Bent Nielsen's research while affiliated with University of Oxford and other places

Publications (88)

The least trimmed squares (LTS) estimator is a popular robust regression estimator. It finds a subsample of h ‘good’ observations among n observations and applies least squares on that subsample. We formulate a model in which this estimator is maximum likelihood. The model has ‘outliers’ of a new type, where the outlying observations are drawn from...
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We develop an age‐period‐cohort model for repeated cross‐section data with individual covariates, which identifies the non‐linear effects of age, period and cohort. This is done for both continuous and binary dependent variables. The age, period and cohort effects in the model are represented by a parametrization with freely varying parameters that...
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We propose an asymptotic theory for distribution forecasting from the log-normal chain-ladder model. The theory overcomes the difficulty of convoluting log-normal variables and takes estimation error into account. The results differ from that of the over-dispersed Poisson model and from the chain-ladder-based bootstrap. We embed the log-normal chai...
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A new Bornhuetter–Ferguson method is suggested herein. This is a variant of the traditional chain ladder method. The actuary can adjust the relative ultimates using externally estimated relative ultimates. These correspond to linear constraints on the Poisson likelihood underpinning the chain ladder method. Adjusted cash flow estimates were obtaine...
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This paper proposes a class of partial cointegrated models allowing for structural breaks in the deterministic terms. Moving-average representations of the models are given. It is then shown that, under the assumption of martingale difference innovations, the limit distributions of partial quasi-likelihood ratio tests for cointegrating rank have a...
We show that the cumulated sum of squares statistic has a standard Brownian bridge–type asymptotic distribution in nonlinear regression models with (possibly) nonstationary regressors. This contrasts with cumulated sum statistics which have been previously studied and whose asymptotic distribution has been shown to depend on the functional form and...
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We consider cointegration tests in the situation where the cointegration rank is deficient. This situation is of interest in finite sample analysis and in relation to recent work on identification robust cointegration inference. We derive asymptotic theory for tests for cointegration rank and for hypotheses on the cointegrating vectors. The limitin...
We show boundedness in probability uniformly in sample size of a general M-estimator for multiple linear regression in time series. The positive criterion function for the M-estimator is assumed lower semicontinuous and sufficiently large for large argument. Particular cases are the Huber-skip and quantile regression. Boundedness requires an assump...
We propose an asymptotic theory for distribution forecasting from the log normal chain-ladder model. The theory overcomes the difficulty of convoluting log normal variables and takes estimation error into account. The results differ from that of the over-dispersed Poisson model and from the chain-ladder based bootstrap. We embed the log normal chai...
We consider inference and forecasting for aggregate data organised in a two-way table with age and cohort as indices, but without measures of exposure. This is modelled using a Poisson likelihood with an age-period-cohort structure for the mean while allowing for over-dispersion. We propose a repetitive structure that keeps the dimension of table f...
Conference Paper
We consider outlier detection algorithms for time series regression based on iterated 1-step Huber-skip M-estimators. This paper analyses the role of varying cut-offs in such algorithms. The argument involves an asymptotic theory for a new class of weighted and marked empirical processes allowing for estimation errors of the scale and the regressio...
Outlier detection algorithms are intimately connected with robust statistics that down-weight some observations to zero. We define a number of outlier detection algorithms related to the Huber-skip and least trimmed squares estimators, including the one-step Huber-skip estimator and the forward search. Next, we review a recently developed asymptoti...
Background It is of considerable interest to forecast the future burden of mesothelioma mortality. Data on deaths are available, whereas no measure of asbestos exposure is available. Methods We compare two Poisson models: a response-only model with an age-cohort specification and a multinomial model with epidemiologically motivated frequencies. Res...
The Forward Search is an iterative algorithm for avoiding outliers in a regression analysis suggested by Hadi and Simonoff (J. Amer Statist. Assoc. 88 (1993) 1264-1272), see also Atkinson and Riani (Robust Diagnostic Regression Analysis (2000) Springer). The algorithm constructs subsets of "good" observations so that the size of the subsets increas...
