Bart Haegeman's research while affiliated with Sorbonne Université and other places

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Publications (93)

Phenotypic plasticity and the effects of thermal fluctuations on specialists and generalists
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June 2024


31 Reads

Proceedings of the Royal Society B

Proceedings of the Royal Society B


Léonard Dupont


Bart Haegeman




Classical theories predict that relatively constant environments should generally favour specialists, while fluctuating environments should be selected for generalists. However, theoretical and empirical results have pointed out that generalist organisms might, on the contrary, perform poorly under fluctuations. In particular, if generalism is underlaid by phenotypic plasticity, performance of generalists should be modulated by the temporal characteristics of environmental fluctuations. Here, we used experiments in microcosms of Tetrahymena thermophila ciliates and a mathematical model to test whether the period or autocorrelation of thermal fluctuations mediate links between the level of generalism and the performance of organisms under fluctuations. In the experiment, thermal fluctuations consistently impeded performance compared with constant conditions. However, the intensity of this effect depended on the level of generalism: while the more specialist strains performed better under fast or negatively autocorrelated fluctuations, plastic generalists performed better under slow or positively autocorrelated fluctuations. Our model suggests that these effects of fluctuations on organisms’ performance may result from a time delay in the expression of plasticity, restricting its benefits to slow enough fluctuations. This study points out the need to further investigate the temporal dynamics of phenotypic plasticity to better predict its fitness consequences under environmental fluctuations.

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Figure 2: Computed values for α φ and β φ pairs based on empirical studies. The exact values for α φ and β φ are provided in App. 3. These are Amarasekare (2015), Archer et al. (2019), Binzer et al. (2016), Fussmann et al. (2014), Sentis et al. (2012), Uszko et al. (2017), Vucic-Pestic et al. (2011), West & Post (2016). In Archer et al. (2019), Arc1 and Arc2 correspond to two different years of measurement; in Vucic-Pestic et al. (2011), Vuc1 and Vuc2 correspond to two different prey types; in West & Post (2016), Wes1 and Wes2 correspond to two different predators. Studies in the yellow region have a monotonically decreasing φ(T ), in the red region monotonically increasing φ(T ), in the blue region humpshaped φ(T ) and in the green region U-shaped φ(T ).
The effects of warming on the stability of consumer-resource interactions

September 2023


57 Reads

Temperature regulates the physiology and behaviour of organisms. Thus, changing temperatures induce dynamics in species interactions. Considering that consumer-resource interactions underpin ecological communities, the impacts of warming on the stability of consumer-resource interactions have been extensively studied. However, a consensus among empirically determined warming-stability relationships and a clear understanding thereof is lacking. To investigate these systematically, we propose a simplified theoretical framework that can incorporate empirical data in three steps. First, we constrain stability to intrinsic oscillations to avoid comparing disparate stability notions. Second, we reduce complexity by utilising a one-dimensional stability metric. Third, we enable the direct comparison of all data by converting all thermal dependence parameterisations into a single function, with two parameters in the exponent determining its shape. The empirical data generate four different warming-stability relationships: stability increases, decreases, is hump-shaped or U-shaped with temperature. The diversity of warming-stability relationships, though partly attributable to context-dependence, is fundamentally caused by sensitivity to two factors: how the processes within the functional response are defined and the thermal dependence of carrying capacity. Consistency across studies regarding the former and acquiring more data on the latter should help uncover systematic patterns in the thermal dependence of stability in consumer-resource interactions.

