Benjamin Bodmer's research while affiliated with Technische Universität Dresden and other places

Publications (12)

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Some retrospective studies suggest that psychosocial stressors trigger the onset of tics. This study examined prospective hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis activity and perceived stress prior to tic onset. In the present study, 259 children at high risk for developing tics were assessed for hair cortisol concentration (HCC) and parent-on-ch...
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Background There is clear evidence that tic disorders (TDs) are associated with psychosocial stress as well as emotional and behavioral problems. Studies have shown that individuals with TDs have higher acute physiological stress responses to external, single stressors (as reflected by saliva cortisol). The aim of the present study was to examine a...
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Tourette syndrome (TS) is a highly heritable neuropsychiatric disorder with complex patterns of genetic inheritance. Recent genetic findings in TS have highlighted both numerous common variants with small effects and a few rare variants with moderate or large effects. Here we searched for genetic causes of TS in a large, densely-affected British pe...
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Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome (GTS) is a developmental disorder. Empirical studies and an emerging cognitive framework on GTS suggest that GTS is a disorder of abnormally strong 'perception-action binding'. Theoretical considerations imply that the effectiveness of long-established behavioral interventions might be related to a normalization of in...
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Inhibitory control deficits are a hallmark in ADHD. Yet, inhibitory control includes a multitude of entities (e.g. ‘inhibition of interferences’ and ‘action inhibition’). Examining the interplay between these kinds of inhibitory control provides insights into the architecture of inhibitory control in ADHD. Combining a Simon task and a Go/Nogo task,...
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Background Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome (GTS) is a multifaceted neuropsychiatric developmental disorder with onset in childhood or adolescence and frequent remissions in early adulthood. A rather new emerging concept of this syndrome suggests that it is a disorder of purposeful actions, in which sensory processes and their relation to motor respo...
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Executive functions are well-known to undergo developmental changes from childhood to adulthood. Considerable efforts have been made to elucidate the affected system neurophysiological mechanisms. But while it is well-known that developmental changes affect intra-individual variability, this potential bias has largely been neglected when investigat...
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Response inhibition processes undergo strong developmental changes. The same is true for sensory processes, and recent evidence shows that there also within-modality differences in the efficacy to trigger motor response inhibition. Yet, modulatory effects of within-modality differences during age-related changes in response inhibition between adole...
The ability to inhibit responses is a central sensorimotor function but only recently the importance of sensory processes for motor inhibition mechanisms went more into the research focus. In this regard it is elusive, whether there are differences between sensory modalities to trigger response inhibition processes. Due to functional neuroanatomica...
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund: Die Ticsymptomatik unterliegt einem physiologischen, unregelmäßigen und individuellen Schwankungsverlauf. Weiterhin werden Tics durch u.a. psychosozialen Stress moduliert, welcher ein Prädiktor für die zukünftige Entwicklung der Ticsymptomatik zu sein scheint. Interessanterweise zeigen Patienten mit einer Ticstörung (TS...
Background: The fluctuation of tics underlies a natural, irregular and individual process. Thereby it seems that constant psychosocial stress functions as a predictor of the future development of tics. Corresponding, patients with tic disorder compared to healthy people perceived an increased number of short stressful life events with subjectively...