The apc package includes functions for age-period-cohort analysis based on the canonical parametrisation of Kuang et al. (2008a). The package includes functions for organizing the data, descriptive plots, a deviance table, estimation of (sub-models of) the age-period-cohort model, a plot for specification testing, plots of estimated parameters, and...
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Mortality models often have inbuilt identification issues challenging the statistician. The statistician can choose to work with well-defined freely varying parameters, derived as maximal invariants in this paper, or with ad hoc identified parameters which at first glance seem more intuitive, but which can introduce a number of unnecessary challeng...
It is of considerable interest to forecast future mesothelioma mortality. No measures for exposure are available so it is not straightforward to apply a dose–response model. It is proposed to model the counts of deaths directly by using a Poisson regression with an age–period–cohort structure, but without offset. Traditionally the age–period–cohort...
We review recent asymptotic results on some robust methods for multiple regression. The regressors include stationary and non-stationary time series as well as polynomial terms. The methods include the Huber-skip M-estimator, 1-step Huber-skip M-estimators, in particular the Impulse Indicator Saturation, iterated 1-step Huber-skip M-estimators and...
The log normal reserving model is considered. The contribution of the paper is to derive explicit expressions for the maximum likelihood estimators. These are expressed in terms of development factors which are geometric averages. The distribution of the estimators is derived. It is shown that the analysis is invariant to traditional measures for e...
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In regression we can delete outliers based upon a preliminary estimator and re-estimate the parameters by least squares based upon the retained observations. We study the properties of an iteratively defined sequence of estimators based on this idea. We relate the sequence to the Huber-skip estimator. We provide a stochastic recursion equation for...
The Forward Search is an iterative algorithm concerned with detection of outliers and other unsuspected structures in data. This approach has been suggested, analysed and applied for regression models in the monograph Atkinson and Riani (2000). An asymptotic analysis of the Forward Search is made. The argument involves theory for a new class of wei...
Iterated one-step Huber-skip M-estimators are considered for regression problems. Each one-step estimator is a re-weighted least squares estimators with zero/one weights determined by the initial estimator and the data. The asymptotic theory is given for iteration of such estimators using a tightness argument. The results apply to stationary as wel...
We undertake a generalization of the cumulative sum of squares (CUSQ) test to the case of non-stationary autoregressive distributed lag models with quite general deterministic time trends. The test may be validly implemented with either ordinary least squares residuals or standardized forecast errors. Simulations suggest that there is little at sta...
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In this paper we develop a full stochastic cash flow model of outstanding liabilities for the model developed in Verrall, Nielsen and Jessen (2010). This model is based on the simple triangular data available in most non-life insurance companies. By using more data, it is expected that the method will have less volatility than the celebrated chain...
We consider the identification problem for the model of Lee and Carter (1992). The parameters of this model are known only to be identified up to certain transformations. Forecasts from the model may therefore depend on the arbitrarily chosen identification scheme. A condition for invariant forecasts is proposed. A number of standard forecast model...
Reserving in general insurance is often done using chain-ladder-type methods. We propose a method aimed at situations where there is a sudden change in the economic environment affecting the policies for all accident years in the reserving triangle. It is shown that methods for forecasting non-stationary time series are helpful. We illustrate the m...
The Forward Search Algorithm is a statistical algorithm for obtaining robust estimators of regression coefficients in the presence of outliers. The algorithm selects a succession of subsets of observations from which the parameters are estimated. The present note shows how the theory of empirical processes can contribute to the understanding of how...
A vector autoregressive model allowing for unit roots as well as an explosive characteristic root is developed. The Granger-Johansen representation shows that this results in processes with two common features: a random walk and an explosively growing process. Cointegrating and coexplosive vectors can be found that eliminate these common factors. T...