The metacommunity model consists of two patches, each sustaining a predator–prey couple linked by predators, which disperse at a very high scaled rate δ2$$ {\delta}_2 $$. Prey grow at a rate g1$$ {g}_1 $$ and species populations i$$ i $$ are also limited by self‐regulation Di$$ {D}_i $$ (negative intraspecific interactions or density‐dependent mortality). Predators attack prey at a rate α2,1$$ {\alpha}_{2,1} $$ (interaction strength) and assimilate a fraction ε$$ \varepsilon $$ of the ingested biomass. Spatial heterogeneity is embodied by the asymmetry of resource supply (green) and the interaction strength (purple), which are higher in patch #1 by factors ω$$ \omega $$ and γ$$ \gamma $$, respectively. Consistent with Rooney et al. (2006), patch #1 is called the fast patch, and patch #2 is called the slow patch. Prey receive stochastic perturbations either in patch #1 or in patch #2 (red arrows).
Spatial correlation between the populations of each species depending on asymmetry of interaction strength γ$$ \gamma $$ and resource supply ω$$ \omega $$ when predators disperse, and prey are perturbed in the fast or slow patch. The horizontal dashed line emphasizes the value of the correlation of prey populations without asymmetry (γ=ω=1$$ \gamma =\omega =1 $$). Note that the curves for predators overlap because their high dispersal that perfectly correlates their dynamics regardless of the perturbed patch.
Stability at different scales depending on asymmetry of interaction strength γ$$ \gamma $$ and resource supply ω$$ \omega $$ when predators disperse and prey are perturbed in the fast or slow patch. (a) The temporal variability in the metacommunity is assessed by the coefficient of variation (CV) of biomass at different scales: population scale (biomass CV of one species in one patch), metapopulation scale (CV of the total biomass of one species across patches) and metacommunity scale (CV of the total biomass of the entire metacommunity). (b) Biomass CV at the population scale. Note that the curves for predators overlap because their high dispersal perfectly balances their biomass distribution between the two patches. (c) Biomass CV at the metapopulation scale. (d) Biomass CV at the metacommunity scale.
Distribution of the biomass of each species among patches depending on the asymmetry of interaction strength γ$$ \gamma $$ and resource supply ω$$ \omega $$. Note that the curves for predators overlap because their high dispersal that perfectly balances their biomass between the two patches.
(a) Time series of biomasses rescaled by their value at equilibrium after an increase of 20% in prey biomass in the fast (left panel) or slow patch (right panel) for a value of asymmetry of interaction strength γ=3$$ \gamma =3 $$ and resource supply ω=3$$ \omega =3 $$. (b) Direct effect of prey on predator (and vice versa) depending on the asymmetry of interaction strength γ$$ \gamma $$ and resource supply ω$$ \omega $$. Direct effects correspond to the terms of the Jacobian matrix and the dashed line emphasizes the null direct effects. On the central schema, the numbers are the numeric values of the terms of the Jacobian matrix corresponding to each arrow for γ=ω=3$$ \gamma =\omega =3 $$.
Spatial heterogeneity of biomass turnover has contrasting effects on synchrony and stability in trophic metacommunities

August 2023


221 Reads


1 Citation

Ecology Letters

Spatial heterogeneity is a fundamental feature of ecosystems, and ecologists have identified it as a factor promoting the stability of population dynamics. In particular, differences in interaction strengths and resource supply between patches generate an asymmetry of biomass turnover with a fast and a slow patch coupled by a mobile predator. Here, we demonstrate that asymmetry leads to opposite stability patterns in metacommunities receiving localized perturbations depending on the characteristics of the perturbed patch. Perturbing prey in the fast patch synchronizes the dynamics of prey biomass between the two patches and destabilizes predator dynamics by increasing the predator's temporal variability. Conversely, perturbing prey in the slow patch decreases the synchrony of the prey's dynamics and stabilizes predator dynamics. Our results have implications for conservation ecology and suggest reinforcing protection policies in fast patches to dampen the effects of perturbations and promote the stability of population dynamics at the regional scale.

