Carolina I. Conde's research while affiliated with ETH Zurich and other places

Publications (2)

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Background Freezing of Gait (FOG) is a motor symptom frequently observed in advanced Parkinson’s disease. However, due to its paroxysmal nature and diverse presentation, assessing FOG in a clinical setting can be challenging. Before FOG can be fully investigated, it is critical that a reliable experimental setting is established in which FOG can be...
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Background: Freezing of Gait (FOG) is a motor symptom frequently observed in advanced Parkinson's disease. However, due to its paroxysmal nature and diverse presentation, assessing FOG in a clinical setting can be challenging. Before FOG can be fully investigated, it is critical that a reliable experimental setting is established in which FOG can b...


... FOG during turning was detected in 94% of the time spent frozen in a daily living setting (Table 5). This provides the first objective support for the possibility that Turn class FOG is the most common in real-world FOG, similar to its relatively high frequency during FOG-provoking protocols 67 . However, class imbalance in the training dataset may have played a role. ...