The Forward Search Algorithm is a statistical algorithm for obtaining robust estimators of regression coefficients in the presence of outliers. The algorithm selects a succession of subsets of observations from which the parameters are estimated. The present note shows how the theory of empirical processes can contribute to the understanding of how...
We derive the parameter restrictions that a standard equity market model implies for a bivariate vector autoregression for stock prices and dividends, and we show how to test these restrictions using likelihood ratio tests. The restrictions, which imply that stock returns are unpredictable, are derived both for a model without bubbles and for a mod...
The Forward Search Algorithm is a statistical algorithm for obtaining robust estimators of regression coefficients in the presence of outliers. The algorithm selects a succession of subsets of observations from which the parameters are estimated. The present note shows how the theory of empirical processes can contribute to the understanding of how...
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It has long been known that maximum likelihood estimation in a Poisson model reproduces the chain-ladder technique. We revisit this model. A new canonical parametrisation is proposed to circumvent the inher-ent identification problem in the parametrisation. The maximum likelihood estimators for the canonical parameter are simple, interpretable and...
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During extreme hyper-inflations productivity tends to fall dramatically. Yet, in models of money demand in hyper-inflation variables such as real income has been given a somewhat passive role, either assuming it exogenous or to have a negligible role. In this paper we use an empirical methodology based on cointegrated vector autoregressions to anal...
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A family of cointegrated vector autoregressive models with adjusted short-run dynamics is introduced. These models can describe evolving short-run dynamics in a more flexible way than standard vector autoregressions, and yet likelihood analysis is based on reduced rank regression using conventional asymptotic tables. The family of dynamics-adjusted...
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We consider forecasting from age-period-cohort models, as well as from the extended chain-ladder model. The parameters of these models are known only to be identified up to linear trends. Forecasts from such models may therefore depend on arbitrary linear trends. A condition for invariant forecasts is proposed. A number of standard forecast models...
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Empirical analyses of Cagan’s money demand schedule for hyper-inflation have largely ignored the explosive nature of hyper-inflationary data. It is argued that this contributes to an (i) inability to model the data to the end of the hyper-inflation, and to (ii) discrepancies between “estimated” and “actual” inflation tax. Using data from the extrem...
Dickey and Fuller ["Econometrica" (1981) Vol. 49, pp. 1057-1072] suggested unit-root tests for an autoregressive model with a linear trend conditional on an initial observation. T"Power of tests for unit roots in the presence of a linear trend"ightly different model with a random initial value in which nuisance parameters can easily be eliminated b...
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We consider the identification problem that arises in the age-period-cohort models as well as in the extended chain-ladder model. We propose a canonical parameterization based on the accelerations of the trends in the three factors. This parameterization is exactly identified and eases interpretation, estimation and forecasting. The canonical param...
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Empirical analyses of Cagan's money demand schedule for hyper-inflation have largely ignored the explosive nature of hyper-inflationary data. It is argued that this contributes to an (i) inability to model the data to the end of the hyper-inflation, and to (ii) discrepancies between 'estimated' and 'actual' inflation tax. Using data from the extrem...
An algorithm suggested by Hendry (1999) for estimation in a regression with more regressors than observations, is analyzed with the purpose of finding an estimator that is robust to outliers and structural breaks. This estimator is an example of a one-step M-estimator based on Huber's skip function. The asymptotic theory is derived in the situation...
We introduce a new hybrid approach to joint estimation of Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) for high quantiles of return distributions. We investigate the relative performance of VaR and ES models using daily returns for sixteen stock market indices (eight from developed and eight from emerging markets) prior to and during the 2008 fi...
The empirical process of the residuals from general autoregressions is investigated. If an intercept is included in the regression, the empirical process is asymptotically Gaussian and free of nuisance parameters. This contrasts the known result that in the unit root case without intercept the empirical process is asymptotically non-Gaussian. The r...
