Ben Crummins's research while affiliated with University of Rochester and other places

Publications (2)

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Paleomagnetism can elucidate the origin of inner core structure by establishing when crystallization started. The salient signal is an ultralow field strength, associated with waning thermal energy to power the geodynamo from core-mantle heat flux, followed by a sharp intensity increase as new thermal and compositional sources of buoyancy become av...
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Determining the presence or absence of a past long-lived lunar magnetic field is crucial for understanding how the Moon's interior and surface evolved. Here, we show that Apollo impact glass associated with a young 2 million-year-old crater records a strong Earth-like magnetization, providing evidence that impacts can impart intense signals to samp...


... But, identifying any such increase in field strength was prohibited by a lack of reliable latest Ediacaran to early Cambrian paleointensity data at the time of the studies that first recognized the Ediacaran ultralow fields. Zhou et al. (2022) reported the first time-averaged SCP values for the early Cambrian from 532.49 ± 0.12 Ma (U-Pb zircon age) (Wall et al., 2021) anorthosites of the Glen Mountains Layered Complex (Hanson et al., 2013) of the Wichita Mountains (Oklahoma). The paleomagnetic dipole moment reported by Zhou et al. (2022) is 3.5 ± 0.9 x 10 22 A m 2 , some 5 times higher than that of the Sept-Îles Mafic Intrusive Suite. ...
... Over the last few decades, great progress has been made in comprehending the Moon's evolution; however, several critical problems remain unresolved. It is still in debate whether the crustal magnetization, especially for those strong fields such as the magnetic anomaly located at the northwest of the South Pole-Aitken Basin rim, originated from internal dynamo field or external plasma processes resulting from large impacts [6]. Tarduno et al. [6] suggested that some paleomagnetic records in Apollo samples could reflect impact fields local to an impact site. ...