Charlotte Van Petegem's research while affiliated with Ghent University and other places

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Publications (8)

Discovering and exploring cases of educational source code plagiarism with Dolos
  • Article

May 2024


8 Reads



Maarten Van Neyghem


Maxiem Geldhof





Figure 7. Heatmap of the feature importances for the self-reported measures for the logistic regression model (20-fold cross-validation) trained on course data from 2015 to 2020. Each tile represents the importance of a feature in a specific weekly snapshot of the course data. Positive feature importance during a specific week means that the model associated the feature with higher course-passing rates when considering only the task data up to the given week. Conversely, a negative feature importance for a week suggests a more negative association with course passing.
Comparison of CS1 course study environments between the original article (Van Petegem et al., 2022) and the course used in this study.
Reproducing Predictive Learning Analytics in CS1: Toward Generalizable and Explainable Models for Enhancing Student Retention
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2024


54 Reads

Journal of Learning Analytics

Predictive learning analytics has been widely explored in educational research to improve student retention and academic success in an introductory programming course in computer science (CS1). General-purpose and interpretable dropout predictions still pose a challenge. Our study aims to reproduce and extend the data analysis of a privacy-first student pass–fail prediction approach proposed by Van Petegem and colleagues (2022) in a different CS1 course. Using student submission and self-report data, we investigated the reproducibility of the original approach, the effect of adding self-reports to the model, and the interpretability of the model features. The results showed that the original approach for student dropout prediction could be successfully reproduced in a different course context and that adding self-report data to the prediction model improved accuracy for the first four weeks. We also identified relevant features associated with dropout in the CS1 course, such as timely submission of tasks and iterative problem solving. When analyzing student behaviour, submission data and self-report data were found to complement each other. The results highlight the importance of transparency and generalizability in learning analytics and the need for future research to identify other factors beyond self-reported aptitude measures and student behaviour that can enhance dropout prediction.


TESTed—An educational testing framework with language-agnostic test suites for programming exercises

May 2023


14 Reads


4 Citations


In educational contexts, automated assessment tools (AAT) are commonly used to provide formative feedback on programming exercises. However, designing exercises for AAT remains a laborious task or imposes limitations on the exercises. Most AAT use either output comparison, where the generated output is compared against an expected output, or unit testing, where the tool has access to the code of the submission under test. While output comparison has the advantage of being programming language independent, the testing capabilities are limited to the output. Conversely, unit testing can generate more granular feedback, but is tightly coupled with the programming language of the submission. In this paper, we introduce TESTed, which enables the best of both worlds: combining the granular feedback of unit testing with the programming language independence of output comparison. Educators can save time by designing exercises that can be used across programming languages. Finally, we report on using TESTed in educational practice.

Figure 1: Main course page (administrator view) showing some series with deadlines, reading activities and programming assignments in its learning path. At any point in time, students can see their own progress through the learning path of the course. Teachers have some additional icons in the navigation bar (top) that lead to an overview of all students and their progress, an overview of all submissions for programming assignments, general learning analytics about the course, course management and a dashboard with questions from students in various stages from being answered (Figure 6). The red dot on the latter icon notiies that some student questions are still pending.
Figure 4: Distributed content management model that allows to seamlessly integrate custom learning activities (reading activities and programming assignments with support for automated assessment) and judges (frameworks for automated assessment) into Dodona. Content creators manage their content in external git repositories, keep ownership over their content, control who can co-create, and set up webhooks to automatically synchronize any changes with the content as published on Dodona.
Figure 6: Live updated dashboard showing all incoming questions in a course while asking questions is enabled. Questions are grouped into three categories: unanswered, in progress and answered.
Figure 10: Punchcard from the Dodona learning analytics page showing the distribution per weekday and per hour of all 331 734 solutions submitted during the 2021-2022 edition of the course (442 students).
Dodona: learn to code with a virtual co-teacher that supports active learning

