Aza Bisultanova's research while affiliated with Chechen State University and other places

Publications (9)

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Digital transformation is becoming an integral part of modern business, opening up new opportunities, but also involving risks. This article presents a study of the risks of digital transformation, focusing on identifying key aspects and recommendations for effective management. The authors analysed cybersecurity, data management, changes in corpor...
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The article analyses the peculiarities of using green bonds as one of the effective tools for maintaining environmental sustainability, stresses the need for further development of innovative financial instruments to support sustainable development goals. The author notes the opinion of leading academic economists on the necessity and usefulness of...
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The author reviewed the essence and role of sustainable financial services, emphasised the main aspects of the introduction of sustainable financial services, and provided a chronology of the introduction of global climate initiatives. Due to the fact that in many countries the level of development of “green” finance is still relatively low and fur...
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The article provides an overview and chronological analysis of the development of green bonds from their inception to the present day. The article examines the first experiences with green bonds since the end of the 20th century and their evolution into an important instrument for financing sustainable and environmental projects. The authors focus...
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This article explores the important role that the platform economy plays in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In a rapidly evolving digital world, platforms are becoming powerful tools for providing access to resources, supporting economic growth, improving resource management and creating sustainable consumer patterns. The article exami...
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The author considered the prerequisites of the green technology introduction and expanded the topic of theoretical characteristics of the “green” economy. Corporate and social responsibility are the indispensable conditions for the effectiveness of international and Russian business at the current economic development stage. The author specified th...
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It is a generally accepted fact that the digital transition in the humanities has already succeeded. The author emphasized the digital technologies impact on the research in humanities. The ways and methods of gaining knowledge have changed due to digital transformation at the current stage of society development. It is indisputable that obtaining...
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The author studied the institutionalism theoretical foundations, stated each founder’s contribution to the economic theory development and highlighted the institutionalism formation in stages characterizing each one. The main postulates are accented and an attempt to consider some distinctive features of each stage is made in the study. The article...
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The article is devoted to considering positive and negative aspects of the digital technology introduction in all economy spheres. The author notes that despite the acceleration of the workforce productivity the risks and threats that it contains should undoubtedly not be forgotten. Moreover, risks and threats in some cases exceed the positive effe...


... The development of the green bond market has been influenced by key events, standards, and regulations, highlighting the role of green bonds in mobilizing funds for projects that promote environmental sustainability and combat climate change. This evolution reflects the growing recognition of the importance of sustainable finance in addressing global climate challenges and supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (Bisultanova, 2023). ...
... More recently, the concept of "platform economy" or "digital platform economy" has appeared in scientific circulation [11][12][13][14], as a type of economic activity based on the widespread use of digital platforms -online systems that provide comprehensive IT solutions for interaction between users. The range of services in this case is completely diverse -from information and reference to commercial transactions. ...