This paper provides a means of accurately simulating explosive autoregressive processes and uses this method to analyze the distribution of the likelihood ratio test statistic for an explosive second-order autoregressive process of a unit root. While the standard Dickey-Fuller distribution is known to apply in this case, simulations of statistics i...
A vector autoregressive model allowing for unit roots as well as explosive characteristic roots is developed. The Granger-Johansen representation shows that this results in processes with two common features: a random walk and an explosively growing process. Co-integrating and co-explosive vectors can be found which eliminate these common factors....
A vector autoregression with deterministic terms and with no restrictions to its characteristic roots is considered. Strong consistency results for the least squares statistics are presented. This extends earlier results where deterministic terms have not been considered. In addition the convergence rates are improved compared with earlier results....
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This paper addresses the question of whether a conventional approach to cointegration is applicaple to the case where changes are allowed in the parameters for the short term dynamics. We reparametrise a vector autoregressive model such that the short-run parameters exhibiting changes at known points are explicitly given. We then show that the like...
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Many real life regression problems exhibit some kind of calender time dependency and it is often of interest to predict the behavior of the regression function along this calender time direction. This can be formulated as a regression model with an added latent time series and the task is to be able to analyse this series. In this paper we engage t...
In Denmark, a serological Salmonella surveillance programme in finishing pig herds has been in place since 1995. The programme was founded on data from experimental studies, which demonstrated a strong association between Salmonella serology and the prevalence of these bacteria. The current study was carried out in three Danish abattoirs to evaluat...
this paper it suffices to look at the first order statistics p = r and a = g and the second order statistics F2,0, 0 -- Fi,O,1Fi,1, 0 1o2 ---- , V/(1 - r2,o,1)(1 -- F12,1,o) g2 -- g a= -- I - g2, (4) where %,v,$ generalises % as the u-th autocorrelation of the time series X+v, , X,r_,,, and is given by The population partial autocorrelation is defi...
We use high frequency financial data to proxy, via the realised variance, each day's financial variability. Based on a semiparametric stochastic volatility process, a limit theory shows you can represent the proxy as a true underlying variability plus some measurement noise with known characteristics. Hence filtering, smoothing and forecasting idea...
A recently developed porcine model for aerogenous infection with Streptococcus suis serotype 2 was applied in a study of the phases of bacterial colonization and initial invasion. Eighteen pigs were exposed to aerosolized S. suis serotype 2 after pre‐exposure to mild acetic acid in aerosol. The animals were killed consecutively within the first six...
We examined whether pork with suspected content of Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 (DT104) could be used for production of dry-cured sausages without jeopardizing consumer safety. The results of the risk assessment showed, that if Salmonella is present in raw pork, it is usually in low numbers. Additionally, during processing, an eventual presence of...
The study aimed to reduce cross-contamination between finishers from Salmonella-positive and Salmonella-negative herds during transport, lairage, and slaughter, thereby reducing the prevalence of Salmonella Typhimurium on slaughter carcasses. In Phase 1 of the study, pigs from Salmonella-negative herds were kept in lairage for 2-4 hours either in c...
The Danish Salmonella Surveillance and Control Programme for pigs operates at all stages of the production chain and has been applied nationally since 1995. Due to the program the level of Salmonella in Danish pork has declined from 3.5% in 1993 to 0.7% in the year 2000. Simultaneously, the number of human cases with salmonellosis due to pork has d...
UNIT ROOT TESTING has been developed through numerous papers since the work of Ž. Dickey and Fuller 1979 . The idea is to test the hypothesis that the differences of an observed time series do not depend on its levels, or in other words, the levels of the time series have a unit root that can be removed by differencing. While it is in general possi...
When analysing macroeconomic data it is often of relevance to allow for structural breaks in the statistical analysis. In particular, cointegration analysis in the presence of structural breaks could be of interest. We propose a cointegration model with piecewise linear trend and known break points. Within this model it is possible to test cointegr...
