Baozhen Yao's research while affiliated with Dalian University of Technology and other places

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Publications (100)

A novel regional traffic control strategy for mixed traffic system with the construction of congestion warning communities
  • Article

March 2024


22 Reads

Xiaoning Gu


Chao Chen


Tao Feng


Baozhen Yao

Urban Traffic Congestion Level Prediction Using a Fusion-Based Graph Convolutional Network

December 2023


19 Reads


4 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

Rui Feng


Heqi Cui


Qiang Feng




Baozhen Yao

In an urban environment, the accurate prediction of congestion levels is a prerequisite for formulating traffic demand management strategies reasonably. Current traffic forecasting studies mostly focus on the road topological network and assume that the spatial linkages of road segments is fixed, thus ignoring associated congestion level changes between road segments. This study introduces a fusion-based graph convolutional network called the F-GCN. The model aims to capture the dynamic correlations of the congestion levels among road segments while constructing the static topology of the road network. In particular, the entropy-based grey relation analysis method is first implemented in the dynamic graph convolutional network (GCN) module to measure the potential correlations among the observed congestion levels. Then, spatio-temporal blocks that integrate GCN layers, spatial attention mechanisms, and long short-term memory layers are built for both the static and dynamic GCN modules. Finally, the F-GCN model is developed by fusing the static GCN and dynamic GCN module. The numerical experiments on Beijing taxies demonstrated that the proposed F-GCN model achieved a significant 5.47%, 5.64%, and 8.14% improvements for the 15-, 30-, and 45-min prediction tasks in the weighted mean absolute percentage error compared to the state-of-the-art baseline models. This improvement highlights the effectiveness of the model in predicting congestion levels, demonstrating its superiority and potential in capturing the dynamic potential correlations among the congestion levels of road segments.

Data-driven robust optimization for contextual vehicle rebalancing in on-demand ride services under demand uncertainty

September 2023


58 Reads


3 Citations

The rebalancing of idle vehicles is critical to mitigating the supply–demand imbalance in on-demand ride services. Motivated by a ride service platform, this paper investigates a short-term vehicle rebalancing problem under demand uncertainty in the presence of contextual data. We deploy a novel data-driven robust optimization approach that takes a direct path from “Data” to “Decision” instead of the predict-then-optimize paradigm and leverages the prediction problem structure to seamlessly integrate demand predictions with optimization models. We further develop a risk-based uncertainty set to evaluate how well uncertain demand is estimated from contextual data by prediction models, and discuss the classes of prediction models that are highly compatible with robust optimization models. Based on the convex analysis and duality theory, we reformulate the original models into equivalent Mixed Integer Second Order Cone Programmings (MISOCPs) that are solvable via state-of-the-art commercial solvers. To solve large-scale instances, we utilize the affine decision rule technique to derive polynomial-sized reformulations. Extensive experiments are conducted on the instances based on a real-world on-demand ride service in Chengdu. The computational experiments demonstrate the promising performance of our rebalancing strategies and solution approaches.

The parameters related to heterogeneous travelers.
The parameters related to travel modes.
The test results of the sensitivity analysis of bus fares.
The test results of the sensitivity analysis of fuel cost per kilometer.
The test results of the sensitivity analysis of SAV fees per kilometer.
Research on Heterogeneous Traveler Travel Mode Choices with Differences under a Mixed Traffic Environment
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2023


14 Reads


Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have been made possible by advances in sensing and computing technologies. However, the high cost of AVs makes privatization take longer. Therefore, companies with autonomous vehicles can develop shared autonomous vehicle (SAV) projects. AVs with a high level of automation require high upgrade and use costs. In order to meet the needs of more customers and reduce the investment cost of the company, SAVs with different levels of automation may coexist for a long time. Faced with multiple travel modes (autonomous cars with different levels of automation, private cars, and buses), travelers' travel mode choices are worth studying. To further differentiate the types of travelers, this paper defines high-income travelers and low-income travelers. The difference between these two types of travelers is whether they have a private car. The differences in time value and willingness to pay of the two types of travelers are considered. Based on the above considerations, this paper establishes a multi-modal selection model with the goal of maximizing the total utility of all travelers and uses the imperial competition algorithm to solve it. The results show that low-income travelers are more likely to choose buses and autonomous vehicles with lower levels of automation, while high-income travelers tend to choose higher levels of automation due to their high value of travel time.