October 2022


127 Reads

Dodona ( is an intelligent tutoring system for computer programming. It bridges the gap between assessment and learning by providing real-time data and feedback to help students learn better, teachers teach better and educational technology become more effective. We demonstrate how Dodona can be used as a virtual co-teacher to stimulate active learning and support challenge-based education in open and collaborative learning environments. We also highlight some of the opportunities (automated feedback, learning analytics, educational data mining) and challenges (scalable feedback, open internet exams, plagiarism) we faced in practice. Dodona is free for use and has more than 36 thousand registered users across many educational and research institutes, of which 15 thousand new users registered last year. Lowering the barriers for such a broad adoption was achieved by following best practices and extensible approaches for software development, authentication, content management, assessment, security and interoperability, and by adopting a holistic view on computer-assisted learning and teaching that spans all aspects of managing courses that involve programming assignments. The source code of Dodona is available on GitHub under the permissive MIT open-source license.

Pass/Fail Prediction in Programming Courses

June 2022


70 Reads


13 Citations

Journal of Educational Computing Research

We present a privacy-friendly early-detection framework to identify students at risk of failing in introductory programming courses at university. The framework was validated for two different courses with annual editions taken by higher education students ( N = 2 080) and was found to be highly accurate and robust against variation in course structures, teaching and learning styles, programming exercises and classification algorithms. By using interpretable machine learning techniques, the framework also provides insight into what aspects of practising programming skills promote or inhibit learning or have no or minor effect on the learning process. Findings showed that the framework was capable of predicting students’ future success already early on in the semester.

Dolos: Language‐agnostic plagiarism detection in source code

March 2022


663 Reads


13 Citations

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning

Background Learning to code is increasingly embedded in secondary and higher education curricula, where solving programming exercises plays an important role in the learning process and in formative and summative assessment. Unfortunately, students admit that copying code from each other is a common practice and teachers indicate they rarely use plagiarism detection tools. Objectives We want to lower the barrier for teachers to detect plagiarism by introducing a new source code plagiarism detection tool (Dolos) that is powered by state‐of‐the art similarity detection algorithms, offers interactive visualizations, and uses generic parser models to support a broad range of programming languages. Methods Dolos is compared with state‐of‐the‐art plagiarism detection tools in a benchmark based on a standardized dataset. We describe our experience with integrating Dolos in a programming course with a strong focus on online learning and the impact of transitioning to remote assessment during the COVID‐19 pandemic. Results and Conclusions Dolos outperforms other plagiarism detection tools in detecting potential cases of plagiarism and is a valuable tool for preventing and detecting plagiarism in online learning environments. It is available under the permissive MIT open‐source license at Implications Dolos lowers barriers for teachers to discover, prove and prevent plagiarism in programming courses. This helps to enable a shift towards open and online learning and assessment environments, and opens up interesting avenues for more effective learning and better assessment.

Citations (2)

... Not only the risk of negatively influencing learners' motivation should be mitigated but even more so the risk of errors in the systems' algorithm should be considered (U.S. Department of Education, 2023;Van Petegem et al., 2022). Recognizing the significance of this ethical issue, various calls to action have emerged, including initiatives at our own university of KU Leuven, such as the Open Letter addressing 'Manipulative AI' (Smuha et al., 2023). ...


Learning, teaching and training in the era of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and opportunities for evidence-based educational research
Pass/Fail Prediction in Programming Courses
  • Citing Article
  • June 2022

Journal of Educational Computing Research

... In addition to addressing teaching evaluation, a novel expert system employed the internet and AI for real-time transmission and collection of multimedia monitoring information, showcasing its effectiveness in remote teaching assessment (Zhao, 2020). In response to the cheating challenge in programming assessments, the development of Dolos, a tool proficient in detecting code similarities, is discussed, contributing to fair assessments, even in online learning settings (Maertens et al., 2022). Additionally,, ...

Dolos: Language‐agnostic plagiarism detection in source code

Journal of Computer Assisted Learning