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Publications (3)

Figure S3: Boxplots (with means as points) showing the distribution of cluster sizes in the join-graph structuring cluster graph U * and in the clique tree U from Fig. 7. The factor graph has clusters of size between 1 and 3 (not displayed). The time for 100 iterations (defined in Fig. 7) was benchmarked over 20 replicates on a MacBook Pro M2 2022, and divided by the number of messages per 100 iterations to obtain an estimate of the mean time per belief update (vertical axis).
Leveraging graphical model techniques to study evolution on phylogenetic networks
  • Preprint
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May 2024


37 Reads

Benjamin Teo


Paul Bastide


The evolution of molecular and phenotypic traits is commonly modelled using Markov processes along a rooted phylogeny. This phylogeny can be a tree, or a network if it includes reticulations, representing events such as hybridization or admixture. Computing the likelihood of data observed at the leaves is costly as the size and complexity of the phylogeny grows. Efficient algorithms exist for trees, but cannot be applied to networks. We show that a vast array of models for trait evolution along phylogenetic networks can be reformulated as graphical models, for which efficient belief propagation algorithms exist. We provide a brief review of belief propagation on general graphical models, then focus on linear Gaussian models for continuous traits. We show how belief propagation techniques can be applied for exact or approximate (but more scalable) likelihood and gradient calculations, and prove novel results for efficient parameter inference of some models. We highlight the possible fruitful interactions between graphical models and phylogenetic methods. For example, approximate likelihood approaches have the potential to greatly reduce computational costs for phylogenies with reticulations.


Figure 1. Calibrated 17-taxon SNaQ network. Edge lengths are normalized so that the network height is 1. The dotted vertical components of minor edges indicate the destination of gene flow and do not contribute to length.
Figure 2. Calibrated 45-taxon Polemonium tree after removing outgroups from the ASTRAL tree from Rose et al. (2021). Edge lengths are proportional to time and normalized to a tree height of 1. The tips are labelled with their morph name, possibly with an extra index when multiple tips are from the same morph (e.g., 4 tips are from vanbruntiae). Morphs sampled in the network (Fig. 1) are in blue. Specimen counts for each morph are shown in parentheses and indicate the tips retained to prune the tree to one tip per morph in Tables 1, 3, and 4.
Figure 5. Simulations with unequal numbers of individuals per species, with average across species, from section 2.5.3.
Accounting for Within-Species Variation in Continuous Trait Evolution on a Phylogenetic Network

October 2023


52 Reads


3 Citations

Bulletin of the Society of Systematic Biologists

Within-species trait variation may be the result of genetic variation, environmental variation, or measurement error, for example. In phylogenetic comparative studies, failing to account for within-species variation has many adverse effects, such as increased error in testing hypotheses about evolutionary correlations, biased estimates of evolutionary rates, and inaccurate inference of the mode of evolution. These adverse effects were demonstrated in studies that considered a tree-like underlying phylogeny. Comparative methods on phylogenetic networks are still in their infancy. The impact of within-species variation on network-based methods has not been studied. Here, we introduce a phylogenetic linear model in which the phylogeny can be a network to account for within-species variation in the continuous response trait assuming equal within-species variances across species. We show how inference based on the individual values can be reduced to a problem using species-level summaries, even when the within-species variance is estimated. Our method performs well under various simulation settings and is robust when within-species variances are unequal across species. When phenotypic (within-species) correlations differ from evolutionary (between-species) correlations, estimates of evolutionary coefficients are pulled towards the phenotypic coefficients for all methods we tested. Also, evolutionary rates are either underestimated or overestimated, depending on the mismatch between phenotypic and evolutionary relationships. We applied our method to morphological and geographical data from Polemonium. We find a strong negative correlation of leaflet size with elevation, despite a positive correlation within species. Our method can explore the role of gene flow in trait evolution by comparing the fit of a network to that of a tree. We find marginal evidence for leaflet size being affected by gene flow and support for previous observations on the challenges of using individual continuous traits to infer inheritance weights at reticulations. Our method is freely available in the Julia package PhyloNetworks.

Figure 1: Calibrated 17-taxon SNaQ network. Edge lengths are normalized so that the network height is 1. The dotted vertical components of minor edges indicate the destination of gene flow, and do not contribute to length. Hybrid edges are labelled with their inheritance weights. The major tree of the network is obtained by deleting the minor (red) edges and setting the weights for the major (purple) edges to 1. The minor tree is obtained by deleting the major edges and setting the weights of the minor edges to 1 (e.g. P. elusum is sister to P. carneum, not P. "viscosum" n.sp., in the minor tree).
Trait evolution on a network with intraspecific variation Accounting for intraspecific variation in continuous trait evolution on a reticulate phylogeny Trait evolution on a network with intraspecific variation

April 2022


122 Reads

Within-species variation may be the result of genetic variation, environmental variation or measurement error for example. In phylogenetic comparative studies, failing to account for intraspe-cific variation has many adverse effects, such as increased error to test hypotheses about evolutionary correlations, biased estimates of evolutionary rates, and inaccurate inference of the mode of evolution. These adverse effects were demonstrated in studies that considered a tree-like underlying phylogeny. Comparative methods on phylogenetic networks are still in their infancy. The impact of within-species variation on network-based methods has not been studied. Here, we extend the phylogenetic linear model available in the Julia package PhyloNetworks to account for within-species variation in the continuous response trait, assuming equal intraspe-cific variances across species. We show how inference based on the individual values can be reduced to a problem using species-level summaries, even when the within-species variance is estimated. Using simulations, we find that our method performs well under various settings, and is robust when intraspecific variances are unequal across species. When phenotypic correlations differ from evolutionary correlations, we find that estimates of evolutionary coefficients are pulled towards the phenotypic coefficients, for all methods we tested. Also, evolutionary rates are either underestimated or overestimated , depending on the mismatch between phenotypic and evolutionary relationships. We applied our method to morphological and geographical data from Polemonium. We find a strong negative correlation of leaflet size with elevation, despite a positive correlation within species. Our method can explore the role of gene flow in trait evolution. We find marginal evidence for leaflet size being carried along in gene flow, supporting previous observations on the challenges of using individual continuous traits to infer inheritance weights at reticulations.

Citations (1)

... These methods extend phylogenetic ANOVA to networks, for a continuous response trait predicted by any number of continuous or categorical traits, with residual variation being phylogenetically correlated. So far, the models available in PhyloNetworks include the BM, Pagel's λ, possible within-species variation, and shifts at reticulations to model transgressive evolution Bastide et al. [2018b], Teo et al. [2023]. However, all calculations are based on working with the full covariance matrix, without BP. ...


Leveraging graphical model techniques to study evolution on phylogenetic networks
Accounting for Within-Species Variation in Continuous Trait Evolution on a Phylogenetic Network

Bulletin of the Society of Systematic Biologists