Dynamic Pricing for Mobile Charging Service Considering Electric Vehicles Spatiotemporal Distribution

June 2023


21 Reads


1 Citation

As mobile charging service has the advantages of flexible charging and simple operation, it is selected by more and more users of electric vehicles. However, due to the differences in road network density and traffic flow distribution, the uneven distribution of charging demand occurs in different regions. It reduces the service efficiency of mobile charging vehicles during the peak charging demand period, thus affecting the final revenue of operators. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a dynamic pricing strategy considering the spatiotemporal distribution of charging demand to induce users to transfer between different regions, which can alleviate the phenomenon that users wait too long during peak demand. In order to realize the city-level operation of mobile charging service, we divide the region into hexagons and make statistics on the charging demand in each region. The established demand updating model can reflect the impact of charging price on users’ charging behavior. Finally, we simulate the generation of charging demand in Haidian District, Beijing. According to the demand of each area, a thermodynamic diagram of charging demand is generated.KeywordsRegional divisionMobile chargingDynamic pricing

LSTM-Based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Using UAV Aerial Data

June 2023


60 Reads

Accurately predicting the trajectory of a vehicle is a critical capability for autonomous vehicles (AVs). While human drivers can infer the future trajectory of other vehicles in the next few seconds based on information such as experience and traffic rules, most of the widely used Advance Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) need to provide better trajectory prediction. They are usually only of limited use in emergencies such as sudden braking. In this paper, we propose a trajectory prediction network structure based on LSTM neural networks, which can accurately predict the future trajectory of a vehicle based on its historical trajectory. Unlike previous studies focusing only on trajectory prediction for highways without intersections, our network uses vehicle trajectory data from aerial photographs of intersections taken by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The speed of vehicles at this location fluctuates more frequently, so predicting the trajectory of vehicles at intersections is of great importance for autonomous driving.KeywordsTrajectory predictionDeep learningIntersections

Multiple Motifs graph convolutional recurrent neural networks: a deep learning framework for short-term traffic travel time prediction

March 2023


8 Reads

ICE Proceedings Transport

How to accurately predict Short-term traffic travel time is an important problem in Intelligent Transportation Systems. However, the traffic data usually exhibit high nonlinearities and complex patterns. Predicting traffic travel time is a challenge. Most previous studies use the topological adjacency of road networks to explore the spatial correlations. However, as a real network, the road network contains higher-order connectivity patterns, which have different statistical significance. The topology adjacency cannot reflect these higher-order connectivity patterns. To obtain topological adjacency and higher-order connection pattern information, a novel deep learning framework was proposed: Multiple Motifs Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks, for traffic travel time prediction in this paper. The accuracy of travel time prediction can be improved by the proposed model. To be more specific, there are two meaning blocks in each unit of the model: (1) The spatial blocks captured spatial patterns information by the Multi-Motif graph convolution network and Motif Graph embedding; (2) The temporal blocks captured temporal patterns information by the combination of LSTM and the FC layer. To prove the effectiveness and accuracy of the prediction model, experiments were conducted on real world traffic travel time datasets.

Citations (73)

... The paper of 27 presents a traffic congestion prediction model using seasonal auto-regressive integrated moving average and bidirectional long short-term memory for Internet of Things-enabled cities. In 28 , the authors tackle the problem of urban traffic congestion level prediction using a fusion-based graph convolutional network. The result of 29 combines congestion speed-cycle patterns and a deep-learning neural network for short-term traffic speed predicting. ...


Predicting vehicle travel time on city streets for trip preplanning and predicting heavy traffic for proactive control of street congestion
Urban Traffic Congestion Level Prediction Using a Fusion-Based Graph Convolutional Network
  • Citing Article
  • December 2023

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

... Large-Scale Multi-Objective Optimization Problems (LSMOPs), applied in territories like engineering design and logistics [1][2][3][4], share the conflicting objectives characteristic of Multi-Objective Optimization Problems (MOPs) [5][6][7]. However, their high-dimensional decision variables necessitate specialized strategies for effective resolution. ...

