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Publications (15)

Police Performance and State Rule: Control and Autonomy in the Exercise of Coercion
  • Article

October 1985


12 Reads


27 Citations

Comparative Politics


Walter L. Ames


David H. Bayley




Alan Williams

Citations (6)

... Although it has long been recognized that media can influence human attitudes and behaviors (Lorenz-Spreen et al., 2023), and create threats and moral panic (Hall et al., 1978), most research has addressed the influence of media exposure to local events. However, evidence also indicates that local public opinions and attitudes may vary depending on the content and nature of local media coverage of foreign events (Jamieson and Van Belle, 2018). ...


final Lissitsa Aharoni Kushnirovich
Policing the Crisis
  • Citing Book
  • January 1978

... One consequence of conceiving the media as one of the most critical legitimacy evaluators is that some organizations might enjoy easier access to the media and dominate the news more than others (Yoon, 2005). For instance, an organization's long history and large size (Deephouse, 1996;Singh et al., 1986) give it with more power, representativeness and an advantage in gaining and maintaining organizational legitimacy compared to others (Hall et al., 1978). However, since media coverage is, to a certain extent, organization-induced and organizations present their decisions and actions to the outside world via formal structures, i.e., external communication, organizations can contribute to the organizational legitimacy building. ...

The Social Production of News
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1978

... A responsabilidade por essa agenda foi transferida à figura, supostamente técnica, de um ministro da economia que a sustenta sobre os mesmos pilares da inevitabilidade thatcherista. Não por coincidência, Stuart Hall (1978) cunhou o termo thatcherismo para designar uma forma político-econômica de governo que chamou de populismo autoritário. ...

Balancing Accounts: Cashing in on Handsworth
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1978

... la producción de ideologías y posicionamientos sociales. Recontextualizando estratégicamente los textos y discursos producidos por los actores sociales proyectados, los medios animan al público a aceptar como natural y obvio ciertas maneras de clasificar la realidad (Hall et al, 1978) y representan un marco relevante para la construcción de emociones colectivas (Rivera, Jaráiz y López, 2021). ...

Policing the Crisis
  • Citing Article
  • January 1978

British Journal of Law and Society

... red in higher education institutions (FBI, 2019). Active shooter events in schools can create panic not only within the school but also in the local community. The public's panic and feelings of anxiety is also known as moral panic. Moral panic is when a condition, episode, person or persons develops into threat to a society's values and interests (Hall et. al., 2013). Simply, the term describes how the public reacts to a real or perceived threat, such as active shooter events in schools (Schildkraut et al., 2015, p. 92). On April 20 th , 1999, the Columbine High School shooting created moral panic when two students opened fire on classmates and teachers for 50 minutes, resulting in 24 injuries and 1 ...

Policing the Crisis: Mugging, The State, and Law and Order
  • Citing Article
  • December 1978

British Journal of Sociology

... It has long been accepted that the social order reproduced by the police reflects the needs and expectations of the society that permits its operation (Marenin 1985). Further, much is known about the technically sophisticated policing found in rich industrialised societies such as the USA, UK, Japan and Australia, each of which exports its preferred style of policing to conflict-affected societies (Bayley 1990, Chan 1997, Reiner 2015. ...

Police Performance and State Rule: Control and Autonomy in the Exercise of Coercion
  • Citing Article
  • October 1985

Comparative Politics