Figure 6.
The Phylogenetic Limits to Diversity-Dependent Diversification

December 2022


131 Reads


10 Citations

Systematic Biology

While the theory of micro-evolution by natural selection assigns a crucial role to competition, its role in macroevolution is less clear. Phylogenetic evidence for a decelerating accumulation of lineages suggests a feedback of lineage diversity on diversification. However, does this feedback only occur between close relatives, or do distant relatives also influence their diversification? In other words: are there phylogenetic limits to this diversity-dependence? Islands form ideal systems to answer these questions, because their boundedness facilitates an overview of all potential competitors. The DAISIE (Dynamic Assembly of Island biota through Speciation Immigration and Extinction) framework allows for testing the presence of diversity-dependence on islands given phylogenetic data on colonization and branching times. The current inference models in DAISIE assume that this diversity-dependence only applies within a colonizing clade, i.e. all mainland species can colonize and diversify independently from one another. We term this clade-specific (CS) diversity-dependence. Here we introduce a new DAISIE model that assumes that diversity-dependence applies to all island species of a taxonomic group regardless of their mainland ancestry, i.e. diversity-dependence applies both to species within the same clade and between different clades established by different mainland species. We call this island-wide (IW) diversity-dependence. We present a method to compute a likelihood for this model given phylogenetic data on colonization and branching events and use likelihood ratio bootstrapping to compare it to the likelihood of the CS model in order to overcome biases known for standard model selection. We apply it to the diversification of Eleutherodactylus frogs on Hispaniola. Across the Greater Antilles archipelago, this radiation shows repeated patterns of diversification in ecotypes which are similar across clades. This could be suggestive of overlapping niche space and hence between-clade interactions, i.e. IW diversity-dependence. But it could also be suggestive of only within-clade interactions, because between-clade interactions would have blocked the same ecotype re-appearing. We find that the CS model fits the data much better than the IW model, indicating that different colonizations, while resulting in similar ecotypes, are sufficiently distinct to avoid interacting strongly. We argue that non-overlapping distributions between clades (both spatially and in terms of ecotypes) cannot be used as evidence of CS diversity-dependence, because this pattern may be a consequence of IW diversity-dependence. By contrast, by using phylogenetic data rather than distributional data our method does allow for inferring the phylogenetic limits to diversity-dependent diversification. We discuss possibilities for future extensions and applications of our modelling approach.

The experimental design testing for cross‐species conditional syndromes and an example of potential consequences on dispersal and metacommunity dynamics. The experimental design (left panel) manipulates the predation risk and resource density for 15 species in multi‐patch systems to obtain dispersers and residents which were then characterised for their body size, basal activity and locomotion morphology. The right panel shows the dispersal dynamics for scenarios where dispersal was random (left column) or dependent on individual phenotype (here the body size of crickets, right column) and local conditions (here the amount of clover plants in a patch) on top and theoretical consequences of such dispersal modes for metacommunity dynamics on the bottom. In the random scenario, the dispersal rate and body size of dispersers do not vary with patch resources; in the conditional dispersal scenario, dispersers are more numerous and bigger when patch resources are low. Context‐ and phenotype‐dependent dispersal results in the spatial structuring of consumers' population size and phenotype (body size) where patches with more resources host more and bigger consumers and equalise per capita consumption rate whereas random dispersal does not. We expect context‐ and phenotype‐dependent dispersal to equalise the resource densities between patches and stabilise metacommunities.
Dispersal syndrome conditional to environmental context. (a) Size dispersal syndrome according to resource availability. (b) Locomotion morphology dispersal syndrome according to predation risk. (c) Activity dispersal syndrome. Horizontal boxplots for dispersers (light red bars) and residents (light blue bars) are built from the mean traits for each species and the mean trait value (dark red and dark blue dots) are shown. To isolate the phenotypic differences between dispersers and residents, we used residuals of a model controlling for resource and predation treatments as fixed effects and population identity nested within experimental block within species within taxon as a random intercept, but not for dispersal status and its interaction with resources and predation treatments. The colours of protist pictograms represent different species (black: Colpidium sp., red: Dexiostoma sp., orange: Tetrahymena thermophila, blue: Tetrahymena elliotti, green: Tetrahymena pyriformis).
Correlations between body size and locomotion morphology between dispersers and depending on predation risk. All raw data points and predicted lines (± 95% CI) for dispersers (light red ribbons) and residents (light blue ribbons) in the predation risk treatments are shown.
Theoretical illustration of resource consumption and density in relation to consumers' dispersal dependencies. The dispersal of consumers was either independent of individual consumption rate and patch resource density (blue line, ‘uniform dispersal’) or positively covaried with patch resource density (orange line, ‘resource‐dep dispersal’), individual consumption rate (yellow line, ‘phenotype‐dep dispersal’), or both (purple line, ‘resource & phenotype‐dep dispersal’). Response variables are shown as the temporal average and coefficient of temporal variation of patches resource consumption (a & b respectively) and resource patch density (c & d respectively).
Dispersal syndromes in challenging environments: A cross‐species experiment

October 2022


662 Reads


19 Citations

Ecology Letters

Dispersal is a central biological process tightly integrated into life‐histories, morphology, physiology and behaviour. Such associations, or syndromes, are anticipated to impact the eco‐evolutionary dynamics of spatially structured populations, and cascade into ecosystem processes. As for dispersal on its own, these syndromes are likely neither fixed nor random, but conditional on the experienced environment. We experimentally studied how dispersal propensity varies with individuals' phenotype and local environmental harshness using 15 species ranging from protists to vertebrates. We reveal a general phenotypic dispersal syndrome across studied species, with dispersers being larger, more active and having a marked locomotion‐oriented morphology and a strengthening of the link between dispersal and some phenotypic traits with environmental harshness. Our proof‐of‐concept metacommunity model further reveals cascading effects of context‐dependent syndromes on the local and regional organisation of functional diversity. Our study opens new avenues to advance our understanding of the functioning of spatially structured populations, communities and ecosystems.