Usually cointegration models have dynamic, stochastic components as well as deterministic components. This paper identifies relevant cointegration models in terms of interpretability and similarity with respect to parameters of-deterministic components. Similarity implies that interference on cointegration rank or common trends can be separated fro...
The likelihood ratio test for cointegrating rank is analyzed for partial (or conditional) systems in the vector autoregressive error-correction model. Under the assumption of weak exogeneity for the cointegrating parameters, the asymptotic distributions are given and tables of critical values are provided. A discussion is given of some of the assum...
Fluid drained from a muscle tissue sample was used as an alternative to serum for the detection of specific anti-Salmonella antibodies in an indirect LPS enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In the first study, serum and muscle fluid from 3 pigs experimentally infected with Salmonella typhimurium showed parallel dilution-response relationship...
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The paper addresses the practical determination of cointegration rank. This is difficult for many reasons: deterministic terms play a crucial role in limiting distributions, and systems may not be formulated to ensure similarity to nuisance parameters; finite-sample critical values may differ from asymptotic equivalents; dummy variables alter criti...
The likelihood ratio test for cointegrating rank is analyzed for partial (or conditional) systems in the vector autoregressive error-correction model. Under the assumption of weak exogeneity for the cointegrating parameters, the asymptotic distributions are given and tables of critical values are provided. A discussion is given of some of the assum...
Three field investigations were carried out to assess the feasibility of raising salmonella-free finishers from pigs born in infected herds, by moving the pigs to clean and disinfected facilities before their expected exposure to the bacteria from the environment. Three herds with persistently high levels of subclinical infection with S typhimurium...
A nation-wide Salmonella enterica surveillance and control programme was initiated in Danish finishing herds over the first quarter of 1995. In Denmark, all swine for slaughter are identifiable by a unique herd code. For each herd code, and depending on the herd's annual kill, random samples ranging from four to more than 60 swine are obtained quar...
We consider a first-order autoregressive process when the autoregressive parameter β may vary over the entire real line. The standard bootstrap approximation to the sampling distribution of the least squares estimator of β is shown to converge weakly to a random (i.e., nondegenerate) limit for the usual choice of the bootstrap sample size when β eq...
A total of 25 pigs inoculated with Yersinia enterocolitica serovar O:3 and 25 un-inoculated controls were followed weekly by sampling blood and faeces for 70 days post infection (p.i.). All inoculated pigs were faeces culture positive from day 5 to 21 p.i., whereafter shedding of bacteria declined to < 10% of the pigs at day 49 p.i. and to 0% at da...
A total of 43 pigs, inoculated with Salmonella typhimurium (O:1,4,5,12) and un-inoculated controls were followed weekly by blood and faecal samplings for up to 18 weeks post inoculation (p.i.). Three pigs, inoculated with S. infantis (O:6,7) were followed similarly for 9 weeks. All inoculated pigs, except one, were positive for Salmonella by tradit...
An algorithm suggested by Hendry (1999) for estimation in a regression with as many potential outliers as observations, is analyzed for a classical regression model and for an autoregressive distributed lag model. Results are found for both stationary and non-stationary situations. The asymptotic distribution of the estimators and the efficiency wi...
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Some times time series experts choose to filter their data before carrying out their final analysis and some times regression experts fit a calendar effect to their data and apply time series techniques afterwards to understand the volatility of their estimated calendar effect. In both these cases only some features of the model have been formally...
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Chain-ladder-type models extended with a calender effect are used for reserving in general insurance. We consider forecasting of reserves in a situation where the calendar parameters change out of sample. It is shown that methods for forecasting non-stationary time series are helpful. External information, if present, may help investigators choose...


... According to [24], "An outlying observation (outlier) appears to deviate from other members of the sample in which it occurs and should be identified and removed" [24,25]. To find outliers in this study, the box plot method described by Tukey (1977) was applied [26][27][28]. The interquartile distance (Q3 − Q1), which is equivalent to 1.5 times the box's height, is typically used to calculate whiskers. ...
