Aylin Hande Gökçe's research while affiliated with Istanbul Surgery Hospital and other places

Publications (11)

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Amaç: Akut kolesistit acil servis ve genel cerrahi polikliniklerinde sık tanı alan hastalıklardandır. İnflamasyon derecesi hastalığın morbidite ve mortalitesi üzerine etkilidir. Bu çalışmada inflamasyon derecesini ölçmede; nötrofil-lenfosit oranı, trombosit-lenfosit oranı ve ortalama trombosit hacmi düzeyini klasik inflamasyon belirteçleriyle karşı...
Objectives: Erectile dysfunction may occur as a complication of surgical treatment of rectal cancer in male patients. We compared the rates of postoperative erectile dysfunction and response to medical treatment after low anterior resection (LAR) and Miles' procedures. Material and methods: Fifty patients who underwent the Miles' procedure or LA...
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Amaç: Çalışmamızda sütür (primer ve Mayo tekniği ile onarım) ve mesh ile (prolen ve ventralex hernia patch (VHP) ile herni onarımı) ameliyat edilen hastaların sonuçlarını karşılaştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya ASA 1 ve 2 kategorisinde ve umblikal herni yanında ek ameliyat girişimi yapılacak patolojisi olmayan hastalar alındı. Küçük h...
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Introduction:Melanosis coli is a benign lesion associated with the overuse of laxatives containing anthraquinone. The aim of this study is to determine whether melanosis recovers after the discontinuation of laxatives and whether this condition is associated with a higher incidence of colon polyps or cancer compared to the general population.Method...
The fascia transversalis is accepted as one of the anatomical structures that can prevent hernia formation. Degradation of collagen within the fascia transversalis is one of the known reasons for the development of inguinal hernia. In the present study, we investigated the roles of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), specifically MMP-1, MMP-2, and MM...
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Abdominal ultrasonography (US) is the most commonly used diagnostic tool for diagnosing acute appendicitis, which is one of the most common causes of acute surgical abdomen. In this study, we examined the reliability of US for diagnosing acute appendicitis. In this prospective study, we performed abdominal US on 235 patients admitted to our surgica...


... Majeski ve ark.'nın [5] yaptığı çalışmada appendiks divertiküllerinin genellikle semptomsuz olduğu ve nadiren komplikasyonlara yol açtığı belirtilmiş, bazı yayınlarda ise hastaların üçte ikisine yakın kısmında divertikülit gelişebileceği, perforasyon riskinin yüksek olduğu, bu nedenle dikkatli olunması gerektiği belirtilmektedir [5]. Gökçe ve ark.'nın [9] yaptığı bir çalışmada appendiks divertikülitlerinde perforasyon oranı %34,3 olarak saptanmıştır [9]. Bizim olgumuzda intraop görülebilen perforasyon alanı mevcut değildi ancak patolojik değerlendirmede perforasyon ve periappendisit ile uyumlu bulgular mevcuttu. ...
... 3,7,8 But predominant descending colon and rectum involvement as well as diffuse whole-length colonic involvements, were also reported. 4,14 Our patient is also found to have diffuse colonic involvement. ...
... According to a previous study [25], the cutoff value for appendix diameter in acute appendicitis and its association with perforation was approximately 9.25 mm in adult patients. In younger children, the diameter of the appendix may vary depending on age; however, the diameter remains relativity constant beyond the age of 6-7 years [26][27][28]. The average age of the patients in our study was approximately 12 years; therefore, the standard for the appendix diameter could be substituted with the same value as for adults. ...
... Other papers state that only TIMP-2 was decreased, while TIMP-1 was significantly increased or even not significantly different (48) (49). MMP-1 and MMP-13 are enzymes involved in the degradation of types I, II and III collagen and they have been shown to play a role in the pathophysiology of inguinal hernia (49,50). However, MMP-2 was found to be the most important metalloproteinase involved in the development of inguinal hernias. ...
... 1,3,4 Several previously published studies have also reported false-positive appendectomy in 15-30% of patients who had undergone surgery, and perforation was documented in 20%. 5,6 Thus, perforation and a negative appendectomy can be avoided with the proper diagnosis. As a result, clinical research has focused on determining the appropriate non-invasive, easy-touse, cost-effective diagnostic modality for acute appendicitis. ...