C. Gururaj's research while affiliated with Alpha College of Engineering Bangalore and other places

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Publications (30)

Introduction to Disease Prediction
  • Chapter

August 2023


4 Reads


Deeksha Manjunath


C. Gururaj

Efficient FPGA-Based Implementation of Image Segmentation Algorithms for IoT Applications

April 2023


3 Reads


1 Citation

N. Akash Bharadwaj


Muhammad Afsar


Kapish Kumar Khaitan




C. Gururaj

The technique of segmenting a picture involves breaking it up into its component parts, such as boundaries and regions. Image edges are found via Edge detection algorithms. Edges of the picture are detected when the pixels’ intensities abruptly shift. Sobel, Prewitt, and Robert are three well-known gradient-based edge detection algorithms that operate on the 3-by-3 and 2-by-2 kernels in the X and Y axis. Python and Verilog HDL for synthesis on the Artix 7-based Basys 3 dev kit are used to perform in two separate phases. The image data is first converted to grayscale for the Python implementation before being passed through the gradient-based edge detection (Sobel, Prewitt, and Robert) operator. The edges of the entire image are then determined using an edge detection technique. The resultant picture is then examined using various input parameters including PSNR, MSE. The input grayscale image is passed via line buffers, which store the pixels for subsequent processing by the operators, in the second stage, which is Verilog implementation. Output buffer is then filled based on the output from the convolution operator. The kernels of 3 × 3 or 2 × 2 for the convolution are pre-defined based on the operator.KeywordsEdge detectionFPGASobel edgePrewitt edgeRobert edgeImage segmentation

Deep Learning-Based Detection of Thyroid Nodules

October 2022


9 Reads

Thyroid nodule is a common disease on a global scale. It is characterized by an abnormal growth of the thyroid tissue. Thyroid nodules are divided into two types: benign and malignant. To ensure effective clinical care, an accurate identification of thyroid nodules is required. One of the most used imaging techniques for assessing and evaluating thyroid nodules is ultrasound. It performs well when it comes to distinguishing between benign and malignant thyroid nodules. But ultrasound diagnosis is not simple and is highly dependent on radiologist experience. Radiologists sometimes may not notice minor elements of an ultrasound image leading to an incorrect diagnosis. After performing a comparative study of several deep learning-based models implemented with different classification algorithms on an open-source data set, it has been found that ResNet101v2 gave the best accuracy (~96%), F1 score (0.957), sensitivity (0.917), etc. A simple and easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) has also been implemented.

Supply Chain Based Demand Analysis of Different Deep Learning Methodologies for Effective Covid-19 Detection

April 2022


31 Reads


1 Citation

During Covid-19, many supply chains were disrupted. Supply chain resilience can be improved by developing business continuity capabilities using artificial intelligence (AI). This research examines how companies use artificial intelligence (AI) and looks at ways that AI can improve supply chain resilience by increasing visibility, reducing risk, and improving sourcing and distribution. Early detection of SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV), which is caused by the lethal virus SARS-Cov-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus), has become critical especially as the epidemic spreads. X-rays and computed tomography scans are examples of medical imaging that can help in diagnosis. CT scans are preferable over RT-PCR tests because of their inaccuracy. In this era of fast technological growth, using artificial intelligence methodologies to construct models with a higher performance volume and better accuracy predictions is a huge step forward. Medical image analysis incorporating image processing and computer vision techniques were used to analyse the chest Radiographs and train the models. The accuracy and significant amount of data collection and prediction supply chain for efficient detection of COVID-19 utilising Artificial Intelligence techniques are described in this study. Models are built using data obtained by local CT scan centres. The data can be reviewed from time to time in coordination with CT scan centres. The application will provide accurate predictions so this has a significant impact on the tool's market worth. For the post-COVID-19 period, many firms are hastening the creation of management plans with supply chain transformation in mind. In this pandemic, but even so, the market will be even narrower, so without using a decentralised governance framework with an imbalanced structure among various markets, it really should be moved to a centralised management strategy that combines advantage of the existing strength of a blocked setup, with almost as much vicinity to the manufacturing countries and regions. In a stronger emphasis Supply Chain Management, value management, in value analysis, plays a significant role. Real-time raw data of chest CT scans from hospitals were considered and used it to train the model after pre-processing it. In a chest CT scan, multiple perspectives and organs are focused, but the work solely used the axial perspective of the lungs to prepare the dataset. Around 1900 photos of each COVID and Normal are included in the dataset. The data was pre-processed with a range filter for noise reduction, cropping, data augmentation, and other minor operations such as adjusting the image brightness and sharpness. Deep Learning algorithms are trained using this pre-processed data. VGG16, ResNet101, Inception v2, DesneNet169, and Mobile net are implementations of deep learning algorithms that is developed. The same dataset was used to train the above models, however because each model has a distinct architecture, the accuracy of the models varies slightly. The test dataset for all of the models includes 300 images in each class, and the findings demonstrate that DenseNet169 has the best accuracy among the models, while ResNet101 has the poorest. Furthermore, the medical image analysis of Covid-19 by several models aids in the selection of the most accurate model for COVID-19 predictions from CT scans. A windows application for the prediction of COVID has been developed where the user will upload the CT scan image and has an option to specify model and get the prediction. If tested positive, user can also view the infected area in the image. This application uses DenseNet169 as default model, in case user does not specify the model, as it performs the best. The user can view the COVID protocols and related queries from WHO website using a query button. The availability of CT scans and other commodities for this application varies as a result of the pandemic, which has an impact on the global supply chain and the market price of this tool.

