpower and its Teaching Connotation in Technical and Vocational Education: Adjust 107 Curriculum Reform

International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies

... The purpose of this activity is to provide students with an overview of the success stories behind the hard work of entrepreneurs and the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. This is by following from the opinion of Chou et al., prospective beginner entrepreneurs are allowed to learn from successful entrepreneurs who have experienced business ins and outs [7]. The experience of these successful entrepreneurs is expected to motivate students to become entrepreneurs. ...

Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Internship Effectiveness in It Industry: A Structural Equation Modeling
  • Citing Article
  • June 2014

... Right off the bat, planning dimension of beneficiaries which incorporates formal instruction and preparing, work understanding, inspiration to join the firm, creating commonality with social connections which may have money related advantage and so on (Handler, 1990;Mulholland, 1997;Dyer and Handler, 1994;Kets de Vries, 1993). Ultimately, arranging and control exercises incorporate creating movement and home arranging, the association of outside board chiefs, the job of small-medium business specialists and the production of family committee (Isola et al., 2014;Chou and Shen, 2015;Oguonu, 2015;Oriaku and Oriaku, 2016;Valentine and Attamah, 2017;Edriss and Chiunda, 2017;Ipole et al., 2018;Agbim and Eluka, 2018). A fundamental outer ecological factor is that numerous individuals from ethnic minorities go into independent work as a reaction to "blocked portability" (Ram and Jones, 1998) upward. ...

Influence Internship Learning Effect in Business Service Sector: Using Internship Self-Efficacy as the Mediator Variable
  • Citing Article
  • March 2015

... Balkar, 2015˙ Bawuro et al. 2018). Οι Chen et al. (2010) πρότειναν ότι η καινοτόμος συμπεριφορά των εκπαιδευτικών επηρεάζεται από την εμπιστοσύνη και την ταύτισή τους με τα σχολεία τους. Μια τέτοια συμπεριφορά ωφελεί το σχολείο γιατί θα οδηγήσει στη χρήση περισσότερων νέων εκπαιδευτικών πρακτικών που έχουν θετικό αντίκτυπο στη μαθησιακή πορεία των μαθητών/τριών. ...

School Organizational Innovative Indicators For Technical Universities And Institutes

Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER)

... It enables the students to be mutually dependent upon one another in accomplishing a joint task. Liao in Shen, Chou & Hsiao (2014) observed that the main objective of cooperative learning is to enable heterogeneous groups of students to learn together, encourage one another, share their perspectives with one another, provide the results of information sharing, and criticize mutual perspective. According to Spindler (2016) each member of a term is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn. ...

Application and Effectiveness of Cooperative Teaching Strategies in Entrepreneurship Education
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2014