... However, this approach requires selecting an appropriate cut-off value, effectively becoming another model selection problem. More principled methods include forward search (Riani et al., 2009;Atkinson et al., 2010) and a normality test (Berenguer-Rico et al., 2023). We will delve further into both in Section 2. ...
... The inability to generate a model that assigns variation in linear effects of age, period, and cohort is termed "the identification problem" [24]. Throughout the past six decades, efforts to generate models of age, period, and cohort effects have focused on various aspects of the underlying data generating process, including non-linear variation [25,26], variance and covariance matrix constraints [27,28], mechanisms [29], multi-level nesting [30,31], and other approaches [32,33]. Each provides one way to further visualize data, but inevitably requires assumptions that will privilege some aspect of the model and result in influence on study results (e.g., true period effects will be modeled as cohort effects, or vice versa, etc.). ...
... As implied by the name, a common feature of such models is that the mean of cumulative paid claims until the next development period is assumed to be a multiplication of the development factor (DF) and the most recent cumulative claim. Over the past several decades, various parametric models have been developed as stochastic extensions of the classic CL method (e.g., Wright, 1990;Mack & Venter, 2000;England & Verrall, 2002;Wüthrich & Merz, 2008;Kuang et al., 2015;Kuang & Nielsen, 2020;Gao et al., 2021). Many of these extensions are based on a generalized linear model (GLM) framework with a Poisson family distribution. ...
... For instance, the hypothesis that all α parameters are known corresponds the hypothesis of known values of relative ultimates. This may be of interest in an Bornhuetter-Ferguson context, see Elpidorou et al. (2019). This is analysed by restricted least squares which also leads to t and F statistics. ...
... The vector auto-regressive (VAR) model, proposed by Nobel Prize winner Sims in 1980, is widely used to analyze the interactive relationships between multiple variables [52], [53]. It constructs a model by taking each endogenous variable as a function of the lag value of all endogenous variables in the system, thereby extending the univariate auto-regressive model to the vector auto-regressive model composed of multiple time series [54]. The general mathematical expression is as follows: ...
... In addition there is a lot of literature on Chebychev's estimation, dealing with the computational aspects of these estimators using linear programming and numerical analysis (Appa and Smith, 1973;Sielken Jr and Hartley, 1973;Hand and Sposito, 1980;Armstrong and Kung, 1980;Sklar and Armstrong, 1982). Recent statistical studies of the Chebyshev estimator include (Castillo et al., 2009;Knight, 2020;Berenguer-Rico et al., 2019;Du et al., 2019). Of note Du et al. (2019), present a high-dimensional problem in composite fuselage assembly where a regularized Chebyshev estimator is a natural choice (i.e. the ∞ loss seems more natural in this problem compared to other standard loss functions such as the 2 and 1 losses). ...
... Berenguer-Rico, Johansen, and Nielsen [1] (BJN) considers the problem under a slightly different set of Assumptions. JN Assumption 4.1 has three parts. ...
... there is also literature on specification testing in this setting (e.g. Wang and Phillips, 2012;Dong, Gao, Tjøstheim, and Yin, 2017;Wang, Wu, and Zhu, 2018;Berenguer-Rico and Nielsen, 2020). Notable variants have used f to model transitions between regimes with distinct linear cointegrating relations (Saikkonen and Choi, 2004;Gonzalo and Pitarakis, 2006), or allowed it to take the 'functional coefficient' form β(w t )x t (Cai, Li, and Park, 2009;Xiao, 2009;Sun, Cai, and Li, 2013). ...
... Johansen's likelihood ratio test allows to test the null of rank R (i.e., of m = N − R common trends), where R is user-chosen, versus the alternative of rank greater than R (i.e., less than N − R common trends). However, whilst the limiting distribution under the null is well-known, if the true rank is lower than R, then the limiting distribution is different (see Bernstein and Nielsen, 2019). ...