DAISIE: Dynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction

June 2022


240 Reads


6 Citations

Simulates and computes the (maximum) likelihood of a dynamical model of island biota assembly through speciation, immigration and extinction. See e.g. Valente et al. 2015. Ecology Letters 18: 844-852, <doi:10.1111/ele.12461>. See for details.

The limits to ecological limits to diversification

May 2022


72 Reads


2 Citations

A bstract While the theory of micro-evolution by natural selection assigns a crucial role to competition, its role in macroevolution is less clear. Phylogenetic evidence for a decelerating accumulation of lineages suggests a feedback of lineage diversity on diversification, i.e., ecological limits to diversification. However, does this feedback only occur between close relatives, or do distant relatives also influence their diversification? In other words: are there phylogenetic limits to these ecological limits? Islands form ideal systems to answer these questions, because their boundedness facilitates an overview of all potential competitors. The DAISIE (Dynamic Assembly of Island biota through Speciation Immigration and Extinction) framework allows for testing the presence of diversity-dependence on islands given phylogenetic data on colonization and branching times. The current inference models in DAISIE assume that this diversity-dependence only applies within a colonizing clade, which we term clade-specific (CS) diversity-dependence. Here we introduce a new DAISIE model that assumes that diversity-dependence applies to all species regardless of their ancestry, i.e. diversity-dependence applies both to species within the same clade and between different clades. We call this island-wide (IW) diversity-dependence. Here we present a method to compute a likelihood for this model and develop a statistical procedure based on likelihood ratio bootstrapping to compare it to the likelihood of the CS model in order to overcome biases known for standard model selection. We apply it to the diversification of Eleutherodactylus frogs on Hispaniola. Across the Greater Antilles archipelago, this radiation shows repeated patterns of diversification in ecotypes which are similar across clades. This could be suggestive of overlapping niche space and hence between-clade interactions, i.e. IW diversity-dependence. But it could also be suggestive of only within-clade interactions, because between-clade interactions would have blocked the same ecotype re-appearing. We find that the CS model fits the data much better than the IW model, indicating that different colonizations, while resulting in similar ecotypes, are sufficiently distinct to avoid interacting strongly. We argue that non-overlapping distributions between clades (both spatially and in terms of ecotypes) cannot be used as evidence of CS diversity-dependence, because this pattern may be a consequence of IW diversity-dependence. By contrast, by using phylogenetic data rather than distributional data our method does allow for inferring the phylogenetic limits to ecological limits to diversification. We discuss how our new IW model advances our understanding also in other ways, ranging from identifying priority effects to modelling the spread of an epidemic in island-like systems, such as schools or hospitals.

Dispersal syndromes can link intraspecific trait variability and meta-ecosystem functioning

December 2021


147 Reads


15 Citations

Trends in Ecology & Evolution

Dispersal mediates the flow of organisms in meta-communities and subsequently energy and material flows in meta-ecosystems. Individuals within species often vary in dispersal tendency depending on their phenotypic traits (i.e., dispersal syndromes), but the implications of dispersal syndromes for meta-ecosystems have been rarely studied. Using empirical examples on vertebrates, arthropods, and microbes, we highlight that key functional traits can be linked to dispersal. We argue that this coupling between dispersal and functional traits can have consequences for meta-ecosystem functioning, mediating flows of functional traits and thus the spatial heterogeneity of ecosystem functions. As dispersal syndromes may be genetically determined, the spatial heterogeneity of functional traits may be further carried over across generations and link meta-ecosystem functioning to evolutionary dynamics.

