Berg SW van den's scientific contributions

Publications (6)

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The recognized importance of a detection system of potential health hazards of functional foods consumption has led to the development of methods carrying out the initial phases of such a system. Special focus was placed on feasible methods, key players and the tasks and competences of the players. Although functional food consumption may imply ben...
For the first time in the Netherlands the gap between energy intake and energy expenditure has been quantified for children and adults. Small daily changes in energy balance may, in the long term, make the difference between becoming overweight or not. Ten per cent of two-year olds either develop overweight by the age of six or carry their overweig...
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As yet, it is not possible to predict the effect of pricing policies on total food consumption. Data that account for unexpected side effects are scarce. For example, lowering the price of fruits does not by definition increase fruit consumption, but may lead to an increase of sales of another, unhealthy, product. Taxing "unhealthy" products and/or...
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World-wide, the prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing tremendously. Clues to the prevention of overweight may well be found in a better understanding of the physiological processes involved in the regulation of energy balance and factors that influence these processes, such as dietary factors and smoking. A review of available literatu...
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Simulations show that with an elevation of fruit, vegetable and fish consumption large health gains can be achieved. Model simulation is a good method to underpin nutritional policy. The RIVM Chronic Disease Model (CZM) can be used to calculate long term health effects and health care related costs of policy targets and dietary interventions. Simul...
Theoretically, diet products can be used to reduce energy intake and prevent overweight. However, the use of the similar non-diet products should also be more strictly reduced. These conclusions are based on an RIVM study on the food consumption of 750 Dutch young adults aged 19 30 and on the purchasing behaviour of 3200 Dutch households. Specifica...


... For the intake of, respectively, fat and saturated fat, the reductions in grams per day were 16.1 and 9.8 for men, and 15.0 and 9.1 for women; expressed as percentage of daily energy intake the reductions in saturated fat intake were 2.8% for men and 3.0% for women. These are relevant reductions in dietary intake from a cardiovascular disease risk prevention point of view, although this should be viewed within the perspective of the risk profile of the consumer as well as other preventive measures such as changes in lifestyle and increased intake of fruits and vegetables [65]. The choice for lower fat dairy alternatives also impacted dietary intake of cholesterol (minus ϳ45 mg), calcium (plus ϳ135 mg) and retinol equivalents (minus ϳ150 g). ...
... Met betrekking tot fysiologische mechanismen die in de relatie tussen roken en lichaamsgewicht een rol spelen, is met name gebruik gemaakt van een recente overzichtsstudie van het RIVM (Van den Berg et al., 2004) en is zeer weinig overige literatuur gezocht. Aangezien wij in sommige hoofdstukken of paragrafen teksten uit dit RIVM-rapport geheel of gedeeltelijk hebben overgenomen, zijn twee auteurs van het rapport bij de betreffende hoofdstukken vermeld als (co-)auteurs. ...
... De igual modo, este tipo de estudios se realizan sólo y exclusivamente con fines científicos y en ningún caso con una finalidad puramente promocional, de inducción al consumo o a la recomendación. Un estudio post-comercialización PLM tampoco es un ensayo clínico pues no supone una "evaluación experimental" en las condiciones controladas que caracterizan este tipo de ensayos 11 . ...