Proposed model architecture
Preprocessed data
Predictions on test samples
Soft voting
Result of test data


Multimodal Offensive Meme Classification Using Transformers and BiLSTM
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2022


347 Reads


2 Citations

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology

Nowadays memes have become a way in which people express their ideas on social media. These memes can convey various views including offensive ones. Memes can be intended for a personal attack, homophobic abuse, racial abuse, attack on minority etc. The memes are implicit and multi-modal in nature. Here we analyze the meme by categorizing them as offensive or not offensive and this becomes a binary classification problem. We propose a novel offensive meme classification using the transformer-based image encoder, BiLSTM for text with mean pooling as text encoder and a Feed-Forward Network as a classification head. The SwinT + BiLSTM has performed better when compared to the ViT + BiLSTM across all the dimensions. The performance of the models has improved significantly when the contextual embeddings from DistilBert replace the custom embeddings. We have achieved the highest recall of 0.631 by combining outputs of four models using the soft voting technique.


Citations (17)

... The recommended hardware achieved an over 98 percent detection rate. The FPGA-based intellectual property for recognizing frequent child maltreatment without invading a kid's privacy by using just skeleton joint data, and the IP identifies both violence and kindness [69,[81][82][83]. 11. ...


A Review on Role of Image Processing Techniques to Enhancing Security of IoT Applications
Efficient FPGA-Based Implementation of Image Segmentation Algorithms for IoT Applications
  • Citing Chapter
  • April 2023

... Currently, image data play significant roles in designing robust decision support systems in the domain of agriculture. In this regard, image processing [21,[31][32][33] is a complex task due to multiple factors. Some of the common problems such as high dimensionality [34], relevant feature extraction, limited training samples, and image quality highly affect the image classifiers. ...

Deep Learning Based Plant Disease Detection
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • October 2022

... The described process can be seen in Figure 2. LZW works effectively on data with repetitive patterns, resulting in minimal compression at the start of a message. However, the compression ratio gradually increases as the message size grows, approaching an asymptotic limit [35]. ...

Robust Data Compression Algorithm utilizing LZW Framework based on Huffman Technique
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • March 2021

... This approach results in an excessive data load and processing burden on these units. Currently, JPEG image compression technology is recognized as one of the most prevalent image compression methods globally, due to its significant capacity to reduce file sizes [8]. Therefore, this paper integrates MEC for image data processing, simultaneously ensuring accuracy in target detection. ...

Optimized Data Compression through Effective Analysis of JPEG Standard
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • March 2021

... Spatial area strategies use procedures dependent on basic controls which create spaces in the cover picture to conceal privileged information where changes can't be effectively distinguished. While in Transform space procedure [9], the pixel esteems in spatial area are changed over into recurrence space esteems by performing two layered changes [11]. The recurrence area esteems or coefficients changed by the restricted information are utilized to conceal the information. ...

AI Based Feature Extraction Through Content Based Image Retrieval
  • Citing Article
  • July 2020

Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience

... Pre-processing involves many steps, including conversion of RGB image into a grayscale image [9], calculating the threshold for the image, converting the grayscaled image to a binarized image, noise removal or removal of the lower pixels, determining the brightness of the image and adjusting the brightness to required range [10] and many more. These pre-processing steps act as a major role in optical character recognition. ...

Proficient Algorithm for Features Mining in Fundus Images through Content Based Image Retrieval
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • December 2018

... Some algorithms are designed for route planning or precise mapping through UAVs [37,38]. Other solutions incorporate cameras and sensors to assess land and irrigation practices or to evaluate crop quality [39][40][41][42][43]. While these solutions enable the analysis of crop growth, none of them specifically address the identification of damaged plants. ...

UAV Aided Irrigation Using Object Detection Through Wireless Communication Technology
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • May 2018

... In this basically, the accelerometer is placed on the hand and when the hand is tilted in front of the robot, the robot starts to move forward until another movement is given. [1] As a result of this project, the life of physically disabled people becomes less demanding. The main goal is to provide the user with a reliable and more natural technique for navigating the wireless robot in the environment using gestures. ...

Gesture controlled robot
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • December 2017

... Object extraction is used to identify and interpret meaningful operations in images [23]. Refers to the segmentation of objects of interest and background from a single image or a series of images to extract the characteristics of different images [24]. In other words, the target is extracted from the scene [25][26]. ...

Fundus Image Features Extraction for Exudate Mining in Coordination with Content Based Image Retrieval: A Study
  • Citing Article
  • February 2018

Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) Series B