Figure 1. Population fluctuations (consumer biomass coefficient of variation (a) and (b)) and species persistence (number of species; (c) and (d)) across the temperature (y-axis) and nutrient (x-axis) gradients as predicted by the Rosenzweig-MacArthur (RM; (a) and (c)) and by the stoichiometric Rosenzweig-MacArthur (SRM; (b) and (d)) models. In (a) and (b), coefficient of variation (hereafter CV) represents fluctuation amplitudes. CV is null when the system is at equilibrium and positive when populations fluctuate. In (a) and (b), the white colour corresponds to the temperature-nutrient scenario for which the consumer has gone extinct whereas the orange to red to dark red represent population fluctuations of increasing amplitude. In (c) and (d), in black: both consumer and resource persist; in red: only the resource persists; in orange: none persists. Resource biomass CV is
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
Stoichiometric constraints modulate temperature and nutrient effects on biomass distribution and community stability

October 2021


77 Reads


8 Citations


Temperature and nutrients are two of the most important drivers of global change. Both can modify the elemental composition (i.e. stoichiometry) of primary producers and consumers. Yet their combined effect on the stoichiometry, dynamics and stability of ecological communities remains largely unexplored. To fill this gap, we extended the Rosenzweig–MacArthur consumer–resource model by including thermal dependencies, nutrient dynamics and stoichiometric constraints on both the primary producer and the consumer. We found that stoichiometric and nutrient conservation constraints dampen the paradox of enrichment and increased persistence at high nutrient levels. Nevertheless, stoichiometric constraints also reduced consumer persistence at extreme temperatures. Finally, we also found that stoichiometric constraints and nutrient dynamics can strongly influence biomass distribution across trophic levels by modulating consumer assimilation efficiency and resource growth rates along the environmental gradients. In the Rosenzweig–MacArthur model, consumer biomass exceeded resource biomass for most parameter values whereas, in the stoichiometric model, consumer biomass was strongly reduced and sometimes lower than resource biomass. Our findings highlight the importance of accounting for stoichiometric constraints as they can mediate the temperature and nutrient impact on the dynamics and functioning of ecological communities.

Phytoplankton biodiversity is more important for ecosystem functioning in highly variable thermal environments

August 2021


295 Reads


27 Citations

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Significance The combined acceleration of climate change and biodiversity loss necessitates understanding how ecosystem functions and services will be affected. Most studies focus on the effects of increasing mean temperatures, but climate change will increase temperature fluctuations too. We performed an experiment and developed a model to understand how increased temperature fluctuations affected the importance of biodiversity for ecosystem functioning in phytoplankton communities. Increased temperature fluctuations led to steeper biodiversity–ecosystem functioning slopes, which indicates that biodiversity loss has a stronger negative effect on ecosystem functioning than when conditions are more stable. Our model suggests that steeper slopes are associated with variation in thermal tolerances across species, as species-rich systems contained species able to resist the thermally fluctuating environments.

Citations (61)

... Finally, the enigmatic Lutra aonychoides is basal to Paralutra garganensis and the previously mentioned clades. A variety of methods have been developed to quantify the processes that have shaped the evolutionary history of a clade, to assess rate variation among lineages, and, more recently, to investigate rate variation through time (Rabosky 2006;Rabosky & Lovette 2008;Alfaro et al. 2009;Etienne et al. 2011Etienne et al. , 2023Stadler 2011;Etienne & Haegeman 2012;Rabosky et al. 2014;Laudanno et al. 2020Laudanno et al. , 2021. The incredible ecological and phenotypic diversity in Mustelidae is often attributed to adaptive radiation (Koepfli et al. 2008a(Koepfli et al. , 2008bSato et al. 2009Sato et al. , 2012. ...


New insights on the enigmatic otters from the Late Miocene of Tuscany: Tyrrhenolutra maremmana nov. comb. (Lutrinae, Mustelidae, Carnivora), with a phylogeny of bunodont otters
The Phylogenetic Limits to Diversity-Dependent Diversification

Systematic Biology

... Note that our simulation models did not include the full complexity of species dispersal and its intricate relationships with metacommunity dynamics. For example, we did not consider cost-related trade-offs that can cause covariance between dispersal, morphological and behavioural traits [35]. By doing so, we could understand whether colonization-competition and ecological specialization-dispersal trade-offs can emerge as eco-evolutionary consequences of community assembly in landscapes with varying levels of environmental stability and habitat heterogeneity. ...