... Psychosocial stress is supposed to increase the secretion of glucocorticoids [34] and steroids [35] which promote insulin resistance, lipid imbalances and obesity, and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension [36]. But perceived stress may not necessarily reflect the biological measurable levels of stress hormones such as cortisol in hair samples [37][38][39] or gonadal steroids [35]. There is evidence from previous and experimental studies that endogenous bioactive lipids contribute to the adaptations to chronic stress at the molecular level, and in turn, are regulated by chronic or acute stress. ...
... Based on the type of omics evidence they provide, we classified the studies as guiding (genomics studies), corroborating (epigenomics and transcriptomics studies) and additional (metabolomics and microbiome) studies. For the genomics data, we compiled a list of TD candidate genes from studies of rare genetic variants/events-(i) eight chromosomal rearrangements studies [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31] (the main list includes 15 genes and the extended list consists of 23 genes), (ii) fifteen single-nucleotide variation (SNV) studies [27,[32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45] (the main list includes 134 genes and the extended list consists of 846 genes), and (iii) eleven copy number variations (CNV) studies [37,44,[46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54] (the main list includes 52 genes, and the extended list consists of 956 genes)-and studies of common genetic variants (of single-nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs), i.e., genome-wide association studies (GWASs). The GWAS-derived genes include the results from our own unpublished analyses of the summary statistics data from the TD GWAS by Yu et al. [55], i.e., 113 genes from the MAGMA analysis, 224 genes from the FUMA analysis, and 143 genes from the TWAS analysis. ...
... Second, 7.5 mg of whole non-pulverized hair was weighed out per segment and minced into small pieces. This procedure was chosen according to in-house experiment results by the executing lab [65]. Third, at room temperature, hair samples were incubated in 1.8 ml of high-grade methanol for 18 hours. ...
... More research has been conducted on cognitive control, given that many cognitive control subprocesses are thought to play a role in CBIT: goal selection (awareness of internal and external contexts influencing tic expression), response selection (selection of competing responses), response inhibition (implementation of competing response inhibiting tic expression), and performance monitoring (making adjustments) (Essoe et al., 2021a;McGuire et al., 2022). While two studies reported a possible role of response inhibition and switching in CBIT (McGuire et al., 2022;Petruo et al., 2020), two large neuropsychological studies stemming from the initial randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of CBIT (Piacentini et al., 2010;Wilhelm et al., 2012) revealed that baseline cognitive control abilities did not predict CBIT outcome (Abramovitch et al., 2017;Chang et al., 2018). Our group also showed that EEG markers of response inhibition were unrelated to CBIT outcome (Morand-Beaulieu et al., 2022). ...
... Objectively assessed impulsivity is also increased in ADHD adults (45) as well as children (46, 47), particularly as assessed with the stop-signal task (46, 48). Up to 1,000 ms, slower inhibition of their responses compared with healthy controls has been observed (49,50), while recent studies find smaller but significant differences between these groups (51). However, some studies report no group differences (52), which may be explained by the suggested ability of adults with ADHD to compensate for their deficits for a short amount of time (53). ...
... 23 Therefore, it appears likely that an in-depth analysis of the organization of resting-state activity is central to better understanding 'hyper-learning' of S-R associations as one important feature in GTS. Notably, recent conceptual views on GTS proposed that the integration of perception and action may be key to better framing the various characteristics of GTS phenomenology, 9,11,24,25 and it has been argued that increased (statistical) learning in GTS is connected to principles also governing enhanced perception-action integration in GTS. 12 Of note, the integration of perception and action critically depends on the specific network organization of theta band activity. 26,27 In addition, modulations of so-called small-world network characteristics [28][29][30][31] well reflect perception-action integration processes, 26,27 which have also been hypothesized to frame statistical learning. ...
... A n efficient integration of sensory and motor processes is crucial to goal-directed behavior, which relies on both the execution and inhibition of responses 1 . Several lines of evidence suggest that sensory processes have a strong impact on successful response inhibition performance [2][3][4] . However, the neurobiological basis of these fundamental processes continues to be the subject of ample neuroscientific research which requires further investigation 5 . ...
... overlap conditions when responses had to be repeated and a decrease of amplitudes from no feature overlap to full feature overlap conditions when participants had to alternate their response). This is important, because cognitive functions and underlying neurophysiological processes are subject to considerable intra-individual variability in childhood and adolescence 36 . Especially high intra-individual variability in data can obscure possible differences between groups 38,39 . ...
... Data were also projected into source space, in order to explore differences between speech and limb with greater spatial detail. This time window corresponded to the anticipated duration of the P3 component (Beste et al., 2008;Bodmer & Beste, 2017;Bokura et al., 2005;Nash et al., 2013). Non-parametric paired contrasts with spatio-temporal clustering were used to statistical compare speech and limb conditions. ...