Boya Li's research while affiliated with Wuhan University and other places

Publications (8)

In this letter, a model of wide-area distribution multistatic $\text{T}^{M}$ - $\text{R}^{N}$ ( $M$ independent transmitters and $N$ independent receivers) sky-wave over-the-horizon radar (WDMS-OTHR) is investigated. A localization algorithm that utilizes the hill-climbing algorithm based on the weighted least squares (HC-WLS) method for this...
In this letter, a three-dimensional (3D) joint estimation algorithm which is the variable-step hill-climbing algorithm based on two-step weighted least squares (VHC-2WLS) is proposed. The VHC-2WLS combines bistatic range (BR), time difference of arrival (TDOA) and Doppler shift (DS) to improve the estimation accuracy of the position and velocity of...
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The airborne transient electromagnetic (TEM) method is widely used in land applications but faces challenges in marine applications due to the strong masking effects of seawater. The accuracy of the inverse Laplace transform algorithm strongly affects the applicability of the 2.5D TEM method in marine research; thus, an appropriate transmitted wave...
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In this paper, an estimation algorithm for the position and velocity of a moving target in a multistatic radar system is investigated. Estimation accuracy is improved by using bistatic range (BR), time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA), and Doppler shifts. Multistatic radar system includes several independent receivers and transmitters of time synchroni...
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Off-grid algorithms for direction of arrival (DOA) estimation have become attractive because of their advantages in resolution and efficiency over conventional ones. In this paper, we propose a grid reconfiguration direction of arrival (GRDOA) estimation method based on sparse Bayesian learning. Unlike other off-grid methods, the grid points of GRD...
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We first investigate the field intensity in the nanoantenna gap as a function of common antenna properties including polarization, input resistance, and gain. This function provides us a method on how to effectively enhance the field intensity. In the case of polarization matched to the incident wave, the nanoantenna should have both large input re...
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In this work, the collection of solar energy by a broad-band nanospiral antenna is investigated in order to solve the low efficiency of the solar rectenna based on conventional nanoantennas. The antenna impedance, radiation, polarization and effective area are all considered in the efficiency calculation using the finite integral technique. The wav...
Although a superdirective array can acquire maximum directive gain with electrically small array, in some practical applications, low sidelobe and deep nulls are also important, which can effectively inhibit directional interference. In this work, a set of simple superdirective pattern synthesis methods are proposed. By introducing diagonal loading...


... In image classification, one of the most effective ways to deal with scarce samples is data augmentation [12]- [14]. Traditional methods for image data augmentation perform a certain of geometric affine transformations on training data, 2 such as translation, rotation, mirroring, clipping and scaling, etc., which can improve the performance of classifiers without actually collecting more data. However, since the sea-land clutter data is radar echo signal, the above-mentioned methods for image data augmentation may destroy the classification-related features of sea-land clutter. ...
... Let u 0 1 = u 0 T ,r 0 k  à T , synthesize all the pseudo-linear equations of formula (25) to obtain the positioning equation in matrix form of the vector to be sought: ...
... Algorithms for the target localisation and velocity estimation for multistatic radar systems with differing architectures have been proposed in the existing literature, for example, [11], and the CRLB is derived to analytically show the efficiency of the estimator. An overview of the key general classifications for multistatic radar target localisation algorithms is mentioned in Ref. [12], and a joint method for target position and velocity estimation based on the principles is proposed and numerically assessed for scenarios containing a multiple-Tx-multiple-Rx system. ...
... This characteristic helps the system work well even in a noisy environment [6]. The sparsity-based method can be classified into the l p -norm minimization method [7][8][9] and the sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) method [10][11][12][13]. The l p -norm-based method uses the l p -norm to enforce sparsity with a well-tuned regularization parameter. ...
... When a visible laser is irradiated between the metal-coated tip and metal surface, a photoinduced force acts on the tip owing to the enhancement of the electric field at the tip-sample junction. This photoinduced force due to the electric field enhancement in the tip-sample gap, Fgap, can be described as follows: When light irradiates the tip-sample junction, a voltage V = V 0 e −iωt is applied between the tip and metal surface, 32 and the average electric field in the tip-sample junction, Egap is given as Egap = V/z, where z is the tip-sample distance. When we assume that the radius of the tip is large enough and the enhanced electric field is distributed only at the most apical end of the tip, the area over which the electric field is distributed is S. ...
... The maximum upper bounds were found to be in the order of 60-70%. Moreover, Zhao et al., 59 investigated the collection of solar energy by a broad-band antenna to overcome the low efficiency of a solar rectenna based on conventional nano-antennas. The antenna impedance, radiation, polarization and effective area are all considered in efficiency calculations using the nite integral technique. ...