Dispersal syndromes in challenging environments: A cross‐species experiment

Ecology Letters

... This was implemented by solving the system of differential equations for the DAISIE likelihood with the first set of model parameters until the shift, and with the second set with new rates until the present. We implemented this extended model as function DAISIE_ SR_ML_CS in the package 'DAISIE' 2.0 (Etienne, Valente, Phillimore, & Haegeman, 2020) for the R 3.6-1 language and environment for statistical computing (R Core Team, 2019). A full DAISIE model with diversity dependence and no shifts includes five free parameters (colonization, cladogenesis, extinction, carrying capacity and anagenesis). ...

DAISIE: Dynamical Assembly of Islands by Speciation, Immigration and Extinction

... It is now widely established that landscape spatio-temporal heterogeneity enhances multitrophic abundance and diversity of natural enemies (Sirami et al., 2019) in part by promoting complementary resources for natural enemies, including foraging areas, food sources, shelter, nesting and overwintering sites (Bertrand et al., 2016;Schellhorn et al., 2015). However, the actual consequences in terms of biological pest control remain inconsistent across regions, sites and experiments, probably due to complex interactions between farming practices and landscape context leading to synergistic or antagonistic effects Etienne et al., 2022;Muneret et al., 2019;Ricci et al., 2019). Although the relationship between natural enemy diversity and the effectiveness of biological pest control is generally positive, it can be substantially disrupted by, e.g., intra-guild predation within the natural enemy community (Letourneau et al., 2009;Martin et al., 2013). ...

The limits to ecological limits to diversification

... Moreover, the importance of considering multiple traits contributing to the same trait type (e.g. trait syndromes) is still often overlooked ( [35], but see [40,41]). Finally, when studying demography, it is important to include density dependence as this is a key aspect of population growth and is known to be affected by environmental change drivers [42][43][44]. ...

Dispersal syndromes can link intraspecific trait variability and meta-ecosystem functioning
  • Citing Article
  • December 2021

Trends in Ecology & Evolution

... It is therefore possible that a change in a physical factor could make a previously productive interaction costly, or vice versa. For example, an increased metabolic rate at higher temperatures could mean that a predator no longer survives on small prey which do provide a net energy gain at lower temperatures (modelled in Sentis, Haegeman & Montoya, 2021). Thus, inclusion of physical factors via their effects on the components of movement offers an opportunity to calculate the effects of those factors on energetic costs. ...

Stoichiometric constraints modulate temperature and nutrient effects on biomass distribution and community stability


... As compared to oceanic communities, coastal plankton experience more temporal changes due to less predictable hydrographic conditions; they are prone to short-term disturbances because they are close to the mainland and cities, hence they have higher inherent ecological tolerance to environmental variability and diversity (Wang et al., 2021). In addition, phytoplankton communities with high diversity tend to be less affected by sudden changes and multiple global-change drivers because they have a greater functional redundancy (Hong et al., 2022) and resource use efficiency (Gerhard et al., 2023), as more species are able to resist the variability of environments (Bestion et al., 2021). In fact, a study in an urbanized Australian area showed that rainfall events significantly shifted the microbial taxonomic composition to a greater extension than the natural seasonal change did, but these changes were smaller than those observed for the same disturbance in a more oceanic influenced location (Ajani et al., 2023). ...

Phytoplankton biodiversity is more important for ecosystem functioning in highly variable thermal environments
  • Citing Article
  • August 2021

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

... consumer-resource interaction strength depends on temperature (Dell et al., 2014;Gilbert et al., 2014;Hamann et al., 2020;Synodinos et al., 2021). If higher temperatures speed up birth rates of prey or predator species, this could lead to fast eco-evolution or, on the contrary, disrupt fast eco-evolution, depending on the rate of evolution. ...

Theory of temperature‐dependent consumer–resource interactions

Ecology Letters

... The pressing question regionally is hence 'how can we even begin to conserve endangered species within this highly disturbed region if we do not know what they consume?' The terrestrial arthropods that support endangered vertebrate species are germane to planning because management for some of these species within croplands can occur adjacent to conservation and natural areas and likely have significant negative spillover effects that undermine conservation efforts (Braun & Lortie, 2019;Montoya et al., 2021;Zamorano et al., 2020), for example, a grasshopper is conceptualized as pest in one field, prey in another (Ralf, 2001;Rand et al., 2006;Schmitz, 2005). The motivation for the data collection here is thus to support a deeper understanding of the species that we need to describe for conservation of focal species within an ecological region. ...

Habitat fragmentation and food security in crop pollination systems