Artificial leaf-vein network optimisation algorithm for urban transportation network design
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation

... Although residential travel accessibility has received much attention in the transportation field 105 (Feng, 2022;, there are, at present, few studies on accessibility from the perspective of 106 social classes and travel modes. Traditional accessibility methods assume homogeneous behavior 107 among individuals in terms of space and time, ignoring the specific attributes of individual residents, 108 resulting in certain bias in the analysis results. ...

School accessibility evaluation under mixed-load school bus routing problem strategies
  • Citing Article
  • December 2022

Transport Policy

... Advancements in vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-toinfrastructure communication technologies enable autonomous vehicles (AVs) to access signal phase and vehicle state information beyond their line of sight (Ali et al., 2021;Dong et al., 2022;Zhu et al., 2022). Numerous studies have demonstrated that information regarding the state of surrounding vehicles promotes traffic flow stability based on methods such as Fourier Ansatz linear stability Yu et al., 2021;Cui et al., 2022a), Lyapunov stability (Larsson et al., 2021;Cui et al., 2022b;, and others. However, these studies often overlook the influence of signal phase changes at intersections on traffic flow stability. ...

Cooperative Constrained Control of Autonomous Vehicles With Nonuniform Input Quantization

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

... Moreover, existing studies are scattered around different travel behaviors. Specifically, previous studies have examined individuals' use of different modes for different trip purposes (Ji et al., 2022;Liu et al., 2021) and associated carbon emissions (Feng et al., 2022;Shao et al., 2023;Yang and Zhou, 2020). The population of interest includes the general population, seniors (Cheng et al., 2020;Yang et al., 2021), students , people of different genders (Yang et al., 2022b), among others. ...

Association of the built environment with motor vehicle emissions in small cities
  • Citing Article
  • June 2022

Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment

... Reference [16] presents an optimization framework where an MCS can be dispatched to an overloaded FCS to reduce the number of waiting EVs. Some models or methods have been adopted to solve the scheduling problem of MCSs, such as Stackelberg game [17], and mixed integer optimization model [18]. A parallel mobile charging service is proposed in [18] to schedule MCSs to charge EVs at their parking spots, and each MCS is allowed to charge multiple EVs simultaneously. ...

The parallel mobile charging service for free-floating shared electric vehicle clusters
  • Citing Article
  • March 2022

Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review

... A transportation emission monitoring and forecasting system was developed by Yao et al. [54] to address the growing pollution caused by urban transportation. The authors' primary objective was to anticipate the evolution of traffic emissions, focusing on accurate traffic flow projections for urban roadways. ...

A Deep Learning Framework About Traffic Flow Forecasting for Urban Traffic Emission Monitoring System
Frontiers in Public Health

Frontiers in Public Health

... The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the demand for public transport, resulting in a significant reduction in passenger numbers. In response, various countermeasures have been implemented, including social distancing measures and enhanced in-vehicle disinfection protocols [11]. Consequently, numerous studies have been conducted and continue to be ongoing, particularly examining passenger behaviour and their mode of transportation choice during the pandemic [5,6,[12][13][14]. ...

Investigating the effectiveness of COVID-19 pandemic countermeasures on the use of public transport: A case study of The Netherlands
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

Transport Policy

... However, the above approaches cannot reflect the interaction of airport delays. Therefore, causal inference methods, such as the Granger causality test [13], convergent cross-mapping [14] and the Bayesian network approach [15] are used for determining the delay causality network in air transport systems. For example, Zanin et al. [18] and Du et al. [13] established the delay causality network to investigate the delay propagation in China and used the Granger causality test to determine the existence and direction of the links between airport pairs. ...

Detecting delay propagation in regional air transport systems using convergent cross mapping and complex network theory
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review

... In another setting, the work in [39] considered capacitated charging stations to solve the EVRPTW, using a branch-and-cut-and-price approach. A similar approach was used in [40,41]. In a recent work, [42], a combination of adaptive large neighborhood search method and greedy heuristic was performed using Schneider's instances. ...

Routing optimization of shared autonomous electric vehicles under uncertain travel time and uncertain service time
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

Transportation Research Part E Logistics and Transportation Review